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<br /> TOO�TH�R WITH ull thc improvementa now or hereatier crccted on thc �roperty. und uil enscmestts, __
<br /> o�purtenances, and fixtures nov�or hereafter a p�ct of the praperty. All replacements and ndditlona ehnil utso he __
<br /> .. c o v e r e d i�y t b i a S e c u r i t Y�ln�NTS1thm1 Borrower is�lnw t l d lyf s e t•r.e d o f t h e e s c u t h e r e b y�c a n e y d a n d h u sp t he ri g ht co ���-_
<br /> BORROWfiR CO `-`-_`
<br /> " •�° . �rnat uAd convey th€Rm�:�ty aad that the PropErty ia unencumbe eaai»t4ollf clatmsmand dem ndscor�dub�ect%ennY €•..:�
<br /> • wam►nts and will dofend generally ttte title to tke Prope�Y 8 �.
<br /> �� '� encumbrances of record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMfiNT combfnes uniform covenants for nutional use nnd non-uniform covetuwts�ylth
<br /> ��J limitgd variutionsby Jucisdic�lon to oonstttute u uniform security iastrument covedng mul properry• ��_=-"-
<br /> `^`" "`� UNIFORM COVENAN 1'S.Borrower and I.eader covenont And ngeee as followa: A when due r`°=
<br /> i.puyment oY Ptlac7pal end Int¢rest;PreP�yment a�ad I.ate Ch��es.�n'O�d lahe cti�ges due under the �'>�
<br /> tbe psincipal of and intere.st on tke debt evEdenced by thc Note nnd unY P P Y ,_-
<br /> � Not�����op T���a�s��• $ubject to upplicable luw or to u written wniver by Lender,Bornower shall pay _
<br /> F to Lender on ttto day monthty payixtents Fue due under the Note�undl tke Note is pald in tLll,u sum("Funda')for:(u) Y
<br /> ue
<br /> yearly uvices azsd assessmenta v�hich may attain priodty over this SecuritY instrument us a lien insuraacerommtum� -
<br /> , yeariy leasehotd paymems ot�round rents oa the Prope�cy.if ciny:(c)Yearly hs�zard or pmperty P
<br /> , (d1 Y-�ly�aod insurance premiums,if any:(e)Yead �nortgage insurance premiwns.if any:and(�eaY sums Payable
<br /> „ ..
<br /> by Bosower co L�der.Ia axordaace with the pi°vis�ons of pnragrapb 6.in lieu ot the payment of uaortgage Insurance
<br /> � premiums.'l�Cgse itcros are calicd°Escrou Items."Lender may.s��►Y�e�loan may dtequi�re or �oaoweounesc ov�+ _
<br /> • �ceed ttee Raximum amount n leader for a federally relot�d mortg� _
<br /> 12 U.S.C.
<br /> � acoount aader the federal Real Estata Settleraent Prooedures lAes t th Funds se�le.sse amounet�if s�o,Ixnder may.
<br /> Sertion 26t?i et s�q. ("RFSPL�'),unless another Is►�v that uPP -_
<br /> � ''..��:; ut any dme.ooUcct aad hold���s in en amount not to e�cee�tt►e lesser amouat.Lender may estimnte che ameunt of
<br /> `� Funda due on the basis of current data and reasonable esdmates of eapendie�res of tutuc�Bscrow lte.�or asheiwise _
<br /> ':. .r' •" in ucconlance wtth applicu6le law.
<br /> . ' 'ltie Fuada shaU be held ia aa instltution whose deposits are Guu�ed by a federal ageacy.iassn►m�ntaliry.or endty
<br />- ���c (includtng Lender.jf Lender is such an insdtutIon)or ia aay Federa!Home Loan Banlc. I.ender�1�u`p'�l�e��eo
<br /> .�:..,�..� pay�he g,scrow Itema.L�nder may aot charge Borrower for holding artd npplying tke Fluida.
<br /> m
<br /> ,r��: ! acn�w aa�ount.or verifying the Escrow Items.unless Exnder pays Bo�W�r�rowe�t to pay a one-tim2acharge�far arn
<br />''�='':* penq{ts Lender¢��nake such a charge. However. Lender cnay re4'
<br />_;:��:"=;��� � c�ea1 ¢state tax report�n� servioe used by Lender W cosaection wlth this loan, unless�ppiicable luw
<br /> �:�w mcau ia made or ap1rticabia taw rtqss3tes 3�tiec�!tc.he paid, l.end�shall aoi be ,
<br /> -`.�c.;,,. .,; Pro�vi�°pE�'�.Ualess tm agree �y tn aritipg.hoKre�tr.
<br />_':',.,,r!,;,` - to a Borrower any i�erest or eazain$s on tke FY�ads.Bornower aad I.ender x�. agree n
<br /> -,�°.:_:��►'•a that inter�t siu�it be paid oa.A.'h.klueds.Lender shall give w Hosrower.without cha��r,�a annuW aocounting of¢2�z
<br />-`°::�;;i4° Fuads,showing credits and c7cbi+s to the Funds and the P� thia Secucth Insm�en3uo�e Funds was made.'I�a
<br />-,...�ria�i•r�ai Futtds et+e pledgod tts addldontil SBCtulry for al!guins securel by
<br /> Lend�r slte�U aocount to
<br /> It the Funds held by I�endet exc�d the a�nounts per�itted to be held y appltcable taw�
<br />-:;� Borrower for the excess Fuads in a000rdance witb thc re9uirements og appltcablo law.if the amoaat o8 c.��unda held
<br /> - i�y 1Gender ai anY time�s aot suffictent to pay the F.sc�ow items when dua� Lender�ay so nodfy Horxmtiver in wrtt�ng,
<br /> =:,.�5,' ��;a�sucb case Borrower shall pay to Lender dte umount aeces��+ry to make up the c�e�ns�ency.Boxmwer shall caalur
<br /> ���:':' up t�e deficiency in no more tt►an twelve moatWy paYm�nte�a�L�der's sole discretioa.
<br /> ._ L R:� - this Seciuity Iasuument,Lender sh�ll pmmpdy refund to Bom�wer
<br /> �.-.�•� , Upen payr[�ant ta full of all sums secured by
<br /> - --- eny Puuds held,.tUy Leader. If, uader ParaBra�ZF�ds held by Lender ut the eltinie of acqu�is;�on or salre as a credit�e
<br /> � — acquiettian or as�➢¢of the Pca�ertY.sh�11 aPP Y Y
<br /> t�v,aiust the swns secured.bp�as�ecuricy Insuument.
<br /> e
<br />- -;:;�'� 3.Applicatton of�}1�y�ma�. Ualess aPplicnble iaw provtdes othetwlse.aU F�Yttmnzs re�ived by I.ender under
<br /> Phs 1 an�2$hali be rpp7[ed: ftrst. to sny prepaYment chargea due under x�rx Note; second. to amounts
<br />� �� pa�ya 1e uuder paraBra�h Zc�ird.to interest due;fourth�to principal due:and last.to any late charges due undex tha
<br /> Nou.
<br /> ___� 4.Char6es:Llens. Botsower so�e.��Ais Secudty Insttument• andleaset►old paym�uior�onud rents. if any.
<br /> ___ - - P,noperty whtch may ettain D�aity h 2.or if not paid in that manner.��+�►er --
<br /> - - k3o�rower sha11 pIIy these e�+���°���x��p1O���°p�°g tLmish to Lender a11 ndds�a oi
<br /> --�Y-- -_- sh a i!pay t hem o n d m e di r e r�y�th��1�8�owed paymeat.Bo:rower shallprompdY
<br /> -- amauats to be gaid under this paragraFh.AE IE3orrower a�alces these payme�s d i r e ctly.Borcawer s h a i!pmm p t i y�.�t�s 8
<br /> ° =-- to Laeder reoeipts evtdenctng the payment�. .
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