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<br /> At the apttnn of Beneticlary, all or any purt af the Agceed fees unQ chargc�s,accrued Interest und pdncipa! shall become
<br /> • imm:dintely duc and pnyable,uRer givtnII pottce if required by luw.upon the occurrence of a default or anytime themafter.
<br /> ,. this Dieed of Trust undYuny�related d umente1fnctuding without limitntlona thc powerto sell the Property evidenas uf debt,
<br /> ' If there is a default. 'fnistee shall.in addition to any ather permitted cemedy.at chc reyueu of�h�Iienet3ciury. adveztise aad ,4
<br /> sell the Property c�s a whale or in separate parcela at public auction to the hiBhest btdder for cash and convey a6solute tIde
<br /> s
<br /> � free nnd clear of atl right,title and laterest of Tcuseor at sucd time nnd plece as Trvs`o�ogaat�.�Tru��Sy�e�plicab e "
<br /> • ' � of sale including the time,temas and plece of sele and a descdption of the praperty ,��
<br /> . taw In effect at the time ot the pmposed sale. �-��
<br /> Upon sale of the properey end to the eatent aot pmhibited by law,Trustce shall n�ake and dellver a deed to the Property sold _;i�_
<br /> which conveys absolute dde to the purchaser,and aRer fust payinB all fees. cherges and costs. shall pay to Beuefleisry all _
<br /> moneys advanced for repaiss� taxes. lnsuranc.�ss� liena� asse�ss�� �d P�Or easumbsances and lnterest therean. and the _-
<br /> ses ;
<br /> ; principat aud interest on the Secured Debt,paying the sucplus, if any. to Trustor.Beneticiary may purchase the PcoPenN• __
<br /> � 'Ihe recitals lu any deed of conveyaace shetl be prlrna fecie evidence of the facta set forth th�min. �;
<br /> � � � �1 temedies are distinct,cumulative and not exclusive, end ttte Bcneficiary ie endQed to eq remedies provided at law or '�;�,—
<br /> � cqniry.whether e�ressly r,et fanh or not.'I4ie acceptance by BeneRciary of eny sum in payment or partial payment on the -- .�
<br /> Secured Debt after t*_�baiance is dus or[a eocelerated or after foreclosure p�dinSs are filed shnl�noa o°n�eitute a waiYCr *�
<br /> ° •= of Beneflclury's r�ght to requite tWl and oomAlet�cure uf any e�ciating default.By not exercisipg any rartedy an Tmstar�s _
<br /> default,Beneficiary does not�vnive Beneficiary's ri�ht to later wnsider the eveat a default if it continues or happens�•
<br /> ., �� A1'fORN�YS'FEES.COLLECfiav�.Ex�wdeaprohibited �'I�.:.
<br /> � . 18.��NSESi�V��ON COVEN�6NT6;
<br /> r^�. by law,Tcuswr ag�ees w pay all of Ben�Rciary's expenses if Trustor breac3�es any covenant in this IDaed of Tmst.Trustor �,'.___
<br /> �� will also pay on dewaud all of B�aeficiary's expenses iacurred in collecdng,lasuring. Presetvin�or prostctin�t6e Ptoperty �,�
<br /> Qe Tivstor agrees
<br /> to :;-
<br /> or in any inventoriea, sudits�lnsPectiona or othet exa►ninadon by Beneficlary la res�Ct co the ProPerty. _
<br /> . � �• pay aii costs aad expenses incurred by Beneficisry in enforcing or protecting Beneficiary's rights aad remediea under Wls �;_._
<br /> Ueed of Tivst,includian,but not limited to.attnmeys'feea,caurt costs•at►d other legai expenses.Oace the Secured Debt is �'°===_
<br /> t, 1� tWly and finally paid, Beneflciary agrees to release this Deed of Trust and Tn�stor agrces w pay for any recordecion costs. ---
<br /> .. ,�. , A!!such�Lnta Are due on demand end will bear iatcrest from the time of the adva�roe at the highest rate in effect.from
<br /> . �. tia�e to tirae,as provided i�the$vidence of Debt and as percnitted bY law•
<br />'�. � 19.ErTiTQ�dONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES. As uaed ln t3hls secdon. (1) "Bnvirowae�mlul Isw°
<br /> rn�ns, vv�thout lenvitation. the Comprehensive Baviroamental Response, Compeusa�ion aad Liability Act (CBRCLA.42
<br />� U.S.G'.9b01 et se�.)� all othcr federal.state and local lawe.regulations,osdinatcces. cwrt ordeis�attorney general opinions
<br /> _ or incerpredve l�e¢'ters waceming the publlc health. safety. welfare, aavtronmeat or a hazardous aubstadce: eIId (2)
<br /> "Hnzardoua Sbbstance'aieaua eny toxic� radioactive or hazacdaus rnnteriai� waste.po3lutent or oontaminat�t v�+hich hae
<br /> .. cha�acterlst�ce which render the substance dangerous or potentially dnngerous to t5e publlc health, safety,welfr�re or
<br /> " � eavironment. 'C'be term includes. without limitation, any substances defined ss 'haaardoua material�" "Wxic au9�staaces."
<br />~ .. °hazardous waste"or 'ha7ardoua substance"under any Environmental Law.Truawr represente,wanants and agteea th�t. .
<br /> ' except as previo�sly disdosed and acimowledged In wrlting: -
<br />'-����:, . ' A. No Haza�dona S�bsutace has been�is,or will be located.transPone��manufaqured�treatetf.refiued. or handled by . -
<br />�,�.'�: .,.��r� anY persan oa.under or about the PropertY.except in the vrdinary wurse of business aad ia sMct comp3ban�e wtd► —
<br />""'..,,°..'+'�!,,`' a1l applicnble Bavironnaeutal Law.
<br /> �''!""":,w �. Trustor 3ias not and wili not cause�conulbute to,or perndt the rclease of eny Efau�rdous S�bstence oa the Froperiy.
<br /> � :,'.... '�,.. .
<br /> ��.:':��':.���; G. Tzustor a►aU!ma►ediutely nodfy Beneficlary if(1)a release or Wreatened releuu of Haznrdaus Slibstaaoe occurs on.
<br />_- under or about the Ptaperty or migrates or thmatens to migrnte from neacby pro�ty;or(2)itierc is a violation of
<br /> ' • any Envir�nnaental law cvnceming the Property.In such an event.'ltustor wili take aU necrssnvy rentadlal actton in
<br />-'�.� . .. accoidaace wlth Envlranmeatal Law. .M t�eatened investjga�tfon, claim� or -
<br />-n. � �f�`•�� D. Tcustor has no kaoaledge of or reason to believe there is any pendinS
<br /> ?,=_: ��ir�' : prace�diag of any kind relating w tl)�Y ��ous Substanoe locateti on, under or about the PropcAy: or(2)enY Y_
<br /> �ti.;• ��"=` vtola doan m T�u s t or or a n y t e n a n¢o f a n y E n v i r onmental Law.'ih�ator will immo�lituely notify Beaefictery in wdt3a8
<br /> s`.����'�'='' a4 soon as ylYustor has reason to believe there is any such pending or th=ratened ia�vestlgation,claia�..or pzooe�ln8•
<br /> °�-LL'�`��`'�"'.� �- Le such:.n r:ent��e�iciscy hr_s the right.hut mot the obligation.to parttclpa�in any auch prooeeding iaclud[ng the
<br /> -- ` �!�n�t? "'' dght to receive o�piea of any documents relating ro such pr�inSs. E--
<br /> �' E. Trnswr and every tenana have b�en.are and ehall rematn Ia full complia�wiQ anY aPPlicable Envjs+onna�ental Luw. _�
<br /> � � F. �ere ar�e no uaderg►ouad storage tanks,private dumps or opea wells Imcated on or under the Property timd no such
<br /> ' 4 tank.Clum,por well will be added unless Beneficiery first consenta in writiag• �
<br /> _ ' G. Trustor w1U regulnrly iaspect the Property.monitor the acdvtties and operatlons on ttte Property. and confirm that
<br /> ` licable Bnvlronmentet L.aw are obtainvd and eomplied�vith. °:::-
<br /> ' � all g6rniits�lioenses or approvala required by anY a�
<br /> .� :�.
<br /> H. Trustor will pemnit. or cause any tenunt to pera�it, Beneficiory or Bene�dery's ngeut w eater and inspect tlie R�s*
<br /> '' ,. � p�coperty and mview all records at any masonuble timc to detemnine(1)tfizeexiatence, tacation aadnmt�ure of any �, ::
<br /> � Ha7ardous Stibstaace on. under or ubout the Property: (2)the euistence, lacadon. aature� and u�ag►ttude of any t,�a
<br /> � �T,_
<br /> Ha7anaoans Stabstunoe that has bcen released on.uader or abaut the Prope�ty:or (3)whether or not 'ltnstor and any R.-_
<br /> tenant are in complianoe with applicnble Bnvironmeatal Lnw. ��
<br /> I. Upon B�nefiefarS+�s requ:�t aud at any tiffi, Tcustor a�cees. at Tnista's expense. to enga8e a 9uslifled r`_:;
<br /> ' - ----__ _y_ envimnmeatal eqgineer co Pr�Pare an environm�tat aLdtt of the PmpeyY�nd to submit the'results of�afiu�t tg �
<br /> _ _-- ---- .
<br /> - BeneRciary. 'l�e choice of the environmentai engiueer �o w�.� �.��,._.•••4•a•..... ..,.:..,--- ----- • �;..
<br /> - apPmvtil. �
<br /> 1
<br /> � J. Beaeficiary La+ the riB1�t, but not the obliQatlon. to perform anY of Truqor's obligations uader�6is secdon nt �
<br /> , Truetor's ex�se. �pi�on. warranty or promise made in Wia ssction, p)'Cmstor will �
<br /> IC. As a oonsequence of any brea�t►of aaY rep
<br /> " " indemni�'y and hold Beneficiary s�d Benefictary's sucoessors or assigns herndess ftom eud against all losses.claims. T
<br /> "' � demartds.liabilitiea, dainages. cieanup, respon�e aad t�d�ation casta,pemities and expeases. imciucling without
<br /> - "� limltation ai!coste of liNQndon aad attor�teys' fecs.whtch Beneficinry and Ben�ficlary's suocessors or assigas�nay
<br />= sustatn; and (2) at Beneficinry's discretion, 8a►eticiary may release this Deed of Tcust and in retum Trustor�vill
<br />- . provide &aeficituy wid� wlluterN of ot least equal value to We Propecty sacured by this Uced ot Trust without
<br /> prejudice to aay of Benefictary's rigbts under thia Deed of Trnsc.
<br /> _ „ . C'��o papo a or s
<br /> � •
<br /> p�8930mta�6Yatms+f.�ne.St C�ad.MNIt�80P�974Y1t1 FomfA01LU�DT�IJ[ tOrS0197
<br /> . ' . . E,
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