..,; �
<br /> � � , , ----
<br /> .,t.��+nr.x=. � . _ .. . .. .. . . _ . �
<br /> . 99w �V���� ' J
<br /> B. All fl�ture advances fmm BeQeflciary to Trustor or other future obligatloas of Trustar to Eeneticiory wider any .
<br /> .' pramissory note. wnuact.Quarnntgr.or other evidence of debt existing now or executed after this Qeed of TNSt
<br /> whether or not thia D+xd of Teuat is speciflcally referred to in the evidence of debt.
<br /> C. ImM�in ludiag. butsnot limitedBo,�labU�es foir overdru4�a�relatiing to�tuuy d posit�accauntnugceementibetween '
<br /> Trustor and BPnefictary.
<br /> � D. All udditional sums advtutcaf and expen:�es incurred bY Beu�eficiury for lasuring.presen►ing oi othenvise protc�:tin� �
<br /> , , the Progerty and ita value ead any ocher sums advuacec!sind espenses incurred by Benefisiary uader the tera�df
<br /> n
<br /> thie Deed of Tnrst, plua iaterest nt the highest rut�in effect. from timE to time, as pmvided ia the Evtdence ot
<br /> ;ac:.;nc�':: DPbt. -�
<br /> - "` E. Tmstor's perforn�aace oader We terms of any Iasttuiaent evidencing a debt by Trustor to Beneficiary uttd eny Dc�d
<br /> of Trust secuting.gunrantytn�.or otberwlse relating to the debt. ,'
<br /> 'Y-
<br /> If more thaa one peison si�ns thls Deed of Trust as Tcusror.each Tmator ag�ees that this USed of't'rust wHl se�.vre ult _
<br /> . ; Poture udvaar,es aad fuYUre obltgadons descrlbed ahave tttat are givea to or inautred hy any 4ne or more Tmstor.or any '
<br />_ one or aza�e 1Yustor and othere. di closure�alsout tbi Qeed os�At ar fEBenefl iary fails givel any teq��aotice a �•``
<br /> o t h e r d e b i,t o m s k e a a y r e q u i r e d '�,
<br /> the right of rescisston. �'r-
<br /> o�.—.
<br /> - `�• 5. EAYIbIIEI+P�B.Trusror amees to male aU paya�►to on the Secured Debi when due and in acco:dance with the terass of tite =
<br /> . „ °:� Bvidence of Debt or Wis Deed of Taust. j�:,
<br /> ; � 6. WARRANI Y O�"1["ITLE.Tcustor covenaats that Tcuswr is lawfully seized of the estate eonveyed by thia De�d of Trust :
<br /> I
<br /> . �� and has the right to jrrevocably gcant,couvey and eeU to Trustee.in trust,with Puwer of sate.the Property and wanants �.`-
<br /> that the Property is uaenauabered�excegt for eacwnbrances of record.
<br /> � 7. CI.ALtiJiS AGAIl�i3T TiTLE.Tiustor wW pay eU texes.a�nte�liens.encumbrau9¢s.lease payraents.srovuud re�te, -
<br /> uEilitles,and otR�a'�arBes relating to the Propecty+when due. Beneficiary may require'IY�us'tor to piv�vide to Beaeficlt�y _
<br />_ oopies of all notio�that such amounts ar�due aad the receipts eviden�ing 71tt��sstor's paymeat.7Yustar vvtti defeud title w �-
<br /> ttie I�erty againat any clei�a4 thei would impair the lien of this Deed of�eest.Truetor agroes to aseign¢o Beueflciery, as
<br /> , res�,.^��e�by Beneflciary. any dBhte�claGns or defrnses whtc�7'n�oor�na}+have against parties who supply la6or or
<br /> _ :- , � , ��T io Impmve or maiuwin the P[opeAy. _
<br /> � ' 8. PRIOR SECURITY IIVTERESPS.With regard w eay other mortgage,aleed of uust. securlty�r¢ement or other lieu �._.
<br /> dacume�t that cmzted a prior secuNry intemst or encumbrence on the�*iapr.�y and Wat may have prlar�ity over thts Deed ��_
<br />_ •!:;:`� of 7lcvst.Tntawr agrees:
<br /> ,�. To make all paymente whea due aad to perform or o�g�Y with all covenante.
<br /> !�'''�:%% B. To pmm�tfy deliver to BeueRclary any naticea that'di�stor receives from the ko2�er.
<br />�� ... C. not�tor�e�secured by,�the�Other�mortg ge�deed o�f m�st or s�eauity agc+eement unless Benefl azy+coensentYe _
<br /> .. .. . .�;- ta writing.
<br /> - :��,' 9. DUE OV SALE OR ENCU14�tIF3l�1NC1E.Beneficiary may,il3 1C�Opt�OA,decl�f� Qr ealbe.or c�ntract fo�r nn�y o�tese
<br />- - ::°_:� be ia�mediutely due snd payable�qaon the crea:ion of uny liea�encumbrauce.
<br /> =;::� on the However. if the Properiy inclades Trustor's resideuce, t6is section shell be sabject w the resMctioas
<br /> impased b�eral lua(12 C.P.R.S91j.as��cable.For the purposes o*i abis secdon.the term"PropertY"also includes �.,.
<br />� nny intetess w uil or any part of tlte Propeccy.l 4�»s oovenan t s h e U nui with the Pro p e rt y and sh�ll remnin ia effect undi the
<br />�����f�__ Sscured DeUt is p a t d i n f u l t a��t t s u s D e e d o�'l l v s t i�r e i e a s o d.
<br />" ���� 10.'d'RANS�R OF AN II�TER�s IlV '1'�E GRAN'1'OR. If Tcustor is an entIty othrs tlian a nutuml person(such as a
<br /> - .,. .` coiporntion or other organfzation).BenefiaAry may demnnd isamediate paym�ent if(i)a beneflciul interest in Tiust�r is
<br /> yme
<br />-��,ii:� sold or mmsfe�recl: (2)there is a cbange ia either the identity or num.hrs of inembezs of a partQerehip:or(3)ttiere ia a
<br /> ' -��:{:, change ia ownership af more than 2S Perceat of the vottns stock of a a+a�per.ration.Hawever.Beaeflciary may not dea�snd
<br /> =��:�F, pz�t�t in tlte above situat[ams if it is piohibIted by law as of the date of u3�is i�eed of Tiust.
<br />=�^�f;ls`;;i;�._ .+oo •
<br />-��;w...:� •ir " Il.�RTiH'flY Wti�R�i�.`'�S leiig et�a�.t?.�N':'A'lTQNS. IP 7 nutnr is aora�eatitt+other than a naturai pezson(such as u
<br />-` • r � : � ooiporation or os�er organi7ntton),Tcustor makes to EEaeflciary the fol��ng wareerades and rep�esentatloas which :>h�lt „
<br /> - .';,,,� . tae continutng as long as the Sewrec►Debt remafns outstanding: _
<br /> t�. Trustor is an enHty whlch is duly or�anSzal aad vslldly exisdng i° the '�ustor's state of Inoo:porsuioa !or
<br /> organization).Tcustor ia in good su�adins in aU statea in wbich Tivstor tcans��ts busiaess.a=ustor hes the power
<br /> •., � arsD authodty to own the Yroperty and to curry on fts husiness as now bein�oonducted and. as aPPlie�eble,fe �
<br /> �'� q�Iifceal to do so in earL state in which T�ustor o�ecates. _
<br /> ri.. g, �I7te exexutton.defivery und perfu�na of tl�is Deed of Tnast by Trustor aud t�e oblilyuian evideaeed by the =
<br /> ' y.� Bvidenoe of Debt nte witl►in �1►e potiver of 7tustor. bavc Bc�n duly authorized. hnve t�ceivad all neoessary _
<br /> • govemmer�tal aPpro�d�a�d w�l not violate aay pr�vision of law.ur order of coutt or govemmental nBencY• _
<br /> � " ' C. Other than disclosed in avcitin�T�uswr has aot char►ged its name witbin the last ten yeats aad hns nnt used any
<br /> � � other trnde or Rct[daua name• V1►Ithout Beneficiary's prtor wtltten wns�i.Tnistor dces not and will aot use a�+ _
<br /> .. other mm�e aad wW p�serve its exi�tin6 na�.aade names nnd franshises until the Securod Di�bt is satisfcud.
<br /> � .�...�.,.......a. � ...:n una...h�.DmnPrw in emd oCII£�dOII
<br /> --- ----------- Ui.FROPER9'Y CONDIIRON,��+���vN•�MD llt�ll'A.lavi�• •svwv ..o. ..�.r �'"_r-"• - ..
<br /> � � ' and make till rep:►iia that er�re�onably neoasary.Tmstor wiU Bive BeaeRclnryi pmmpt na�loe of any bss or dan�atio
<br /> �e p���y, �ar.vi��ke�the pcoperty frce ot aaxioas wceds nud gcusses•7'NStor will aot initiute.joiut in or oo�eni
<br /> to any chnnge in any privute cesuictive ouv�nt. zonin8 o�s�dinaa°e or other pubifc oa privnta resMe.Kion limit�ag or
<br /> • _ d�f-�ning the uses which m�►y be made of We Property or uny part of the Prop�tty. wlthout Beaeficlary's prtor vvcitten
<br /> m► claicns. and ucdons n�dnst Trustor or any other
<br /> oonseat. T�ustor will aotify BeneltciurY of all demnads. Pro�dia8s• mf the ikopertY.Trustor will comply�vith Wl
<br /> . . - owrter mstille under luw or regvlation cc�erding use�o�vnership und ocxupancy �tor also
<br /> m
<br /> 1���;�¢�nts and restricdons,wh�her public or private.�vith respect to the use of the Pnopetty.
<br /> thnt the nature of the occupaacY and use��►tll not cbange without BeneftciarY's prlor�vritten ooasent.
<br /> No ponion of the Pcoperty�vHt be r�ved,danoli�ed or m.�terfally�Nterediwi nau�Beaee�fi1e p'g p����worat
<br /> , except that Trustor has thc right to�tnove items of rsonai property mF n8 P P�Y
<br /> � papo�o/o
<br /> � ����.
<br /> ' O t09J OdMtcro S1rtTtlro.1.x.5t CIwA.AtN 11�600 331l1411 iam A61CO O��N! 10�30.97 �•�••—�
<br /> • . �
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