� � �
<br /> $9--�1U6�3Q
<br /> � !he folloring deacriDed tppea and iteM uf property, wAetAer noY or Aeraafter eaiating �re oo+�erad�
<br /> All Dnilditya, i�prnve�entt, fixturea, goods whicb are to bec�ae fi�ctarea, �chinery, eguipent and
<br /> all appu�tenances thereto and anp substitutions, repl�caiento, reneralo, acces�ien� �nd �iditions
<br /> therefor or thereto, nov or here�fter placed on or wed in oonnectioa rith the re�l at�te dacribed
<br /> on Additional St�eet lb. 7, includitg vitdaut li�it�tion wy ind �1D �chineryr �nd egnip�ent (otber
<br /> tlaa rollinq �tock) nece�=�rY or u�eful in connectioa vitb tLe oper�tion of i refriget�ted w�rebouse
<br /> f�cility, euch as chillen, oo�preesor�, evaporatom and racks �nd mY and �ll cel�ted piping and
<br /> �ech�nic�l egaip�ent, and baildinq�ateri�l• and �npplia deliveted to s�id real esGte atid inteaded
<br /> , to De inct�lled or used tAerein or tbereon u�l alco inclnding pitboat li�itation the ite■� li�ted on
<br /> �ddition�l Sbeets lioa. 2 to 6j th�t portion of the properties, acoonnto, ch�ticel p�per, geaeral
<br /> intugibles and docu�ents uf debtor xhicb is evidence�I by, ariaa fra or is either directly or
<br /> indirectly attribntable to any leua of or to the lasing of the re�l e�t�te deacribed on ikiditional
<br /> Sbeet Mo. 7 or �ny �ildinqa or i�prove�eatr or eguip�ent thereon, including �np at�l �11 tents,
<br /> isaues, pmfita, d��ages, royalties, revennes and benefib ritb reapect to all such le�ses or le�aing
<br /> i.i u6a�'. :2aa cStut2 Oi wij `u�722�J'iys ar i�LV\4Y:.at:. ar ��ai��At ��T�17� a12 aS �r.biar'a r:�«t�
<br /> � t3tle and intereat in uid to all clai� inr da�gea to and oondwution proceedt aad 1Atnruice
<br /> proceeds Rifib respe�,�t to ��id real est.�te and any and All bnildingt, i�pravaients, fiature9, gooda ,
<br /> Nhich are t0 Decae fixturea, �achiner�r md ey�ip�ent thereon; and all right, title and intenat in
<br /> �nd to any and all insarance policies or papaents of preai� therefor rith r«pect to c�id real �
<br /> estate or anp bnildinga, i�prove�ents, fiaturea� goodo rhich m to beoo�e fixtura, �cbinery,
<br /> equip�ent or other pereonal property lorated thereon or �ed in oonnection therevitb; all general
<br /> intangibles �ecessary or eaaential to thQ ownership, oper�tion �uuga�nt and nse of the re�l eatate
<br /> desctibed on Additional Sheet Ib. 7 or any buildings or 1�pravaents or eguipeent thereon; all
<br /> depocits wade With or other security given by debtor to utility ooy�nies vith respect to said real •
<br /> • eatate or bnildings or i�proveaents thereon; all leaaing, eeivice, eny-�'ncering, wnsultinq. ; �
<br /> i oonatructioa, purchase and other aontracts oi anp nature necessary for or esseatial to the e�mership, ` .
<br /> optr�tion, �nage�ent or uae of �aid real ectate or the building� or i�prove�ent: thereon, �r znch , =
<br /> Wy be �odified, a�ended or supple�ented fro� ti�e to ti�e; all p�y�eut and perfonuace bondc or � ,:
<br /> guatantees and any and all eodificatioas and e�tensions thereof relating to said real estate or tbe -- ��
<br /> .
<br /> buildings or ieprovenents thereon; all reserves, deferred pay�ents, deposits, rebates, refuads, oost � '
<br /> savings and paynents of any kind necessary for or easential to the ownership, operation, oauageaent, � =
<br /> occupancy, use or disposition of anY portion of or all of said real estate or the buildings or _
<br /> i�prove�eats thereon. Secured party, however, expressly aclmowledqes tbat all of debtor's rolling
<br /> stock (including forklifts) are excluded fron tDe security interest herein described.
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