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ROW CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />I Tac Coy shell bc notified. minimum of forty mild (44) hours in advatwc of Petal anger) constructure 12 II sidewalk. wheel chair ramps or any portion of the pedestrian 1.085,0 are removed or dosed, a pedestrian detour shell be established <br />and nanWned donng de lune of the closure and g10 entire pedestrian faddy shag be restored 0060 seventy-two (72) hoursunless Me <br />2. Teo anteater anal adhere tote virtue C ny ..and ed sp.w.fwawa, approval vocal revamp. Cay mondani pen, 040-00-w0y 40110008104 <br />puccdacs manual <br />contractor provides a hard surface alternate route approved by Me city <br />3 waoraeutl *4y <br />Mc Mamas a nal ail m Oedema <br />m k eJu10d r.Ihe The comma. res <br />may p.00m plank required* contact 00 One <br />b In dr cry 71. be u.....1 <br />13 All pedestrian detours and any reconsvucvon of pedestrian facia. shah meet current Americans wan Disability Act (ADA) standards and <br />Spec,-,,,,,ons <br />10411*)1 0.elo.aln caul (4101411) fatly-ankh fail kaM <br />t•' uwcraro048 uul:u.s mad eAl la,kla-. Mae ►:m lose) <br />14 All pedestrian detours shall be pal of an approved Traffic Coned Plan (TCP) <br />pia **AMP liable, way rsswaitie vol permitted in <br />N .Jver6d le alk: neafr+anaA parol. TA castrato, .hull be ..opuasiblc ler <br /> ul At 4 pesin1 alai arid aJmm of Wale 60 <br />15 All holes Maden city pavements for the minas. of perlom0 g vacuum sacavanons to 1054* andegesom wales Mal as *Land 10 <br />1. Weir a understand bciktws am in claw poxaery to me pup4k0J pathway baton or adman er Ow rsnical loaner. tat the underground <br />Mee original cor.akon w4h the re,nstaled cure gush wlh and in the original onenahon as Tee 0114're8 8..rfaee Muting existing pavement <br />4iluy a unknown. rue pnmal.e shell use special nwesur a w ddcrmuw lit 1u.0le8 of such eedapeurd lacdit0a. <br />surface appearance <br />Int. dw by inial <br />5.0,Y0..R1.......n tin ..10.t P.m., 10 y ...L.P ., Iwnlawv. ,. Kr. '110-0 <br />16. When n. contractor 5 not actively working. all equipment, fencing. debris. etc. shall not be plaid wanes the triangular area required for <br />o. pa•a. a mimbrNq ..milme <br />shell .w. lel Magog hydro exuvrrgl. an ...Peg, <br />a sly riga tec80yas rheas ap eonud by tee) Coy 10 l..10 .1.1 later <br />sght diem of vehicles exiting or entering an adjacent property or intersection <br />b. II me pa•ua0c is •....1._. q the sou.* y maex)n44 8••"F d.. anal.. .lel aunes. rho katwa1 041100 411110 Mdaaro0nd <br />Maley by potholing to ley aha thesMW *paned ky We City <br />17 Al excavations shall be a0 equa)ely kited and covered when contractor 6 not present or projBcl site lett unattended. <br />5. Peugeot abuts dual dollen°on new leciletes bang inoMkd Measurements shall be taken from en.,,ng ed/area o..r.61c swrwra (curbs. poles. <br />16. No lane ausure5 allowed on arterial streets daring AM and PM peak hours unless approved by City Tragic and Right 01 Way Construction <br />sigmas, rMaWln,.1,1:1,. roc hydrants.:k.):I0.1)y a.Nityrng location ul such 1a.1luy. 11w,ontr.w1. slu11 1.011y Jnnrawm halm lion arty 8lu, <br />5000145) 51ab. <br />6 Wilms spoil..! un the plan max do depth el nmolkJ tic intim in sly low Wall b at a mnlmum a. fellow, <br />19. All work zone tragic control. In0lu0hlg pedestrian coned measures. shag he In corngance with the MDTCD. ADA. and rte City Slammed <br />Specifications. <br />0 Th.rly-wo(32)ineh.s in wild nee prevail and Paan rammeoy-fuut 124) .oche un beusd <br />b Request (42) maks below a pngs100 slope true to IP* 11. 81 a siwh n a hire (3) Momenta and um 1) I .until .lupe <br />20 The City shag be notified a mwmum of Seventy Two (72) hours poor to any lane or road closures <br />21. The coneacla shall notrfy all affected owners of adjacent properties a minimum of lorry-eight 140) hours pray to beginning of construction <br />c Fonyc.ahl (4o) manes wider a roadway measured from the Aidan of wa roadway so It top of Ont m.lalahon <br />and provide updoles to the affected owners when construction phases change mal affect he areas of work aceur ago wlm )he permit <br />2 Pony-mill/slant n:hn wider • storm weer or creek channel design bottom of pipe, end <br />0 )6..010., a Ming. el 1..185-40.0IH1res.►. el sarloal Ml OWYu00) Ya.lsa Infra uWp101.4110. <br />22. Tete contractor slag maintain a set of 'as bug" plans on Site with dimensioning These pans shall be presented upon request s.0 any city <br />representative <br />23. A current wy rigor 01 way construction garnet, a city approve0 pan set, and traffic contra plan shall be manlalne0 on barb work sae by <br />1 Sc lural:d in fie ham Ih exiting tar prupwal curb 1110.e pw.ib4 10 a.u4 p1.1111i44 lows conflict. <br />.he contractor. The contractor shall present such pelma 000 plan set upon request to 0070 clay repr.s.nratne. <br />24 The contractor mak remove locale gags alter work a compete <br />1 All pa hu,. in .i6:0alk ponelt wall be )illi) unto.. din:lid by City mapccer II ...fowl l.nlur0d on pll0rocd renercrc w c.atieg, rcpla<menr <br />pawn., andponoh panels will los.cpla.oI 10 Ia416., pradwabk Dewar nay be Sawed re put money ink, .acme to cover 411 repoh pmol. to <br />..meaty wale <br />25. Any held agoWnenls to.nsuWlen of facil0as. which vary from the plans that have been submitted and approved dunng the permit <br />ap64ca00n pa.etsshall comply adh me Iolomng. <br />6 All am-vueet surface materials that arc disturbed b) cm:nabs. and backfilling °petunias 04411 toe replaced and featured <br />a. The contractor must stop work immediately and contract the faddy 0*11111. <br />9 City se.wt surtax: M•1441415 6.00,6.4 shall bc ea khll41 tamped and repa..J by .try braco. ul appovw) pus ing 040100101 <br />b The toddy owner's representative shall contact me cly'S Cir strucuon Ir0ped01 and prunoe inn with the detelb of Ne proposed <br />charges <br />11 All Cunduil mutts and p040,..), shat M )oiled in tn. public ROW and in public utility carien.)1. <br />c The City inspector will make a determination on how )o proceed This daarm,nation may 18090 ko1 approval Over the phone or 000 <br />•e•e•• g*abw <br />11 .All Aortal slruwn un .na1bd pl.nm:l will b. permuted sop.nacly by Yoe Owners nal puts acmes submitted to pole mince, will Mlle.. <br />mal to delaying the protect end plans can be updated and appropriate review Can be connected <br />NES(' .uk <br />8 <br />26 Crossing City of Grand )sand Traffic Sign* Infrastructure <br />k110a <br />a. Conduit shag not be placed between City's Trane Signal Cabinet and Connecting traffic signal Conchal end poles i unable to mule the <br />terra ~+ <br />cadet around Ina Car's Traffic Signal Cabinet and Connecting traffic signal Conduit and poles became of physical constrains. a <br />meeting will e0 held ensile with the contactor, city, and ALLO to determine the best conduit algnrred between mese 0011clures <br />Cowl Fare lea Ilom bawl vatic Perk <br />100 11 <br />. ,„ <br />b Moat tic ofbet a mewn,n of (5) arae of any 1ga1 cabrs1 traffic epee pole or <br />Gondol cannot a attack • morns. of Eno (5) lead born M e base el tiny crate sgal 541,0101. balhc ep el pole a 6800. <br />swat pro <br />s4W pJ 50. <br />4a k- <br />.....,„.......,.....4=„... <br />aiaa <br />dam•.r5 as pnyset cwaktraeas a rr.eebng MI W Feld ons•o b Tie OaN eoGOmah»d•Oon when +4y rclup n <br />.lesaeo 5 of duet <br />C Condw. snag be paced so (6) feet deep where crossing existing signal conduit, Traffic Signal conduit shall be potholed <br />loss than tr+o <br />aria ver.ned on- <br />amen a�lg0000, 015aiis 04. 0 <br />+waew <br />awe:-; e..• eco .-. <br />site beige bonny If unable to maintain si (6, heat of atom where crossing existing signal conduit. a Meeting will be held 000,1* <br />between the bay, contractor, and ALLO 0 determine the best conduit alignment that may be less man 6' deep <br />SPBuNINMMn shall be bored unless specified 01h0anse <br />2 Contractors shall noldy and owner prior to work on all private developne00. <br />3 A reminder to the reader the drawings are scaled. mos dimension 4 available at all krabons <br />4 The contactor shag bypass all MST pedestals with distribution conduit where fnsa1103 parallel to MST condmt S,mhady, <br />bypass the T lb "Flowerpot' wim M5T cane) where installed pestle) to future drop wn0.,) <br />Allo <br />N <br />A <br />