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200109861 <br />EXHIBIT "A" <br />LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />Part of the Northwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (NWi /4 SWl /4) of Section Twenty One (21) <br />in Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M., Hall County, Nebraska more <br />particularly described as follows: beginning at a point Fifty Three and Nine Tenths feet (53.91) North <br />of the Southeast corner of said NWl /4 SW1/4 as now located, running thence northerly along the East <br />line of said NW1 /4 SWi /4 as now located One Hundred Forty Three and Nine Tenths feet (143.91) to <br />the actual point of beginning, running thence westerly at right angles Two Hundred Thirty feet (2301) <br />running thence northerly at right angles a distance of One Hundred Six and Fifty Five Hundredths feet <br />(106551), thence easterly at right angles a distance of Two Hundred Thirty (230) feet, running thence <br />southerly at right angles a distance of One Hundred Six and Fifty Five Hundredths feet (106551) to the <br />place of beginning. <br />