<br /> . ,,�. .
<br /> � , ��'
<br /> � � .'.,„,,..,.
<br /> ., .,..�...a.:�ar,,:.,., ,.., . � . .. . « � ...°. .. .....�___.._,
<br /> . ._., ..
<br /> ...... .._........--- -- --_....__. ..._....
<br /> ______ ..�
<br /> . � �:y�uJ�
<br /> 14�L�ND&�'8 R18HT YO C��NOB OA OEFEPID LCflAL ACTti1�i8. �timtm c�t�i imnadintoly�rwltk�i�,rt3�'a�h r��«�i n�at �.�c.-
<br /> thr�ataned scUon,�uit,cr othar pn�cedng aflaCiing Iha Ptc�oriy. Qrnntm hamCy appo!ma Lortder ae tl e attome •Indeat to a:rm�enoa,Imervone in,und
<br /> d-�Yr�d ouot�ecttnnn,cutte,or other taal proasadlngs and to aorrpramise at eerite any alalm ar�omrover�yp�rtaln thareto. Lender shall nat bo Ilu6lo to
<br /> � Qrmitot la nfly netlon,erra.mliWca omta�ton a dotay perteln!rtg to tho uetlons dosai�od tn thts paruQrcph or nny as roculting th�rolrom Roth�ng ,.u�
<br /> contntnod P�roV�wul prcvenl Landzr�rom tuldnp th�eC.�onc d�zuibfld in this pua�rnph in i�a ovm name.
<br /> ' tia tranEM���cATiOrl. Lomler nhall nm c�ecurre or ba rea n�ibio tor thoperbmnneo of un ot Qrnrriofe obGgatlona with rospecl to tho Praperry undar .
<br /> ° �y�rqm�tnnooa,aranter ch�7lrmrodimory'ravtd�lAndar whh vrrittan rtatloo of and tndnnnrly nnd ho:d Landor and Ita sharuholdaro,droetorn,o�loora �
<br /> �Rpksy�and agmts harmt�af trom atl clalrro,dcvnages,IInblUdea(indu�ng attorrtoys'teo�nnd tefsal oxponsos�.oaueos ot aeilon,uwiono,sulta nna
<br /> • •� QUmr Wga►prooe�dngs(eumu1etivafy•Cia[rrs��porla1ning to the Properry(Indu�Png,but not Ilrmted to,tfiose trnoNing Heterdous Matertala).Grentat,upon
<br /> ihs reQuoai ot Lend�r,chaU htro logal wunsel to dot�nd Lcndor hom euat►Glairtrs,and pay tho attomoya'taaa,icgal oxRensos and oth�r aosta Incurrod M �
<br /> r w oy
<br /> , ' oonnocibn ihsrewlih. In tha altemathe.L+endar E ehali�su�t�haiam�iinailan.mtoaae o�r(or�edosure of ht Dae�d of Trus�. ���o�o a�st f3ramofo �.�
<br /> obllgaUon to U►dsrmiy Lendrir undct lhia pare�nph
<br /> � -:�,;;;_�.r'.' 19�TII%E8 ANp ASSESS�IIEtdTJ tiraritor sholl pay a1i mxes end¢st,ossrmnta teiattng to Proporiy vfion duo tirtd Un�d�ofyprovtdo tandcsr avtdenoo `
<br /> � ot pa of atune. Upon the raqiest oi lan�r.tirentar ahall deposit wll�Lender oach momh ono-mefflh(1H2I of tho oat(rretod ennur�l Inauranoo �;:-_�=_
<br /> , '�` �ta�ws and nssessmeats pertaintng to tho Property So lore9 ea 11►nro fa no dofnuh,thoso wmur►ts snalf 6e aypllud to the pay►t�em of w�ws,
<br /> aue•-.,�er�e and insuranoa cis roqu►rod on the Pro�ony. in iho avem ot dofauft.Londar chall havo tho d¢�t m rta sola epllon,to�ply tho lunds co hold taj� ��, �'-
<br /> �Y�y�s����g p��e, q�Y ryu�s eppi(ed moy,at Lor�dofs opUon.bo epplted tn rovnrco ordorot tho duo date theraof. � 1�.'�
<br /> w.-
<br /> ,' 14,tNSyL�110N OF PAO�FRTI/.BOOKB,RECOR09 ANO H@PORTB.atanior shaU ailow Lender or t�s e�rrta to oxa�Nno and insp��ty a P�ro�� _
<br /> � and exanine,hu�ect end rt�lw oopes ot arentors boolm a�moords Pertaintng to tho Propery►tram tima to rta. Qran!ar Bhali pravtda =_
<br /> . . .. � re�}redyy Lendor tor theso piuposca. AO ot tha at�u�, s an�t�anr�ulon oor�telnad M t�rantofs booka and reeords ehall be gonutrte.cuo.eeauate end� �
<br /> oonp{eto(n aA raspeats. Gr�utta eshsill aota tha e�datcinc+�01 Lendo�'e 6enetidai IMerest in Its booka etid reoo►ds Purt��irtfe9 to the Properly. Addttlonally, _
<br /> � � � tirantor ehaHrepott in a tam satisfaetory to Londer.suct��ntorm3tlon us Londor may request rogar�n Grsntorb f9nanda�aonsitton or ihe Pro�rty Tho� ■..
<br /> `„��, ; �Mom�atbn chafl�for�rtp�bo'�°,h�ali�i ao��,oa�a+r�at�edena�mpletein ali�res 81p ct�e,a�a1��iedwi��C-ra�nt��1 iende►��a�qu�c�si�y designuto. al� _
<br /> .:'::�.;,. �, IntotTt1Nbn hNrd b�l
<br /> ',,!.,�� �- �a FrBioPaF�cF.imia�ATES. Wtthin ten(10)days aft��u�y roquoat by landor,arenta si►�JI deL'rrar w t�n�t.aT�ny hL�d uanetetee ot l.�ndot's~
<br /> �1, �ts wltb�especi M the Obi}gmlons�s slgit�d end ndaavrlaAged ststertnrrt spodrying(a)thfl wAStan�ng ha!anw on ih9�gattons•and(b)whethor - -
<br /> � h
<br /> tir�reta a arry daims.detenaea.sat�offs ot eour�tardta�rre w19��espect to the Obifgailows and, tAe nature o!aueh dalrm.de{enses�setoffs ar
<br /> aamta�Qrantor vAU bo wndi�shroty bound by eny ro�aaRatton thm Loridar may rrEaka to tho irrtonded tranatcroo wtth rospeet to theso mamors in
<br /> . the enran i1n�l Qretrtar tails to prarEdo the Bqusated stedamont in a tirro►y rtnr�rter. ��T-.,
<br /> . i"�� 1Q. DffA'Lr1.Y. t3mntor shatl bo M doh�tt en9er Ws Oeed o!Truat end the Truatoe's puwer shall beoorro oporatNe in 1he evem that(irentor.Bo�awor or [
<br /> • anY9�ar�tarotthe06ltgaUone: t,,-
<br /> (e)tails to pay eny CbOgatbn w lendor when�te: :
<br /> • (b)taS1a to patam arq►Obtlgatlon or hroaehes any wa.�csnry or aovenaM to Lendor oomainod In thls Ocod ot Tnrst or arry o�har prescr�or futuro
<br /> �s_
<br /> o�( ys.bsoa or darregoa 1ho Pncperty in enY rt�te�tel rospe�°r aub�t°the P�saRy to seizuro.oonflscaUon.at oond�rnatlan� __
<br /> ,.. �
<br /> (�E�1�a to ruroke.teminate ot aUwtwise IUrit fts IlabAily urtdo�arry 9i+aranry to Lrarxler,
<br /> •�� (e)a�a,heoonses Ieye1N�axrpotem,is eissoNed ot teminated.becomes UisotvaM.maiws en assfg�ment fw tho berrefit af ae6tors.ialls to pay
<br /> .. " de�ts+aa�+�:w+.p�a�l�a^�s�s stss���Y�'"�has an Usvdurnanr o�itbn In tran.kruPtcY fiktd in whtofi tirantcv, cr
<br /> :._
<br /> , . aenM�rtor ts n�tiad,ar has propeAy tnken unda�snl+wrh ar prooesa of oourf;
<br /> t0 auavro p�ood�to be usod.troRaponed or storod on ttw 6'r+operty.u�e paasesdnn.vanapermtton.or uso ot wnfan.ta illogai�
<br />�;, (�ollasva��pety oUtotthaa�Orentat a Barte�re►to Hasuma or w�dartaNc enY Obligadion avithout the writton oonserrioi t�nder'.or
<br />��;n a:. ... tt�d�proap��t1 yr�rn�d or�t�la(��dedfnu in the vatua of ihs firoperty:o�R liende►.in good falth.for erry roaenn.beliovos
<br />-•.,.;��...,, :•.
<br /> _ ��a����p�(e�������It under Ws Deed ot Trust,Lcnc'm shail be nr�Utlod to exotdsa one a m�e at 1hs toqawtn8
<br /> _:,:M�'•: ::.
<br />-:�-�',. a � (�to c0edaro th�00f�atb�s Urr�d}�eIY duo anA�yahle in tuli;
<br />=-�..,,.�;; (b)to aopoct th�a+t+tandrp Obl�tlona with orwithan roaorUng to Ju�atal praaets:
<br />- -.. (o)to n��in Grantor to delMr end malce avs(tah{o to t�emfor anY P���P�PeKY or Chattela oenelriWn9 tho ProyatY g1 a Ptaoe�eata�efdY
<br />�°..�",.. .�• cotnienNrRt4titt�tRRare�ndler+der,
<br /> trtt
<br />_-�;�;�_ (�to�t upon and t�fa posteasion ot th0 Prop�ny wtlhait aPPM�B�a abtatning tho eippolrrttnom of a rooeNar and. �9�
<br /> appolnt n nahrar vAthoiA bond williout tlest bdndn9 e��t a�th�Obligatiom and writaut atheMdse meeUnp orry�ut'n�Y
<br />�;--�"s�1-� raoeN��,ft b�inp kiten�dA�at L�rd��ha7!hava tMa oanra�ud�t to eppdrrt e rooel�er;
<br />��_'i_�'�:�F',�>� (a)tm emptoy e mv�e�e�A af tAe Proporty and let ffie�.ellfiet In Trurteee�wn eiarro.in tho nar►�of lendu a in tT�narro of tirnr�tor.ond
<br />---=�___'r'�!.� �e�h.re tAs ronte.Inoames,issues end poRtt ottfie P�aporty end appry the vartis.e8ar peyme�►t ot e1t nzcesearY oharg�s and mxp¢nsa3.on asaount ot
<br />��,�� tha�tAl�lons,
<br /> ��9�• �O�P��Y i{/10 If18BY IQlf11 GI 11�(KISI�OII�I 07�0�611�bY LAlldOf t4 p[Ote6t UiB 60q1f{1Y 0}iM9 OOOt10}TNSt 0►t0 qtf8 NI�dDS�JU OUIK 1}I8t1
<br />_.. ,ct:.Y►:
<br />:t�_• � �-,-
<br />_., ,±.! pp�1IM1f16}EIIlfdSt Ot'�71(�C�AB�Of11�M CE�l�OR3:
<br /> la.�^ .�ji.j;'
<br />-- .�,: (A)to taadoso ifds tl�rid ot Yrust Ju�de4i!►or non�ll and to droct tho seto ot tho pr.c�rly throu�exerctce ot tho porwr ot oas as mterenood -
<br />���i� pregteph?A MrsoiM�0000rdetwo w(q�oppUt�Dle law: —
<br />"'..° ��:-,�'� (h1 to t�t-0N GreMO�'e Odi�ta�s aOeM►s1erry amourtte aved tirantor by Lendot Inoh�dnp,6ut n�t Ih�tod to.rroNQS,tr�auurtc�►LS.end depoa!t
<br /> - �re;v.'-'..z'�!�fit.nA.raarryamorAtf��or Mure�a ot lender;and
<br />-- �`T=:�� mto exe�aaeeu ar��avaOaCiew t�r�rr�y efior�frn�g-.�s a�o tar�. L=._
<br /> '?=.��s- , .enn M uny a�der. tn tha ev�tt tturt l�ander ItWih�en octtan�eldng tt�
<br />-
<br />