<br /> '!�r .
<br /> � . . ��.
<br /> �. . . . .. ,. �� ,, .. .,
<br /> , `1 . . . � .� . n . - _
<br /> ... ..;qM�(��N4P'�'�u�:1" _ �i ., .. ._ .. . . _._..... . .. __� y ...
<br /> , ��" .�_ n_....... ..... ... ... . .
<br /> .
<br /> � 20. fl�CURiTf ltiT661E8T UNDER Tti6 4�N1FC6iM��NIGRRtA�COD6. Thie Ocad ot Truat BhNI bo conatdarod antl bo olta4ivo ns n Mancin� y,°
<br /> ' atateriromt un�a Oxture INngpurauant to thn provialana ol tho UnAorm Commardnl Cada(aa adoptod In tho atuto rfioro tho roal ptoparry la lauted)
<br /> aoverinp tbdtcrao,eh�ttcio,nnd aRic�oa af�..rcon�J propercy no;n ownad or horcafte�nttactsod to or to be uaod In aonnaaton wilh the Proparly tagothor with
<br /> eny nrtd ep roplsoomcnte thereof and additlons tAereto(th�Chatteta'). end arento►herobygraMs Londor n aowdty intcrost In euch Chattclo. Tho d�btor Is ,
<br /> the(iranlor dosalbod rsbovu• Thls Docd of Truai v�lll bo oticctivo nu u M;�ndng ctntarrv�nt iitod c�s o tiMuro Qling with rosp�sel to all Oxluroa Irtdud�d w(tfiin
<br /> „ oatdpre mic�s ertd le to bo ftlod tor►000rd in tho�ea!ontnte moords of aaoh oounty vuhero any pan ot oald pmmisos(in�lu�np aold tixturoa�la altuatad Thio
<br /> pnnd of Trust shcill nlao bn attociNo aa n Manung statnrmnl aoved►sp eny othar pramicoe and m1y bo tliod In nny other�pqopdate Mg ar r000tding
<br /> olilov. A carbon,photopmphto ar othar mproducttan of thlo Occd cf Trust ar of nny(Inunclrr�eintom�m rolntinp to thts Ooad oi Trua1 ahnll bo au(Ilelom us u
<br /> �� Mortdng etatanertl far enY o11ho purposea roterred to M thfe Pnra�c�ph.Tho sueurod parly�o tho Wn�r dosaibud nbovo. Upon domand,aramor chall .. �.
<br /> mym.oxocuto and ebllver w�oh aca�uriN c�oomonte(na euoh term b dotined tn eafd Unitotm Commerdnl Ceda�ua lander al eny Utna may daom .. ,
<br /> .. rt�c��rry ar prope►o�roquirad to gmnt�o Londcr u pc�tcctad cowrfty Ntoroot In tho Chattc�a,and upon Qmmuta fnl�uro to do so=Londor In authaizcd to
<br /> , �Ign eny euclie�oomerd as tho ctgem of aramot. tirarrtor hareby nuihorlYOa Lendar to Glo Qnancing ctatcm:ntfl(tso cuch tcrm la d�lin.^.ei in enid Unitorm
<br /> Comnerdaf Code)with respnct to the Chattele,at an tirta,wlthoN iho aignntute ot aramor. f3mmor wIA,howovot,at ony timo upon raquest of L<tndor, � 'I�e:-`
<br /> + ., � sign eud►tirtandng atatartr3mo, arenl°r wllt�u►y oJl QI (e�va tor tho t iI�p of aueA flnandng statomenta and br tho rofiling thoroot m tho timos►equlrad.In . ••4
<br /> B8
<br /> _:_::_;.� �ho oplNon of lender.by antd UNtorm Corrrnerdril if tho Qon o!thia Daod ot Trust bo subjoct to eny aucudry e8roumom aovodng iho Chattols,ihon M1 .
<br /> In the event o f any d e t a u 1 1 u n d o r t N a Qoed of Tnist,all ihe dght,tlUa ond imoraut of arartor In and to any end etl ot tho Chattola Is he�eby asaignad to ,
<br /> � ••�� Wndor,t t w8h tho bertotlt of any dopo:ito er PaYrt�Me n� ��4�aftett mado thcreof by Cirentar or tho prodeoosao�s or su000ssore In t i t lo o f � .;;M�
<br /> (}rantorint oPropnrty. -
<br /> •' p1. REItiBtlflB0Y�F1T Gr AR�UItTB EXPE�dAEQ BY LEN�ER. tnndnr�at Lenda�'s optlon�may oxpond Nrtds(inatu�➢n�attortwys'toos and logai � - -
<br /> AR --
<br /> � 0�ny�a�to pe�tortn any act roquirod to t�talcen by Carantw or to oxordso eny d8ht or romsdy of L¢ndor undor thla Dand of Truat. Upon dommd.�rsnta �'+
<br /> shnit Immdtatety rolmbursc�t�ndet tor ail suoh emauMa oxpanda!by i,ender to0nthor wtlh Imotoct iheroan at tho Iowa af tho higho�t rate desaibed in nny �
<br /> rs
<br /> ' Obligation or Ps higho�tato allawed by law hom the data of paymn�'rt wtii ttw dato o!ruimbursert�rit. Thoso sums chalt bQ IrteAni:•d in tho do(inflion of
<br /> �. pEitgt[tlona l�re►n and shall bo socurad by the berteitciellMoroal tal horuin. if tha Gbltgnttono aropa.'d aftor tho�I nning af bltcatlon ot notioo of _
<br /> saio,as herc�in ar�oyided,or tn tho evem L,�nder ehall,�,na co�o o��n'�orm�t ar�co�to gay eny paA ot tho Obliaattons eft�r th�b�ro�tng ot puWtcatton of a
<br /> her �'
<br /> . � �rottoe ot�te�a��se�n P���then.Cirantae sh�.l pay on demand a9 expcmLondQ�and�mtarpanaao t�to t o'PNSU��dh18 D��of Tn��ehsli be •�
<br /> '^� �n�udinp reaaonabie attomoys tees to the attomaya far the Truetao nnd kr tho ��'
<br /> eeaid►Yfor ellaucA expensos cmd faos. :�..
<br /> 22. APP11CA1tON OF PAYfA�A1Te. �ho Ymstoe shali�Um prewa�s of the hustr�a'c sa�a firnt,fo the oosts end exponaos of exerdeing the pawer ot �.i.
<br /> snle c�nd of tAe sab�[nd�n�1_thm�paymam ot tho T�ustoo's aos aciu�al��ncurtcd rtot to oxoaxl�l��o�����g w�t er��iun� toDdoe re�and�tho �!�LSt�=
<br /> � eeoond,to I�fl�t of th�oa�lon searod by the Dc�d ot Tn�m,tn�d co uu�paymem �u _-
<br /> baltuttn,if any,to tha porson or porsona Ic�a�ly enUtlad thoroto.
<br /> � 29. PO�NER�A170AtdEY• Qrantct hereby oppo�ts lertder eo f4s attomey-In•!aG to endorse Grantor'a nama an eN in�trurr»rite ertd olher dxumoms �,'`;`
<br /> . pertc+Wng to V�o Ob1tgattans or Oaed ot Tniafi. �n addition.lendsr slmU bn ontitled,but not roquIred.to�r(orrn w�y aeNon a�oxeeute arry doaimerrt
<br /> ��� rod to bo tcilwn ot oxeciRtnd bY Grantot undor this Daed et Tru�i. Londors rtortm.noo ot auch edlon or oxeartton ot such e3ocurt�me stiali net �:-<^
<br /> tw
<br /> �Q�a��y p�ti�plon or curs any defe�dt uoder t�;s DaE3d o!Trust. AI pwers of attamey dosaibod In tMs Qcmd o7 7a�t ero oouplfld with en
<br /> interost arw:ar9 tt►eYOCa6le. '•:�
<br /> h`-,-
<br /> ` � BU���.�,�p� �yp�p• (,�r sha�bo cu6ropptod to Ihe dghta of tho holdor ot any previoua Ilen,soauity Intorest or enamfranoc� •_
<br /> „ : ���wllh tut�da edvanaed by Lendor mgardlesa of whothor that+e8ena,snauily irrtere3ts or othor�nwmbrenees havo boen roloasud of reoord. ��`.-.
<br /> ,;••:,_ .� __
<br /> ,� y!, t�t.l�ClfOf�i COSTB. To tho ext�ntpamtlted by Iaw.QraMar e�eos to y londets toASOnabie teea end aoate.Indudtng,but not Itmted to,feefl --
<br /> ��ne ���y���ager►ts(f�rciud wtthout L'mNatian a.cbrks and aonautlants),whuthet or not sueh attamay or rrt is an
<br /> rrc �
<br /> . su Is oro�gn,�eg,�but not Iin�ltcd�to tali t�ooa e�iid o�sts�fnai�irod a�appo�in be iwptcpj►�and��or post•��dgmem BTaoNeceHo�°ad,d�rusl.wh or not =
<br /> � eoanPve�w Ihout att�ecting tts�Uite�re�in�ren�afn ng p4rdon a!9�e�Ptopnriy.Mothing he ein e�hall be�dea rad to oblt�81 ernd�to rol�ea�so am of Ite
<br /> Irrtereat In the�(exoept as rnqufred undar Per as cr�may bo o�thalw�ise roqulteda�y law).nor shall lander�obpgated to robaae anY P�
<br />_.. - ttiat�R��ho ProP�Y•��od in Uw Oood otT�lix�t ta�ot9�ie n ubjoet o}tMa or a�rry Pert[a��0 ed ot R�eeom°�eyeiioa mn!n U►offod with respoW to
<br /> ,. .., 27. aqDtFlCA1tON AND WA oE�'R�Lon�rraa�y pe�rtorm�¢�}8a ow�s o�t Qfratit�sf Obitgatto�i�9�y�fa11 to e�she�e nyof tsf�Trua�st be
<br /> ' � aotRaUied[newAttn�ci8r�edbY
<br />- paymenta trom araMOr or othor Ih�n Q�antor wtthout aauoln�aweNar ot those Obltgatlons or d�rte._A watvor on ono ooceslon chalf n"ot oot►�
<br /> - . �. . a waN�r on ny ottior on. �ofs Obl.aa�ons undor Wa Ossed o!Trust shall rta16e aTfected tt�endor aroond9� misci9.exch pos talla to
<br /> aatt �� et
<br />= oxerd:s InPWn o►�aa°s�Y o tha Oml1 Cono bolongtnp to om�Qrantor.Bortawer m thitd���aenYsliell�notba deemed e weNaer�and L�ndei sh�l ,
<br /> �^ y • h�av�atlre�A�a�►Y RropeAyi Londots t�re to ir�stat u�on aM�st pertortrenoe of amr o!tho
<br /> " �' ' at tlmo thmoaftanto irtr1at auict podortmnca_ �.
<br /> '-"{�_-;.-`''::•-•�
<br /> -•-�.a`....s..., �
<br /> �.:.-.ti��v. 2S. SU83TIiUTE 7AUSYEEi iRU9tEE LtA91t1fYi CO�fPF�Ig�TION. In caao ot the death�inabtliq►.roNsal to act or absw�oe of Ua Truotee from
<br />�.�.,�: atate wlw�eU�o rsat�y�y la located a In case the holdnt of ttiq Q�ttons shall dealre(o►arry maeon to�emav�e the 7ntate�at arn►�ubstiurte ee es
<br />_,�,,,�p�vµ,..: W�toe ha7awdQ►afid to -aFPolrn a nt�w trusteo In hta plaoo ena the holder af the Gb119etions is hereEY grented tuq powet to appolrrt tn wfltlaf�t�
<br /> ;:,�...�.: .• wbetriuto truat�s tor said Tntstes.end�e wbatiMe Wsuo oMO,n�r4a�►oppoirrtod,beaa%a�nd�oblig�att�a herTetNn�te�m�idu�the�ltahe eorrw
<br />_:'=�.::;:,c;-° 9eoonr�v�ated In hM ior 1he Wtposos and obJocte ot thlo Rcad c�'rnnt witl oll thepa�rer, steg frLStee
<br /> 7.�.�.-:,,, . rs Ibte or a000unmbt�undar nnp eircumstana4a rrhstsaever.
<br />_„,.. : y�a1 I nat�e i4�9bb tor arn►e�ror ot or ed done!rj Tnnide�or be atherwl
<br />-"�-..�� • ?�.. Ttuste�sT�al t+ot be Peeaana'b Itab�of omr�►trl R ea,� ae11nA�y vtrtue o� wa►s horeU b upon tho Daod of Trust tor debts
<br />�t�� ' "' oorrtractc�t a It�a�po s Inourtad In tRo mnno�s^�rr0 or opamtlm ol caM Rremtse�Ttuscee hr�va tho to r on erry inatrumont�
<br /> ...:��-�;� a�turo authorir7�9 orsupp rting erry actWn��iaan�rproFoued to bs trunn by it hereundnr or boUovad bya�tetth to begonWne.
<br /> '��. f i:c::,'� Ttu�at�ap be entitled to roimbur�sma�t ta e os Inewsod by U in the par�orm�noa of ita EuAaa hemumler and to re oonpensattor►Tat cu�h
<br /> � � �11}! on duo Tnt�toa P�ereunder and rolr�ursa Trusteo tar and
<br /> s_r�s.�_ t•,„ of fta aarvio�s heruur►dsr es chail bo rendured. 3�nntat w111.trom rlm9 t�Urrn.PaY aompe�
<br /> -- - ee�ve end Iaid it harrrtess trom and e�gnN►s1 e�Y end ait loso.eo�t.P�s�OI�►.�9e�e�e�r.�o vfiataoevor ineu�r,dty ft In the per(om�arioe of Its ckrilos.
<br /> -T"�'.���-�-� Tntstao ehali.urfdi uae�i u�wd a:;scroar.�nrld.^d.trs tr'.d 4n irust ter me(u�r{sosos for rrhtch ih�r rre�a a��.t�ut n��n;t �
<br />-v^���:=:��. AI!lnonoysteoeMed bl
<br />- -�+-'�-� pa yegregelad�nar�y menner trom any aAfiar mareYc(exa►g11a 9�0 ottan roqulred bY law)and Tru�tra rhaU bo ureder no IiaDtlriy(or Urcotest on arry
<br />'�°.r'�"•��- r,000bed by it trerounde+r. •
<br /> _y�y^ ,��'..Y'I � �MfNyq
<br /> �., .v.���
<br />_ p n �• �. W/r����aa.7�w�� �l�Qe�0}T(1l�� ��ndrsz�upai artd tnure to tho bono�t ot Cirantor end landef�nd tAon roaPectMa
<br /> - • suooessers.assigns,trustuos.►eo�Noro,ad�nfntatmtorn,Poraawl��Tvoa,logatoos and doviseos. ^
<br />-i,.• . . ���E����aa��6p roqulred py law. rtoitan or dhtr arm�nlallton to ba gravtdad undor 1Ms Occd ot T�us7 at�[01 bo In wdtlr�g snd aorrt v
<br />_ ,. �. : to tha parUes at the addressoa dosatbcd in thfa Oeed�T chill���d gN�en Uro oaraQo�r ot�t�hre�e l3)day�a aitor wt�ohrnoUooms��i►tt mv�rh��r�oaeNod �-
<br /> � „� �tice ses�Yon and sort�b �d�s��),�"te9a ProPa►d r;_
<br /> . S: ti Y 1�1f!PEQSW��0 WhCtll R?'-
<br /> . ��• 31.S�/f�A�TUTM. V1�hfHiGYGt p0'..:I�.? CIICh Q�01lI8I0�Ot Qi10�tltd 01 TNSt t�113�1 b0 URQ1�fOtCiO BO 0tt t0�!O OIIOGIYO 8(Id YUIIA UIIdOT 0J�11CSbT0 6tIIt0 �,_
<br /> " .� �• 0}1M8 QOOf�OT Tn►st v�oiatos uie law ar ts mwc�Mronabto�Ua roa�ot 1ho Qoed of Yn�t shall aonllrtuo to bo vetid and eniora�:abte. ��.
<br /> Iaw.If anyp►ovtslon ��
<br /> � � �.
<br /> `• �3 APPLICABLE LAW.7h{a Ocad ot Tn�chs9 0�govafrr•sd Iw 4�e tawe of tho stata v�hura tho roal proPayi ta tooatad. tht�isa ePd`csEtO Lsw pto�idoa �n.•.
<br /> • ' oih�nrise.tirantor oonser►ts to tho j�ur'cs6stlon andvumie of any uo�1 soksdod by Lcne�r.In tta sole dsaetlan�toorAnd in tf�d a4ato. �'
<br />- � (irantot snd lander agroo that timo ia a?4a osr,unoe.Qranta�wehres pmsontmrnt.danrc�M tor paymem.notloo ot d.�onor tuxi =
<br />� __r�s���-'' __� $9.A�SC£19�ti�0113..t•..a w tor aG rateranms tn C�rerttnr In ddb Oesd of TNd 6ha11 k�dtld0 aU poteono slgd og bolotn. If tharo i�a�ano�d�N i-
<br /> . "- 1h0l��8 6�19�I b0�f118f1d 6lYOl81.�S��0}TfU91 f0�i'�'OSOfI[b 111D�tl�il9�W�1°°�aiow.b w�woo..�m..:.�.��..�.�.-=-'o^
<br />- � " ttIDlOfiTL98fId0oft�110tY9hE�idOt.
<br /> - . . ' s4.NO'1HlRO PARTY iitGMTB. tW porson Is ar shatl Du a Cdrd p�rry bm�BdoprY�oyt any pro�ston ot this QQed ot Tcu�t. al pravtclona or tMs Qaod or
<br />� �� ' oon�m to�ttw rt���qlto+i o er�y�ptodvi�o�this��of�'fh�ir�i r��bd6 -s�tionai�be�mlliad to a�sumo a oxpa.�l that Lander wW not woNc�a
<br /> , S0,PRESERVATION QF UABiLITY AND PHtOR11V.YYQhwA a6taa►nOthe 1l�ity o}Bartower�at ar�►9�am�►tar ot tho C� orio.a an other
<br /> �:.
<br /> - • m�p�oet to e�m►pa��y^0z�ro��sedwiiUn roR nn�d tNttoaulm erid a�rtr�u�oa ot��� ot th�a Q�oUt T�c4 a�v�er th��IMrmsl o a�n y�pa�se�
<br /> - �� �I�od a 8rst wld�i000d by�ng wbsoquont to tf�e raxrdin9af�ot�1 n�et:Lendcr may.chhur b�toro or afta tho rtetwiry of tho Obl►aadlan
<br /> • endwitttaA noUoa ar�ao(ncont:ro�e�any P��Iia6io fa�t�pay�n��om or padat�noo ot M or am►P�ot lhe ObilgatlaRS:ndc�anx �at�t�der�tmny 1ui�va
<br /> • . temu of pa,ymeM orfit ��nddtJ�l�r�a�iri►l►of�arry�idnd�tar any a�t ths�Gblretg�lona a�a atl�aiwtsorydn�wtt«h�r��yresi o�r amt�o��er1y
<br /> under the oeeo of st; � ar►y
<br /> _. ����n�8�y��U+�croot,io I�o���to o�i.7 a�any sucFi��na tiji l��ndor wro In Iho P�+r�pnAy sha�bo dacm0a. r�aoqu �U[p auoh 6,
<br /> t
<br /> PqpadO �
<br /> • . �, Nf00i� Ra.1297
<br />