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<br /> 89-� 106826
<br /> mnde shal! br udded to the pHnclpa!sum a�ving on the above !0. That thc Mortgagar wi!! ktep the buildings upc�n sAid
<br /> � note,shali be secured hertby, and shaU beai intere�t at t}ie rate premises in goad repair. and neither commit nar permit wastc
<br /> set fc+rth in the said nata, until paid. upnn satd land.nor suPfei the said premiscs ta br used for any
<br /> unlawful purpaso.
<br /> 7. That the Mort�A�or hereby assi�ns�transfers and sets over
<br /> to the Mort�a�ee�to be Applied toward the payment of the note 11. That if the premises,or aay pxrt thereof. be condemned
<br /> attd a!! sums sccurcd hcrtby in casa of a default in tht prrfar- under the power af eminent domEin, or acquircd for a pubUc
<br /> mana of any of the terma and conditions of this n�ortga�e ar the use,the damages awarded,the praceeds for the takin�of�or tha
<br /> said note�aU the rents. revenues and income to be dedved from consideration for such acquisition,to the extent of the full
<br /> the mort;�ed premises during such time as the mortgage in- amount of indebtedness upon this mortgsge and the note which it
<br /> debtedarss ahaU remaia unpaid, and the Mortgagee shatl have is given to secure rems�ining uApaid, ure hereby ass�ned by the
<br /> power to appoint any agent or agents it may des've for the pur- Mortgagor to the Mortgagee. and shaU be pald forthwith to said
<br /> pose of repairing said premises and of renting the same and col- Mong�gee to be stppUed by the latter on eccount of the next
<br /> lecting the rents, revenues and inmme,and It may pay out of maturing installments of such indebtedness.
<br /> said incoma idl expenses of repairin�said premises and necessary
<br /> commiss9ons and eapenses incurred in renting and managing the 12. The Mortgagor further agrees that should thu mortgage
<br /> same and of collecting rentals therefrom;the balance remaining. and the note secured hereby not be eUgible for insurance nnder .
<br /> if any, to be aDplied toward the discharge of said mortgage the National Housing Act within days
<br /> ' indebtednas. f�om the date hereof(written statement of any officer of the
<br /> � 8. That the Mortgagor will kap the Improvements now ex- �p�ent of Housing and Urban Development or authorhed
<br /> isting or herafter erected on the martgaged property.insured as aSent of the Secretary of Hovsing and Urban Development dated
<br /> may be rcqu�red from time to time by the Mortgagee agalnst loss subsequent to the days'time f'rom the date
<br /> by fire and other huards,casualdes and mntingencies in such of thls mortgage, declu�ing to insure said aote and thia mortgt�ge.
<br /> amounts nnd for such periods as may be requlred by the Mon- ��ng deemed conclusive proof of such ineligibllity),the Mor-
<br /> gasa and wiU pay promptly.when due,any premiums on such tgaga or holder of the note msy. at Its option, dtclare all sums
<br /> insurance provision for payment of which has not been made secured hereby immediately due and payable.
<br /> hereinbefore. All insurance shall be carried in companies ap•
<br /> . proved by the Mort�ee and the polIcies and renewals thereof 13. That if the Mon�agor fails to make any p�yments of
<br /> shatl be held by the Mort�agee and have attached thereto loss money when the same become due.or PaUs to canform to and
<br /> p�yable clauses in favor of and in form acceptable to the Mor- comply with any of the conditions or a�reements conutined in
<br /> t�a�ee. I�event'of los� Mort�a�or will give immediate notice by this mangage, ur the note which it secuces�then the entire prin-
<br /> mail to the Mort�aeee,who may make Droof of loss if not made cipal sum and accrued lnterest shall at oace become due and
<br /> promptly by Mort�a�or. snd ach insur�nce company concerned Payable, at the election of the Mort�ata;and thla mort��e msy
<br /> is hereby authoriud xnd d'vectedl to make psyment for such loss thereupon be foreclosed immedlately for the whole of said
<br /> directly to the Mortgagee instead of to the Mortgagor and the money, interest.manthly paymeats, costs,�round reaU. taxa
<br /> Mortgaga jointly,and the insurance proceeds, or any part and the cost of extending the absuact of tItle from the date of - � �'
<br /> . tnereoi, may oe ayyaai oy the ivior[gagee at iu optian eitner to =h;s la:r. :c i�a tir.s�:.f x:r:�:acistg sL:.R�rx:xs.�:::i:,::�« _
<br /> tho reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the reasonable attomey's fee, all of which shall be tnciuded in the � _
<br /> restoration or repair of the property damaged. In event of decra of forecloswe; and the contract embodied in this mortgage
<br /> foreclosun of this mortgage or other transfer of title to the mor- �d the note secured hereby� shall in all respects be governod,
<br /> tgaged property in ext4nguishment of the indebtedness secured construed and adjudged by the laws of Nebraska. where the same ,
<br /> hereby, all right, dtle and intercst of the Mortgagor in and to is made.
<br /> any Luurana pol�cirs then in fora shall pass to t6e purchaser or �e covenstnts herein contained shaU bind,and the benefiu
<br /> granta. and advuetages shaU inure to,the rapective heirs,acecutors,ad- `
<br /> ' 9. That as additional and collateral aesurity for the payment ��strators,succGSSOrs, and auigas of the parties hereto. .
<br /> � of the note described,and all sum�xo.bepo , ,¢ue under this ��A�er used.the singular number shall include the plural,the
<br /> � mortaage,the Mortgagor hereby aqisns to��e6q 11�Ioft6aaee aU p»�O singular,and the use of any gender shall include all �
<br /> pro�ts. revames. royalties, Senders.
<br /> re�hts wd lif�►etrti accruinE to•the �'_
<br /> Mortgagor under any and afl oil aad Qas leaset on said premises. 7'he foregoing conditions,all and singulaz, being performod as- �'_'
<br /> wit�h the ri�ht to receive aad receipt for the same and appty them �rding to their natural and legal import�this conveyance sha11
<br /> to said indebtedness as well before as after default in the condi- ix void and said premLus released at the expease of the Mort- �
<br /> � dons of this mortgage,and the Mortgaga may demand, sue for BaBor;otherwise to be and remaIn in full force and effoct. ,,�
<br /> and recover any such paymenu when due and payable, but shall ;�.:�
<br /> • not be required so to do.This assignmeat is to terminate and
<br /> ' become null and void upon release of this mortgage. '
<br /> In witnas wLereoi the Mortgagor(s)ha ve hereunto set theiT h (s)t e�iay and year flrst above written.
<br /> In presence of: �.C,�`^ae . ' 9 1� ISe�I]
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