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<br />� �' S. Hnznrd or Property insurnnce. Barro�ver shall kcep the lmprovement� naw existing or liercaftcr crateai an thc -
<br /> �� '. '�' Praperty insumd ngainst Inss by fire. huzards included within the tcrni "ex�ended cuvcruge" und uny c�ther h��ardn, includin� -
<br /> � .; s tlacxis or fluading,far which L,eitder reyuires cnsurunce. This insu�unce shr�ll be mnintuined in the amounts und far the periada
<br /> , � thut I.ender reyuims. The insurunce carrlerpre�viding N�e insurnnce sl�ull be ch��sen My Bormwer subject ta l.ender's approvn!
<br /> which shull not bc u�rcasnnably wlihhcicA.If Borm�vcr fuils to muintuin rovcru�rc dcscribrd ub�wc. I�ndcr muy,at l.cnder s __
<br /> , � �� aptian,abtain covera�e to pmtcrt I.ender's dght�in the Property in uccottlunce with purugruph 7,
<br /> - _ . All iri�uru�i�e N��licfc� aiid renewAlx sh�ll bc ucceptublc t� L.cndcr und shuU incluJc u �tunduni nwn�uge ciuu.e. 4endcr sy,;
<br /> .� shatl huve thc right ta hald thc policics undrcncauls.If I.cnder rcquirc�,Horrowcr hhult promptly grvc to tAndcr ult rccciptti uf `
<br /> �•� "'��='�?� ^ paid pre�niums and rencwAl notices.In the erent oP loss.9orrnwcr shall givc pnnnpt naticc tn the insur.�m�rarcier und I.cnder. �
<br />` �'"�� Lender muy make praof of lass if not madeprcsmptly by Borrower. �
<br /> . Unl�s l.endcr and Burrower otherwiu a�ree in writing, insurancc pmceeds shall bc applicd tn restarution att repuir of the
<br /> � Property damaged.if the restarution ar repair i s econnmicully feusible und l.endcr's security is nnt Iessened. If the rcstoration ur
<br />- ��" repnir ia not economirally feasit►Ie or Lend�r'`ucuciry would be lessene�. the insurance pruceais shull be epplied to the sumx
<br /> x'�" �'. securat by this Securiry Instn�ment. whethar or nat then due, with uny excas paid tp Banowcr. If Horrnwee ubandons the . �
<br /> � � �''�' Property,or does nat unswer within 30 duyi a notice from Lender that the insurance carrter hns offeral tu settle n claim, then �„�
<br /> r,;kr,:_:�.� Lender may callt:ct che insurance proceeds.I-.ender may use the proceecis to repuir or restam the Property or to pay Kums �
<br />'�""'""'�" � sccurcd by this Security Instrument,whetturor not then dua.The 30-day periad wiU be�in when dis notice is given.
<br /> �'�''` � Un18ss I.ender and Borrowcr othemvise uscce ia writing. any application of procceds to pr�ncipal shall not extend or li1
<br />��:.?�ieG�"b�
<br /> �-._���„� pastpone the due date of the monthly paynet�ts referred ro In pArnBraPhs 1 and 2 ar chnnge the amount of tho paymen�v.If
<br /> -"`=�"'`�'� uader paragraph 21 tlle Property is acquired by l.exide.c, Harrower's dght ta sny insurence palicies end proce.eds resulting from
<br />_�`""'"�'1�"'���i,,�
<br />�_t-�+r� .� damuge to the Property prior to tlic acquicitbn shall puss to Lender to tbe extent of tha sums secu�by this S�curity Instnunent
<br />-:-v;;,•=+� immedintcly priorro thcacquiAltion.
<br /> � :=.��� G.OccupAncy,Preservatlon,Matnte�ce and Protection of the Property;Borrower's Loan ApplicaHan;Leaseholds.
<br /> '-�,s�.�--__
<br />_ Bomower shall occupy,establish.and use the E'roRerty c�s Borrower's princlptd residence wtthin stxty duys After the execution of
<br /> ,.`.,.�:����
<br /> thls Securlry Instrument and shall continueto acupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least ane yeur after
<br /> �,�:_��;�� the date of occupancy.unless i.ender othcnvise agrees tn writing.�vhich consent ahail not be unreasonably withheld. or unless
<br /> -- _---- eatenuating circumstances exist which fare bcyond Borrower's control. Borrower shail not destroy. damuge or impuir the
<br /> v�..t��'�� property, aUow the Propeny to deteriorate,or commtt waste on thc Property. Borrower shall be in defuult if uny forfeiture
<br /> ----_=�■ actian�r praceeding, whether civil or cra�inal,is begun that in Lcnder's good fafth judgment could result in forfeitu�o�the
<br /> -- Ptopetty or othcrwise matertully Impair the li�n cr�uted by this Security Instrument ar Lender's securlty interest. Borro�vcr may
<br /> -= , -- �u=r_aur�$�Pfautr and reinctate,as�rovided'e n paragraph I S,by cuusing th�action or pTOCeeding to be d�smisse.i with u ntling
<br /> --= -_ thut, in I.ender's good faith determination,precludes focfelture of the Borrower's interest in the I'ropert� or other muterial
<br /> °�' impa�rment of the lien created by thls Secvr�ty Insuument or Lendar's secudty interest. Bnrrower shal! also be in dafnult tf
<br /> Borrawer,dudng the loan application prooas�gavc matednlly fulse or lnaccurate information or statemen�5 to Lender(or fatlod
<br /> ta provIde Lender with any material infornution)in connectton wlth the loan evidenced by the Note,including. but reot limite�d ,
<br /> to,cepresentattons conceming BorrowePs aca�pa��cy of the Property u.q a princiQul residenoe. If this Security Insttument is on a , •
<br /> leasshold. Borrower ehal! crompiy with aN t ha provisians of the leasc. If Borrower ncquirea fee title co the 8coperty. tho
<br /> leasehold stnd the fi�tide shall not merge uniess Lender ugc�ees to the merger in wrislr�g. .
<br /> 7.P�w3ection o8lnx�der's Rtghts[n the Property.If Borrower fails to perform thc oovenants nnd agrecmente conminat in
<br /> -__ - this Secudty Instament,ar there is a le�al pracceding thnt may significantly sffect Lender's dghta in the Property (suoh ns a
<br /> pmcee�iing in,bunkruptqy. probato� for caidemnation or forfelture or to enforce laws or regulntions). then Lender may da and
<br /> pay for whatever is naxssary to protect t�e vulue of the Property and I.ender's dgliu in the Property. Lender s uct(ons mny
<br /> inciude paying any sums secured by a Ikn whicli has priority over this 5ecurlry lnswment. appearing in court, paying
<br /> reasonable attorneys' fees and entering an d�e Property to make repuirs.Although Lender r►�ay take uction under thia p�rstgreph
<br /> 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> Aoy amouats disbursed by Lendcr iutder this para�raph ? shall becomE addiUonaI debt of Boreower secured by this .
<br /> Security Instru�nent. Untess Borrower und I.emler agnee to other icrms of pay��ent.these amounts shali fionr intcrest from the
<br /> _.. — dute of disbursement nt the Note ratc and siwll be payable. with interest.ugon rtotice from Lender to Aortower reyuestin� �
<br /> payment.
<br /> 8.Mottgt�ge In�manoe.If Lender rcquared mortgnge insu[ance as a conditton of mnking the loam securcd by tfiis 3acudty �t
<br />_�^�_� tncrn,mPnt, Bnrmw4r shn11 pny the prendutris requlrod to maintuia the mortgage irisurance in effoct. Tf. for any reason.the �,�,
<br /> --�- mortgage ir�surance coverage ceqniral by Lender iapses or cxasr.�tu t�1►i effccc,i3orrowcr shait pay the prrutiuuts act�lllf cd LO
<br /> ---- obtuin covemge substanttally equiv�tient to the mortguge insurnnce previously in effecl.at a cost subswntialiy equivalent 3o the •
<br /> oost to Bormwer of the cnortguge inrurance previously in effoct, from an alternate mortg�e tnsurer approved by Lender.If
<br /> ��� substnntinily equtvW�nt r�eortguge insuruxe coverage is not uvailable.Borrower siuill pay to Lender each month a sum equal w
<br /> one-twelfth of the yearly mort�aga jnsurance prcmium being patd by Borrower when the insurance oovera�a Inpsed or ceased eo
<br /> ---�--- be in effect.l.ender will teccept.use and retai n Uiese pnyments as a loss r�arve xn lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> " ---Y.��� Form 3028 8190
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