<br />_` � �
<br /> . I4S�Dd�'1'G?1GE 89-M-_ i U 6�1 �
<br />_ + . 'Ilus Mort�e is entered into betwren �tev�p �r��� DeNovg.p and S�1Leitdy L�e DeNoyer, �
<br /> ' - t►u�E�and and �erlf�t (herein"Mort�a�or")and
<br /> ,,,Fjy.@, p,9lnts B��ji, Gr�nd Island_ Nebra�ka (herein"Mort�ajee"j.
<br /> , Mart�a�or is Indebted to Mort�a�ee iA the principal sum of a 3_800.OQ ,evidenced by MortQa�or's note
<br /> �,� Dec�ml�er $, 19�9(herein"Note")providina for payments of principai and interest,with the balance of the
<br /> iadeDtedaeso,ii not aooner p�id,due�nd pays6le oA December l2. 1993 ,
<br /> 'Ib aecure the�p�n��1��,;;�!��est u prodtkd theiein}the payment ot all other sums,Mith interest,
<br /> �dvanced by Mor:p�ie'tA`proEe�W!s�u��ithis Mort�a�e,and the pedormance ot the covenaat�and Npreemente of
<br /> "' the Mort�t=ar containl�d h�M�.-Udarl�al�it�!►ereDy mortga�e �nd copvey to Mortga�ee the [ollovrin� d�ac�ibed
<br /> propeKy locsted ia Hall f;ounty, Nebraska:
<br /> • Lot Seven (7), FonnervieMr Subdivision, Grand Island, Hadl County, Nebraska.
<br />. _ . _ _ '
<br /> Together arith all buildings,Improvements,fixtures,streets.alleys,p�ssageMays, easements.rights,privilege�and
<br /> ' �ppurten�nces loc�ted thereon or in anywise pertaining thereto,and lhe rents issues and profits.�eveisions and nmaintkn
<br /> thereoi;indnding,but not iimited to, heating and cooling equipment and such personal property that is atttched to the
<br /> improvemenM so as to constitute a fixture;all of which� includin�replacements and additions thereto,is herebp declared , _
<br /> to be a part of the r�al estate secured by the lien ot this Mortgage and a!1 of the foregoing being reterred to herein a�the , =
<br /> µ�PertY", t �
<br /> Mortgator turther conveasnts and a�rees.with Mortgagee,as follows: t
<br /> 1. Paymen� To pay the indebtednesc and the inleresl thereon as provided in this Mortga�e and the Note. ;�
<br /> 2. 'IYtle. Mortgagor is the owner ot the Property.has the right and authority to mortgage the PropetEy,aad ' :
<br /> warrusts that the tien created heceby is a Cest and prior lien on thQ Property.except zs may oLheswise be set forth herein. '
<br /> <<i
<br /> Q Tfie Property is subject w a Marttage whernin..First Feder'al say�g� r nan Agcn_ ,�
<br /> as Doc. �84-0 5629 H i� x
<br /> h khe Mortg�gee,l+ecotded�L1��0������[Y]CYJ��__of the Mortgage Records oP. �1 Counh►. •
<br /> Nebrash,which Mottgage ls a lizn prior to the lie�crnated hereby.
<br /> O Other grior liens or encumbrances:_ �
<br /> • 3. Ta:ea,Aaoeasoseets. To pay when Que all taxes,specisi assessments and aft other charges a�ainst the Property
<br /> and,upon written demmd by Mortgagee,to add to the payments required under the Note secur�ed hereby.such amount as
<br /> may be suitieient to enable Ehe Mortga=ee to pay such taxes,assessments or other charges as they become due.
<br /> � 4. ItNUtu�ce. To keep the improvements naw or heteafter located on the real estate described herein insured
<br /> � �ainst datnqe by fin attd such ot6er hazuds as Mortgagee may require.in amounts and with companies acceptable to the
<br /> l�Iortp�ee, �nd witi� loes paysble to the Mortsajee. In csse of loss under such policies the Mortgagee is autttori2ed to
<br /> �djaist, coiket and compromise,in ita diseretIon,a11 claims thereunder at its sole optlon, authadzed to either appiy the ;_____:__
<br /> prooce�s to the restontion of tfie Property or upon the indebtedness secured hereby.but payments hereunder shall con- .
<br />_ tinue until the aums securPd herEby ue paid in tull.
<br /> S. O E�ciow For Taxa and Inwranec. Notwithstanding anythin�mntained in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof to the
<br /> contruy,MortgMor shall pay to the Mortsagee at the time of paying the monihly insWlments of princlpal and interest.
<br /> one•twrelfth ot the yeuly taxes,assesamenis,hazatd insurance premiums. and ground rents (if any)which may att�in a
<br /> pri0rity over thfa Mott��e.olt�.s re�sonably estimated trom time to time by the Mortgagee.'Phe amounts so paid sh�ll be �
<br /> � held by the Mort�ree�rithout interest and applied to the psyment ot the items in rnspect to which such amounts wem � ��
<br /> deposited. 'I7►e suat�paId to Mort`a�ee hereunder ate pledged as additional security!or the indebtedness secured by this �
<br /> Mort`a�e.Mort�agor shall pay to Mort�agee t6e amount of any deflciency between the actual taxes,asse�ments, insurance ti
<br /> premiutns and ground rents and the deposits hereunder within 70 days after demand is made�pon Morlgagor reque�ting tA
<br /> pgyrr�Nnt fherc;of. �
<br /> �,�
<br /> 6. Repait.Mainten�ttce�nd Uee. Ta promptly repair, restore or rebuild any buildings or improvemen45 now ot ''
<br /> h�reafter on the f�roperty;to krep the Property in goad condition and mpair,wrthoul waste,and Pre�•from mE�rhanic's or
<br />, othet licns noi exptessly suGordinatkd to the lien hereof;not tv make,sulfer or permil o�y nuisanc�•to exist,nor to dimm•
<br /> ish or impair thr va1u� of tht� Nroparty Dy �ny nct or nmissior� tn�et:nnd t��rnmply w�th ell mquimmenls oi law tiv�tti
<br /> �t�sp��c.t tu lh��F'ro�x•rty. �
<br />