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<br /> (9) Ta maint�in improvemcnts in goad�epair and make�epaira cequired by the Govcrnment;operatc the property
<br /> in a good and husbandmanlilce manner;comply with such farm canservat�on practices and fa:tn and home management plans
<br /> u ehe Gove�nment from time to time may presc�ibe;and not to abandon thc property,or cauu or permit wa�tc.les�cning ar
<br /> impairment af the aecurity covered hereby,or,without the written consent of the Gavernment� cut. remove, or lease any
<br /> timber�gravel,oil,ga�,coal,or other mineral�eacept as may be necesaary for ordinary domesdc purposea.
<br /> (�0) To comply with all laws,ordinancas,and regulations�ffecting the property.
<br /> �Il) To pay or reimbu�se the Government for expensea reasonably necessuy or incidental to the protectton of the lien
<br /> �nd priority hereof and to the enforcement of or che compliance with the provisiona hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br /> mentuy agreement fwhether befare or after default), includin�bue not limited to costs of evideace of title to and survey of
<br /> the properry, costs of recording this and osher inetrument�,attorneys'fee�,ttustees'fees,court cous,and expenses of adver-
<br /> tising,selling and conveying the proprcty.
<br /> (]2) Except aa otherwlte pra�vided by the Farmers Home Adtnin�siration regulationa, neither the property nor any
<br /> pordon thereaf or interest therein shall be leased,assigned,sold, t�anqferred, �r encumbered voluntarily or otherwise�without
<br /> the written cansent of t6e Governmeat. The Govornment shaB�ha�.: the s�.• and e c14-iveng ts as mortgagee hereunder,
<br /> including but nat limited to the power to grant consents, putial releases, eubordinations, and satisfactian, and no insured
<br /> holder shaU have any ri{thts,title or i�tcreet in or to the lien or any benef ts 3�ereof.
<br /> (13) At all reuonable times the Government and its agents may inspect tha prop erty to ucertain whether the cov-
<br /> enants and agrecments contained hecein or in any supplementuy agreement ate being performed.
<br /> (l4) The Gavernment �nay �al ad'ust the intcrest rate, payment, tcrms or balance due on the loan, (b) increaee the
<br /> mortgage by an amount equal to deferre�interest on the autstanding principal balance,(c)eatend or defer thc maturity of,
<br /> and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt evidenced by the note or any indebtedness to the Government secured
<br /> by this instrument, (d) release any p�tty who is li�ble undcr the note or for the debt from liability to the Go�ernment.
<br /> (e)retease po�tions of the property and subordinate its lien,and(f)waive any other of its rights undec this in�trument.Any
<br /> and all this can and wip be done without affecting the lien or the priority of thi�instrument or Honower'� or any other
<br /> party's liability to the Government for payment of the note or debt secured by this instrument unlesa the Government says
<br /> otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any forbearance by the Government-whether once or ofte�-in exercising any right or
<br /> remedy under this insLrument,ar atherwise atforded by applicable law,sha1)not be a waiver of or precl�sde the exercise of
<br /> any such right or remcdy.
<br /> (lSj If at any rimc ic ahaU appcar to thc Gavcrnment that Borrower may be able to obtain a loan from a production
<br /> credit associsuon,a Federal land bank,or other responsible cooperative or prlvate credit source,at reasonable rates and terms
<br /> for loans for similu purposes and periods of time, Borrower will,upon the Government's reque�t,apply for and accept such
<br />. �^"_.1! 2^ ny�i�II� �RlL`i��� et� a� !�? P.^!L a,P�g!!j jAa��so�,n��gk�_�.���1�tfY�?�:SlL� LST�^.°.� fA!8L`r �L^ �' .^.L�� �'S f`^_ � ..:.
<br /> purchased in a cooperative ien�mg agency in connection with such loan.
<br /> (l6) Default hereunder�hall conatitutc default undcr any other rcal estate, or under any persona)property or other,
<br />' sccurity instrument held ur insured by the Government and executed or assumed by Boaower,and default under any such . .
<br /> other security instrument sh�ll constitute defauDt hereunder.
<br /> (l7) Borrower further agrces that the loan(s)seeured by this instrumcnt will be in default should any loan prceeeds _
<br /> be used for a purp osc that will contributc to czccssivc crosion of highlq crodible land or to the conversion of wet�ands to
<br /> pr�duce an agricultural commodity,�s further explained in 7 CFR Patt 1940,Subpart G,Exhibic M.
<br /> (18) SHOULD DEFAULT occur in the performance or discharge of any obligadon in this instrument or secured by �j
<br /> this instrument, or should the puties named as Bonower die or be dec[ared an incompetent,or should any one of the puties
<br /> n�med as Borrower be discharged in bankruptcy or declared an insolvent or make an assignment for the ber.eft of creditors, s
<br /> thc Covernment, ai its option, with or without notice, may: (a)declue the entire amount unpaid under the note and any
<br /> indebtedness to the Govetnment hereby secured immediately due and payable, (b)far the account oft Sonower incur and pay i
<br /> reasonable expensea for repair or maaateuance of and take posses�ion of.operate or rent the property,(c)upon application ,
<br /> by ic and production of this insuument�without other evidence�nd without notiee of htuing of said apphcation, h�ve a � :
<br /> receiver appoiated for the property, with the usual powers of receivers in like cases,(d)foreclose this inst�ament u pravided ' �?
<br /> hercin or by law,and(c)enforce any and all other rights and remedies provided herein or by present or future law. ''-`•r'•
<br /> (19) T9�e proceeds of foreclosure sale shal)be applied in the following order to the p�yment of: (a)costs and expenses .;�
<br /> ineident to enforcing or complying with tfie provisions hereof, (b)any priar lien�required by law or a competent court to be ..�.
<br /> so paid, (c.) the debt evidenced by the note and all indebtedness to the Government secured hcrcby, (d) inferior liens of .
<br /> record rec�uired by law or a compeeent court to be so p�id. (e) at the Government's option,any other indebtedness of Bor-
<br /> rower owu�g to or insured by the Government,and (f) any balance ta Borrower. At foreclosure or other sale of all or�ny
<br /> part af the Qroperty, the Government and its agents may bid and purchase as a strangcr a.nd may pay the Government's shue
<br /> of che purchase price by crediting such amount on any debts of Bonower owing to or insured by the Government, in the
<br /> order ptescribed above.
<br /> (20) Bonowcr agrecs that the Government will nat be hound by any preseat or ��ture State larv. (a) providing for
<br /> ' �sluation, aggraisa3, hamrsteac3 or eserry ption of the property. (bj pruhibiting maintenance af an action for a deRcieney
<br /> judgment or limiring the amount thereof or the time within which auch aedon must be brought, (c) prescribing any other
<br /> statute of limitations, (d) allowing any righc of redemption or possession following any foreclosure sale, or (e) limiting the
<br /> conditions which the Government may by regulation impose, �ntluding the interest rate it may ch�rge, as a condition of
<br /> approviag a transfer o6 the property tu a nrw Borrawer. Borrower expressly waives the benefit of�ny such State laws.
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