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<br /> 990 aca�.e��
<br /> � lJ�san �cc�Ipi of��yc2cnt ot Y6�a ��pisW htai. Tr�!�.tsc eQ►ail dc!lver to tho �.irchaser 'i'ruslea's da.'d rnr+veyic� the _
<br /> ptv�perty.Tite rrcltal9 tn t�e'Pr�stcp•�dced shall he prtEnn facie ovidcac�o!the truth of the�stattmtente made ttcerein.
<br /> Tru�tco�t9�n11 nppl� tt�e proceeds of tho�alc G�ltia faliowt��rde�:fp)to eA��ust�mid expens�w af exer►ising tito{sodvcr oP
<br /> �te�aa��t tha Fnle,icicl�c�ing the p�ymeei9 c�tthe'frustco'e tees�ctuuily tacmrred,noi to excecd g��p '%�
<br /> of tbe p�inel�l amonnt of eho�tot�at Iho timo a!tAs�dcclarntlan of defc�ult, s►nd aeasanndl�atQurnoye fc�.a as�cr�itttc�
<br /> by law;(b)tu all r,�t�t�s�cured b�thts i4tcn�tty Imtt�umcntt netd ts)eny excts9 to the person o��rer�n�lcgally euttlled to .
<br /> ft. �
<br /> 23. Iternnvey�nce. Upan paynzent uf ail �ums securad by thiR Sccudty lnstnrm��t. l.ender shnll res�uest Trustec to
<br /> rcconvey the P+roperty and shnll surc�nder thia Security lnstmmcnt nnd all naYes cvidencinB debt secured by this Sccndry
<br /> Irtstrument to Truste.e.Teustee shali rccanvey the E'n�pc:rty without aarrunry cud w3thaut churge to the person or persons legally
<br /> cntitled to it.5uch penon or person9 ehall pay uny n�cordndon onsts.
<br /> 23.Sulnittute'ihrstee. Lemder. nt itx option. mny from dmc ro time remove T�u.�tc�nrtd appaint u suoce.vsor trustce to
<br /> uny TYt�tee Appointed hcnunder by un instrument recorded in tha cout�ty in which thia Secudty Instrument ia resordad.Without
<br /> ao,lvcyuna3 of tha Prap;.�ty.tho suc�;or tntstc�e s9u11 succeed to nU xhe�dtto,pc�uer und duties mnfen�d upan Trustee herein
<br /> und by uppll�ablo luw.
<br /> �A.Bequcst far Notio�v.Borcower reyuests thnt capies of tha nat3ces of dofautt and snto be�sent to Bormwer's uddress
<br /> which is che Propefty Addn,ss.
<br /> 25.Rklers to thls Secarity Iastrument.If ona or more ddets ure executed by Bomowcr r;nd recarded together with this
<br /> �ecudty Instruanent. the covenants nnd ugree.ment�of eacA sueh c�der shall b�incotpornted into and ahall amend and supplement
<br /> the oovenants and ugraments of this 5ecurity instcumant as if tha rtd¢r(s)wen a part of this Sectuity Instrument.
<br /> (Gitxk applicablu boa(esDl
<br /> Adjustable Rate R[dar Q Condominimn Rtder I-4 Femily Ridcs
<br /> (��tduated Paycnent Rider Plenrted Unit Development Rider Biwakly 1'aymu►t Ridu
<br /> 9allaon RIder Rato Improvement Rider Seaond liomr Rfdcr
<br /> V.A.Rider Othe�(s)[spocIfjrJ
<br /> 9Y SIGNIINO BBLOW.Borrower acoepts and agsees to tho terms uad oovenan9s wntairied In thts•Savrlry Insteument u�
<br /> in any dder(s)exxuud by Bomower ar�d recorded wi�I�[t. p
<br /> *:iiiic�sc , !� n
<br /> .a CJt�.,}g { R�,.�Z�) '�-r_
<br />�- � ��� p�y p�/ •e«T�Nlr
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<br /> , .. -- R ARD L: ��A'MAN�
<br /> , �• � '�"�<��,
<br /> ' QAI�OL� A NCQAR$AN -eamwrr _
<br /> •. ��� .,..�(�D
<br /> .13rrrower � -9omo,ner
<br /> . .:,,,_.,, ,
<br /> STAT�1��311F.Nk:BI�tASKA► C°��'�' �KA�.L .
<br /> . 'The fazegoing tnstrumcni w3s eck�owtedged before m�this 1�� ' . �Y°f pBHRU�IRX ' 1999 °
<br /> �''�� by �lla L 11� ,�t#,�i��i CA�OL.I��IA�N� �IUEDINTQ��D I1PB. ' ` �` � . .
<br /> i ncss m a.ir rto un 8 GtTi�.D1A I SLAND s '�536`3k31�1SKA re said Cout�y.tha da�-
<br />� ' �,;;:�• MY�!�(!t�nisston Bxplres: , ,
<br /> � , , �iduntY Pumic,
<br /> � � , �6EMFtuINOrAArSUreo�N►Oraska , .
<br /> . ,;;. GARYA.NfSER �
<br /> �niCo�m.�.�wrs:z000 ,
<br /> ' :� ., .. . .
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<br /> ao�.o cro Fo�m 1028 a190 .
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