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.: , i <br /> . ,y„ ,. � ' .. ., . , ' _...--....._._. ..� <br /> _ . <br /> .. i ir_ -.-.�.._.. ----.._. . .. ... . - � � <br /> --_.._.....__.... _.___.....'— <br /> l <br /> �9m �`3�8�P�r COVENANTB <br /> � �, 1, ppym��ts. 8orrowor agrooa to moko nll paymonta on tha eocurod dabt whon dua. Un�ona Bondv�or nnd Londor oproe othorwlso, any <br /> pnymonto ondor rocolvon irom Borrowor or ior Borrowor'e bonollt wll� bo apttp1Iled itrat to any nmounte Borrowar owoa an tho eo�urod dobt <br /> not�oduco or�oxeuso�any�achaduiod pnymont uittll tho aocurod do6t ia�peid in tutlr�propoymant ot tho nocurod debt oeeu�s 4or ony ronean,lt will <br /> ' 2.6tefms Aprricin�4 TIUr.Borrowo�witt pay oll taxon,osooaomante,ond othor ohorflo$ottributab�o to tho proporty whon duo and wili dofond tltto <br /> dotonsoa whlchaeorrowor may hovo ogelnst pardtl0spwho eupply/abor od materialo to Imprave orvmelntoin tho ptopolty06�lgn any tiphto,alalmo or <br /> :r .' <br /> �J,tnnunrrc�. 8orrower wlil koep ttw �roporty Innu�od undor term� ecac�ptabto to Londor at 8ortowor's oxponno and for Londot'o bonoflt. All <br /> fnnurance pollolos sha�l tnctude o standard mongngo ciauan In lovor of lundor.Landor wlit bo nomod oo bsn poyoe or as the incurod on nny cuch <br /> insuranco poliay.Any inauraneo procooda may bo appited,within Londa's diecretion,to eithor tho roatoretian or topafr of tho d�moflod proporri .�u.�.r�� <br /> or to tho socurod dobt.I}Londor raqutras mortpapo inaurence,Battowar ngroos to malntoin euch insuranco far oo tonp os Londor roquiroo. „�`� <br /> -,�-.-apF'� 4.Proparty.0orrowor wlti koap tho praperty In good condltlon end mnko a�l ropalro roeeonnbly nocossary. ;�_ <br /> "'" 6.Exponsos.8orrowor naroos to pay all Londor's oxponeos Inctuding rac+sonabto attornoys'teos,if Borrowor brouks ony covonAnts In this dood ��� <br /> of uust or in any obligt+tlon eecu►od by thia deed of truat.�orrowor wul paY theso omounto to Landor ae provlded In CovenonY 9 ot thto doad of <br /> trust. <br /> � 8.Peior S¢eudty IMerests.Unteas 8orrowar tiret obtains Londar'a wrlttun eonsont, Bonowor will�ot make or pormit any cho�gos to any prlor <br /> ' Bncludtn��RCrtawor s eovonnn sit mako peym nta�when�duoobtipetione isndor any prbr mortfla9o, deod of truet or otho�eocurity ogroemnnt, �'� <br /> i �,qut�m. 9nt of Rmte nnd Proflri.Bortownr assipna to londor tha ronts and profits ot the proparty.Unlosa Bonowor ond I.andar hove aflrood ���--- <br /> � otherwfso In writinp, Boaowor mny eolioat nnd rotain thn ronte es lon8 Aa Barrowor lo not In deinutt.�i Barcawor dofauite. Lender, Londor's ,- <br /> agent,ar a coun appointed reeetvor maY tnko possesston and ma�apa the ptoporty nnd eoilect tho ronts.Any ronte lender eolleate shnli be �;);�_' <br /> ' � , appl3ed firot to the eosta ot manegin8 the proporty, including court costa and attorrteyo'fees,commissiona to rontel egents,and ony other F - <br /> nocesanry roiatod oxp9nsea.Tho romatn►np amount of�ents wlll thut�apply to paymente on the socurod debt as provided In Covonant t. ,_: <br /> ' 8.L�u�hatds•CondomWumf:Piannsd Unit Dwntapm�r�t�.Bo�rowor e raes to comply w(th tha provk�IOn�ot any lenae it Yhis doed ot 4rust fs on <br /> �_ <br /> �� ,. a leesehotd.I�this dae�ot Vust is on o uMt In o condominium or a pQonnod unit tlevofopmont.Borroha� wAI podorm all of Borro�vor's dutlos `-��.— <br /> " • � undet tho covenerne,bylarve,or reguiattona af the condominium or planned unit developmam. :,� <br /> • 9,quthQdty o}��ndee iv 6�frorm for Benower. If Bor�o�vor fWis to porform eny of Bo�TOwar'e dutfoo under thts da�d at truat,Londor msy _ <br /> <, ,� • pertorm the duttos or causa them to be pertormed.Lortdar may sign Borrower's rtama or pay any nmount if nocoss�rv tor po►tormanee.If any �:-.-_• <br /> �� consVUetion on the property is diseonUnuad ar no4 oattlod on in a�easonebte mennor,Le�nder may do whatever is necoaaary to proteet Landor's <br /> soeudty inmroat in tho property.Thfa mny inelude eomp�oting tho con�tr�eation. �" <br /> � � � Lendot'e failuro to pe�form wfll not preetudo Lender hom ozorciaNig any af Rs other riphta under ihe I�w or thfa deed ot truat. � <br /> AnV omouMa paid by Lenflar to protoct Landor's aecurity Interost wiA bo sacured by this dood ot vuet.Such omounts will be duo on demand _ <br />' and wiil boar Interest 6om Yho dete of tho pnymant unUl putd!n fuli at tho intetest Iete in 0ffuat on the socured debt. - <br /> 10. O�fa�dt�nd Accd�mton. If Bonower toita to mnko any Deyment vYhen due or btoaka any covenonta undor this deed of truat or any <br />� `i:F;.� oblipatton oaeurod by this daed o}trust or any prlor mortgage or deed d1 uuat, Lender msy aceeterate tho meturity of tha seeuroc!dobt end <br /> � ��'° deme�fmmediete payment and may Imroke the power of eelo end any other ramedloe permitted by appNeable law. <br /> s . t� <br /> .`.-���n�� ° -- <br /> �..,,�,,� 11.Rsqwst tar Hotic�of Oif�uk.It Is hereDy reQueatoa tnat�or�iaa oi tha�roticee ui latault and sa��=�nL t4 aaeh parmon w o s e pa <br /> �;,r hoteto,et tho addrose ot each euch pereon,as sot torth horoin. <br /> ,�'; : <br /> ,; 1�.Pow�r of 8ve.�t the Lender invokas tha powor of autn,tho Truatcse ahall Tirst raeord In tho offlee of the reglstcsr ot doeda ot ouc county <br /> � � ' ��titE,�tit � wheroin the aust ptoparty or aomo pert or parcol tharen4 is situeted e noUce of Aeteult aontaintrM�oT9m a��d io othei upareona�es p�toserfbed�by <br /> ,_.�,.,;r�,, sAa�i at3e mail aoples ot the�atico of doteult to tho Borrowet,to each porsan who is a party h a �ot in eny <br />-+.,.,:,-,;���.;�..�.,, epp.ios�►12,Wrv.Not lesa thon ono month after the Trueteo �ocorde the notice of dofau or two moMhs it the tru4t ptoperty i <br /> ��:��?:;,�•, incotporatod�rty or vlllago and is ussd in farrninp oparaUona cturled on my the trustor,the�rustee sholl give pubfic notiee of eate to the pe►sons <br />-" � ��i��.1��;;;; and in tha menner preacribed by eppD���b�o law.Truatee,Tithoui demand on Bonower,ah811 eoll the pTOpertll At publla eucHon to tho hlphost <br />"�'� „ • ';i�•� bidder.t!�equtred by the Farm Homostead Protaotion Aat, �uatoo eheil oNer tho prope�ty in two separate selea ea wquired by appltcabto law. <br />= . �� Truatao may postpone oato ot atl or eny percol of tho propertY by yubllo announeemont at tho time and placo of aov pnnvlousty schoduied eeie. <br />�. - Londer or tta desipnee roaV p�rehase tho proporty ut oav selo. <br /> ' Upon roeofpt ot peYmeM of the price btd,Trueteo shall deliver w the purchaeer Truatoe's decd conveylng the proporty.Tho recitinis containad in <br /> - � Truetoo•a dted eheil bo prime feete evidfence ot the buth of the etotements coMainod theroln.Ttuatae sheit opA�Y u►e Droceoda of the aale in ths <br /> ' ' foilowing ardor: (e1 to atl exponsos of the eate, including, but not Ilmitad to, ruesonabio Truotmo's 400s, rooBOnnble nttanreY's feaa end <br />-'`` �' � 1` roinstc�tement fees;(b1 W n1i suma sseured by thts dood of trust,eRd la)tho baiertee,if ony,to the poveona logoily ontitted to roceive R. <br />_�-:±;iir.ur..l�. <br />_v.�,�;�-�.-•" 13.fonclotur�.At lsndar'e optlo�,thls deed of uuE�anny bo foroclosod in the manrtor provlde by appltuaWe law tor toroclosure of mortgages <br /> --=r,,�,-;}�„� on real ptopartY. <br /> ;���,:. 14.tnat�etlon.Lendar mey anter tf�e proparty to inspeot it if ler+dor givas Borcower notico beforohand. The notic�mast atato Me�easonablo <br />���_,:�� cauao fa�6,�ar�der's inspeation. <br /> _ � .. <br /> �,�•,�.�`". �g,Cw�d�mnetton,Barewer uasl ns to Londor tho procoada ot arsy ewerd or ciairn tor dameg oe cannaetod with e candortnetlon or other ta ng <br /> of eii or any purt of 4he ptoparty.�ueh procoede w111 bo appliod as provfded tn CovonerK 1.This asetpnmont Ia subjeot to the terma of nny prtor <br />�+`":..:•� :.r..' soaudty ogroament. — <br /> �.__.,�.:�,.•. ..' r�y _ _ <br />`y-�:=����� eny iema�dy upon Borco�w�es defautt,�ondo�r dooa not wclve er�iy rtpM�to taeo9con�idar�o evont e deteult if it h°ppons egelny� BY not oxorefaing <br /> '�-�,rltF1��`.3�.,�:. <br />,.��,x_�;:���i;�4 17.JoG�t�nd 8�v�rd U��� Co�si�as Succ�saon and AsstDns 8aur�d.AII duttea under thls deod of trust are Jolnt end severa. ny =_ <br /> ,��y Borrower who co-sfgna thla deed oi truat but Eoos not co�lOn Uu+ umtnr�y{ng dabt Ustrumentts)does so onty to flrant and convey thaR <br />_-���j�}{;_.,.. Bottower's interest In Mo propony to the Trusteo under the terms of thia doed of addiUon,sueh a Bor►ower e0►ees Met tho Londar n� <br />��t.. L�,, . any other 8oaovrer undar thta dead of truat may extend,modi►y or meke pny other chenpea in tho tarms ot this dood ot trust ar tho socured <br /> r�;=;n,-'� �, • da6t vritRout thot Borrowar's cansont nRd wfthout rateesUg thMBorrowar hom tho tern+a o7 thtn deed of truat. <br />- - •- The duttes and tanotits of this doad of truet oheli btnd and Denetit U+e suecessora and easi8ns ot Londet and Bortowar. <br /> 18.Noftce.Unleas athornvfso�aquirod by Iaw,anY rtotico to Barowor shall bo Uiven by delivoring ft or by mnilirtg It by eortl8ad mnA addrossad to °-- <br /> � .,. Bcnower et tho prop0rty addross or uny othor atldross that 8ortowor fws ga��o g���nd��or has doafignetcd A V�ar not`ico to Loyndor nhnU =� <br />�,;.---'::..,�-,r�=� i.�it.�1.&Rd:,�'�Sddtr..'S LYf DEBL� 4f th�?�1aaw1 0}VuBt.Ot L08tf�►OthEf an _- � <br /> �- � :• ba e6M to lendor's addroso as stetwl ai ps90 1 of thi�decd of hvs4 ��'-- <br /> _ � �,., <br />- , ,�: Any rtotlao ahnll bo doomcd to hovo baon givon to Bo�rowe�or landcr wAon givon in th�monnor stoted obovo. �.a_ <br /> - ;.` 13.Tronsta ot tM PtoA�etV c*s B�rtottd�0 Mt�*�n tn tlt�e°n°�K'�t°11°T any paR of iho propt��y or ony interest in ft fa nold or trnnsfottod <br /> • without londor'o prior writton co+�tara. 4ende►may domared immcdtnm paymant ot tho¢oeura-d debt. lertdor mayo�o�domortd Immedfate ��'�: <br /> p a y rt:ar.t if tho Bonower is not a nc�rrat person and u bonoticial Nrtotost in Mo 8onowor in s¢'_wJ or uansfottod.H Lrtrtslor may not �3 r� <br />- domertd paymcnt in tho ebova s ituationa i t i t Ia p r o h i b i t e d b y f o d a r a i l a w e s o f t h o d a t o o t Ni u duad mf aust. ��:- <br /> ' 20.ReeonwYm►es•OVttEr�tha oblipetion gecutod Dy tkis daad of trust has beon paSd ond Londo� has no turthm ublfgatlon to meke advancos [=;:' <br />— undcr ttre insuumorrb ar agroomente soeurod by thin ainud ot true�tho Truatoo shotf upon writton roquost by tha L�nder. roconvoy the truet <br /> mnmrev.Tha Lendor eh�ii dolivar to Me 8orrowor,et ua Borrowcsr'a euCeossor In Interoat,tho trust deod ond tha noto ar othsr ovtdonco of tho <br /> ` -. _ -_� obifpation so ewflsflod.8orrowor ahan pay any roeorer+rian coaia. __ <br /> ` 21.8uceeaao� T�ustse. londor, ut Londor'o optton, mey romave Truatoo ondap potrK a etucco�sor trustau bY lirot• mol�tn9 o eoDY °f�o <br /> ' " subatitutlon of trustoo oa roquirud by app�fcubto law,and thon,by}��s�Uro substitutlon ot ttu3too fot toC�td in tho oN�co at Mo roptetar of dtode <br />' •�'. " c u c c o o d t n n tiY t t ro p a w a r.d u t i oms,�o��c no e►n v o a i ni o of tho Y a oA nemad�n dio dood of trust ne dsof amr isuc oa�orvaustvo.of tho proportY.ehait u <br /> — ° „ . <br />--- �` . <br /> ' , • ,. <br /> .. �. <br /> � fpags J ol?1 <br /> .. OANRER9 SYBTE�AB.tNC..6t.C10U0.MtN 60101 It1i0P�87•t3�t1 WAM OCFtAT6N!8/tB101 _ <br /> i <br />