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<br /> , ,., � ,_, . <� � . . ..
<br /> . . .......----�---�-�--
<br /> , ,
<br /> --.. _,...
<br /> .,..
<br /> � --------=�'-.�.._.�,__........_...�.._..._..._.__......__.__.._...
<br /> ...... ,,. _._._._..... _,.......__.._.�..-------�� .
<br /> . � �9• ����i�.�
<br /> ` 2. �. Tru�tor is the uwn�r of thu Pcopertgr. hns tho dpht and authority to wnvey the I�roperty nnd -
<br /> � . wurranta Ihat tho licn creatcd hereby in n flrst nnd prlor lien on the Property nnd the executios�artd delivery of tho
<br /> - Deed of Tn►st does not vlolnto sny contract ar other obUgatlon to whfch Truator is subje¢t. '�
<br /> " 3. Tnxes_As�eesmema. Ta pay befare delinquent ail toxes,speclal assessments and all othcr cherges againat �
<br /> ,. , •� the PropcAy now or hereaRer levIed.
<br /> �:-
<br /> :����. �=_-
<br /> „ ,,,�, 4. �. To keep tha Property insured Against dan►age by flre haanrds in�luded with the term �.,r
<br /> �,', "extended covemge"nnd such ather herards oa Lender may require in nmount»und wlih ooYnps�des acceptnble to �;,_.
<br /> „ ' � Lender, nrm�ng T..end�r as an addidonul atsmed insured with loas payable to the Lender. In caso of losa undor such �;;'
<br /> polides.tde I.ender is authorized to adjust.collect nnd compromlae eU cla�ma thereunder aad s}�U have the option of
<br /> . applyi�t aU ar part of the insnrance procacds(i)to any indebtedness secwed hereby and in sucE�ader as Lender may
<br /> � determine,(ll)to the Tnistor to be used for the repair or restoration of the Property,or(iii)faY ary other pwposo or __
<br /> �� ^F object omtisfactory to Lendei wIt}►out�8'ecdng the lten of this Deed of Trust for the tLll amowi3 sa+ired hereby beforo _
<br /> " such payment ever too�C placa. Any applicatlon oFprocceda to lndebtedness slutU not eutend or postpflne the due date
<br /> ' �, of airy payments under the Note,or cure az►y default thereunder or hereunder.
<br /> � —.
<br /> • S. �scrov►. Upan wrltten demsnd by Lender,Tn�ator shall pay to Lender,in such rnum�r as Lender may
<br /> ' �'�' designate,su�cIent sums to enable Lende�r to pay os they becoma due one or more of tha followin8: (i)a11 taxes, �
<br /> ' assess�e�s and other charges egainst the Property:(ii)the pretaiums on tha property insurnace requlred her�nder,
<br /> „ ..� and(i3i)the prensiums on aay mortgaga insuruace requind by I,ender.
<br /> � � 6. Maintenart Renaira and C�mulian�with I.nwa. Ttustor shall keep the PraptAy ingaod eondidan and
<br /> � repair�sheU promptly rapair,or replacq any improvem�at which may ba dacuaged or destroyed;ahaD not commit or
<br /> y, � permit urry waste or deteriorattoa of the Property; shall not n�nove, demolish or substen3itlty alter any of the
<br /> improvementa on the Property�,ahaU aot commit,suffer or perntlt arry ect to be dorze in or upon tbe Property in
<br /> � :i� vIoledon of any law,ordjnaace or regulation;and ahaU promptly discl�ar8e at Tnisto�s coat a�i expense all U�ns.
<br />_ .+;;�F:.��- casa�tsr,�sud cher•r�s lc�I�±sl,�ngo�?d or?�.cecaeA against the Property or any p�rt thereof. ,
<br />:�` .,�„
<br /> �,L�, .. s
<br /> �� 7, �roinem nomain_. I.ender is hereby aaaignad all comp$nsation,awarda,damsges �v1 atber paym$ms or
<br /> - : � .�° ' reiief(herei�aaiter•proceeds")In connecHon with condeinaation or other taking af 4Ue PropeRy or part thereo£or for
<br /> � n
<br />-- ��:;`„�' convgy►eaas in IIeu of coadomnattoa. Lender ehall b�entitled at its option to cummenaj.app�ac in and prosecute in
<br /> .,_r�...�,
<br /> �::.�,.� its own name aay actioa or proceedings, and ahatl also bo entitled to make any comymsnise or settlement in
<br /> y:�''��+. �`��� conuectfon w14h such taldng or demage. In the event any portton of the Property is so mksai or demuged,I�nd�r
<br />-=_'tL,r,.r;�ail
<br />_;,.�r.,,. ., shaU have tho optIon,it tto sole and absolute discrettoa,to apply ell such Proceeds,�►fter dedac�therefiom costa
<br /> aftd e�cpuises incwred by it in connection with suah Proaeeda,upon nuy indebtedness s�ed he�reby erid in wch
<br /> �- order as L�er►der raay detefmine, or w appty ell such Pmcoede, after such deductIons�to thr a�eatoratton of the
<br />��`r.��;:��' Property upon such conditions as Lender may detem�iae. Acry applicatton of Proreeds ta i�abtedness shall aot
<br /> '°�- extend or postpone the due date of any puymenta under the Note,or c�u�e aay default theroumd�r or hereunder. Any
<br /> „ unapplied fuada sLall be paid td Ttustor.
<br />-��u::�I"'i"ss
<br /> _-= 8. �er�om�ance bxLender. Upan the occurtence of aa Evem of Default henurtder,or if say act is taken or -
<br /> -- ������a�n le8e�Prxc�g commencad. whtch materielly affecta Lender's imec+est in the Prop�rty�I.�der may ia[ts owa
<br /> =-::.�;:��,� disaetio4 but without obl�gation to do so,and wlthaut eotioe to or demand upon Tnuwr an8 wlthout relessiag
<br /> —'"'"•'"�'' Tn�stor Rom nny obligation,do uny act which Tn�stor hes agased but fails to do and may txiso do any other act it
<br /> ��L'� deems necessery w protect the sea�rity hereof. Tcustor shall,immedtetoly upoa demaad theeofor by Lender,pay to -
<br /> _----,�,;±ri� Lendea�all costs and expens�iacumed and sums expended by L,ender in connection with ttur exerdse by Lander of
<br /> T �—=- the foregoing rlghte,together with intoreat thereon at the dofault rate provided in the Not�e�;ac4�ehall ba edded to
<br /> ,_,� __-- the iadebtedness secureA hereby. Lender ahall not iaaur any l�abifity bocause of aAythin8 it m�y do or omh to do
<br /> <;;.i:�. itereu�tdet. '
<br /> :>
<br />-.:±!>`�'4�"�l
<br /> --.�-=�'�'?`��� 9. Hazerdo�s�et��19. Tn�stor shall keep the Propm�ty in compliance with aU ap,�`.uable laws,ordinances
<br /> -_ x��... and c+egulati�ns nlating to industrial hygiene or a�viroassteatal protectioit (collectivcfy refcrrect to herein us ,
<br />.. ;.�,.,t�a;. «gmfranmentat Lawa"). True�tor sh�ll keep tha Property flea�ora ntl eubstancos dee�ed to bt harardous or toxta
<br /> ''s�is.':.���_. .
<br />_, . under rmy Environmamat Iaws(collecdvely referred to hereL►as"HozArdoua Materials"). iTmsttor hereby w.arranta
<br />- ���+` � ond represems to Lender d�at there ure no Ha�ardous Materiuls on or undor the Prop�nty. 'II ivstor hemby agsees to _
<br />- - -� „ + iadenmity iwd leold hannteas Leadar.ita directore.o�cers,employees nnd egents,�d ay a�a�$asors to L�snde�'s _
<br /> n
<br /> '�". . imerest,flom aad agoinst uny and all claims,daa�sges.Iosses and liabilities iuisLig in coraectlan with the presenee,
<br /> _. . ... �';
<br />- ' �} use disposnl or uansport of cany Hezardaus Mnteduts on,un dar.f rom or a b out t he P r o p e rt y. T'I�F Q R E(3 0 I N Q _
<br /> ; _
<br /> ���,. . -
<br /> -' - 1 O. Aasig�ment of R�ts. 'Ccustor hereby aasi�to L.endcr tha rents.Issuxo md proSta of the Progerty, _
<br /> � � ' provtdcd that Truator shnll.umil the oxurrence of a��Bvent of Dc+f�ult hereunder.hnvo tta right to collect and retein =.
<br /> , � such r+�ts� issues end pro8ts os thay become dae an�payable. Upon th.e occumenw of an Event of DeAudt,Lender =
<br /> may,either in person or by ogent,with or without brtnging atry ucdon or proccedina,or by a caoeiver appointed by a =
<br /> " cowt aad withoat regard to the¢dequacy of its seauitlr.entor upon and tnke posscssion oF tRa Prop�rty.or tmy part =.
<br /> � there��in hs own name or in the Rsmo of the Trustea,ans!do any ucts which it decros hecesssuy or desimblo to _
<br /> - pnseive ths vatue,marlcetabiliry ot renwbility of the Proparty,or any part thereo�or imerest thwein,inereasc+tho =
<br /> � irtcome then�&om,or pro4ect tho seuuity thereo�un�,wlth or without tuldng possension of the Froperty.eue for,or -
<br /> othe:wise collect,th�ro�►ts,i�uos t�r�d proSts therea�including thosc►pust due artd ungsa{d, und npp{y the snme.le.as _
<br /> - ' _
<br /> Y . . =
<br />_ . - - - - -
<br /> __.� .,.,�_.—. ,- ..�_�.� --
<br />