<br />I The Ciry shill be calif •d a minimum 01 forty ek,.1461 Moors in advance of minor project carol ruction 12 It sidewalk. wheel char lamps or any portion of the pedestr en twines are removed or dosed, a pedestrian detour shall be established
<br />2 The uuotra car dug adhere kir the coram City enndaN r u:ihwliuns, upprovedspecial door. City sleridurdprone.n MuGw-. mndnu:lan and maintained dunng the time of the closure and the entire pedestrian (ochry shall be restored woken seventy-two (72) hours. unless the
<br />PProvo Y g Y contractor provides a hard surface animals route approved by the illy
<br />pmedurex mann
<br />3 The locations ural, atrial and underground unity facilities may nal be indiceed un the project plana The convenor is required b cannel teethe w Agpie lruln detours and any rebonslNgtan of pedastnan facilities shall mealcwrenlAmercans with Disability Acl(ADA,Slandeds and
<br />Call 811 001)1114110. center ,4101 el I forty-60g40 hours nor b working l0 the cit ) of way Nu excavation will b< a milled in the area of bDeCdM;a
<br />( Jinn) P lea Y nigh Y D r
<br />the underground utilities until all funned hese been fixated and identified a the sa10fwtion igen purrs Tlw uuntneW1 doll be responsible fur
<br />14 All pedesvin detours shall be ped of an approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP)
<br />pr01 Sion of all underground and aerial utilities and infrastructure
<br />15. All fides made In city pavements kir the purpose of performing vacuum excav4110410 b 610.10 untorpound unties shall be teetotal to
<br />4 W hemi. la underground tenant, are in those proxine y to the pnpaul pathway knee,. or when., er the vented Wee bun of the underground
<br />their original condnon with the reinstated fore gush with and in the original d1Mta6on as Ile nostril suah0e malchep existing pavement
<br />fociliey ie unknown thy permed.: dull use spaced ncasuna to delmn,nc the locations of such underground facilities
<br />outface appearnce
<br />a If the perndlo w conducting d1e exeinetiun by Magmg hum the +wide, when in a close pemenny 0 dee unkegrowd hcililits. net femme.:
<br />16 When the nontdelor Ie rot .Choly ',sorrow. as equipment. remand. 05610.0)4. shall not be placed withers the triangular 818a requinb lot
<br />shell nue holed digging. hydro excavating, air 000aseee,, or ony otter Iobniqua that ate approved by lis City to locale mule loath,
<br />sight dinlanee of vehicles exiting or enlacing an adyaeanl property or intersection
<br />b 11 Ihe screened a conducting the cneuvWbn by tunneling or barmy, the 9 erentec shall determine the vetted' location het the underground
<br />facility by potholing or any other method apprnsed by tet Coy
<br />17 M excavations shall be adequately fenced and covered when contractor Is not present or proper sits len unattended
<br />5 Project plane shall dimension new radii.. hem, inuelled Meaeuiemerde shall be taken from existing adjatenl visible me.t.res (curbs. pole.
<br />16 No lane closures allowed on arterial streets dung AM ltd PM peak hours unless approved by City Traffic and Right of Way Construction
<br />kabinet. manholes, inlets lin hydrants etc J elcally denlilvngt location cal such facility The kumator shall vu )y d0 ennoes Worn limn city tilos
<br />eection(s) sluff.
<br />6 Unhce spiel iul un 1he stun nee, the depth of inquired l:cildms in they ism shall ba at a minimum es draws
<br />19 All won name baffle control. including pedestrian control measures, shall be in compliance with the MUTCD, ADA. end the City Standard
<br />Speclgcaaora
<br />a Thirty...3132)inch.. in toil,,f inch pcome and iv.eesu. wmry.6ar (24)echo. can be 00Od
<br />b Feely-mm 142) inches below a inesnied slope from the flow line of a dneh a a three (l) brooded and one 111 v.nithl slope
<br />20. The City shall be no lined • minorum of Seventy Two (72) hours poor to any lane or mad Closures
<br />21 The contractor shall notify all affected owners of adjacent properties a minimum of 10M-10.9ht (46) hours prior to beginning of construction
<br />c Forty-eight 140) Inches under a roadway measured nom the surface of avid roadway to vie top o11hr mongolian
<br />and provide updates to the affected owners when Construction phesee change that affect the areas of work associated with the permit
<br />d FunYsight 1401/001400 oder a 1l0001 water or creek channel deign b000en of pipe. and
<br />22 The contractor slug menage a set of'as burg- plena on she wind demeneioning TheSe plans shell be presented upon rogues) to any oily
<br />1Drawnlallve
<br />e Mended arnanmen et Mtdy6,0(241 undies ell 10010;1 endhend000) WNW Wel dadda aftWe
<br />23 A wrrenl toy right of wry conslructlon permit, a dry approved plan set and traffic control plan OW be maintained on each work site by
<br />I' Be located as f r loam the existing or curb nm oe pw.iblo ria oven pulontW linker conflicts
<br />the contractor The contractor shall present such permit and plan set upon request to any oily representative
<br />24 The contreel01 shell remove locale flaps eerie won Ie complete
<br />7 All pinhole. in ldlwelk panels will be SIkd unreel dirsmlod by City inapeclur. Ifcolonel toothed 0r pawned conenele is dieting. replscem0n
<br />patella, and ponces porch will be repined to march as proclicable Owner may be Iequrtd to pd money emu escrow loaner all regain prior le
<br />Martin, work
<br />25 Any field edjuslnen)s to installation of facilities, which vary from the plana that have been subedited and approved during the permit
<br />epphoation process, shall comply with the hollowing-
<br />a All 001000.0. sutac4lrobrals Ihel ane disturbed by excaveuun and backfiring open11005 shall be replaced nod rei)oted
<br />0 The contractor must sop work anmedbley and Centred the Witty owner
<br />9 City dnret mrface Meet-tall dishobui shat) he h..klillcthl lammed and 10p0sd by hey fond w app., od Avery 0odraler
<br />ID All Conduit, youth end Pedestals shall he ideated in the publeo ROW and in public uliliy enem:nes
<br />b The 4909)1654Mf s fe91454na1NC snarl contact the cry's eonstruclbn insltedor end provide tem with the details of the proposed
<br />changes
<br />1) Aerial eu0.wd Mande bn by Pok Owners
<br />c The City inspector well make a determination on how to proceed This determination may range from approval over the phone on vee
<br />elreme mango,
<br />C81
<br />_ Ll�
<br />.All shown on will preeniud reparohly All pole prmite submitted to pule owners will follow
<br />N65(' cddn
<br />mai to deleykg Ihe project unli plans can be updated and appropreale review can be conducted
<br />26 Crossing CM of Grand Island Traffic Sgral Infrastructure
<br />a. Conduit shell nor be placed between Cety'e Traffic Signal Cannel and Connecting traffic signal Conduit and pores 11 unable to route the
<br />laraflliii
<br />conduit mound the City's Traffic Signal Cabinet end Connecting traffic signal Conduct and poles because of physical constraints, a
<br />MAR "'0"""""
<br />meeting we be held ensile with the contractor, city, and ALLO to determine the best condu0 alignment between these structures
<br />al wurnon swam% a..
<br />0 Condue shell he offset a mmtmum of Flee (5) feet hon the base of slay traffic signal cabinet. tragic signal pole, or trwrieraffic rier pull box II
<br />enwd,vs., '1ie' xwrr. o
<br />SPec)d 48Ugu) shall be bored unless specified otherwise
<br />2 Contractors shag non~ land owner prior to work on all iodate deveapmenu
<br />3 A reminder to the reader the drawings ars scaled, thus dimension ts available at all ocahons
<br />CoMuil cannot be offsol a minimum of Five (5) feel from the base of any traffic signal cabinet, traffic signal pole, or traffic stoner pull box
<br />because of physical 00406 lnls, a meeting MI be held onsite to determine the 6054 accommodation welch may result in less than the
<br />desired 5' of offset
<br />feel deep where crossing existing sgnel conduit, Trefic Signal conduit snag be potholed and versed on-
<br />Conduit shag be placed six(9) bc
<br />tole before boring If unable to maintain Bei (6) feet of depth where crossing existing signal conduit, a meeting well be held onsite
<br />between the city, contractor, and ALLO to delemtne the best conduit alignment that may be less than 6' deep
<br />thoreseeaaronththitheinuithes
<br />nal, ungrannallur,
<br />Ohm .....2112e.c
<br />4 The contractor shall bypass all MST pedestals earth dsp0u!on conduit *nee InstaMd parallel to MST conduit 5lmilady,
<br />bypass the T18 "Fowerpor with MST co cluet when installed paralol to I0Wre 16017 co0014
<br />Allo
<br />N
<br />A
<br />