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, <br /> .. { �, <br /> .� <br /> .. <br /> . .. -� ., . � , ', <br /> „ . ., , � . <br /> , <br /> ., .... �� .. „ ,,�,.,��u,. �. � <br /> , . .. <br /> . <br /> „ ... . .... _........_ ..�. . <br /> .. . .. .. . , . <br /> . ._ .. . _..----.. .. � . <br /> �. �m���A�Ta gga s�����s <br /> paym�onta Londor�raco/voadfrom BorioBwor a�r foi 9oriowor a ba�ofit wl�li kobep�1p1Prd flrot io any umounts Borrowoi owue on thoteoaurod dobf �� <br /> not iodueo or o�cuflnu�any oehodutod paymont�u,tl tho�oocurodt dobtRe'pnid In 1uli��prepoymont of tho oocurod dobt occurs for urty ronaon,It wlll <br /> Z.Ctams Aptin�t TIU�.Bonowor wfll pay all tuxoo,ossosamonu,ond othar chargon attrlbutoblo to tho propnrty whon duo and wfll dotond titlo <br /> to tho proporty atleinat uny cloims which would impeir tho tlon of thla doed af trust.londor moy roqulro Borrowar to osolpn ony rights,clnims or :l Y I <br /> � dotanuoit whlch Borrowor may hovo nflolnot partion�vho suppty labot ar mntarinte to Improvo or maintnin tha proporty. <br /> 9.tnawanes. Bo►rowot wlll kaap tho proparty tnourad undot 4orma nacaptable to Londor ot 8orrowor'a ox�o n s o a n d!o r l o n d o r's b o n e f i t. A l l <br /> Inautnnco polioyeAny�inaurania pioceeda meyrtboflapptiod�within Lo ao��diec uiio�`,to��eiher thotlestorationaor repair8of thendamoged property . <br /> �-= or to tho aocurod dabt.ti Londor roquiros mortgopo insuranco,Sorrower a8reos to maintnin such Inouranee for as long as Londer requlrus. ; � <br /> '��'"F�r Borrowor wfll keop tho property In good condition ond rnake nll rapaits roasonabty nocessory. �a <br /> .w,., 4.Property. '_ <br /> of truot or�lo any oblipatlon socuredyby thls dood af truat Botiawornwill pay theso amount to Lender�as provlded in Covenent 8�of thieh�eod of `�'`"` <br /> �•. � <br /> truet. <br /> 8.Prlor Seeu�y intereate.Unteae Borrowor prst oEtnlna Lender'a wdtten consont,Borrowar wlll not mvke or permit any chenges to any prbr ���:_._ <br /> �� �* socurity intaroals. Borrowor wiU peHorm aM of 8orrowa�'e obligatians undor any prior mortflnpe, dood of t�uet or other eecurity agreem6nt, _ <br /> 'C' ,E Inoiudinp Borrowor's covonanta to mako poymonte when duo. �-s- <br /> ,. , . <br /> 7.Asnipmm�nt of Re�a ar�d Pirotits. Borcowor aaaigna to Lander the tants nnd profks of tlio propetty.Untess Borrower and Lender have agroed <br /> � othoptwiso in v�rltfnp,Borrowsr may colleyct and rotuin tho ronts as Iong ae Bo�rowor is not in default. It Borrower defauita, Lender,Lender's �� __ <br /> • ';1� appllod first tothe coetseaf�manaeinmgtha prePerh�.�noiuding court eoste�and attornoys'cto�ea�commfsslons^ioriental a�ents�a�nd any other s1 <br /> nocnsapry ro�atod oxDensea.Tho romaTning amount of�ente wtii thon eppty to peymenta on tho securod debt as provided i� ovenant 1. �.• <br /> 8.Lonnohoid��Condomintuma;Planned Urtit Devolopmsnte.Bonower egannod unftmdov le o�pment pBoriower wUi perioim elihot 8ariowor sSdutios o�-o <br /> #�,�. a toosohold.If thia dued of trust la �n a unit in a eondominium or a pl L—�- <br /> undor the eovenonts,byIowa,or teeulet�ona of tho condominlum or plennad unit deveiopment. <br /> �pe o�:, <br /> '�� pettot�dte�duties or�causo t�ham 4o be pe�ormodf lendeWmey�sipn Borrownr's�nemo opr pay any nmount if necessmry fdrpeif ra mancoett eny <br /> 'r conauwsUon on tho proporty ts disconUmied or not aartiod on in a�easonabto manner,Lender may do whatever ia nocesserl►to protgat Lender's yY <br /> , ,�,� sucurtty intorast in tho propatay This may inelude complotinp tho conauuatlon. c.=�=_: <br /> � Londor's failure to porform wiil not proctude Lendor iram oxorciaing any of fta other rights under the lavv ar thie dead of trust. -- <br /> • D and wi I benreintedrost hom tho duto of tho puyment untii pa d in tull e�th9einterostdate in eNoct on the socured ddbi U�W��I ng��on demand �---- <br /> r• 1p. O�fautt�nd AcalloraUpn. If Borrower falis to matce any poyment when due or breaka eny covenante wxier this deed ot ttust or eny <br /> -� do��rt�inQnd Immediatdo paVmont end may invoko tho power of seio aRd any othe ren►ed eI ra pormltted by cppll�bie lpwudty of the eocured debt and � <br /> � har���at the eddress6 ot e�h Bunh�potsoo,eas 6et forNiho eln.copies of ths noticos of defauft a�d saie be sent to each parsvn.vtw is a�-cr{ �- <br /> t2,povr�r of the Londer invokes tho powar ot snio, tho Trustoo shali firat rocord in the office ot the togister ot deods of oech county <br /> :�.;;'�;, whorele tho uust prop�rty or 8omu part or parcol thereof is situatod a notfee of default eontalning0�o�e�nd to otheiper8ons�acp rescribad by <br /> ehati tleo mell cople at tho notieo ot detault to tho Bortower,to eecfi peraon who is a party h 9 not In a�y <br /> ��%'f'�' appiicab?a lew. No'1�q ea tfian uoo month ettar the T�ustea recorda 1he notiee ot dofauit w t�vo months If the trust propr�rtY 1 <br /> ' Inaorp4rtROd dty or villa�a and la used in ferming operattons aarricd on by tha trustor,the�'ruatee shatl givo public noUee of cs�citfa to tAe persons <br /> . . biddit.If i Qutred by tha�FarmbHomeetoad�'o uet on Aat,Truotee shall oN9t tho piopetr,t yBhnli�e�llBBh�aaiate su ea as re�qui ed by applloable lew <br /> Truoteo may postpone aele of elt or any paraoi of tho property by pubtic announcement et the time and piace of any previously sehedutad saie. <br /> Lurtdnt or ku destgneo m+�y purahaso the property at any seio. <br /> m p <br /> �l��i�j����t;; <br /> T u3tee a deed ahall bo pr�imo tectoCeWd ol nce of t�heo trut�ot tho statomont�conmined thoreinaTtuatae�shali,applypthe taceods�ot the s tto in tho <br />_ .. 'y,�,::;,fp tollowing order: te1 to ali expnnsen of tho se�e, including, but not Iimitod to, ronsonobio 1'ruatee's feas, reasonnble attooncry's toos und <br />-•.�;;a���si/�., reinotetoment foes;tb)to otl sums sacurod b�e this deod ot truat,ond(a)tho belnnce,if ony,to tho persona�ognlly entitled to rocF�ivo It. <br /> *�;a.,:,�,�N , , <br />_; ;;�• ,���,a 13.iar�closua.At Londor's opUon,thio doed of trust mey Eo foreclosed in the menner provide by applloable law for foreclosuro o moet(�eqes <br /> .,,._?4,.j�.' on rmal proporty. <br />-- •i7:,�•:p+:� <br /> °�`m• tp,1�arecdon,Lander may ontor the prvporiY to Inspoot k if Londer givea Bortower�otico bolo�ehand.The notice must atote tho�onsoon o <br /> r:� �1:l%!'4; t�;i <br />_�.: �,�}:�ur�.� � co�cuo far Lendor'a fnspeation. <br /> :, ,,.: .�,} ,�;. <br /> 16.Cond�mnadon.8orrower assi na to�ondar tho�rocesds of eny oward or clulm for dnma os eonneoted with u condomnntion or otha tu ng <br /> of eti or ony part of tho ptoporty.�uch procaods wl l be appliod as providod in CovonaM 1.�IS eseig�ment ia subJeot to tho torma of any prior <br /> ;;�} � "� � : socurity agreement. _ <br />-_-� t3.:1le�.9y e�!uc�atnQ ony romo�evalinblo to Lendor,landor doos not give up�any rights to�atar uso any otAer remody.By not oxoreising - <br /> =- au/�umedy u�wn 60ctowCr'L dcfrtt�t, e�l�+�'r.not wnivo env�iui'�i ic.l�t:.r aatxlCef!he event 4 Aateutt if it twpxns agEin. _ <br /> �;?�:: �� � ty. .�a}rR end Sw�rel I�Asbd Co-tipne►ss Suee�sson�nd 1�1o+i9ns Bound. All du2les u�er thls elood ot trust ere Joint and sovorat.Any <br /> � ••�'-. � Borrower who eo-signs this�ood ot truat but dooa not casi8n tha uMoHying dobt Inswmontisl doos ao ooty to grant and convoy that <br />�=''�t Borcowor'e tnterert ir�tho propurtY a►tho Trustoa undor tho torma of thfs daod of vust.In addition,auch e BoROwnr egroos that the Londcr nnd <br /> - "�` �f any othor Horcowor dmda thts deod of trust mny extond,modifv or mekc•any othar chenBoa ln tho torms of thta doed of 4►uat ot tha securad <br /> - ' - �$ dobt without thnt Bofrower's conaant and wfthout�eloeo�ng t�ut�orcowor hom the terme o!Yhie dood of trust. - <br /> �r � Tho duNoa and bonofite of thfs do�d ot taues shall bind aM bonotit tho succrossors ond assl8ns ot Londer und Borcowor. _ _ <br /> �� 18.NoUc�.Unlose othorwiso roquirod by law.anY notice to Bonownr ahnll be plven by deiiv Qriap it or by rtenliing it by certifEed moil nddrosaod to � <br /> � 13orrowor at tho propony addrosa or an]r oiher addrosa thet 6orrowor hos givon to Lendar.Bortmwsr wIl!glvo ony notico to landet by ARI4�Cd - .- <br /> mntl to Lundar'e add�aso on pago 1 oi thla deod of truot,or to any oMor addrosa whlch londer fiea dosignatad.Any othcr notioa to Lon�ar sholt _ <br /> tro aont to Lendnr's addrose as stotod on pogo 1 of thia Goed of truat. `-'�- <br />. � �'' �v� <br /> ; � Any notico shett bo deomad to hovo boon given to 9or�owor or Londor whon eivon in cAe mnnner etated ebovo. <br /> C..:. <br /> 18.To�nsfes of ths PtopertY or e Benei�d�i Irrte*cst in the 6orrawat.If nll or ony part of tho propeny or ony InteroBt in it is soid oer�transtor►ed �; <br /> ','��,, � p9yma t�n mo Eoprrowor to not a nntutat por on artdde bonofiolel Intereap in the 6orcowar9ls sottl ob tronetortod.Howavy�8 Lerulat m��not �., <br /> domund peymont in tho abovo eitvudona if It fa Prohibitod by fodotai Inw as of tho dato of th�a dcrod of truat. <br /> -� 20.Reconv�yena. WhCn U►o obligotion seeutod by thi�dood ot ttttat has baon puid and Londor hoe no furthor obiigatlon to maku advancos ��;;' <br /> �.. <br /> �• undar tho inatrumonts or�u�ro�om o�MS��o e1bo�th�i f�Bp�W°T s 8uccessoi�ln Intorosi ino i�u t aooa onaiho�oteeor�oifier evidonco ot tho <br /> �' <br /> -- ----.-.-.-_---- propariy. �no'.o.o.`A....O..._. _---� . <br /> obliflatton so setlsNod.Bonowor shoil pay uny roco�dnUon coato• . <br /> 21. Successw Teuata. Londor, at Lo�dor'u option, ��t0 b�tiliTntho substitutio�n�of uuetoo toi rocoid In�tho fNeo otetha8ofllstepof dCOds ;i <br /> oubstkution of truntoo oa ra4��irod by oppllanbio low,a�d t o�, <br /> : 6uceood to a�iila+p�owot duUeoB auUiaiit�an�dr titio 04 tiro 7tuIIto}o�na�a��m e'ooa o�°t u�a e°o a y�e�ccngao Yirua�Qt�4 pro��•ahali <br /> „ <br /> . . Ipade?of?1 <br /> i' . (/ OANREJt9 BYBT£MS.USC..8T.CIOUD.MN 6830f I1�dOP�97-2�411 FORM OCP-MTbN!Olifl91 <br /> �� �i <br /> .� <br />