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<br /> �� �` 17.Tcttn.gfcr of the Progerty or u 8cneflcial lnterest in Borrawcr.If nll or any part of thc Property or uny intcrest in it P.� `'
<br /> ' ��r ia�afd ar trunsfetred(or if a bcneflcial lnterest in Bottower is sold or trfsnsferred und Barrowcr is not U ni�turul persun)withaut � se��
<br /> ' •+ Lender's priur written consent. Lender tnuy, at it� aptlon,require immedfute payment in fall of ull sumti sccurcd by this A �__-
<br /> � Secudty Instrument. Hawever, this aptfon ahall not be exercir�ed by l.ender if exercise is prohibiteci by federul Inw�.q c>f the date T
<br /> � " af this Security lnstrument. �
<br /> If I.ender exercises this option, Lender nhnll give 8orrower natice of acceleration. The notice shull provide u period of not �
<br /> � . �� ' Icws than 3Q duye from the date the r►otice ia delivercd ar mniled wtthin which Bonowcr must pay nll hums secured by thix
<br /> ' `� Security Instcument. If Horrower fails ta pay these sums prior ta the expiratian of this pedod, l.ender may invoke any remedi�v �
<br /> . , • permitted by this Scrurity inctrument without further notice ar dcmnttd on Barrower. �
<br /> 18. Rorruwer's Rtght ta Relt�state. If Bonower mata certuin conditions, Barmwer shulf l�u�e the ►i�ht w havt � �-�
<br /> '_� ��� enforcement af this Security Instrument discontinued at uny dme prlor to the earlier of: (u) S dnys (or such other period as � _
<br /> a p p l i c a b l e l a w m a y �;p e cif y for reinstatement) before sale at the Property pursua�it to any power of snle contained m thfs
<br /> �;'.,��� Security Instrument;or(b)entry of n judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Thase condltions are that 8orrower:(a)pays _
<br /> -�' I.ender ull sums which then would be due under this Securlty Instrument und the Nate as if no acceleration had occurred: (b) _
<br /> ��°`� ^,; cures any defnult of any other covenants or a�reements; (c)pays all expenses incur�ed ln enforcing thIs 5ecudty Inetrument, �
<br /> 'E' � including, but not llmital to,r�easonable attomeys' fees;and(d)tatces such action as l.ender may reasanably require to assure
<br /> ;, that the lien of this Secudty Tnstrurctent,Lender's r�ghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums sccured by -
<br /> �' this Security Instrument shall continue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this Secudty Instrument and the
<br /> �s abligntions secured hereby shall remain fully effectIve as if no acceleration hud eccurred. However,this riglu to reinstate shall -.
<br />_ . � not aPply in the case of acceleration under paragraph i'. o�
<br /> �• 19. Sale of Note; Chan$e oq I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial interest ln the Note (eogether �vich this Securiry ��
<br /> ,� '`•� ��� Inst►ument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice ta Bonower. A sale may result in a chc+nge in the entlty(knvwn =
<br /> ; ,,:,_� `.:1 �.�'; „ --
<br />__.���r_••���,� , as the Loan Servicer"y that callects monthly payments due under the Note and this Security Instrument.There also may bc one __
<br /> . :,,.�.. -
<br /> _= . , ar more changes of the 1.aan S�rvtcer unre�ated ta a sule oY the Note.If there is a chnnge of the Loan Servicer,8arrower w
<br /> _:��_F�T 't,��, given written natice of the change in accordanee with pnra�rnph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wa31 state the name and �
<br /> ='_;;�.,�y address of the new Loa��Servicer ared the address to which payments should be mAde. The notiee will ulsn contain any other _
<br />- information required by appticable law. _
<br /> .�.�•� .:� 20. Hnzna�dous SubsWaces�Bonower shall not cause or permi� the presence, use, dispoud, storage. ar release of any _
<br /> ��' �9� Hazardous Substences on or in the Property. Botrower shell not do, nor allow enyane el3e �to do, anything uffecdng the
<br /> �''.';`;L;%� Property that is tn vfolation of any Emironmental Luw. 'Y'he pnredin�two sentences shall not apply to the presence. use.or -
<br />,_��+r . - storage on the Property of smull quandties of Hazardoux Substances that are generelly seco�nizad to be approprlate to normal
<br /> T-�+�� � residenNel uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br />_-�_.�. Borrower ahall promptly give i.ender wntten notice of any jnvestigation, claim. demand, luwsuit at other actton by e+ny
<br /> overnmentai or re ulata ngency or prlvute party involving the Pcoperty und uny Hazotdou�Substance or Environmentnl Lnw
<br /> -==v� of which Barwwer hoa uc ual knowledSe. If Bonower leurro,or ia notified by any gavernmentul or regulutary authodty. that
<br /> any removul or nthec remediution of eny Hazardous Subatancs affertirig the Property ia necessary.8onawer Rhall pmmptly take
<br /> , �!�rP�,����i}�n�in accordance with EnvironmeNUl l.uw. _
<br /> a-�--- As used Sn thiR pnrngmph 20. "Hauudoux Sub9tances"nre thuse Rubstnnees defiecd us roxic or hAZUrdaua guosianccs oy
<br />-- Enviromnentnl Law and tho fnllowing�ubstartccw: gosoline, keroserte, other flammabie ar taxic petroleum praducta, toxic
<br /> - pestictdee and hecbicides.volatite solvents.materials contuining uxbestos or form�ldehyde,und rudioactive matefluiR.Ae used in
<br /> thia paragraph 20. "L'nvironmentni Law" menns federal laws c�nd luwa of the Jurlsdiction where the Propeny is Iacuted that
<br /> relate to heulth.sufety ar environmenwt protectian.
<br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Bonower and Lender further covenunt and ugree oa followa:
<br /> --- 21.Accetcrntton;Remedles.I.ender ehutl g(ve notieeto BoaT+nwer prtor to aoceierntton following Borrower's brench
<br /> - � of any covenant or egreement i�e thls SecurQty Instrummt (but not prtor to acce.lerution under purograPh 17 unless
<br /> --- -� upplta�ble law provldes otherwtse).Tha nottce shall spec(fy: (o)the default;(b)the actton requtred to cure the default;
<br /> �_�_ (c)u date,noi les.4 than 30 days from the dete the aotice Is given to Borrower,by�vhich the default must be cured; pad
<br /> (d)thut fo�lure to cure the defuult on or befoie the date sp�xifted in the nottoe may eesult in aocelerutton of the sums
<br /> — secured by this Security Instrument end sale of the Property. The nottce shull further inform Borrower o�the rtght tn
<br /> rein�tate atYeP aceelerntton and the right to bring a coud action to assert the non-extsteme of o default or eny other
<br /> —,!�! defense ot Aio�rower to accelernUon and sele. If the default is not cured on or 6efore the�ute spect�tetl in the notice.
<br /> �� Lender,at ita optton, muyrequire imffun�dlate payment in fut� 02 a�9 sums secured by this��cwity Instrument w[thnut
<br /> furthcr demu�nQ and may tnvoke the poaver oY�e and uny other remedies peftnitied by app]lcublc low.Lender sh�3!be
<br /> -�W--�� eatt6tleil to coldect ali expt�i5es incuaTed in pura:n�e�8 dhe remedie�provided in this purngeuph 21,1RCludiag,but not limited
<br /> __ . to,reASOnnble uttorneys'�'Ees and costs of tttle evtdence.
<br /> If the wcr of snle is invo�Ced,7Trustee shall record a nottcc of defnult in each county tn whtcb any part of the
<br /> �-�- :�<:;'; proget-;y ts�a�ceted and shall mafl coplms of Ruch nottce iu the rnnnner presscr66ed by appfirAtile lr�w to itorrnwer anil to
<br /> --""v'-"� the other persons prescrit�ed 6y ugplicable law.After the time reyutred by appti►�ble luw,Trustee sh�ll give pubiic notice
<br /> of snle to the persons and in the manner prnscribed by applicable law.Trustee,wtthout demand on Borrower,shnOf setl
<br /> --
<br />