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<br /> - .� �-.�h;:�., -' - �c, ; - 1 .. �. �- F-ro wawN�im�lae�•
<br /> _ . ..... f�S11�W1MSr n ...N .,.' . - . �- '- t M 1W a .t __ -
<br /> _. ._. _ �w-. .rn+'4n1AU�1S e�yr ..m.R.r.. �.w. r� .._ � �y. q . - --
<br /> _�:�wrevr:�His��li&�'-- — w..i.:.� -�.�_..:.i...�r,..i_.,�.,�.�r._.l.......(t:..w.L..��_:.L_.��_.__....�..�ti...—'_--"..----- — -- ._. .
<br /> 9�° �.�91`��0 aoo�sais _
<br /> _ ' Upan nrel�i ot pAyment of tlte �riae Itf�l� Tru�tec stu�ll dellv�r to eQe puechzuser Truateo'e dced cnnveytng the _
<br /> PmperSy. i'ho rccitnl9 tn tho'frafteo's duafl shnll ho grtnta B�t18 ovldencu��tho tntth of the ntutementa made therel�.
<br /> 'i'rustes ehsall apply the ptmeeds nf tltu�.�tU1 in 1Eto foll�tvle�g orYltr:(n)ta oll coste And expensgs of exerclslnB chc{s��ver oY
<br /> �Ale,und tho sule,IRCluding the pnymenG�P tho Tivfltes�'s[ez.� �clunUy Incuered,noi to sncesd S.d0 �
<br /> uf thu princl�af nmoiiut of dic note At ti�u t6me of t6�o ds.�cinrnslon of defnult,mtd��a►sonubl0 nttapncyM'Pee»av permiltcd -
<br /> by low= (b)to alt serms secu�i by thta Sc�rurlty iastrumetttt aatd(a)nny oxca.�s to th�pcnsa�or pencor�Ic�ally entitted to
<br /> it,
<br /> 22. Reoonvcyance. 13pan payment of ull suma secured by t�ds 3ecurity Instrument, Lender ehult request Truate$ to
<br /> reconvey the Prop�rty artd shnil surrendar thln Secur�ty instn�rn:nt an�i nll nutes evidencing dPbt secueed by thix Secndry
<br /> Instrum�nt to Teustee.Trustee shaU reconvQy tha Pmge�iy withobit�varmnsy an�i without cnnrge ta the person or persons legally
<br /> entlilod ta it,Sush peraon or percons ahull puy any rccordution oosu.
<br /> 7l3. s�'aebstttute Trustce. Lendor,s�t{ta optton, mny from time ta tima�move Tcustee und appoint u auccessar uustee to
<br /> eny Trustee appointed hereunder by an inctrumont recorded in thes oounty in whieh thia Secudry Instrument is recurded.Wlthout
<br /> conveyttnoe of the Peoperty,the euccsssor t�uate�ehall succeed to aU tha titlo,power and duties confermd upon Trnstee heretn
<br /> and by applicablalnw.
<br /> ?�1. Request[or IVottoes.Borrowur requests thut rnnies of th� notices of defnult and sale be sent to Bonower's address
<br /> whicb Is tha Pmperty Addm�s.
<br /> ZS.Ridas to thls Secwrlty II�uttaumant.If one or mnn,ri�ciers am exautcd by Bnrfa�ver and recorded to�ett►�r wIth this
<br /> Secudry Insttument,the oovennnts tutd aBneaneenta of each s��ch r�der s�tnll ba lnaorpa►rnted Into and shati iunend And supptement
<br />, tPis t�venanta aixl agreements of thta 3ccurlty Hnstn�ment us If ths dd9r(6)�vore n part af thia SeauIry Insttument.
<br /> [Cdnck�pplicablo baa(es)�
<br />, 8�djuatable Rate Rtder Condomiaium Rldar 1-4 Family ltider
<br /> CEmduatod Payment Ridur. Plunned Unit Derr�lopcnsnt Rlder Bi�veP.kly Paymant Rtder
<br /> �Batloan Rider Rnto Improvernsnt Fildar Se�:and Ftome Rider
<br /> V.A.R9der Other(s)[spocifyJ
<br /> BY SIaA1IN(3 BELOW.Sarsowor uccepYa nnd nBrees to th�tem► n�oovennnta contained ln this Security Ins�mnt and
<br /> � in fu►y rlder(s)e�cocuted by�R�nrawor und reoorded with it. �
<br /> Wimtsses: _/� • ...�
<br /> � � .�t� (�i1)
<br /> ;�' � PB9•BR AIt�DRL•'rV OI,SON -���r
<br /> , _(�)
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<br /> ��� — ��)
<br /> . •Borroxer •lforrower
<br /> . -
<br /> . � sr��o��n����s�, �� ., ��r�� HALL
<br /> _ �' 7he fomgvind instnrrr►snt was�cknowtexfiAai before me this ` ll OT�& dny of g�ag�UARY � 1999 .
<br /> Qy,, PB�`BR AfitI�DRSW' O�BON
<br /> • Wltqixss my henfl nnd'notnrEal se:il ut(3RAND I SLAND. NIB RA9{�A d County th�date afaresald.
<br /> �..,
<br /> . My t7ommitsion 8rcgirrs: +.�p'.lf'
<br /> , ������ . v � .
<br /> . , �� GfMt�utHOiAAr•SlateofNeQ��sAi+ �', � '
<br /> �h�m.Exp.Oct 21.1949 • .
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