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4�'1`je�!,. �, . . � <br /> iii:4.� ' n ,� . i <br /> w,.r <br /> . �v�, � .. . .. � � ,. . <br /> --�l--- --�--: „ �, . ;. ... .. „�� ;ti <br /> . <br /> ' � - .a•ly,tyYk-'�.:�arv.�. • .. „ 1 . � . " . .. .. :v�•rw»..2.,... . <br /> .,. , <br />. . . 1C�p�u. n -. n,. . r � � • . •^ -' <br /> .. <br /> „ . <br /> .. " .q31w7"�dNb�-.r �+�.._a'� ��i'�����....._.�—.._.�__"""'._._-.-._..._.__�...................._.�_...._.i_..._u::._._._..�L....��._.__..._..,_-,_ _."- _._._ ... <br /> ._ .. .s l -_...-^_...... ,..___..____._. .. ..'.T}%�. .�in •T `p-_ <br /> "u x �� pcjymentR mtiy na IanIIer be reyulred,at the optinn of I.crtder,if manguge insurnnce covcn+Bc(in thc n�n�unt und f2tt the pedoci <br /> ' �' t19at l..:oidcr reqt�fresl pmv i de�!b y im insurcr a p pravcd by l.ender agnin ba��mcx i�vuilublc und fe abtaincd. Darmwcr r�hnll pay -- <br /> � � thc pr�mlums rcyuirccct to mulrtnin m�rtgapc insumacc In effcct,or to prnvld�u ioss rcticrtc.until thc rcqulrcmr.��t for mortgogc � <br /> t <br /> „� inhurance c�utx in i�drnrdnnce w+lth uny wrltten ogrecment bctwecn Born�wcr and[.endcr or applicuble Inw. � <br /> � • `.:� S�.�nyRccolnn, I,endcr or Itx uaent muy muke reasimnble entrtes upon und inspecdons nf the Prnpcny. lender shnil givo � <br /> , „ ,,,�.� Bormwer nuticc iu thc t�mc af�r pri�+r ti�an inspccttun�pccifyin�rcas��nnble cnutic fiir thc inspccttaa, � <br /> Lp,Condennnnttan.The'`'�����°�f�ho Pr peny urifor cnnvcy nce�in Ucutnf c ndc nnutionl, are hcrcby tu wi�nal nnd _ <br /> c.,i�l�ii�nuUan oc othcr tukinli y I� �' �_ <br /> �;hall ba paid to Lcndcr. � <br /> �t��!�� In the evcnt of u total tuking��f the Pn�perty.the praceeds shull be upplicd ta the sums securccl by t6is Securiry Instmment. - <br /> �%''� whcther or not tNen due, with nny cxcess puid tn Bom�wer. In the evcnt of u pi�rtial tukinII of thc Property in which the fair <br /> ---- market vulue�f the Prnperty im►n�:dlutety bcfare the a+icing ia equnt ta or�mnter than the nmount of the sihc ros aured by O <br /> - '_,;..�� Saurity Insttunzent immedintely beforc the tuking.unlGss Bormwer and Lerader otherwi9e ogrec in wrlting, <br />--� ' ti�is Sr.�vrtry Instrument shnil be reduced by the amount of the proceeds multiplied by the fotlowing frnction: (u) the total <br />:-.�-.:,_�_::t" � <br /> '�' �:�.r.r r�nwunt of the sums c+ecured immedintely before the tc�kia8.divldcd kry(b) the fair mnrket vulue of the PropeilW„imm�e fuir <br />`''��'���;'��"' beWre the taking. Any balnnc�ehail be puid to Borrawcr. [n the event af a purtiul wking of the Peoperty <br /> �`:'!n'�r�Y.: <br /> ;,,,,...,a•.�, ctwrket valus of the Property immedintely before tQ►�takinII ia thun the amount of the sums setureci immediately before e <br /> `°-�`�;.,�,;��� wPJng.unless Bormwer und L.ender athenvise agree in writinII or unless applicuble fuw otherwise provid:.g.the proceeda shalt <br /> ---�'� beo�pJieQ to the sums secured by this Security Instrument�vhether or nat the sums are then due. <br /> =_=_�.� I+f the Pcopetry is ubartdaned by Borrower.or if.nfter nottce by Lender to Be�rrower thut the condemnor offers to awke un <br /> ==_._=_= a�vnrd or settte rs cluim f�r dcu»agcs. Bo�we�s tnt ilts o i n ei he to restarn ion or repair of the81Prmperty otr o ithe suma <br />--�� Lender is authorized to collect nnd app y p P <br />_'-:r�rm�i� secured by thia Securtty Instrument.whr.ther or not then due: <br /> — Unless Lender and Borrower otl�srwise n�roe in writing. any appl�ption of proaeeds to pdncipal shall not extend or <br /> ___-�—� postpone the due dute of the monthly�►�ytnents referred w in Farag�aphs!und 2 or change the amount of such payments. <br /> _.:� -��;,,,� 11,���y�,��t R��;����nce By LendQr Not a Watver.Bxtension of the time for payment or modiRcatlon <br /> —'���'��'+�'� of nmortf7ation of the sums se�cu�+f bY this Securiry Instcument granted by I.ender to any suxessor in interest of Homower shu4l <br /> __—__—_ not opernte to reles+sse the liability of the origin�il Borrawer or Borrower's successors in interest.L.ender shall not be requived to <br /> commence ptnccedings agelnst m��'"'�'��r in interest or reft�se to eaund time for pnyment ur otherwls�modlfy emortixuYioa <br /> — ot the surns secuted by this Serurie�' Inst►ument by reason of eny demt+nd mude by the origitwl Borrower or Borrower's <br /> succe.ssors in interest. My fo►fiet►rt�nve by i.ender in eaercisin� ony cight or r+emedy shall not be u woiver of or prs�lude the <br /> : , , CxCPC1SC 0�8ny rip�ci 3T iiiii�j. - <br /> 12. Succxssorg ead AsslSns Bflund;doint und Severni Ltabiltty; Casigners. The oovenants t�nsl agreementa of[his <br /> Security Insmunent sh�ll b�nd and benefit the suooessors nnd essi8ns of Len�er ond Borrower. subjeci to d�e pruvisions of <br /> parngmph 17. Bornower's c�venants end ugreemei►ts shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who casigag this Security <br /> t,��� Insdvment but daes not execute the Note: (a) is oo-sl�ming thi.4 Security Insuvment only to mortgage,�rar.c and oonvey that <br /> "'''• Bort+ower's interest In the Property under the temu of this Securiry Insnurment;(b)is not personallY d►li�ated to pny the sums <br /> ��;.'��' saua�ed by this Securlty Instrument;urtd(c)aIIrees that Lender nnd anY other Borrower may agrae to extcnd,modtfy. fotboar or <br /> :_n;d�_ ��y���t�nny v�rith regard to the te�ms of this Security Instrument or the Note without thcu Bormwer's consent. <br /> _,.,,�a_�� <br /> „;_�L_�� 13. LoAn Charges.If the loan�ecurod by this 3ecudty Instucnent is subject to a law which sets maximum!oan c gcs. <br /> :�-;;;•r�, and that Inw is finally interpreted so that the interest or other lasn charges oollecYerl or to be coltected in oonnecttan v�Ith the <br /> -- - = loan exceed the permittod Iimits. �hen:(a)Any such loan charse shall be ceducect by the umount nooessary to redua�the chnrge <br /> -- to the permitted limi2;wd(b)si►Y swns ul[eady oollected from Borrower wh�ch exceedeci pemiitted Umits will be refunded ta <br /> Horrawer. Lend�m�,v choose to�stnke thi� refund by reducing the priacipal owed under the Not ta�r by ent�without�ant <br /> _ p�yn�� to gorno�ver. If a refund reduces principal. the reducuon wilt be treatvd as z Partial P�PBY� y <br /> � — pre�nayraent chatgc urtder the Nots. <br /> � 14. Not[cc.w.Any noNce w 8orroaer provided for in this Seairlty Insuument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing <br /> k bv first class mai!at�less applicable law requires nse of enoiher method.l'he not�ce shull be directed t.o the Pcoperty Addnss <br /> ----------- or any ail►er eddress $onower designate.s by untice to Lender. Any no'tice to Lender shall be given by first class mtaii!to <br /> Lender's address stated het+ein ot u»y other addrts�s Lender designutes by s�otice to Borrower. Any notice providod for in this <br /> _-�::::_:_..—_.:' ga,.,-t.�ry 3es�tnn�tPnt s�+nii tr�dwiaetl ta h�vc b�gtvect tc Sa:t��+.�er*_�r(ender when¢ivc�t�s prnvtded In 4hia Para�4�Ph• <br /> - = 1S.Govei�niu$ Lnw; Severnbfltty. Tt�is Security �s�ument shalt be �ovemeci by feileral law areci �he Iaw u:ttt6 <br /> )urisdlction in�vhis�a the Property is located. In tha event tbat any pmviaian or clause of this Security Insuument or die Note <br /> _,; conflicts witli appli��e�fliccin�mvisi n�'Co this�end th�pmvtaions of this S�ty Insuument�nnd the Note ere d Iared <br /> given effect w�thont S p <br /> ,;;;�� ro L�sevemble. � of the Note ant�mf this Security Instniment. <br /> - 16.Boirower a Copy.Borro�ver shall be given one oon�'armed coPY <br /> --- Fam 3028 9ffi0 <br /> � � voaoaao <br /> ._-- �!—_--1 , _�----- <br /> � .—�------- — -— --- <br /> �-�rl ...,,.,-� - -- — ,�.,— .-.� -—_ — _----_---— --— <br /> �.�-� <br /> _.r_ <br /> .-- -_-- _., !.�•-. •_•v'i.�. .�S'�"�'1_�!�ST7*�S'�.TnT� -sr_+.�..,.s_o-:�.. . .�rn.�.-�.-.�--� --_-__—_—__—__ <br />. . . ._ : . .�... .a,,. _ ,� _ - . . <br /> .,.�..._� -- .. '� �iu.� ++n - <br /> :-,.. _� . 3 - .�f- �1�C,M17� ---- __._ <br /> . <br /> _ � . ., . �. - . 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