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<br /> g9° ������`�e(D ;
<br /> � ,. 7'OLiETHEti WITH all the impruvements na�v or hereuRet erected on the proprny.and all euscrttcntR, appurtenunccs,nttd
<br /> ,, fixtures rtow ac hereafter a paR of the propeny. All repincements and edditians shall ulse� hc covered by thia Secu�ity .
<br /> ' Instn�ment.All of the famIIoinB iR refeneii ta in thiR Secu�ity InRtrument ag tite"Pn►perty.'
<br /> BORItOWER COVBNANTS that Aur�awcr is lawttitly seiscd af the cetate hamby conveycd und hu.v thu d�?�t ta prunt nrtd
<br /> .� wnvey the Property nnd that thc Pcoperty ig unencnmhered.except fue encumbmnces af recard. Borrower wnrmnts urtd will
<br /> . ' <;�� defend gerzerulty the title to the Pmperty aguinat all claims and demunda,subject to uny encumbmnces af record.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSPRUMENT c�mbinex unifarm covenunta for nntianul use und non•uniform covenants with limited
<br /> b �� varintions by jurisdiction to oonstituto u uniforn�necu�ity instrument covering rwl pruperty.
<br /> � UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower und Lender covenant und agt�as fallows:
<br /> . �y'`'t`�`� 1. Pnyment of Peincipal and Interestt PreRAyment and I.nte Charg�. Borrower ehufl promptly pay when duo the
<br /> `�''� prirtcipul�f and interest on the debt evidenced by the Note und nny prepayment and late chnrgcw due under the Noie.
<br /> - Z.Fl�uds for Tcixxes uttd Insurartce. Subject to npplicuble lnw ar to a wrltten wuiver by Lender. Horro�ver shall pny to
<br /> �� Lender on tha dny monthly payntents ure due under the Note.until the Nate is puid ln full.a sum("Furtds")for.(u)yearly toxes
<br /> • ttrtd tusessments which mt►y uttnin pr{orlty over U�ia Secucity Instrument as a licn on the Prvpc�tJr;(b)yeatly leasehold pay�nents
<br /> �'•-�'';' or ground nnts on the Property.if any;(c)yearly hazord or property insurnnoe premiuras;(d)yearly tlood insurance premiums.
<br />• 'k•e�� .'���• if eny;(e)yearly mortgaIIe insurance ptemiums.if any;and(�ony sums puynble by Btirrower to L.ender. In¢coordance with
<br /> ����?�+�-.�.. the provisions of pam�raph 8.in lieu of th�payment of mort�age insururtce prem;ums. These items are ailled'Escrow Icem.g."
<br />-:::�.�:��k.,
<br />_.�•���� Lender may,at any time. collect und hold Funds in an nmount not to execed the ma�cimum amount u lertder for n federolly
<br /> -_-----— related rttortgagc laan may r�quire for 8omower's escrow acoount under thc fe�eral Rc�l Estate 5ettlement Procedures Act of
<br /> `�_-:� 1974 us umended fae�rrn rtime to time. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 el seq. ("RESPA'). unless unother!aw thnt cipplics ta tha Funds
<br />-`�"'�'-�`� sets a lesscr amount. [f so. Lender may, ut any tirtte.oollect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced tho �esser nmount.
<br />,..m��
<br /> — l.ender neay estimate the amount of Funds due on the basts of current datn and m.�sonable esdmutes of expenditures of fature
<br /> �"�'y9"�� Escrow Items or oWerwise in acoordnctce with uvplicable law.
<br /> - �y�G4�r3
<br /> `°°` The Punds shall be held in an instltution wAmse deposlts are iasured by a federal agsncy, jnsuumentality. or entlty
<br /> •:J,�` (Includin�I.ender.if Leuder is such an inst�tutIon)or in�u►y Federel Homs L.oAn Bank. L.ender shall upply th$Funds to psy the
<br /> ,;-..., Escrow Items. Lender may not c(atuge Borrower foz holding and applyln�the Funds.annuapy analyzing t{ie escrow account.or
<br /> '^'�"`:•��t�• verifying tbo Escrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interes�on the Funds and applicnble law permits Lender ro meke sush
<br />____- — a chnr�e. However,Lender mtty mqulre Bomnwer to pay a one-time charge for on Irtdependent real estate tax reporting sQCVice
<br />-�- used by L,ender i� connection with this luan, unless applicuble law pmvides otherwise. Unle.ss un agceement is made or
<br /> — - applicable inw requires intemst to ba paid.I.ender shaU rtnt ba required to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on the Fuads.
<br /> Bc�rm�vec and Lertder may�ree in writing. however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to eorrower.
<br /> -_ widtout et�arge. ea ennuul accoundn�ot the �+unds.showing cteaits and dcbita co ihe Funcis and thc pu�pc,se€� w�t€�.z�c�ch
<br /> �—�--- debit to tQte Funds was rosde.The�unds are pled�ed as addicional security for�li sums sc�urcd by�his Securiry[nstcurce:m.
<br /> IPtl��Funds held by I.ender exoeed the amounts permitted to be held by appltcable taw.Lender shull ciccount to�orr�tiVer
<br /> for the er,cess Funds in eccordance with the requia�ements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hz9dl by Lendor at nny
<br /> — time is not sufticient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy so notify Borrowcr in wddng,and,in such cose Bo�rower
<br /> shall �y+ to Lender the amount ne�sfuy tc�malca up the deficiuncy. Borrower shnp mHke up the deftctency ia no ntare than
<br /> twelve monthly paymenta.at I.ender's sole discmtion.
<br /> — . Upon payment in full of all sums secure�by this Security Inxtrument. Lender shall pmmptly refund to Borrowet any
<br /> � Funds held by Lender.If.under paregraph 21.L.ender shail ucquiro or se11 the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisidon or sale
<br /> of the Piroperty.shnll npply any Funds held by 1(�n�sr at the time of acqu{siriar�or sale as u credit agui�t tha sums secuied by
<br /> this Seeuxity Instiument.
<br /> � 3.�A�p�icaEton oi Puyments.Unless npplicable Iaw pmv(des otherwise,ail payments�clved by I.eader uader p.�c,��•raphe
<br /> � 1 a�isl z�shrill be applied: fi�st. to any prepayment churges due urtder the Note:second. ta amounts payable under parng+;aph 2:
<br /> thind.to interest due:fourth.w principa!due;and last.to any lute charges due under the Note.
<br /> . 4.Ch�t�es;L9ens.Bornower shali pay a11 ze+nes.assessr�znts,charges.fines and imposidons attribatuble to the Property
<br /> � which may sttaln priority over this 5cxuriry Insai�nient, and leasehold payments or grout�c� rents, if any. Borrower ehpJl pay
<br /> "���i° thpe obli�adons in the munner prot ided i�pamgmph 2.or if not psiid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on tima slirectly
<br /> ---���— to the pc:rson o�ved payment.Borrower shell promptly tLmish to Lender u11 not[aes of amuunts to be putd under this psua�raph.
<br /> If Boirower mnkes these puymentv dire�tty�Bormwer shull pmmptly Pomish to Lender raceipfs evidencing the payments.'
<br /> _=.-.=-- Eurrat,�ee sttal4 grrmptly di�+:harge eny i'srn which hRg rr+ority ov?c thic 5rr.urity i�stmReent�ueia..v Bi,:;uwcr:(ai�:ccs In
<br /> i�' writing to the payment of the obligution ssoumd by the Iten in u manrter uocE,ptnSle to C.ender.(b)rnntesta in good feith tha lien
<br /> __ _1 by. or�t.:3ends aguinat enforcement of the Hen in, leg�l pmc�dings which M the L.caclar's opinion apernte to pr�vent the
<br /> ,�; enfo�caz�ent of the lien;ar(c)secures fmm the liotder of the licn�u►ngreement sadsf3ctory to LEnder subordi►►ating the 1Jen to
<br /> -- —� thIs 5ecuriry Insuument. If Lender determines thnt any paRt of the Froparty is subject to a lien wh(ch mny uttaln priority over
<br /> fthIs Security Insdument.Lender may give Borro:vcr u notice identifying the lien. Bornower shtill satisfy the lien or tnke one or
<br /> --—; more of the nctlons set forth a�ove within IO days ot•the giving of notice.
<br /> ,�, Form 3D�8 8l80
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