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<br /> It tho aatounts held by I,cnder for�ssrow Items excee�the nn�ounta Isenniued to be held by RESPA, I.endar ��`;:_
<br /> sho11¢ccount to Bonower for the excess fltnds as required by RESPA. If the umuuats of 4u►da beld by Lender ut nny
<br /> • Ume nre c�ot sufficient co pay the Escrow iteras whcn duc. I.cnder may notify the Bc�rro���cr flnd reqqire�ormwcr to ��_�.
<br /> � ., w maSce up th�shortuQc os permttte�by RESPA. �,,,
<br /> - _.._.. The Escrow Funds ure pledged os additional secudty for nll sums se�ured by thia Secur�ty Insuument. If �,._,
<br /> ;��� Borrower tendara to Lxnder the it�ll paymeat of ull such sums.Borrower's nccount shall be cm<iited wIth thu bul�uucs -�-
<br /> ��. remnining for all installment itema(a),(b).nnd(c)nnd any monguge insurance nremtum instatlment thnt I.ender h�s __
<br />' � nat becoma oblignted to pay co ihe S�retury, and Lender shull pmmptly rotLnd nny eacess tt�nds to Bflrrower. __
<br /> � �� Immedintely prior to a foreclosure sale of the Prapcny or its tissquistdon by 1 ender, Borrower's account sh�il b$ --
<br /> cred6t�wlth aay balance remaining for all iastapmenta for item.g(a),(b).�nd(c).
<br /> � � 3.Appltcutton o!PAymea�te.A11 payaeents under part+graphs 1 and 2 shall be upplled by Lender as follouvs: -_
<br /> ' Fj��,t�the enangAge insurance Dremium to be paid by l.eader eo the Secretary or eo tbe montWy c�arBe by the
<br /> �cretary iastead o�'the monthly mortga�e insuranoe prcmium: -
<br /> : ' �c,i�d.,to any teaes, speciul assessmPnt�.leasehold payments or graoad renta.aad fue.flacd aad other humrd
<br /> . ..� insuran�pt+emiums.as required;
<br /> ` '�ii�,to interest due nu�der the Note; __
<br />_ � :- � Fourth,to nnnortization of tbe principal of the Note;and
<br /> � �t,to late charges due under the 1�ote. -
<br /> - n n��� 4.�yre,���p�u.}�IIc�wanc¢.Borrower shull iasure all improvements an t�e Property.whether
<br /> ,'. � now in existence or subsequent/y erecte�.ugaiast any hezazds.casualties.sard contimgencies.includ�tg fire,for whtch
<br />-�:,-,:.' . L�ender sequires iasuranoe. This insvrauce shall be mainwined iu the amounts und fer the periods thnt Ilnader
<br /> • �equires. Borrower shaU alao�nsure all improvements on the Property. whether aow in exlsteace or subsz�ueatly
<br /> ' erected. agai�t loss by floods to the eatent required by the Se�reuu+iyy.All insuraace ah�N1 b�c�i'cd'xIW�°mpa°[es
<br /> ___- approved Dy lxnder.l7ee insw�noe polictes aad eny renewals shall ke held by Ixaider nnd sha71 ns3clude toss payuble
<br /> ;�^.r':•-r clausea in fad�r of.and fo a form acc�ptabfe to.Lender.
<br /> Ia tha event ot loss.ffEaraower shall give Lender imruediate uodoe by mail.Lender may make�proof o��o�i�
<br /> _=y.°�� made pmmnily by Borro��r.F.ash insnranoe compmry eonccnie�is��r atsit�ar�d sas!��!SQ�_, .. .
<br /> "��':�.,�,
<br /> -W;�+;,., for such loss directly to Y..eader,insten�i of to Boarowar and to I.ender jointly. Ail or eny'purt of the insuranec
<br /> _4.�,TM;.,� pmeseds may be a�pltsd by Lender.at�ias mption.either(a)to the c�eduction of the lndeb�3t�s�a�d�i�Not�d
<br /> -- .�.�== thia Secur[cy Insttument.fust ta any depinqueat amoants applied in the order ia parageap P�PaY
<br />- -� of prinetpal, or (b) to the mstoratlon or repair of tbs damaged PrePenl►• A�ry aPP�ication of�e pr000eds to the
<br /> -°""`-i� prineipul shall not exte.ad o:pc�stpone the due date of thc monthtY Payments which are refemed to in p�$ra�a9�2.or
<br /> ,�:�;,.:�,,;;��r� all outstnnt�ng
<br /> --=:�.x+v�s1 �8e the amount of such puyments.Any eacess inswance pmceeds over an simount required to paY
<br /> __,_�^j��y� indebtedness undar tho Note and this Securlty Insm�mec►t sh�ll be paid to the entity legally entitled thereto.
<br /> '-_, _y.�.�,� In tGt��vr,�t of foreclosune of t4ts Securlcy Iaswmeat or other aansfer of tide to the Pmperty that ex�3nBuishes
<br /> .r:;';'' the ladrbtedness. all rigtsII,Ucla and iuterESt of Bo�rawer in and to insurance pollctes In foroa shnll p�ss to tho
<br /> _;,:.,,>.,�,
<br /> --.,�,R°. ptu,chnser.
<br /> �� g. Qxnpency.Pw��aUon, 14detatenance and Perota�ton oi the Pi+npe�ty:Bori+ower's Loan Applfcstton;
<br /> I.easehol3s. Borrower shs�U oauPY�es��blish.az►d use the Ptoperty as Bom�wer's prLtcipal[�sidenoe wlthin sixty
<br /> �`�"�'�"`'� dsye after t'�a eaewdon of this SecudTy��nsnumeat(or wIthin slxry days of u later sale or tra¢�.gfer of tha P�+opertY)
<br /> - -- -�--- �d����au�to oocu�y the property as Borrower•s prlaclpal resideace for at least one year aRar the date of
<br /> — �P�Y.unless Leadea datermiaes that cequirement wUl cause undue 6aNsL[p fdr Bo:rower.or ualeys e�sx�muating
<br /> -s- --- — dreuin�taaces extst �vh�c� ture bcg+oad Barrowar's �mstrol. Horrower shall aotity L+�a�e °f °�or aD9ow the
<br />