<br /> . 1 �
<br /> MORT(�AG6 ;; �"� �O� • ��
<br /> - -_ ..__-- --- __- --�_- - --_�—�__..-_____.__v.._--� �---_
<br /> � Ii�ORTfACF.l.OAN N0. .�,,.��4J1_
<br /> KNOW ALL MF.N BY 711F.5F.FRFSF.Nls:That ThOmas M. Wh@latl �nd Terri L. WhElafl� �aCh ].f1 hiS and her
<br /> own right, and as spouse oP each other,
<br /> FiVe Thousend e�d �O/100 __Mart�or.whether onc or mere_in oon�idewtlqn of the wm of
<br /> ------------.,-_�_ _ ----------DOLLARS
<br /> 1oRned to s�l monpao�by The F.quifa6k Bw7din6 and Loan Association of Grand Is6nd.Nebrwlca.Mort�ce,upon 50 �of stad�o[
<br /> nid A.SSOC1A,7iON, Certiiicate No. L 2534� .do hero�y gg�ant, convey and mortp�e unto the aid A.SSOCIA710N the fodo�vle6
<br /> described real estate,situated in Hall Gounry,Nebraska:
<br /> The Southerly Seven�y-eight and Ninety Five Hundredths Feet (78.95) of Lot Eight (8)
<br /> �n Block Five (5) , in Wiebe's Addition to the City of Grand Island, Hall Coun�y,
<br /> Nebraska,
<br /> ta�ether aith aD the tenements,he�uitatoents and appurtenanas thcrc�nto txlonsin8,incIuding attaelxd lioor ooyernq�.a11 vindo�v�een�, � ,
<br /> ' w�inda�r ahades,blinds,atorta aindo�vs,a*'n'snE�.hestin6,air oonditionie�a,and ptumbing and water equipmeat and acoeaories thercto,P u m P b s t o v e s. .
<br /> nfri�entws,and other fuctures and oquipment now or herat4er attaehed to or used in wnnection with aid rul estate.
<br /> And�vherqs the a�id mortpaar has ageed and daes hereby aga that the mort�agor shall anu�rill pay all tuea and uumnents 3eviaD or ' `�
<br /> aaested upon said premius aad upun thi�mnrt_ra�e and the bood aecured therebv 6eFnre rhe same slull hemmn Aeliru��r.�t�tn fi�ni w�,..r....r! --__ _
<br /> ;no�.�n,r upon the bvildinEs on siid prtmixs sitmted in the wm of S 5,OQO.Cf0 payabte to saic! A330CIA7YON and to deUver to s�id -
<br /> ASSOCIA'ilON the policie�for said insurana;and not to oommit or permrit any waste on or about said prcmbes; '
<br /> In ca�e of default in the pedortnaoa of any of the temLt md conditions of this modgase or the bond seaued hereby,the mortaa'ee�Inll, `
<br /> oa demand, 6e entitkd to immedlate possession of the morlg�ged premises and the mortgagor hercby assi�ns, tnasfen and �ets over W We "
<br /> mort�ex aU the rrnts.revrnuea and income to be derived from the mort�ed piemises durin�such time a�the mort�e indebudness�hall�em�in
<br /> unpaid:and the tnonpEa shall have ihe power to appoint any agrnt or a�ents it may desire for the purpoye of repairio6 s�id premi�rs and�entiuE �
<br /> ' tLe suoe and aollectina the renu.rerenues and inoome,and it a�Y PaY out of aid inoome all expen�es of repairit�aid premi�es and n�y i�
<br /> oommis�ions and expeaxs incurted in rentinE and manag�the same anr] of aolle�ting rcntals iherefrom:We balanoe remaini�,if an ,to be ;�
<br /> : �to�rard the disehar�e of said mortp�e inde6tedncss;thae ri�ghis of the mortaa6oe may be rxeraxd at aoy tim�durL�the e�tenoe of sw�
<br /> de aWt.irrcspective of any temporuy�raiver of the same.
<br /> . 7leae Presents.however,ue upon the Condition�7'hat if the said Mortgagor shall ceFay said loan on or before the mtttuity of s�id sha�es by
<br /> payment;p�ay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of the sum s�xcified in ihe Bond secure�hercby as interat u��priacipal on said loan,on or bGfore
<br /> the Twentieth day of qch and every month,until said toan is fully paid;pn�r a11 taxa and assessments kvied apinst said pnmixs aad on this Mort�e
<br /> t,. ..
<br /> and the Bond secured thereby,bafore delinquency;fwnish apptoved inswance upon the bu�7dings thereon in ihe sum uf S 5,�00.Qa pzyabk
<br /> to said ASSOCIA770N;repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all money by it paid for such tues�as�asments and insurance writh interest at
<br /> the muimiun kgal rate thereon from date of payment all of which Mortgagor hereby agcas to pay;permit no waste on said premixs;keep u�d oompiy , j;#'�
<br /> with all the ageemenis and aonditions of the Bond for S 5,U�0.U� this day giYen by Ne said Mortgaaor to aid ASSOCtA710N,u�d oomply ! "�I!'"
<br /> with all the requirements of the Constitation and By-Law�s of said ASSOCIATION;thrn these pruents shall beoome nWl and wid.othet�viee they '
<br /> . slull rcmain in full fora and may be foreclosed at the option of the s�id ASSOCIATION afur failure for three months to malce usy of sud
<br /> WY�nts or be ttuee months in arreara in mslcing said montWY WY�nts,or to kap and oomply with the ageements and conditions of stid Bond;
<br /> and Mortp�or rgees to fuve a reaiver appointed forthw�iW in such fonclaaure prooxdir�. .
<br /> If there is any cban�e m a�vnership of the ral atate mort�ed hrein,by ale oT othenvite,then t6e entire remainio6 iadebtednat Geteb
<br /> secund stiall,at the option of The Equitabk Buitding and Loan As�ociation of Grand I11and,Ncbrnica,beoome immediately du�and payable�vitlwut
<br /> farther natioe,and the amount remainina dne uader said bond,and any other bond fot u�y addidoml advanas made t6ereunder,s6il1,from the
<br /> � date of exercne af s�id option,bear interat at the ma�cimum kgtl nte,and this mort�e may then be fondosed to ntishr th�amw�nt due on stid
<br /> : bond,and any other bond for additional advanoes.toaether writh aU sums p�id by said The Eguitabk Bwlding and Laan Associatiaa of Cru�d Island,
<br /> . Pkbr�lrs f�insusas�x.taaes aad�ncrits,an8 sDstraciir,g exteasion d�ges, with interest thenon, from date of payment at the muirmnm
<br /> iepl nte.
<br /> As provided in the Bond accured henby,whik this mortpge remains in effect the mortg�gee may hereafter advana additiaml aums to the
<br /> m�kers af said Bond,their assigna or sucoessors in inleresl,which sums shall be within the security of tl�is mortpge the s�me as the fuads ari�ina111r
<br /> xutnd thercby,the total amount of pcincipal debt nat to exoxd at any time the oriAnal aznount of this mortg�ge.
<br /> Dated thfs 6th day of Decembe A.D.,19 89
<br /> � 1 . 1�� • l.J...�� �-- _—_-
<br /> Thom � M,�.,W �1 n��� ;
<br /> � �
<br /> Terri L. Whelan �
<br /> srwTE oF tJEBRnstu,� �. �� 6th �,y of December ly 89 ,before me. 4
<br /> (.'OUNTY OF HALL �
<br /> � thc undersigned,a Notuy Public in and fot said Cnunty.persc�nally came
<br /> Thomas M. Whelan and Terri L. Whelan, each in his and her own right,
<br />- and as spouse of each other, who are p����own co
<br /> h
<br />: me lo be thc idrntical persvnS whose names eTe affixed to the abnve�nstrumcnt ns mortgagor s and they ��py tp
<br /> s tA
<br />` acknowtedged the s�id instrument to be their vi�luntary act and deed. �
<br /> Wl'INFS,S my hand and Notana15ea1 Ihe date afc�resa�J. f �. •:�
<br />; I�1y t'emrn�ssx�n expucs�`°��r � { . , .,� �
<br /> -- �/.. �fi��.'• � ' ' � •. r�.'f�tf�
<br /> ronsrro H� ��I'Ml�N YIW • Notary Public
<br /> .lOANM�0.110UlM 1
<br />, Mv t�;Tn�60 Nw�fh.b!7 r,...l
<br />