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=� <br />_. � � <br /> ' . <br /> 89�- �.0 6'7 2 9 <br /> (�' If Lender requir� mortgage insursnce as �conditian af making the loan s:.cured by this Security Instrumznt, <br /> � Barrower shal!pay the premiums cequired to maintain!he iasurance in eflect until such tim�as thc requirement for the <br /> insurance terminates in accordance with Borrower's nnd Lender's written agrament ar applics�ble law. <br /> 8. In�pection. Lender or ita sgent may make rcasonable cntries upon and insprctions of thc Property. Lender <br /> shail g�ve Borrower aotiee at ihe lime of'or prior to an inspecti�n specifying rexsonsble es�use for the inspe�tion. <br /> 9. Co�demsadoa. The praceeds of�ny award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in cannection with <br /> ar�y condemnation ar other tsking of any part of the Property. or for conveyance in lieu of condemna�tion. are hereby <br /> �ssigned and ahall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of a total aking of the Property. the proceeds shall bc applied to the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument,whether or not then due,with any exc.ess paid to Aorrower. ln the event of a pirtial taking of the Property, <br /> unless Horrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Instrument sh�ll be reduced hy <br /> the amount of the proceeds multiptied by the following fraction:(a)the total amaunt of the sums secured immediately <br /> bd'on the taking�divided by(b)the fair market vulue of tbe Property immediately before the taking.Any balana shdl be <br /> paid to Honower. <br /> If thr Property is abandoned by Borrower,or if,after notia by Lender to Bonower that the condemnor offers to <br /> m�lce an award or settle a claim for damagrs,Borrower fails to respond to Lender w ithin 30 days after the date the notice is <br /> given,Lender is authorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option,either to restorati�n or repair of the Property or <br /> , to the sums securtd by this Security Instrnment,whether or not then due. <br /> Un9ess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any apptication of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> postpone the due date of the monthly psyments referred to in paragraphs l and 2 or change the amount of such gsymenu. <br /> 10. Borrower 1Vot Released; Forbeannce Hy Leader Not a Wdver. Extension of the time for payment or <br /> modi8cation of amortization of the sums secured by this Security lnstrument grantod by Lender to any successor in <br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Bonower's successors in interest. <br /> Londer shall not be required to commence proceedings against eny successor in interest or refuse to eatrnd time for <br /> payment er otherwise modify amorti�ation of the sums secured by this Security Instrument by reason of any demand made <br /> bp the original Borrowtr or Horrower's successo�in interest.Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy <br /> shall not be a waiver of or prxlude the eaercise of any right or remedy. <br /> Il. Succawrs a�d A»i�es Bound;Joint and Se�eral LiabiUty;Co-slgners. The covenants and agreements of <br /> this Security Instrument shali bind and benefit thc successc�rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the provisions . <br /> of paragraph 17.Borrower's covenanu and agramenu shall be joint and several.Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> Instrumtnt but das not exxute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage,grant and convey <br /> that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay <br /> the sums secured by this Socurity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to eatend, ' <br /> u�cxiiiji,iviocsi vr iriui�r 8ny u�vrnmc�daiivns wiih regarci io ine icrms oi inis�ecariiy instrumeni or ine i�ioit witnout - <br /> that Borroaer's consent. � <br /> 12. Loan Chuges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which seu maximum loan . <br /> charges, and that !aw is �inally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in „� <br /> connxtion weth the loan excad the permittad limiu, then: (a) any such loan charge shall be reducod by the amount - <br /> necessary to reduce the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collceted from Borrower which axcaded •� :, <br /> permitted limits will be refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by roducing the principal owed <br /> under the Note or by msking a direct paymrnt to Borrower.If a refund reduces principal,the reduction will be treated as a <br /> putial prepayment without any prepaymrnt charge under the Note. — <br /> 13. L�slation ARerting Leeder's Rigbts. If enactment or expiration of applicable Iaws has the effect of `� <br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security Instrnment unenforcesble according to its terms,Lender,at iu option, _�'! <br /> may require immediste payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Ynstrument and may invoke any remedies ' � <br /> permitted by paragraph 19.If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall take the steps specified in the second paragraph of � <br /> paragraPh 17. <br /> 14. Notices. Any notict to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by :� " <br /> mailing it by fust class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method. The notice shail be directed to the � �'� <br /> Propes�ty Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shaq 6e given by <br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower.Any notice <br /> provided for in this Secnrity Instrumrnt shall be damed to havo ban given to Borrower or L.ender when given as provided <br /> in this paragraph. <br /> 1S. G�terning Lw;St�erability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by federal law and the law of'the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security lnstrument or the <br /> Note con8icts with applicable law,such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security lnstrument or the Note <br /> which can be given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument and the <br /> Nate ase declared ta be severable. <br /> 16. Borrower'a Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> 17. Traasfer of t6e Property or a Beneflcial Iaterest in Borrower. If a11 or any part of the Property or any <br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneflcial interest in Honower is sold or transferred and Borrower is not a natural <br /> person)without Lender's prior writtm consent�Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums <br /> secured by this Security lnstrument. However. this option shall not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by <br /> federal law as of the date of this Security Instrument. ,-___«-_ <br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lender shall give Borrower notice of acceleration.The natice shall provide a period � <br /> of not iess than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which 8orrower must pay all sums secured by <br /> , this Security Instrument.If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,Lender may invoke any <br /> remedies permitted by this Security Instrument without funher notice or desnand on Borrower. , <br /> l8.Borrower's Right to Reiestate. If Borrower mats certain conditions, Borrower shall have the right to have <br />- enforrem�nt of this 5ecurity Tnstrument discontinued at any time prior to the earlipr of:(a)5 days(or such other period as <br /> � applicablt law may specify for reinstatement)before sale of the Property punuant to any power of sale coniained in this � <br /> 5ecurity lnstrument;ot(b)entty of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument. Those conditions are that Barrower: <br /> (a)pays Lender all sums which thtn would be due under this Security Instrument and the Note had no acceleration ,t <br /> accurred: (b) cures any default af any other covcnants or agreements; (c) pays all expenses incurred in enforcing this �`^ <br /> ' Seei:rity ]nsttument, �ndudmg, but not l�mited to, reasonable attorneys' fees: and (d) takes such act►on as L,e�der may �( <br />'` reasonably require to assure that the Gen of this Secunty lnstrument, Lender's nghts in the ProperYy and Borrower's �1 <br />� obl�gat�on ta pay the sums serured by th�s Security Insttument shall cont�nue unchanged. Upon re�nstatement t�y ,. � <br /> Batrower,this Stcunty Instrumem and the obligat�ons secuted hereby shall remain ful)y effecuve a�if no acceleration had <br />_ occurted.However,th�s nght to tcinstate shall no1 apply m the case of acceleratum under paragraphti 13�r 17 <br /> � <br />