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<br /> �:�::��� or refrain fram doing any�ahing, the omis9iwn of whi�e w►�11 or
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<br /> '"'°�"'� or create or pro��oe gcounds for ternni�nm�on tt��reof by a��
<br /> -�::�..�„�' lass�.
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<br /> __,i hereunda� sh�flY be in wrltin�and s�all be given in tha nn�aner spec'ified 'ur tlie Deed of
<br /> � Trun�t.
<br /> _ . g, ��� �ors�n�A.ssl�*,m��. This Assignmen�,�gether vvlth the agreem�nts ancD
<br /> � �� warranties h�+aim contained.shaU.nraure to the bene5t of A►gsignce and its sucressoxs and
<br /> � � a�s}gns and shall be bint�i�g upam Assigno�and irts sucQessoz�s and assi,�ms�s!o ell or any
<br /> _-�,:�i p�.a�of ttta property. "
<br /> �� ,
<br /> =. c�. . lhis Assignment is made pursuant to and shal�
<br /> _.._..._ _= be co�astn�ed a�ed gpverned t�y the laws of the State of Nebrea�Ca and the rules and
<br /> ---= r�gut�tiflns promulg�iad thenund�r. If a�y.�araBraPh, clguse or p�ovision of thia .
<br /> _—_. — Assignmant ia c�nstrued or i�nterpmted by a oourt of oampetent jurisdiction to b�void,
<br /> iavaDid or ur�nforceablo, such ds�.�si�n shall affect a��+thoae par�pl�:, �uses or ,
<br /> pmn►i�ion4 so ronstrued or interp�eed and shall aot a6fect tho rema�in� �ara�cnPlzs, ...
<br /> ...=v-- d1;t��uses�nd pmoviaio�,s of tf�s Aasi�men�. � �.
<br /> ---- II�1 tpyt'�NF,Sg W�EREf3F, this Aasignment E�s�b�en e�cuted this�day ":�
<br /> — --- ry.��h�m�r�� 19a19, .
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