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f <br /> � 1 <br /> w-i 9� <br /> ,{ - . ' .. . � - � <br /> . n +V,"- . •. _ ',!1 " . ,. , � ' � ..,iR�3!!r� <br /> .. <br /> . . .. ,. �,. � <br /> . . . 9�• ������ 4 ; <br /> 19.'flYt��.�fer oP tho!'rop��4y mr a Dcr�eflctat Iaterest i�i I�arrocver. If all or Any p:�rt of dis Aropeny or aay iatcrest in it � <br /> ' is eold or trnneferred(or if u beneflcinl Intcrest in Borcower ia sold or tnnaforrr,,�and A�rrawcr ia nut n ansunl person)without """ <br /> • Lender's pdor writtew consent. Lender mny� at ita optton. mqulro imneediaca payment in NIl af all 6um8 se�ured by this <br /> Secudry Instrumant.Howaver.thia optton ehnil not be exorctsed by Lcndar If exe�ctso ie pmhlfiltaA by fe�aral law ns oP the dnte ' <br /> „ of thta Securiey Instcument. . <br /> [f Lender eacercises thie o tion. Lender shsill givo Bonower notbe of uccolaradon,'I'ha nntiaa s�all pmvida u edod of not ��;h�� <br /> �. lesa thun 3Q duys fram the dn�e the notice is deUvered or muUed Within whioh aorrower must pny nll Aums s ured hv tbis <br /> " Secu�ity Inetrutueut.Il'Borrower fails ro pay tJiese suu�a priar to thoo�:plratian of tliis p�riod, Lauder may tavoke aay reuiedies ��.-_ <br /> • gemdeted by tWs Securlry Instcument w[thout fttrther aotice ar demaid oa Bottotvot. :-_ <br /> • ' 18. Bortower's Right to Refnstute. If Borro�ver meets certca�n conditions, Borrower ehnll hnve the rlght to hnvo . _ <br /> ,���,�" enforcement af this Seeurlry Instniment discontiaued at eny tima prlor to the earlier of: (n)S dnya(or such other period as T <br /> '" appUcsibl� luw mny speclfy for reinatntement) before salo of the Proparty pursuflnt to any pawer of sule contained ia thia - <br /> cb <br /> ,. �;"�'� ..�'�" Security Inatniment;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing thte Securlry Insqumant.'i'hasa conditians utct that Bormwar:(u)pnYe � <br /> LQnder all suma whtch then would bc due undcr this SecurIty Ia�uua:ent and tbe Nota As tf ua ecceleration had occnrred; (b) :�:�`; <br /> ;' cures auy default of any other covenaats or agreements;(c) pays aH�apea�es incumed in eaf�rcing tWs Sccueiry Iasmunent, ;.. <br /> . °' includIng,but not 1�tGd to,reasonablo attorne�rs' fees;and (d)eakes suol�action as Lgndar muy reasonably requiro to assure �;'° <br /> , „ . � ,� that the lien Af this Securiry Insuumeat. Lender s rlghts 1�the Aroperey end Borrower's obligntion to pay the aua�secured by ` <br /> , this Securlty Insuument shall condnue unchanged. Upoa reinetmament by Borrower. thSa Security Insuumeat and tbR �`'= <br /> " ' obligations secured hernby ehall remai�►fuliy effe.ctive as if ao accelerattan bad oocutzed. Hawcver.thia dgdt to reiustate ahall �"' <br /> not apply in the case of acceleratiaa under paragraph 17. �--- <br /> , 19. Sale of Not� Chunge o�Loan Servtcep. Tha Note or�pnrtial Intamat In tha Note (togeWer wtth this Se�u�ry <br /> � Insmunent)may be sald one or more tinies without pdor aotice to Baro►var.A salo may result la a change in the entlty(kno�vn -- - <br /> °� ,� as t6e °Loaa Sen+icer")that collects moathly puymrnta duo uadnr i�o i�7uta aad tWe Securlty Iustrwnent.Tbere niso u�ay Le�ne _ _ <br /> _. or mora changes of the Loan Servtcer wuetated to a salo of the Nata.IF thore In a change o f the Loan Servicer.Borrower wW be <br /> ` � glven writtaa noNce of the ehange in axordance with paragraph 14 ubc>vo and spplicable law.'Tbe nodce wUl state the aame and -- <br /> '� "" address of tha new Loan SetvIcer and the uddmss to which puymenta sbould bs mude.The aodce wUl also coatriin any oWer �;��1� <br /> . , info�madon required by appAeable law. '_� <br /> 20. �s+�rdous Snbstuuces. Borrower shaU �cm2 cause or garniit tha prasonce� use. disposal� storage� or releese of twy 4i•� <br /> - .�;�,�i. Hamndouts Stibstances ou or in the Pro�ny. Bo�¢ner ahall nat da. aor aUpw anyone els$ to do, anyW1nII affecting tha �:�- <br /> ��� �� Penpeaty that is in violudon of uuuy Eavimnmetttat Law. The prEtc�din�nuo s�ntencea shnit not apply to t�e presence�use.or -- <br /> „ ' �� '� swrago on the Property of small quandties of Ha�rdous Substfma�thm are generelly recognized to be appmprlate to aorcuil � <br /> � residenti�l uses and to maintenance of the Property. �`° <br /> • � � Borrower shall prompdy give Leader written nodce oP any investipption, c1�lm,demend,lawsuit or other actioa b any <br /> Im y <br /> `" goveromental or regulatory ageacy or private purty involvla�the Ptaperty and�a�y Hazazdoua Substnnce or Bnvironmental <br /> ' •••• . '� oP whi�c,h�ora+owez bas��ual lmo�viedga.IP Borrower is aotifle�b}�any goveramentel or regulatory autharity,Wat <br /> - - . any t�raa�,a or other remediazion ai tuq�Hazacdous Subs�anc�aff�ug iha Fcopariy ia ua.xasary.Bvr�wcr i�uIl pivuq►uy�c�ico _ <br />: . , atl nes¢ssnm,�remedial acdons in accnr�nnce wlth Envlrnnmentul <br />_, As u�ad in this parngraph ZQ, "Mt�zardous Substances" are c�'�ase substances deflaed as¢oxic or hazardous by <br /> ° � Envtronmeatal Isw and the foAowiag suhstences: gt�oliae. kamuae,other flemwable or to�cic petroleuam,products. toaic — <br />"� � • pesdcides sutd herbictdes,volatlle solventa.mater�uls cantalnlag asbeat�os or formald�hyde.aad radtoactive matxrials.As used ia <br />�'"�-'`4:..`� � thie patagraph Z0. 'Environmentel Law" means 8etls:rai Inws aad lews of the jurisdictton whore the Property ia locuted thut <br /> _ �,.y,:e.,,,:,,.:: relatc to healtb�safety or envlrenmenwl sprutecdon. <br />"m` ��� � � NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.]�ozaawer and Lender furthercovenant and ngree as foitowa: <br />�'t°''`'� �'`�� 21.Aac�lerattont Remedies.I.e�der xiiaill gtve notice to Borrovvver prlor to aaxleration followimg Bore+ower's 6nessch <br /> -��rwre.�:F: <br />_� :J of aqy wvenaat or agreement in t6ts Securlty Instrument(but uot pr[�r to uccelernNon uader arngrapm 17 w�tess <br />�-.�.: <br /> , �, applicablo Iaw p�nvide9 otherwLte).The aotice s�anll spect[q: (n)the detaal�;(b)the acttoa reqoiee to cure the dcfatolt= <br />�T ..; (c)o dute�not lesg than 30 days t�+om the da4e 41n¢�ottco ts gtven to Borrower�by whtch tho defaWt must 6e cured;uttd <br /> ^-.`-.��Y� (d}tbat daflure W cure We defaWt os or befoi+e 4Dte date speeified ta the uottce may resWt in accelerat[on of tha s�ma <br /> -----=u==°�..,�: secares�1by eht9 S�curtty L�strnment aad sate of the Property. TLe notice sfiail turther tatorm Bon+ower of t6e rfl,9af W <br /> '�'�� " ra.i�ta4c aftear nooeleratton and the e�ht to br(ng a court actton to assert We uon-e�dsisnce of n detault or eny o1F►er <br />-=-��?.`��. defea�e of Borrower to accelernHon aad sale. I!d 4fi�detnult is rrot cue+od ma or betom the dute spectned tn We aottce� <br /> �°"°""''''!'��, its apYloa,mny rcqWe+e tmmediate��xnt tn Pult ot all sumn sacured by this Secur[ty�asrivment wlthont <br /> Y 1��� t'�rther dmimnd eud�ay invoke ttte teowcr of s9Ilr aind eny qther remedia p�itted by applEtnble Q�w.I.eader sh�ll be <br />=�"�'t,�yr, , �. ea�tled to collat all eapeases iucupe�ed in pursuiag the remedi�s pro�rided[n this p�rngru�21,including.but not l�mitcd <br />--;: � ,���:`�:�+- to.r��soaablo attorneys'fee3 and caits of title evideace. <br />--�="�.._-.....�� <br /> —' ��=-� U the power of sttle ts tm�eYte�� 'IYusteQ shnlll reeor�l a noUce of detault tn euch cteintty In wtitch aqy pu4 m1f�t�e = <br /> "'�- ptroperty Ev Iocated and shsU maU cop4es ai such notice in the wauner prescrtbed by appl[cable law to Bort+ower�n�to <br />-��R�~� . theuther pe�ons pr�scrtbed by appitca6le taw.Atter We tlme requQred by egpliccble taw,'[�ustee shull giva puhltc not[cc <br /> _-'---�=�"�; e3 e9f�t�E�E�:lt�ts e�ia tIIe�9IIteer p�xriatsi isy uFgs!(c�;�sfe���. ''nn�;tee, WEteeoat�ie��r.n�sn tnva�eser,iu:�i s°eli �__- <br /> �_;;�.;��� — We Pc�geity et pubUc suctton M tLe hlghest bidder at the l�nse aed place md under ttre t�ma destgs�ated tn the�ttce of <br /> _��.�.�; sale i�mmE or more pnrceL9 and In eny order'i'nistes detezar�l�u�ee may post�n�male oi all or eny�wroel�Y tice <br /> —` ' .°•'�•:� property my publlc enaovnamexnt at the time eud place ��a�n�y pucevlou9ly scheduled��.Leader or ita deslgueF oaay =- <br />--'.�� �.:,.�'� pwehstse Qhe Pmperty ony _ <br />�� .:,,.-:�._ IIt S81f. - <br />_;;�. :..,..f.�. — <br /> _ �: <br />_-__ ... � <br />_�::. �j;�js'�,. Form 8E28 �lBU �r.. <br /> x;.� <br /> 6`�_: - <br />_' �, 1�-BAINQ rns�a�.ot �+e cr a �,� [[A <br /> �I� 6i'__ <br /> � .. .. p�t�_��. <br />� 1 � ' <br /> ' r..�- <br />- �: <br />- . � S�� �urW <br /> . ,; „ . ' ,,:;'�`'� iettl' . � -•-----� - -:" <br /> ;f:�%' _r • '*�;!s"e�'zs:,�.` <br /> . <br /> - - - - - - - - -- - - -- <br /> � - - ---- -, - -- _ „-- ,,- _- - _— T-- - --- -- - <br /> -, ---o-- :.:'.. .� . .. <br /> _� - . � � ..- .. . . . .. � � _ � �:n - - - <br /> _ ' . . , '> . .. ' �,��� <br /> .. . . . ; � ' . . .. ' ' .. ' . ° .. .. ° � H . ' <br /> i,.. . <br /> � . � , . - ' -. •' ` . _ <br /> `. ' . .� � � � .�� .� , ' " �. � - - 0'1 ' !I . .. � , •� ... . .. <br /> . .. Q . ,• _ " • . -, .. . . <br /> _ o _ ., i ' . " . _ . . . .. ._ <br /> - � . � .. " �� ., . .. � i <br /> � .... . .• " ' .. I . . . " " . �. " 'i , h,V �5 . . . ..�. <br /> . - � �. . ' . ' ' �. .�� - <br /> �i � r _ - . . � .. .. . , i' .' "' ' ' .. <br /> - . . .. .. . .. • . . ,• ��� .. - .. ., ' � _.� .__._. __.� ' <br />