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<br /> I .
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<br /> _ - ... -- - •_ .
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<br /> . � p .
<br /> . 99-� ������ .�.�.::_
<br /> . . . � r���. .
<br /> � � 3. YNBURANCE AND R�PAIRS. Truators shall maintain fire and extendod �_,,,,,,,,
<br /> , �x�_.
<br /> coveraga inaurance insuring the improvoments and buildings constituting �;,,,;;.
<br /> part og the Trust Estatd Por an amount no less than tho amoun� of the ��.",
<br /> unpaid pzincipal balance oP the Note (co-insuranco note exceeding 80� =_
<br /> � porm�ttad.) Such insurance palicy shal.l contain a stand�rd mor�gage �;,._•:�°
<br /> �; clauso in Pavar of Hen9Eiciary and ahall not be crancelablo, torrninable or
<br /> �� - modtPiable wi�hout ton (10) days prior e�ritton notiaa �o Bene�iciary. �
<br /> :�+��� Trustor.s sha�ll promptly repair, m�intain and replaca the Tzus� Es�ate or
<br /> -.:�;� any part thereof so that, except for ordinary woar and taar, the Truat _ _
<br />-�� Estate shall not deterior�te. In no ev4nt shall �ha Trustors commit
<br /> �� ` �raste on or to the Trust Eatate. __
<br /> „ �.
<br />� ��
<br /> il._ 4. Trustors hereby warrant arid repreaent that these 3.s no degault
<br /> �: under the provisions of any mortgaqe, deed of trust, leaso or purchase __
<br /> contract describing all or any part of the property (collectively,
<br /> ' "Lieno") , existing as oP the date of this Deed oP Truat and that any and
<br /> ' all existing► Liens remain unmodif ied except as disclosed to BenaPiciary.
<br /> ° - Trustar� sh�l1 tim.ely �ex�orn► all oP Trustiors' obligati.ons, covenants, -
<br /> represontaticns and warranties under any and all existing and �uture
<br /> `' �`�� Liens, shall promptly forward to Beneficiary copies of all noticea of
<br /> �'�;�jt� default 3ent in connection with any and all existing c+r future Liena, and _.
<br />� , °;M'�si+,' shall not without Lender's prior written consent in any rr�annor modify tho
<br /> • �t
<br /> �_,�;�,�-' pzovisions or allow any future advances under any existing or future
<br /> ' ' "���' Liens.
<br /> �•. .. . .fr,•::
<br /> ,.;,,.,.�
<br /> �;,,;`�;�;,
<br />�`� � ��'L�������� 5. ACTION3 AFFECTS2IG TRU9T ESTATE. Trustors shall appaar in and
<br /> •��i�� ur ortin to affect the security hereof
<br />��?'''" � conteat any action or proceediag p p 9
<br /> ,.... ....:. .
<br />-�•� or tho rights or powers of Beneficiary or Trustee, and shall pay a
<br />_,:;._.;:�.
<br />�'=;ic:±':_ �. cost9 and e:tpersaes, ineluding cost of evidence of title and attaxney
<br /> '~`��Rxµ PM��� in any such action or proceeding in �Y,iw i Sensfici�ry o= Z{X���t-pA ' _
<br /> r�.!
<br /> a�.,,�,. �.y�,;,t+� may appoar. Should Trustors make any ,paytnent or do any act as and 3n the
<br /> �����s��. �rI'.
<br />�� •' � r mannor prov�ded in any of the Loan Instrume�ats, SenePiciary and ox
<br />�a�'�' ��, Trustee, eaah in its ow� discretion, without obligatian s�o �o do and
<br /> U<iA"���� without notice to ar demand upon Trustors and without releasing Trus�azs
<br />�-^--��+rr.�Rrr� from any obligati.on, may make or do tY�e same in suah manner and '�o such
<br /> 3�-:�,,..'�
<br /> --+`'-'� extont as either may doem necessazy to protect the secux�ty he�+aof,
<br />"'���5�' Trustors shall, immediatdly upon demand thereJ�oro by Benefiaiary, pay al1
<br />�"'"��'`�� costs incurred by Boneficiary ia connection with the exeraise by
<br />����
<br />=;-�::r�,�� Ben�Pieiary of tho foregoing rights, including without limitat on cos r�
<br />----=�=�_'"�'@"i oP ovidonae of title, cou�t casts, appxaisa].s, survoys and a�taxney fees.
<br /> ---� An� sucY► costs and expenses not paid wiL•hin ten (10) days of wzitten
<br /> _—_--- d�»a�s�d shal]. draw interer�t at the default rate provided in the Note.
<br /> -�- -- 6. �MINENT DOb3AIN. Should the Trust Est3te, or any part 'Cb�reof or
<br /> - interost therein, be taken ox damaged by reas�a og any publia i�provement
<br />-�.- r;�� os condemnatian proceeding, or in any othex manner including c�ead i.n lieu
<br />��F��;�"�� or CoadQmnati�n ("Condemnation") , or should Trustors xeaeive ariy notice
<br /> y"'=�"'-�-�= or oth�r i.nformation regarding such proceeding, Trustor� sh�ll givo
<br /> ��'-"°�-�' prompt tarittaa notice thereof to Beneficiary. Fsenoficiar.y sha�.l be
<br /> ----•----. 27t3.�led tc �11 comgensa*��nj awards and othor payments or ro�i��r in and `
<br />-""°'''""°'� theze�ore, and shall be entitled at its optioi► to commence, app �-
<br />��'�'�'� psc�s�-�ute in its owri name �ny action o� proaQedinq. Beneficia�cy shall
<br />�-��"�",;,� a3��� be entitled to make any conipromis� or settlenient in connect3on with
<br />-""�"�"� ss��h takiag or damage. All such compensati3.on, awards, damages, rigMt of
<br />" _=-�:���
<br />-•-~��_����� actii�on and proceeds awarded to Trustors tthc+ "Proceeds") are h��aby
<br /> ;�':��':��'� �, � as���ccced to Seneficisry and Trustars agreo to execute guch fu�ther
<br /> .,,�� . ,
<br />�. <<-.�;:;;.,}` a���.�gtunants of the Pro�eeds as Heneficfary or Trustee may req►s ro. —
<br />-i�_ � ,r,:;..r
<br /> :•?,,:;.,;s..
<br />-,���:`-�` � �7t ' Extension oE t�.mo for payment or modigication of amortization of the sums _
<br />' secured by this security instrument granted by Boneficiary to nny
<br />�" ` %' "• ��' � auccossors in interast of Truator shall not oporate to roloaso tho _
<br /> ,r•
<br /> -- i ;,������ liak�ility oE thQ osiqinal Trustor or Trustor's successors in nter�s q
<br /> -.:.±,�'_.-_i_ H�.netficiary shall not bo requirod to commence proceedings against any
<br /> -� ..�we.,....s ae
<br /> • �' ^ ':?!� 9l1CCE980r8 in interost Ol T�c.'YUBGS t0 QXLOAGI Llmm iv�. t+n'yn�o++.. 'v� ........�..�..�
<br /> � ' - � ' � madiPX amortization of thQ sums secured by this security in�truuttont by �.-
<br /> �;. rea3on of any demand made by tho criginal Trustor or Trustor's succeasory _�_:
<br /> in interest. Any forbearance by Boneficiary in exercising any right dr �,
<br /> � romedy shall not be a wAiver of or prQClude the exercis� o� any right or �..,
<br />� •� romc�dy. ��:
<br /> , ' all or any part uf thc� property or any interest in it is sold or �V,
<br /> ' � tranaferred (or if a beaeficial interest in Trustor is sold or c;.;
<br /> • , , �;�
<br /> '
<br />