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<br /> • 17.Te��Sfcr of tho I�age�y or n t3eneficlal Intcrest in Borro��er. I!all or any part of the Praperty ar nny interest in it �-
<br /> ie�ald or transforrcd(or it u beneticta interest in Borrowcr ia sold or transferred nnd Bonowcr ig not n naturni perso�)�vithout �`.
<br /> . l.�cnder's pcfor wdtten conscnt, I.endcr mny. at ita opiion, rcqui�c immediutc pnyment in fuli of nll sums secum� by this �'
<br /> Sccurlty Inateument.Hotivever.this option xhnii not be eaercised by Lender It exercisc ia pmhibit��d by fcdernl luw�s of the dnte ``:
<br /> of this Sscuriry lnstrument.
<br /> It Lender oaercises this option, Lendor ahall give�orrower nosice of axelerution.The notice ahttii provide a period of not �,.
<br /> less than 30 dnys from the dnte the notice iu delivered or matled within wh[ch Borrower must puy �Il sums secured by this —
<br /> �, ' • Security instruntent.i!iiorrowce falls to pay thcsc aums grlor to the expiradon of this{sc�iod, L.ender muy invoke any remedlea �`��
<br /> , peradtted by thia Security Instrumeat wlthout Nrther notice or demand on Borrawer.
<br /> � 18. Borrn�ver's [tlght to Reinsta¢e. If Borro�ver meeta cettain conditions, Borrower shall have the Nght to hnvv
<br /> ,�,�;, enforcement of thia Securlty Insltument dlscontiaue9 ut uny time pdor to the enrlter of: (u) S duys(or sucd other period na
<br /> �~�"'' s applicable luw may spacltj� for rciastatement) before anle of the Property pitrauant to any power of sale contafaed in this `::
<br /> SPCUriry Instn►menr,or(b)entry of n judgment enforcing tbia Securlty(natcument.'Y'hose conditions are that Bomower:(a)p;tya
<br /> � Lender all sums which then �vould I�due under this Securiry Instnunent and tde Note as if a�eccelerntion h¢d occurred: (b) ��
<br /> cures any default ot any other covenunts or asreeuceats; (c) pays ai1 expens�s incwTed in enforcing tdis Security lnstnunent. �;`:
<br /> includlnQ. but aot litntted to. reason�bie nttome�s' fezs; aad(d) takes such action as Lender nnay reasonubly requtre to assure =
<br /> t
<br /> thut tbe lien of this Secudry Instcument. Lxnder s rl�Ats in tlte Propercy anA Bornuwer's obliaatlon to Qay the sums secuned by =.
<br /> , , this Securiry Instnunent shs�ll wntinue unchnnged Upon reinstatement by Borcower. tAlc Secunty lasmimea►t ac►d the _
<br /> � � obligations secnt�d hereby shall remain fuIly effective as if ao acceleratton bad occurred. However.this rigttt to reinstatc shalt
<br /> not apply in the case of acceletation under paragmph 17.
<br /> # � 19. Sale of Note;Cteange oi Loan Servtoer. The Note or a partiel tnterest in the Note(together with this Securiry
<br /> , �. Insaument)may be sold one or more times wlthout prior aotice to Borrower.A sale may result In a cbange ia the entity(kaown
<br /> . .. _ as the°Loan Senncer°)that coUects e;wnthly paycncnts dua uad�r the Note and t6is Security instrumenc.There�lso msiy be one
<br /> , " � or more cheages of the Loan Servic�r wu+elated to a sele of ttee Note.If there is u cbange of the i.oan Servicer.Bormwer wjU b�
<br /> given written natice of the chaage in acoordance with para8rapb 14 abova�nd applicable law.The notioe wiU state tbe aacne attd
<br /> zddress o f the new L oan S en►icer an d t he u d d re s s t o w h i c h p a y�n e n t s s h o u l d b e m a d e. T h e n o t i ce w i l l u l�o c ontain an Y other
<br /> infonnatlan cequit+ed by applicable law.
<br /> ?A. �oi�Svbstances.Borcower shaU not cauas or pemiit the presence. use. dlsposal. storage. or rele�se of any
<br /> Hazardons S1�bstaaces on or in the Propeity. Borrower shnll aot do, nor allow anyone else to do. an thiag affectiag the
<br /> " Pmperty ahat is in vlolatton of any Environmenud Law. The preeediag two s�ntences shaU no ap�Qo��p�to oriaal
<br /> swrage on ihe Prope�ty of small quandtles of Haaardous Substaases that are geaeraUy e�ecogn�ucl t
<br /> ' ' restdential uses and to maintenance of the Propeny.
<br /> ..�,"�, Borrewer shall promptly g[ve Ixader wriuen notice of any invzsd�:uion.cla[m.dema�td.lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> � " gpvemmental or regulatory a�e�y or rlvate�arty involvin�the�pertY end aaY Ha7ardous Substsince or Eavirunnuntal l.au+
<br /> ..,>�
<br /> ,:,,�:i
<br /> ,t�;,,�� _ of w h[c h B ormwer h a s a c t u s il k now l g e.I f�o rn o w e r l e a m s.o a e s n o 8 fi e d b y a n y go v e m m e ntal or re g u lato ry auttcarir,�,thnt
<br />—�e�.'4;�r.`r:...: -
<br /> any reawval or o�er ce�ooiaiivn oi i�ay Ho�trus��cc��ng s2ss Pragerty!s�!Ty,Borrower shall promvtBy tak� ,
<br /> � all aecessary nemedial arfi�ons Ia a000rdauce with Eaviconmentel Law.
<br /> ps used in W;s paragcaph Z0. "Harardous Substances' are those substaao�s defiaed as toxic or hazardous substaaces by
<br /> Eavironmental Law and the following substances: gacoline� kemseae. other flammable or toxic petroleum producu. tnxic
<br /> .'..``�F�N:vr, pest[eides aud heYbicides.volatile soivents.materials containing a�bestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materiala.As used in
<br /> '",'�r'�;?,f;:Yf; this Par�,qmpb Zp 'F�vironmental imw° means federal I.aws axnri lawa of the jurisdiction where the Property is located that
<br />-- �,`<��'!,'}S S.: relate to rix�a]]th.saf or eavimnme3te1 pmtecxion.
<br /> -•r�, �ty
<br />- NON-UMFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Leader flr�¢h�r coves�nt und agrce��foYtuwa:
<br /> `�'r���"• ' '�- 21. Aooelerattan;R�ed[es.I.acder s�Wl givd ttoltce W 13amower prior to eoceJrration foflowtng Boa+ower's bnacb
<br /> _'�.�N..�;a,w' oi any euvenant or�ent in WLv Security Iastrumet►t (but not prior to aooela'etEon undv p�ragrapL 17 unle5s
<br />,�:..,, ...,, �ppllcable!aw provldes oiherwIse).'Rie notEa s4a1!sRedly: Qa)�he ddanit; (b)the ad�on requi�+ed w cure the ddaWt;
<br /> ::;"�t.�;,',',f. (c)e da�,not lesg t68n 30 days 4k+om t6e date the aoHce fs�ven W Boriower.by which ths d�AWt must be c�ued0 ond
<br />-_=�; ��t��'.4 (�t6a4 Su�lura to cure We deteuZi oa or heiore the date sp�rified tn We notEoe cnay re�lt tn ooaleratton of t�sums
<br /> - _�.,,;T ct��v� secured by thts�ec��Ity Instnm�ent and sale of t�e Pir+ope�ty.The aotice s6ail ld�ether Intoim Barrnvrer ot the e#g6t to
<br /> --;=���:�sn�s;!?�.i reia�tate ufter�a�sl�on end the rEgM to bc't�g fl conrt adlon to asseit We noa�asoe o!a de�aulR ar ony othu
<br /> °=�:L';`?='� ddease of Borrower�o�Oelc�ratton end satx.H6 u�e de�sult is not cve+ed on or 6efoz+e the date specltlal in the notta.
<br /> -���,, I.rader, at 6ts optEon,may reqnis�e immedtate paymeat tn R391 oi all sums r�red by thts Sa�urlty Imteummt wtt6out
<br /> _'-"";:<"� tl�rthu d�d and may iOVOkQ�4hs ipower nf sals end soy o3�der remcdies pernitted by appIIeabie la�r.Lender steall be
<br />''��!��;�;�.,� enttUed to oo1lxt e1D exgeases incu�rid[n pu�Sng the i+e�ne�ti�es prov[ded W thLs pae�a�ph 21.dncludtag,but aat Iimited
<br /> . F,,,;k ,
<br /> `'-_'-),�_�• to,reaspn�ble attorneys [ees ond aosts oP t[tle evideace.
<br /> ` `:��'-;�— U the(�ower of sste is tnvoked, Truste�sLall Peoord a artttce of ddoult(n eacdi oountY tn whtcd a�p3' �°t Ehe
<br />:fi�_�e. Pe+operty t�dac�ated ond sLs�U mail wpf�ai s�ch notioe In the menuer pirscrQbe�4y appllcpble law to Sbm►wer aad to
<br />:`=�^�'�-•�',',,,,��� the other pe�soffi pr�scribe�!by appitcabte low.Atter thc ttme�+oqnired by oppltcable law.Zlrustce a'haq gtv+e publEc notia
<br /> _ ��..•�-.'—._....�—..-.3 �2 fi��C Ft1 t��•...rs�e�i+3 er3 iu'r T.&ts:��..,r�!�°a�Sy�r�!-��le tn.v.'Mv�ee�vvttbu+t denwnd on Bormwer,thall sdl
<br /> ���v:�;t:j;�`�`�� the Pt+operty ot publEc audfon t��tihe highest biddcr at We 4hnm+e and piace and nndes thc trm�dQSI�►ui¢ea�t€ie aaifrt af =
<br /> ..�.��-�'�� sale W one or mure p�a+cels end itra sa�y order'l�csta ddenntnes.'Pe+utee may postpuae sate of a!f or any pmtrel oi the
<br /> _r L��:.:� �P�i'bY Public annonaee�ncat at the ttiri�n�d place of any prevtoasly sc1�e�Wed sala Gc��drr or its dest�nee�gy
<br />-_- ,�-�� . purchasse the 1Properiy ut any sale.
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