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, , s:;'`�;•� <br /> . .. <br /> � � , � , <br /> �a.., , <br /> , , ��,,y,;E�,;.� , `�.. . .... �_. . .. �'' :. .,:,, . _._-_.--,.—=d'��'""* <br /> . . • . .. <br /> , , ...... . . .. ... . .. .. .. <br /> _.... .. ........---�--•..__..._._._.--_�._.__._...- ,f <br /> ,; . � 99m���.��a ;; <br /> '� TOC38THBR Wl1'H �Il the tmprovements naw or hereufter erected on the praperry,and nil eusement�, appartenuncea,und �•• <br /> � fixturea now or hQreuftcr a pm't ot tho prapeety. All replacementa nnd addldona shctll �lsa be covered by this S�cucity <br /> -. instrument.Ail of tbc forenoing 1s r�ferred to in thia Sscurity Inscrument us�he °Property.' - <br /> BOREtOWEfi COVENANTS that Borrnwer is lnwfully seise�of the estate hereby conveycd und has the tiaht to grunt and <br /> � - ' convey the Propeny und that the Froperty ia uaencumbered, e�tcept for encumbrcutces oP rewrd. Borrower wnrrnnts nnd will � <br /> •• defend generully the tide to the Property nguinst Nl claims and domands,subJect to any encumbrAnces of rccard. <br /> u <br /> THIS SF.CURITY INSTRUMBNT combines uaiform cov�ns�nta for nadonal use und nan-unifarm covenants with limited <br /> , variutlons by judsdtetion to constitute u uafform security instivment covicel��g re:al property. �' <br /> ,..�. <br /> � UNlFORM COVBNAN3'S.Borro�ver and Leudex covenont and a�tree a�followe: � <br /> ' 1. Pttymra�t of Principul und Interest; Prepayment and Lat�Churges. Borruwer ahull promptly pay when duc the <br /> �`.��: principal of nnd interest on the debt evidonced by the Note und nny prepaymeat aad late churges due under the Note. :.:�� <br /> , '"'°� ' 2. �nds for'1'axes and Iasurance. Subject to applicable law or to a wdtten v✓nlver by Wnder. 8orrower shall pay to � - <br /> � ' L.ender on the duy mnnthly payments are due under the Note,until the Note Is p�1d in full,s sum("Funds")for.(ay yetu'ly tmccs � ' <br /> � �; und auessmenta which may attuiu prlortry aver this Sccuriry instnunent us a Iten oa the Pmperty;(b)ycarly leasel�old payments 6_ <br /> ' ? or gmund mnta on the Property,if any:(c)Yoarly huzard or properry insurancc premiueas;(d)Yearly flood inaun�nce premluma. -- <br /> lf any;(e)yearly mortgage insurance pmmiums, if any; aad(fl any sum�payable by Borrower w I.ender. in accordance with _ <br /> ' the provislons of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortga�e iasurance premiums.These iteais are called'Escrow Items." <br /> a Lender may, at aay time.calleet and hold Funds in an amoue�t not to exoeed the ma�cimum amount a lender for a federally _ <br />���' related moctguge losn may rcquire for Borrower's escrow�c�couat undar tde federal Rcal Estate Settlement Procadur�Act of <br /> -• �. 1974 as amendeQ from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("I�PSPA'). unless another law that appties to the Funds <br /> . �• sets a lesser ar.munt. If so, Lender may, at any Nme,wllect and A�:��w�ds ia an amount ttnt to excced the icsscr amount. - <br /> _ � ��•i��.� I.ender mcy escimate the amount of Funds due on t�e basis of cunent data and reasonable estimaces of eRpendizures of futwe <br /> • ° ° Fucmw Items or othecwise tn accordaace with apPlicabie law. _. <br />_, , . ,,, ,� The Funds shaU be held in aa inatitution whose deposits are inswed by a federal agency, instcumentaltty, or entity <br /> �� :; �'�,: (including Lender.if Lender is auch an institution)or ia aay Federal Home Lflan Bunk.l,e:nder shall upply the Fuada to pay thc <br /> r .� . •,i �i�,� A Escmw Iteius.lLx.�det iaay not charge Bonower for holding and apply�ng t4e Funds,annually ana�yzing the escrow account.or <br />=.;�h� s verti�iag the Esamw Items,unless L+ender pays Aornower iaterest on¢�3e Fwds and applicable law permits Lender to make such <br />=,"•"�• � a charge.However, L.ende�may require Borrower to pay a one-time chnrge for an iadependent rea!eatate tax reportiaII servlcc <br /> z)r'::,:•-,�� — <br />-,�r used by Lender 1n connectiaa witb tUis loan. unless upplicable law pmvides othenvIse. Unless an agreemant is made or <br />�; .: �- <br /> � � appllcuble law re�uires int�rest to be paid. I.eader shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or etucatngs on the FLn . �,: <br />:'�'�`_::,';. : 13orruwer and arrtdor may agree ln wridng,howcver,that interest shall be paid on thc Fuada. Lender shall gtve to Borco�war, <br />-_�--"ry x�"� without charge� ua annual accounting of ihe Fwids. a�owin�cii�ttn ��d�biis t�thc Funds acd!he ge�� for wLuh c.�c.h = <br />,;.,'.�,.., . debit ta the Funds was mude.'llie Fuads are pledged as 1dclitionril se�uriry for all sums secured by tWs Securiry xnstnuneat. �-' <br /> �^Y��';:�"1�'•';� ` If the Fuada held by l.ender excced the amouata permitted to be held by applicable law,Leader shall aocouat to gortowcr 6. <br />�''�"�t��`�V" a for�he excess Fuada in acxo�dence w'Ith the requirements of applicable law. If the amouat of the Funda held by I.ender at any <br />��..zz�r:� <br /> �'i�•r�?+��,��:, time is not ss�ff�i�tent to�ay the Escrovu Ite�s whon dus, Lender may so nodfy Borrower in wrisin$,aad,ia such case Borcnwer <br />��:k:_,..,,, ,:'''� <br />���K4;'�,f�J� �� sual(pay tm 9�cmter the amount aecessury ao make up tha deficieac►,�.8ortower shull make up 1nc dzfictency in no mor2 :►n <br />�?:�"�'�'�,;t� tw+elve monthly.payments,s�t l.ender's saf¢discretion. <br />�����7 Upon paymeat in fuDfl��a11 s�wns secured by th�s 5ecnrIry Insuumeat.Lender shall pmmptly refund to Borrowor any y <br /> ��` ` Ftiutds 6eld by Ixnder. If.under paragrnp�►21. I.ender ahall acquice or s�ll the Property,Lender.prlor to the acqutsiflon or sale '�- <br />--��-_---.�rs�;i�a <br /> -•���'"''�? of tde Propt�y.shall apply any Fundo heIIc�by Leieder at the t�me of ticqu�itlon or sale as a credit against the sums secuted by <br />--:''"'�A�� this Se�,-udty iasuument. <br /> 3.Appftca4ton of Peyments.Unless applicable law provldes otherwise. aU paymenta received by Lender under paragcaphs <br /> -- 1 and 2 shall be applted:flrst,to eaiy prepnyment charges due under the Note; araounta payAble utt�12.r paragreph 2; ,._ <br />'�_„��� third,t,o intereat due; pr(ncipal due;and last,Eo any late chatRes due uader the Note. _ <br /> --_ 4.CA�rg,es;4icag.Borrower shell�pay all ta�ces, assessments. cbarges. flaes and lmgas�t�a�as ateributnbie to the Propezty <br /> —_-=--"�''� wB,{;,h mpy''�tv�t prlority over thi� Sscurity Iasuumeat, and lease2em� payments or ground a+ea�ss.iK any.Hon�ower sha11 Puy <br />—_--''-�w='��! thtse obligations la the manncr pmvided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrow�r s�r�9 pay them on ticae diretdy <br /> ��_°��� to the person owed payment.Burrower ahali promptiy fum{sh to I.ender�l nodces of nmouats to be paId under this p�ragraph. _ <br />__�=��.;�� If�orrower makes these payments directly,Horcawer shall promptly tLcnlsh to Lender recetpta evideacing the payaaents. <br /> - - ---�.—, FEtsrrowcr sh:�ii�nr�tly dtet��sAr•�y ltsa a•hlck hra pri�rity ny?r thta See.wdty Insmtment ualess Bomower:(a)agc�eea in <br /> ~�--°"�—"" wcldag to e�3e payment of the abligatioa secured by the lien in a maiuter acoeptable to Lender:('1+)COAteStB IIl gWd ll!'tlL l�l�1gA <br /> =—��'�i by.or defends agniast enforcemeat of the I[en ia, legat prooeedinga whtah ia the Lender•s apGnton operAte to preven� a6�e <br /> _==�=`a�' eaforcement of the lien;or(c)secures fcam the holder of the lien an egeement satisfactory to Lender subordirtaating the lien to <br /> '=`"'"'�!'�"``_��'�i this Secur(ty Insuument.If Lender determines that any paci oY the P[opercy is subJect tn a lten which may attain prlority over <br /> ---._-=�W � . <br /> '��=�; thie Secur3ty Iasuument.Lender may give Borrower a nutice identifying the lien.Boaawer shall satlsty tho lien or take ane or <br />�.'�:;_��"�4-�'_��i <br />�:: �,;•Y��;,,� utore of the actions set forth above withia 10 days of the gtving ot notice. <br /> '`�'�� Form�022 9f9R <br /> ;�1� . • �� <br /> 3iA,�, .;..1`:. . �-BRlNEl�oat�.C4 Pcgo�MO tNUete: _ <br />},��; :,r,;.s�� . <br /> .,._ . , <br /> -:.: .. °:`rl,:.:;'t;;: • <br />�,. . .ti,, <br /> . arfi7'�-.yl �a� - . <br /> ' � <br /> �� . -,: ..7y. . . 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