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_,, . <br /> � '' � , <br /> . �, . <br /> . , �, ., . <br /> . ,. , . <br /> • , ,. . , .. <br /> ,. <br /> . „ „ .��. <br /> ,,..,:,,.w- , . ..- -�-----•-=_..........--.•. <br /> .. . ...�_... ....,..__���.______....___ _ <br /> ��4 �4�1.'7:1 ., <br /> .. y .. <br /> 1�.Tcansfe�of the Property or n Beneficial lntetrest!n Borrowcr. lf all or any part of the Property or auy intcrest in it <br /> � is sold or trensferced(or if a beueficlal laterest in Dorrov�er is sold rr transferred and Borrawer is not a nutural person)without <br /> ' Lender's pdor w�ritten consent, Lender may+. at its opdon, require immedtate payment in ful; of all sums¢ecured by this <br /> � Security Iasuument.However.this option shall noY be exerctsed by Lender lf exercise ls prohlbited by federal law ns of the date ' <br /> . of this Secudry Instnunent. <br /> ' If L.eader exercises this option,Lcsnder sball�ive Boaower notice of acceleration.The notice shall provide a period of not <br /> less thaa 30 days fmm the date the notice Is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured by thjs <br /> Security Instrument.If Bonower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this pertod,Lender may invoke any remedies <br /> ' .� permitted by thia Secudty Instmment without further notice or demand on Burrower. ____. <br /> 18. Borrower's Rtght ta Reinstate. If Sarrower meets certain conditions, Donower shall have the right to have � <br /> �� enforcement of this Securiry Instsument dlscontinued ut tu►y time prior to the earlier of: (a) S days (or such oWer period as �-,;; <br /> '-::.�:-"'•"'�� applicable iaw may specify for reiastacemrn3)b�fore sale of the Prop�rty pursuant to any power of sale contained in this �;i�,f; <br /> Sccurlry Instrumea�t;or(b)entry af a judgm�nt enforcing thfs Security insaument. 'fhose condicions are that Bonawer:(a)pays zxE <br /> Lender aU sums which tben wauld be due under this Security Iastrumen3 and the Note as if no acceleratlon had occurred;(b} �� . <br /> • cures any default of any other covenants or agreements; (c)pays all expenses incwTed in enforciaQ this Security Instrument, ,�,��� <br /> including,but not limitcd to, reasonable attarneys' fees:and(d)tak�such action as Lender mny reasonably rcquirc to assure � <br /> that the!{en of this Security Instrument, Lender's dgt►ts in the Properry and Borrower's obligadan to pay the sums secured by --- <br /> ` this Security InRtrument shNl continue unchanged Upan reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Insuument und the <br /> ; obligattons secured hereby shell remain fully effective as if no acceleratIon had accurred. However.this right to rein.4tute shali <br /> . not appty in the case of accslerntton uuder paragcaph 17. <br /> y I 19. Ss�le ot NoLei Chnnge oY Loam Servlcer. 'Phe IVote or a partial Intcrest in the Note (together with this Sccudty <br /> � „� Instrument)may be sald one or more timca without prlor notice to Borrower.A sale may result in A chnnge in the entity(known <br /> ns uhe"I,ann Scrvicer")thnt collecta montbly pnymenta due under the Idote and thia Securi ry Inatnirrecnt.There also may be one <br /> • or more chAngea of the LoAn Scrvicer unrelated to n snl�of the lvote. tt there ia u c hango o f t he L osin S erv icer.Horrower w i i t be <br /> .• � given written notice of tho chnnQe in ncoordanco with parngmph 14 nbave and appljcnble Inw.The natico will stnte the name and _ <br /> � address of the ne�v I.onn Servicer and thc nddress to which puyments should be made. The natice will nlso contein any other __ <br /> InEormatian requlred by appllcablo law. - <br /> � „ � Zp� Hawraouy Sqpa�¢tes. 8orrower ahnll not cause or permit the preseace, usc. diaposal. storage. or release of any <br /> Hazardous Substaucea on or in thc Praperty. Borrower eball not do� nor allow anyone elsc to do, any thia� affecting the <br /> ° property thut is in vloledon of any Envlronmentel Law.The preceding two sentences ahall not apply to the preseace. use,or -- <br /> . stotago on the Propeny of small quantittes of Haaardoua Substances thut are genertilly recognized to be appropriate to aamwl <br /> - residential uses and to maintenance of the Properiy. <br /> Borcower shall pron�ptly aive Lender wr(tten aotice of any inves[igation� claim,demand.laweuit or other action by any <br /> , governmeatal or regulatory agcncy or pr�vate parcy involving the Ptoperty uad any Ha7ar�dons Substance os Bnviranmental Law <br /> of whEcb Borrower has actuN knowledge. If�orrower leams. or ta notified by any goverrunental or e�egulatory au�tliorit��.that <br /> " - �y�r_mnvnl ar other remediatlon of any Hazardoue Substance affe�xing the Property ts necessery,BoTrower shall promptfy talc¢ <br />_ ' , ail netessary rem�dial actioz�s ta accordance with Bavironmental Law. ' <br /> ' ps used in thls pata�raph Z0. "Hazardous Substaaces"are thosg substaaces defined as toxic or hazardous substaacen by <br /> - ' � Enviroumentai Law and the followiag substances: �acoliae. kemseue. otber flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pesdcidQS and herbtcides,volatlle solvents.matarials coataining asbestos or formaldehyde.aad cadioactive materials.Aa used�n <br />-;;;r;••�Y'.;h.- , thie paragraph 20. "Environmental Law" mrans federal laws and laws of thc jurisdlction where the Property is located ttaat -- <br />�,..:..,i,::;,. ; relate to healeh,eafe orenvironmental prote.�don. <br /> t <br /> � NON-LDNII�O COVENANTS.Bomowor aad Lender fhrther covenent and agree as fnllows: <br /> � `-�i;'". xl.Ae�e➢so$tioa;Remedies.Leuder s�Nl gtve notEce to Borsrower prlor to acceleruttoa[ollowtng Borrower's breach <br />µ��`�- �-�; of eny a►vsnent or agreement tn this Secu�lty In.�c@r�'•7nent (but not prtor to acceleratton �derpuragmapb 17 unless <br /> n <br /> `-��� • � appllca6lP i�tw provides other�vtse).TI10 I10�IO2 ShII1I SpCClfy: (a)We detaWt; (b)the uctton requlred to c�Qe II�e�Yefaulu _.__. <br /> ' �• '•-{ (c)a date,raa4 less tban 30 daye fi�um tho dato the nptice ts g[ven to Sorrower�by whtc6 the defuult�u+t be ca�red;awd �: <br />�;��t, ,;�� (d)td�ut tua7�ae Zo cure the detault on or beture the dnte spect���J ln thc noticct iany r�vlt ta scceleratton of the suzn� <br />-,�m,,,,�_:P—� secured by 4IDi� 5ecurity Instrwnent aud salo of the Property.Tihe no�ce shaq f�riher intorm Borrower of the rlght�to <br /> s�„�,�„ relnststte a�Iter acaeleratloa�nd the rlght to bdng a court ad[ow dm assett the non-extsteQC�of a delaWt or any athcr <br /> ,���� d�efease ot�ora+nwer to armeleratlon and sale. V tiie default is Qoi� om or before t�e date specifled tu the nattce, <br /> .y.�AR},�� I.ender,ot dta o�tion, mayr�utre imm�a!luto payutent tn Pull ai uYl sums�c�ed by t61s Secudty Iastnunent wlWo�tt <br />=��Y� t1M6er det�a��7 ana may invoke the pow��of eelo end any other mrme�tes►peraritted by eppItcable law.L,ecder shell be <br />-�''�,...,,r ,;� entided to�co�lect a!!expenscv tacurred in pumn�tng t�e r�iedies�rmvld�ad in thts Faregraph El,inciuding,bu4 not Iimlted <br />� ��k'`� •n "� to,ceasonable nttorueys'[ees and castts o!ttt18 evtdP.nce. <br /> -.-==�-�--=�= U We power of sAle Is invoked, Tra��tQx shall rernrd a Qotice of default tn eac6 oouaty id whfch any part of the <br />�„ � � pruperty fs locate�ond shs�ll mail oopfai of such aotDce in the manner prescdbed by appltcnble luw W Borrower c�nd to <br /> `_---�-_"�-�_=°`� the other persons prescrEbed by npplicable luw.Aner the ttme cequired by epplicable law,Teustee shall gi�ve public notfce -_ <br /> =__e.'�_:-___x..� �t�;�,�ts S;3£�ss>.:�:.�s,�dr.l.L�s��a�es��Sr�t�hv s�rr!�h'?A law.'�+��:w[thout deffiend on Ban�o�ver•shaU sell = <br /> ="""""-�� the Pt+operS�y�t �ubl[c audlon to tho highest bidd�x at the time n��place end w�der tF�e terms deslguated ia tico nuti�o[ -=� <br /> -�Yir=:• -, . <br /> _� :��;:, , sAte in one or cnoiore put+cels and tn any order'Trustee detexm4nm.Zlru�tee mny postpone sale of ell or any parce1 oi�ihE <br /> Pe+operty by g�nbllc announcenient et tt�e dme and pince of amg�prev[ously schedWcd sate. Le�tder or its dest�nPe may <br />±�,' `' ' purchase the Property at sa�y sule. <br /> -„ -,:.. <br /> _.. :;, <br /> _ ::;. — <br /> Form 30413 9/IIO — <br /> . i`r --- <br /> • �� �ORtNEI toz�a►a voee a o�o �m�m�: • Ra.:. <br /> " ° F � <br /> _ . , , r <br /> .. .. 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