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;.� �. „ �� � <br /> .+�:..� <br /> n - . �.. - - - i ., ' /l . . <br /> •... ,. <br /> � _' � .w�thl/INMW.Y:r@-v•. .. •, ' .. - , ,fA�C <br /> .. . <br /> , . . .. � w .� .._..�._._�_..... ._. � <br /> • -' ----...__....._ .�•... --° ..... .. . ......... ---_..:..._._...-'-^--°_.4..._.--- - -. . ........,_.----'-......�........--�--- --. .._ <br /> �g� �0�,��1 <br /> � ,��� 8.'Hc�ud or I'ropw��tyy Insu�aaace. Borrower shall kecp the improvements now exiadng on c�reafcer erccted on the <br /> � � Propetty inswed against loss by fire, ha2arda iacludcd within the tem► 'extended covernge" and any other hezaras, including <br /> ° tlaods or flooding,for which Lender requirea inaurance. This insurancc ahull be mi►intained in the amounts and for the perioda ' <br /> , that l.ender requirea. The insursince carrler provldiaB the Inaurance shall be chosen by Borcower subject to L.ender's approval <br /> � ,� �' which ahall not be unreasonably wtthiicld. If Bor�owet fails to maintNn coveruge described ebcsve, Lender mny, ut Lendcr's <br /> � • ,�,,; , option.obtaln coverage to protecc Lender's rlghta in tho Property in accordance wlth puragraph 7. —;w- <br /> ' All Insurance policies aacl renewnls sh�ll b6 acceptable to Lender and shail include a swndard mortgage clause. Lender <br /> •. shall have the dght to hold tde poHcles and renewals.if Lender requires.Borrower shnll prompdy give w L.cnder a11 receipts of �T,. <br /> � ^ ; pald premlusns and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrower ahall give prompt notice to the lasaraace carrier and Lender. <br /> l.ender raay maice proaf of loss if not made pmmptly by Botrower. �`�- <br /> -%��""""� •• Uuless l,ender and Borrower otherwise agree in wrtttng, insurauce proceeds shap bt applied ro restoration or mpair of the _ <br /> �' '°"� ' Property damaged,if the restoration or repair is economically feasiblo and Lender's securlry is nat Icssened. If the restoration or - <br /> ' = repatr is not econotnically feasible or Lender's secutity would be lesseaod. the inawrance proceeds sball be applied to the sums — <br /> �t " secured by this Security Instcumeat. whetber or not then due,with tuiy excess paid to Borro►v�r. If Borrower abandons thc •-- <br /> F# Ptopetty,or does nat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insuraace carrier has affer�d to settle a claim.then <br /> �`'�� � I.�nder may colle�t the inswance pmcceda. Lender may us�the pmceeds to rcpair or restom the Proporty or to pay sums <br /> ,.,,';':.. <br /> .;,,: <br /> ,;:�„�,,�,:,;ik;!,t:;1 secured by this Security Insuument.whether or not then duo.The 30�day period will bagin when the nodce ia g9ven. — <br /> „ ���°�.,:�•�����j'• ` Llnless Lender sad Boaower otherwlse ngcee in wdting, any applicatioa of proceeds to principnl ahall nat e�ctead or <br /> � �•r��`�ti`';;��.' °� s ne the due dats of We raonthl a mente referred to in ara ra hs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the ayfIIEAtB. If <br />-"t�';�,:;•,�,•:,'•�� �� �.,, Pp � Y P Y P � P p <br /> 't;.:;'�,,��;.;1� '`��_ , uuder pnragraph 21 the Preperty Is acquired by Lender, Borrower's dght to any insaraace palicies and proceeds resulting ftom <br /> . ' �`•. damage to the Property prior to We acquisltion ahall pass¢o Lender to the exteat of the sums se�ured by this Security Instnunent <br /> .. -° :' �. iaimediately prlor to the acqulsittoa. . <br /> 6. Qr.cupiwcy, Pre.servuQo�, AMtutennrcce tutd Pirotectton of the Proptrty; Boa�rower'e Lo3n Applicatton; <br />�• �, �;�: ' LEaseholds.�onower ahall occupy.establish,and use the Property as Banower's principal residence within slxty days atter the <br /> exe�ution of thia Securlty Insuument t�d ehull conNnua to oxupy tho Propzrty as Honower's pdncipnl realdence for At lenst one <br /> .�� year aRer the date of occnpsun.y�unlesx I.ender otheiwisc agt+eee in wridng�which cansent ehuil not be mtreasonnbly wtthheld, <br /> ' or unless extenuatiaR circumst�ces exist which nro Ueyond Borrower's wntml. 8ocrowar ehall aot deatroy,dnmage or imp�uir <br />-" cho Property�nilow the Property ta detedornto�or cammit wnsto on thc Properry. Borrower shall bc in dcfault if any forfeiwre <br /> =a�i �- =�w� actton or proceeding. whether civii or bogun tlint in Lcnder'e good fuith Judpment coutd cesWt In forfetturo af tho <br />��;.`�• � Property or otherwise a�atertelly impnir the lien ccemed by�his Secudry lastament or Lender's secudty intenst.8orrower may <br /> J�� �� .� <br /> z`�-��"_„r,:° cun such u dePault and provided in puragraph cnusing the action or pro�eeding w be Aismtssed w[tb a cu ag <br />,=����ii�`�`. tlwt� in Lender's good faith detesminatton, precludas forietture of the Borrower's tn[arest 1n ehe �roperty or o�er mauriai ° � <br /> -=�,_"=�_.;: �.` � impalrment of the lien cceated by this 5ecutity Inctrument or Lender's aecuriry latet+est. Borrower shall also be in defavit if <br />`- �'}� Borrower.ducin the toaa lication rocess,guve mntariall fnlse or iaaccurate inforniation or stateTnents to Lender(or faile� <br />��:;_r�.•::",� � 8 �PP P Y <br /> �--�"�'_'`:��=. to pmvide Lender with aay matcriW informatfon)in eenneccion with the toan evldenced by tbe Note. including,but not limiced <br />-;qu�;.�_ to.representations concerniag Borrower's occupunay ot�he Property as a principal resIden�.If thia Se.curity Ittsuumeat is on a <br />����;`�� leasehold� Borrower slwll oomply wlth all tho pmvisions ot thE lease. If Bors+ower ncyuires fae tIQe W the Pro�rty, the <br /> °`"��'-�'`��� leasehold and tho fee dda sbaU not merge ualass Lcndet agrees to the merger in writing. <br />'�'''�"����� 7.Protection of Leader's Rlghts tn tho Pn+operty.If Borrower fatls to perform tha covenazite and agreemeatn contained in <br /> �,..�-�w�.�1� . <br />-_�`--=;`:_';:_;;.- Wta Security Instrument, or there is a tagel pteoeedinQ that may slgaificandy affect Lendor's dghts in thz Property(auc8 es a <br />___ .:.�;f..�� <br /> :.�.,_ � pmceeding in bankruptcy.probate. for ooadomaatIon or forfottum or to enforce luwo or regulatioas). then Lender rnay do suid <br /> ,--- �: .�t pay far whatever Is necessary to pmtecc the v�lua of the Property aad Lender's rights ia the Propeny. Lender's actions may <br /> -_-- y����:� . include paying uay sums secured by a lion which has pdoriry ovea th�s Securiry Iagtcvraent, ap�earin8 � ��• PaY� <br /> __ __�`�,� reasonuble auorne�s' fces end enteriag on tho Property to meke repairs.Altfiough Lender mn;y take nc2lan under this paragraph <br /> -��"' 7.L,ender does not have w do so. <br /> ��� Any amouata disbursed by l.euder under this paragrap6 7 shall become addltion�l debx of Bonmwer secured by this <br /> -- ==='�� Security Inauumeat. Unless Borrower and l.endor agree to othar tercns of puymeat,these amounts shell beur lnterest fmm the <br /> —'"�u.,.,.��°�`� dHte of dtsburs$mr,nt at tho Note rate nad shall bo poyable, with lntemst� upon aotice from L.eadsr to Borrower cequesting <br /> e�rn:a <br /> � ;':�:�i'Zfi. p8ytR211t. _ <br />���,'*;���� 8.Mortgage Iasurencc. 3t I.ender requined mo�tgqpo i�surance as a conditIan of maktng the loan secured by tt►!s Securiry <br /> °`�:�� Iastnunent. Borrower ahap pny the premiums mquired to maiacala tho��ort�o insurance in effect.If. fer any mason,the <br /> ,,:� �iioxtgage iasuraace coverage requircd by Lcadcr lapsoa or cr.u�:to is;,in effa.�t.Barroerer slrrti pay t�e p�wit�rus requlred to � <br />,.�_•�:�..� abtatu coverage enbstantIally equivalent to the mortgage insurancx previousty in a cast subssantially equtvalent to the <br /> °`=� cost to Bomuwer of the mort�tage itiw� prcviously in eNect. from en altemate mortgt�ge lu�surer approved by Lender. 1d <br />��`�"��' substaAtlally equivalent mortgage insoraace coverago is not avetlnble.Somov�er shall pay to Lender eash manth a sum equal to <br />-- `'�'�'�' one•twelfth of the yearly mortgage fnsw�attce premiuta bciag p�id by Borrowcr when the insurancc covernIIe lapsed or ceased to <br />_- =��:�?�^r� be in effect.Leader wlll accept.use aad oetaln these paymects as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insuraace. Losa reserve <br />_- ';;,,.•. � Form 3028 fl/80 — <br />�'.w.``?.�:";� ��8fNE1�eZ�2►.oa Pop�a ot o imnw:_ <br /> __ _�'..a.• �._ <br /> �'.4�. -'��. � <br /> l_� .". ] .� , ' " <br /> -... 1 ��� .. ��� _ _. .. . — <br /> _. _ . .. tl . . . I . � _ �..-. _ — e <br /> tN�L" ^i.� . .. . , �.. _ ' --'^!^'�� . ..1 �,Ty.$"� . . ' ���;�,�� . <br /> i . -- •--_._-- -----------__— --.___- ------_ _-------- ---------------- --- �-i . . �_. <br /> �!�•,s1'_.._- S._,.r T��r •i yi.,, <br /> --.� ��.� -�= �----- --- ------ --------------.. .--- - .. . . , -- - - .. _ , . - �- <br /> -, ;. .: , <br /> _-..�� it.� .' •� . . � , .:� . `run.xt=.�:_ <br /> w ._. . u . -� ��..' . -r.- � 1 'ic. _ <br /> . ... ♦ <br /> !Y 1 t <br /> �. � •1 1 •• ' •� � ,. . . . . �v'�. - <br /> , -; T <br /> . .. . . .�� , T <br /> ,`� � . o - .. , .. - ' �� ' � <br /> ��V�(ot �} - ' . `:�5.\�� . .. . , . .. , - � �i.. , .� <br /> p' ( <br /> - ,t�i' �ti� - - -'U��.. _ � ... . S�'` _ . � :ll�'� ' ' - <br /> � � <br /> . <br /> :i.f� r. - - .. - ., ' ` _ . _ „ . . �• � : <br /> a �. •�,.:.:�� t.. ! r. .• � , � i. ... ... . °' - d` . . <br /> ��.. <br /> .7�( ,' � ° .. y U� _ _... Y n - .. <br /> � , .. �. , � 'i <br /> � . . .. ., <br /> l Y . ' 'l. .. - .. '- �� . .. .. p,• . . -1.�' . <br /> i... '. . .. .. ... . � .. • - . � :, ' <br /> . ;�1(�t`' ..�. .. ... . ,.. . . ° �l��.�4 � . � f'�1 <br /> - . .'i�a�� ., � ' • . 1}�ti,� .• , . ,4�.a<<{ 't <br /> �,, .` ,:; , , <br /> _ • ?�'� " � o � ,;��'• - <br /> , •,lri;. . , t . , + • � . • . • � <br /> • ,S!`'�- . .. �� , , t, ' � ' 1, ' <br /> .t� ` ., . . . . , . � „ �- .. .. ., . , � .. .� .. ' �---` � '�3.t--- ,-�, , <br />