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� ' i ' <br /> +Ik. <br /> • .n <br /> ., ., � <br /> , ' � - ' � . . ..�...�-w,. .. <br /> . .. <br /> ' ":I11Y�11W.... ' . . . 1� <br /> • r <br /> � 99� �a���� . <br /> 9•� IFAIt�ILY RIDER <br /> .. ° (A��Lg��nm�nB oB Ronts) �`� <br /> � THt3 1�4 FAMILY WDEFi Is mada tht� 1�1�day ot Febt�+arv , ,,Q.�Q,�and lo Incoryomted Into nnd ahall bo ���^� <br /> d�,am:si to an:nd artd auAP�=mcnt tho M�rtpsQo,Doed ot Tn�at or Sec�ttl Doud (tha "&curiqr inBWmcnt")of�ho snme dnto gNon by <br /> the undarsigned(the"eoROV�or")to snouro BorrawePo Noto to e R nd Nettonn �enk� t#ra�d lalend �,_ <br /> (tho'Lender') <br /> � ot tho samo dnto and oovorhg tho PropoAy du�crbed h the S9aurity Instrument nnd toauted nt: `z:,. <br /> :-,,;;�;;,�, 616 E. MovQm_ ran�„Islend N�88N01 . �s�- <br /> ., � ..r.x lP�ovary Aeae•oq .. <br /> .� 9-4 FdMILY CQVENA�NT&. In addrtlan to tho oovanento and ngreamonts made In th�Sacurity Insuument,Borrower and Lendsr <br /> '�J: <br /> � ' ' further corenant nnd agree as toUqvra: _ - <br /> .' �1. �qDDI'�iOB�GAL PWOA�RYY �UBJECg YO YHE 8ECURITY IP1STFiUM�P1'�.In add{tlon to the Property daacribad �- <br /> � ° In tho SeaurHy Instru+�ent,tha toitovring ttema are added to tho Proparty descriptlon,and 8ha11 atso�onatltute tho PropeRy aovered By tho = <br /> • ' � S�cudty Inauument: bultding matertats� t►pP��ncas tind goods ot evsry oAWro whetaoever now or hereafter looated, or usod, or ` " <br /> ",Y Intonded to be used in oonnsction wtth ths Ptaperty, hatudhg, but nat Ilmitod to,thoso tor tho purposos of suppying or disuibuting �-;_-- <br /> heriting,aoolfig, e�eotrbity,gas,r�uter, afr nnd IlgRt, f6re preventfon end oxttnflulshhg epparatus, securityr and accesa eontrol apperatus. �V <br /> � phirt�blfl8,bBtA Wbs, Wfltel he8t6►e� wIItE1� 0108818� 867ke�►811Q08� II10V09� �9h108t6tOf8� dIShWliehel9�d1SpOenI9�W88hefe� dfyOTe�8W�16185� <br /> �� • ± � stortn whdows, atorm doore, soreens,blinds, shades,curte►ins and ourtaln roda, uttaahad mkrors,cabhets,paneiling and atteohed floor _._ <br /> �i,. oovorUigs naw or hereafter attnohed to the PropeRy, ail ot whbh, botuding reptacemonts and nddiHons thereto, shali bo deemed to bo _ <br /> �� and remoin n part of the Property eovered Or the Secutlty tnstrumsnt. AII ot tho foregohg togeiher wfth tha Property�er�ed in the �--- <br /> 1� Security Instrumant(or tho leasehold estato� the Seau►ity Inatrument ia on n k►asehold)N� refcrte0 to In thb t-4 Fumly R�der and the �AA* <br /> • , Sccurily InaWment aa the'Property". <br /> 0. USE OF PROPERTY; COMPLIANCE YATF� WW. BoROwer shall not secik,a9roo to or mako n cn�a tn tha use ot �;�;� <br /> • the Property o� Ns xoning olasef8cetion, uniess Lender has agreed In writlng to the change. 8orrower 8he11 compry with all taws, -- <br /> ordinancea,�iulat�ana and requMuments ot eny govommental body epplbabte to the Property. _ <br /> G. SU�@�1'DINATE UHNS. Excapt es permUtod by federei Iaw, Borrower shap not nqow any Ilen tntertor to tho Seeurity -n--- <br /> � Inswment to bo por[ooted agelnst tho Property wRhout Lsndo�s pdor writton pennlssion. =— <br /> D. RENT LOSS INSURANCE. Borrower shall mahtah InsurAnce apahst rent lo�s in addiifon to the other harards for wAich __ <br /> insurance ts requtmd by UnBOrm Covenant 6. <br /> z �� E. 'HORROWF.R'S HIQWT TO REINS7'ATE°DELETED. unNoem Covanent ta�a dobted. <br /> �' F. BORROWER'S OCCUPANCY. Untesa Lendor and 8onower othorwisd agree h wruine� the Hret sentence in Uneorm <br /> - Cavanant 6 aoncemin0 8ortowera ocoupanoy at the Proporly Ia doieted. NI remnining oovenents an0 agreemnnts aet foRh M Unifortn <br />" Covenant 6 ahall remain in eHeot. <br /> G. ASSIliNMENV OF LFASES.Upon �enders mpuest,eorrower shan usst�+¢� Lend�r aU t^.ases ot the Property end ail =_ <br />=�•��� securHy deposka mado In conneatton witA bases of tho Properiy. Upon the essignment,I.onder shaD havo the right to maxllry,entend or r:. <br /> ` termhate the eabting Ieases and to wceaute nflw leases, In Lendefa sole discretbn. As used h thls peragraph d.ths word "tease• _ <br /> •Y;, ,��J,�`,; shall R�ean'eub�onse•B the Seeu�ity Inatrument is on a leaseho�d. <br /> ,. , , H. ASS'!�^iW3NENT OF RENTS;APPOINTM�NT OF FBECE�R;LE�IDER IN PO&$ESSlON. eorrowe►absowtety <br />;�` '" ' �nd unaondftlonelty assigna and trsnsters to Lender atl the rents and�vsnuos('Rents")of tho Propiuty,re�pardtesa of to whom the RentB <br /> Y;.'; ••�"-� 04 aha Properiy are paqable• BoROwer authoHzes Lender pt Len82�'s agants to coilect ths Rents,and aarees that ecach tenent ot the <br />�:- � � Proparty shall pay the Ronts to Lender or Lendda agents. Howevsr,8ortowor shall recoWe the Rents unUt(I)tsnder hae flken Borrower <br /> y��.- .,�.. � �otbe of deN►utt pureuant to parGQrnph 21 of the 8ecurity instrument und(iq lendor has piven notiee t0 the tunent(s)thtit the Rente(sre <br /> - �� to bo paW to Lender or Lender's ngent. tP�ts asatgnment of Rents conatkuWS un ab�olute aceipnment and not an asalgnment for <br />'�.��• -: . ;t.. addklonal seourity ony. <br /> -- °�•'- �': If lsndm gMes not�e ot breaoh to Borrower.(p all Rents recelvod by Bortower shall ba hetd by 8orcov�sr ua trusQee tor the benetk ot <br /> U Lander onty,to be epptied to tho aums secarod by tho Socurity Instrument(Iq Lender ahal!Oe entkled to colteot and receke aIi ot ti�e <br />�"°�` �;;-'� Rants o}tha Properly;(t1q Borrower aprees tP�at eaoh tuntm!ot the Proparly shnli pay pA Renta due end unpaid!o t.ender or Lenders __ <br /> ��"r���-�-c� aponta upon Lander's wrNten domend to th� tonant; (N) unbss upRlicnbl� Iaw provtdes othernlse, ntl Rsn18 oolleoted by Lender or —_ <br />"'�`'"' Londofa�I/�ents snail bop�pped first to the costs of takhp oontrol ot and mante�hg tho Araperty and ootleaHng the Rents,holudinp,Qut <br /> vy.l .. . �p `Y w�. <br />—°�'t;'r`��' not limft9d to, uttomey's tees,receker� fees, premtums on roeeNers bonds, repaY and mahtonenco oost9, Insurance promlums, tycDS, <br />�`+`-'•� ��-" . assesamnnto end other aharges on the Properly, and thon to the suma secursd by the Security Int�trumont;(v)Lender,1_enders ay�nta _ <br /> -;t �;,�,,;-. or eny�udiolaiy appolntad recc�ker ahali be 11abb to aoaount br ony thoso Rents notueqy receNed; and (vq l.ender ehal Oe en�tiad 40 __ <br /> =ti��° •� � navo a rt�oeNer eppohtecl to take possesabn ot and manago tho Proporty nnd colfeot the Re�►ts and profks derivod trom tha Properiy ._._ <br />-���"`'' wRhout eny showYsp as to the hadequaoy of the Proptxty a8 seaudty. -° <br /> `��• I t M e R s n t a o f t h e P ro p e r t y a re n o t s u N i a i e n t t o o o v E x the ooata of tekin p conVOi ot and manashp the Prapc�r and of aolleothp tho <br />-- ---T::�..� t'l.�nta nny tund9 expe��Q3d by 1r,n�rs for�uoh purposcr� 6iaP bsuam8 :'sG:�lc�rs�G O! 84rr9t!� t4 1 s�rMr aksu r e d 6y t he S e our R y ;_ <br /> "'��°"�`�i�^��� Mstruumont pur�uent to UnHOrm Covenent 7. <br /> """:�iaw�rir.- a r6 <br /> =,,,�,.,,,,-• , 8omoasr ropresents oncE war►anta tP�at 8orrower has not executod any pcior assgnment ot the Rents and haa not end vrW not _ <br /> z;-y g�sAOm►snY act that woutd prav2nt Lender irom mrorct�irt�i2s�ighto under thls parayraph. _- <br /> ��'�: Mke control ot or mahtain tf�9 <br />_���..-�.:. londm, or Lendei's apants ar a Judbl�Uy appohtod re�catrtx, shail not be requtrer!to entor upon, � <br /> re <br /> Proqorty botoro or after 8Hh8 aotico of dolauR to Bottowar. Howevor,Lender, or Lendors ag�te cr e JudbiBilp nppohtod rocohret,may - <br />� � • do so at ¢rty 4�rto wh0n u dotauk occuro. Any apP�ioatbn ot Rontn ah��not awe or walve any detauh or hvali6ate any othor rigM nr __ <br />— ,;;yi. � �dy o}�,���r. Thts ansf8nment of Rnnts of tho Proporty ahall te+m�eato wRd►all lhe eums seeured by ths Securfly lnuWm�mt art+ <br /> paid in NIL <br /> ; . ".�. 1. CROSS-0�FAULT PROVISIOH. 8orrov�ee's dotauh or bro3oh undor ony noto or ¢g►QOment in wAfCh LenOCr heo en ��^.` <br />� Intore�t shn�t bo u Eroueh undcr tha SoeurGy Insstruument und t.�ndmr may Invoko any of Na rem¢dbs permUtsd by ths Sacurity InsUument. �,_,� . <br /> • • � �: BY SIONINCi BELbW,Bortorrer accapts and agrea3 to tho tams nnd provtalons con�atnod M thb 1d Fem�N Ridor• `�--=. <br />_.. �i. �/!'/ �--: <br /> d e�,:: <br />>. Q�?/� /_� (Soaq �;. <br /> - , .i. <br /> Oortowa�� � � _ <br /> • . �� <br /> _ _�---° <br /> .nrn <br /> s__—._.—__—� Ivooy �-- <br /> .. QOItOr1f —' <br />. .. � <br /> � � ' , s�n � <br />_ .� Borroner - <br /> 1�'_ <br />, " .., .. OOff011�f �S�'� ��� <br /> Y`•�. <br /> " � Farm 3170 9190 �; <br />' � � MULTISTATE t�t FAMILY RIDER•Fann�e MQOffroddb Mao Unlform innWmont t,� <br /> , F�a�a.�MO rorot� <br /> # ., . <br /> � vooae <br />