. - -=:1, ' .
<br /> . � , � .
<br /> � � �:��� _ � � . ���� : � � „ ��
<br /> ., .
<br /> .:,, . „ . . .
<br /> . . ..
<br /> y� � . .. , . .. . . . _____ .
<br /> =��i_IYrfM-.�ni. . . �.: � _ .. ' ' .'........ .. .. .
<br /> ..�:.�'""._-��""_.,...���.:..i...�•n'.. . . ..... ._....... , � ... -.
<br /> 1� J..�. ..
<br /> ���� � ^ � r cc;reotad on tho ro , nnd nE aaacmunta, appu►tenanaon, uri� „ �
<br /> TQ�ETHEq WITN AO tho trnprovemCnta nov� or horoake A P�Y
<br /> fbc9,uros nov� or hiro2`.31r n part ot the prop�Ay. All replscortients and edditlona ahali BI�o De coverod by thks&ecurlry inotrumont.
<br /> ' Ap of tho bnn�ohp 13 tc��Se+ftd to in thls&ecurtty Inehument ae 4he"Property.'
<br /> BQflp01Rr�R CfiV�iNFVl�EYS tt►at Bortowar ls Inwlufly ootzad of iba ostato hQreUy aonvoycd and hoo tho r�pht to flrant nnd
<br /> convoy tha Wtap�'ty rs�ti tnM tho Propar4y b uncnc�emberad, exeopt !or cneumbrnneo3 ot raoord. QOROWOt WfUf(i/lt8 Afld W���
<br /> d�lond Q:ntvaUy tha tY�1►ta tha PropoAy a8ehat nll ataima und demanda,oubJc;ot to nny or►cumbrancoa of reoord. � .
<br /> THIS&xCUF1fTM IAt�YRUM�NT eombNes un8orm cOVennnto for notlon8i uno und noe�unflorm oovonnnts wi�h Itrnitod �
<br /> varlatbri8 Dy JuTiydbl�;r�Csf oonatitu4o n un[farm oCCUrfty Inatrumont cov�ring real Oroperty.
<br /> URlIFORM CONl�Nl�;�CA. Bnrtowu end Lender oov�u►nt and asree as follcwe: �
<br /> t. pay�mpr�4�4�hdroatpal And intePest; PfCpdj(IlRdflt EDfJ I.�tO CRtlY9Qti.8os►oYlor 9AAll prOmptiy p0y whan �
<br /> duo thepr5te�Ct pt anzl Inrtore9t on the d�bt ovt�enced by tha Note and any pccpay�rnt nn8 bto chnrg:s dun unRr.r thr�Note• �
<br /> �. FUnda ta� T+�xss end Inmurnnce.tUbjeot to nppifcebl8 Iaw ot lo v wri4ten weNat by Londur,9onpwor ana11 pny --�°
<br /> ._1 to Leneln os�tht� d�y m�nlhty paymcnts ero duo undc�r tAO Note,uMtl the Note is pntd In tut,a eum ("Fund�") tor. (a)Yon�Y
<br /> r
<br /> ;-,;.���r tasces and a�sss,�tt�nin �a�4�h mny atmtr� priority ovar this 8ecurity Instrumant ns a Ilen on the Property: (b) yenrty IaASahoid � `-��+;f.
<br /> �
<br /> �q kL' u
<br /> pny�nq or praund rtY�tts on tho PrepeRy,It any; (o)yearty harard or property Inau�nce premtums; (d) yearty flood tnsuranee 1 _
<br /> pram�rau,tf any: tn)Y���n'►��[la�o hsuraneo promlums,t!snr and(�e++y sums payabb by Boirovrc+r ro tnndar In acaordsnco a �
<br /> wtih th�e provlaloma of pp�BrapA 8. h Oeu of the paymon4 of mortgage tnsumneo prcsmluma These ftem►s om cnll;,sd "Esorow �`•`
<br /> � � �v i n n Ume, eo�at ond hold Funds in en amount aot to eueeed tho neaxlmum emount a tonder to�n „-�_�`
<br /> _ �taxms. t�dtrr mnr. fr _
<br /> toderalt�r mnL•t,d►�rtdsrpa toan mey requl�e lot Bortowers c�scrow ecaeu�t under tho tederal Raat Estate Sotttomont Procedurc�
<br /> ,;. Act ot 19T4 aa aa►Tasttni from timo to tYno,t2 U.S.C.�2601 et sep. ("Fi�SPA'), unloss f►notAer taw that nppllos to the Funds _.
<br /> - . � �,pts o lasstv ampNm. ��no.Lendor maY.et any tirt�o.colbot end hob Funds in an amount not to excaed tho {sssor umount. =v
<br /> Lender m�Y cistln2:fl tt�i►smount of Funds due on the basts ot eument dam end roasonabie ostimates of expendwr¢s ot tut�+re
<br /> EseroYi it�s or ett�tuwi�o In aecordnnco w1h npp�k�6��aw• �'
<br /> . Th9 Fur�dt�hn7�q0 heW h en hstituutbn whose daposfts tu�hsured Dy a fademl agencp�InsWmentalit�r,or entily(hcluding
<br /> 'S • Land�. a�amdarr is se�tfi an hatNutton) or h any Fe�ierat Home Loen Benk. 4ender sha0 ApPly tne Fund3 to pay tho Esorow --
<br /> ' � �tmm9. I.onchc mi�r nn4 rfier88 t3ot�oti.-� !or hoklh�p Ps�d e,FAh�S!the Funds, nnnua(Ip analyshB tAe osorow ttcacun�or verNyin9 `
<br /> tho Escro+n Iticri.�G.ur+h�s L.ender pays Bortower ht�est on the Funds end apyucabt� law Psrmik► Lsnda� to mnke cuch a �_.
<br /> � chupQ. Hav,rMw. l�dcv cnay require Barrowcsr to�y a on�tlme ehcuge b�an i�t38pondent real esffite tex reportlnp service _
<br /> ' usod by t�dsu in camti3ctfnn vdth Mis bsn. unk�s e�tpOcabb t�w providos otha�wise. Jnk� en aBreomont Is made oT °-.•
<br /> � , �. g�p�b ta,p,ra8ulnp3 tnterest to p,�puid,l,ender shali not b0 required ta pay Bortower any hterost or oamEne3 on tho Funds. ��,,
<br /> 9ottov�r�o�ct t.�r•+�Mj rnay a8�M wAthp,howaver. that hterest 8hae be paid on the Fun�s. Lend9r BhaC gtue to Barovrer. �--�-, :
<br />_ , y�•'� w{Nom4 chmspD, un nr+nua l eccoun t i n p o f t h e F u n d s, s h o w i n g t x e d B s a n d d t i b i t s t o t h e F un d s and tAe pu ryo3o for wniah escA _
<br /> dab3 to II►�fun�ts ana made. The Fund3 ere pt�dped at► addRional aecurR�r for all sums sewred by th9 Seau�y�nMrumon�
<br /> It tho Fanda h�'dt by Londor eacceed tAs emounb perm@ted to bo heid by appllanbi�taa,Lender shali acaoant to BoROV:er �;
<br /> br th�moroa9 Fs�ntlb 9a eccqrdance wRh Iha ►equhimeots uf eAPik�ble taw•0 the erteount of the Funds hetd by Lender ut any �
<br /> tMfB!s not suff�:iart IW PaY the Esetow it�ms when due, Lender mey so notily Borrowee In wtftktp,and, h euch cu3o 8ortower
<br /> sfu.7 paY tc� l�dru ttin amount nocessary to mnke up the doflatanay. Borrower shall make up the doRobnay in rto more than
<br /> twCNt► mor�Yhfj pFriYUU�18.at lendei'o so�dls�ctetbn. —
<br /> ' Li� n�rnn�n�t� tu6 of ell sums seCUrsd by this 6ecurily tnsbument,Lender shaU promptiy re!und to Bonower any Fuads
<br /> h�'d by I.�dv. If,unelur pareBrePh Pt. tsnder BhsU ecqute ot seD tRe Propeny.t,ender.O�o� io m��+�������
<br />,�. PropoQty�a7�i7 q�pAy any�unda hetd by Land�r at tPoa tlme ot acquisidon ar sais as�cradt egaY►st th0 sums s9¢urtsd by thls
<br /> , , Sqatt�lyllns:au?n�tt. ts reCeM9d br londer under
<br />- 3. 1l��liesatiaie ot Peymenta un�esa eovucad�e �aw provwes ome�w�se. au �armen
<br /> P.�.rph� 1 t�.^�tl 2�ha9 be eaylied: fisst,to anM F�Yment ehargas�lue undor the Nate�sacond�to umcunts peyabia um:ar
<br /> � PN�p:�h,?;ihlsd�tp Intorest dtto:touRh.l0 P��1 due:and 18st.49 onY 18te oharpas duo under the No�
<br />- • ;, " 4. Cv�ltlf¢�ROf ��tts. BomOwer ehflU PsY &4f 18�cas� as3ossmes�ts� ehatpes� tines and 1r�osRlanB cttrbutabiB to tbe
<br /> .:,.; j•'. : PropaetY w�7�bb m�r/.t�.'1tm�Prbrfty over thb Secu�BY 4�strumeaL en9 leasohotd Pa�ts or qround�enta. ff anY. Borrower shali
<br /> pay th�ta obq�dCV:n �im tl�o manrter provlded h paragraph 2, or tf aot pald 6n that msnner,Borrower shall pay Man on Nme
<br />- ' - .,;-;,��� ' dhxYLy to Qhn p�non tt�red paymont Barowor sha�U promptry lumbh to Lender aD noUees o!emourtts to be patd under thb
<br />_� .: •�,,r.• par�rayh. It aunmmt+r malces th�a �a�ts dfreotrj. BoROwEx aha0 promAtlY tumish to t.ender rece4ts widench0 tha
<br /> ��� ` .
<br />?!`�: ;�� ��� �Borrovr�a s�s51►7mc�pty dtscharpt� �nY lien Whiah has prbriqr aver this SecurHy tnstcument unbss Borrorrer: (a)aprees In
<br />-�:..�,,n.�•�
<br /> °-�-=-• ..:!;� wiP,6►fp to tfia p��mt ¢7!ho obli�ntbn aecured by the(!on b a m�nner acceD�� ��� (�)contatta (n Qood takh e
<br /> �-�'==��='-'� lion by,or d�da upehst onbrcoment ot tho Ilen tn,b8n�proceedhBs�wldch h the Lendei's aphbn operat0 to prevent tha
<br />�" ` T entorc�t of thA t9m;or(o)secuces trwn tho hotdar o!tho lte�i an a8�aeaant sattstaatory to Lende►cubadlnaHnfl th�flen to
<br /> .�.�_:��.`:�lf�
<br />—�,.�,:�,.�,
<br />"-��ii,c:.w,ac8t� thb Sccuri�y tro�nnntx�t.It Lender detert�lnes tAat eny PaR o}tho Property is subJect!o a Ibn whbh mty�eh prbr(ty over
<br /> _.°�_,';,".�� S�ru737 hus�sunrxmt,L�ender may ghre Bortower a notice IdantHyUD the Qen.8ortower ahaU wtisty No Wsn or teho one ar mcro o!
<br /> ��'T"'�'•.f' tt�o a�etwnts r,�t faAh tabovo wahh /0 days Of the pOrinp Of rtotk�.
<br />�>_.,� ��•� 6,i4u�nzt a� �ro�rerty Ir�suranae.Baraswer shall keep the knprovemenb now ex�t9 or h�o�d on No
<br /> <fs; �-'-' Propr�ot��a�era�qqa9nr�t toas by f��hemrd3 InWtBad wkhh the tenn'extended coveraga' er►d anr oth2r hamrda� hcludhp �_
<br />-�,# .�: ' .
<br />�„�r_:s�e:�, fboda m�fidofln9,!nr whiCh Londar requlres hauranoe. 'thts insuranCe aheN be rt�ainffihed h tits tuna�nts and tor tAe porbds
<br /> - r;::�ii� . thit t�tpm m�ulis8. TAe he�trenoe C3trdBr ProvldYsB tho hsuntn�e 6R80 be ohoson by Bortower SubJOCt to Lender8 aPD�
<br />�.�.�::���'`�.. wlbh��:ns+g Uo unressanabry wRt►tset0. �t isnsrara ioi�s iv ���a:�2a++ csx�^� �.er�t! aQore.Lcne)or may, a!I.endn's =--
<br /> • optbn,o�4b3i�ca+naage to protoat L�r+dor'a Nghts h the Property 1n aacordance wRh psra9re0h 7.
<br /> T,.����`, 61V hs�u�m�ro paitcics and renewats shail be ascsptabb to,Londor nnd shail hclude 4 stende�d morty�8v c�ausa Le^de�
<br />�'�������'� • sh29 hsvm th��t E0�old tho polblas end ronewats. If Lendar requires, Borrower sha0 pompt�r�iue to La�da nll recntpta of
<br />:•;x�'..•':: pald prorn]�;tu c�d r�rowai noibes. In the event o? loss.8orrowor shaU gAre prompt notice to the hsureneo cartkk�r and Lender.
<br />_• -•.., � ,"t , . LAnl1�r may nntk0 ptoof o}toss H nOt mado prompty+ by Borrowsr.
<br /> � .+ ;�;;>.�;�: �,1e�eF s t�da and Borrower otl�erwhe ugree in writb+p. hsuannco proceeds shatl be eppl�od to rostoratbn or repair o4 9�� _
<br /> - . .,�`��•� Proq�rj�rrr�,lad,N tho routoratton or ce�at �oeonomtcaay coast�m ena t�deta socurity� �oc iessenee.tt tne�ascara�n or --_.-
<br /> • • r rapff��not or�anornlca0y toaa�b or Len�ers seeuril�r woutd ba bssenc�d,tho tnsumnco proe�eds chaU bo c�1bd to tha sum� �
<br /> • sec���nd by tNi► YaeurRy InstrumenL wt�mhe�or ncrt then due. wiin any cu�ss pak!to Borrower. If 6orroxvar nbandons thA rm_-
<br /> � � , Pro,�u'.r, o�daas npt an8wer wtthh 30 dqya e notiee trom LGnder that tho hsaranca carekr Aas oRere�to sflt119 e olaYn,then ��__-_
<br /> . . ;�'�,,;��;.. L�;;gQ,r may e�fiuet th�(nsuronce procseds. l.cndcr muy uso ths proceeds to repa6�or restore tAo Propaty o�to pay sums -_
<br />-.. , � �;;;'i so�y��s94�th�i fieeurHy IncWmenB,v/1��the� or not th6n due. The 3adaY Ralod wiit begh wit�m th0 noUCe is 9�• T=-
<br /> �' �r�+`�` Un1�s� Lm�sdor and BoROwm oih�nrise aQ►eo h wrdir►8. eny aFP1lcaUon ot pro�u�3 4o prhalpal shaD aot e�dend or _
<br /> "�..,.>�t,;;i• _
<br /> � � `', ppatQoro ttro �.ub dflte of ffio montAN payrnonea�BtertAd to h par�mphs 1 and 2 or e1u�o the emeant ot th0 paymont3. If _
<br /> 1 uncl�.*s ptr[�gTt,ah R1 ttso Propcxiy ia aaqutod by Lsnder. Bor►owere dght to any insurence poUcba and praoeds r�asuRhg trom
<br /> • � r� dvsage eo �tr��rropcxey pdor to tho aCQuisRbn sh6�paso to Lt�ndor to tho extont of Ne sum3 by thb St�trdy Inrstrumont =.-
<br /> mc
<br /> �i_�viau�N fM M.duN21l�Ctl.
<br /> ___ __� s r.�. ._ �'_ __�' _
<br /> - .,:;_:;;� .�., a. ��cup�anCy� P�eseavatton, HAalntenaace en� Protoction o9 Uee Pe�operty: eonowera e�m =
<br /> Appiiaa�tont �.c�saehotda sarowa►nnaa occuvr.osmbusn.and use the Property as Baaorrero prir�eipal rostd�oo vs'Jtnh ,�;�
<br /> � sp� d�ye� a'32v tleo aza.wtbn ot thk� Socurd�r Inutrumant and ahall continuo to oceuPY lhe Prop�rty as 8enowels prirscPat �
<br /> • ra�tQ�ens�a fa�!�rasY ono your atter tho dato of occuDasey.unleso Lender otherwMo agr�e� in�v�k►g. �vhiah consont Qhau not ��;
<br /> " b0�t�:cL^�y++dAhold,Ot Vnb3S o�dOnutiting OMCUnN3tti�►CO3 Oxh4 wMiah nre beyond Bortowers control Bomower shnU not �_
<br /> dc�ffioy�dtr�'r+�3s cu impsa tho Pro�ty.a7aw tho Propnriy to dc+t�tor+�te�or commk wasto on Me Property.Bonowor nha11 be in
<br /> hV o�tc.turo o1e tt�D roP�Y or ot aw��gtaiaRY tknpat ho Ibn emat d Y��t��Y t�mont or Lende�s Gecut rit�r htae3G
<br /> � . � � �.i;.
<br /> - ^ Ft�tO.tµO(t1i0► Pt9�7 ot 6
<br /> 09970
<br />