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.:� <br /> , • � .. • ., ,. ..,. �� <br /> ,. " .. . .., .. °..� „ . , „ . ,�. � +Maavlr h <br /> � � .. <br /> , . . . . _. ......_,...___. . <br /> � ��4 �41.'�45 <br /> � COVfP�A�JYf) <br /> . � 1, p�yen�ntl. Uor�ourot apruo� to m4ke qil �1�yretunW on tP►o eepurod dobt whon duo. Unl000 Botrawor urt� Landot Q�too othorvrloo, eny <br /> paymente Londer �ocoivee trom liorrower'Or tor E3onoyver's benetit wlll tie appIlad ttrtt to eny emounte Barrower owaa on the eecured debt <br /> . oxolusivo of I�toroet or prinolpe�,aocond to Intcta0t,nnd ihon to prinnipat.It partiol ptopaymont ot tho 000urod dobt ooar.a tor any roonon.It�v11t <br /> not redueo or oxeuoo ony ooho utod poymant untll tho nocurod dobt to paid In tuli. <br /> �.Cia:n�t AQainat Titt�.8orrowor wllt pay oit toxon,nn0000monto,a�d othar aharpoa attributobto to tho propnrty whon duo nnd wlli dotond titto <br /> to the properri ogainat nny etoime whloh would fmpal►4he Ifon of this dood o}uuat.Lendo�mey raquiro 8orrowor to aesipn ony rtphtn,otnimo aT � <br /> defensos whlah 8orrower mny have epeinat partfes who euppiy lebor or matetlaie to improve or meintoin tho property. <br /> " 3. inaurer►co. Borruwer w{II kcop tho prapartV lnnurod undcr tormu accopta6to to I,onAer nt Borrowor'e oxponso ond tor I.ondor'a bonofit.AII <br /> Inauraneo polieteo ehell inaiude e etendard mort ape eiause tn fevor af Lander.lender wlll be nemad oe toea poyoo ov oe tho inaurod on any such <br /> � �• inaurence potlay.Any(naurence proeaoda meY go app8od,within Lender's dtacrotlon,to eithor the restoretlon ot repair of the damagod property <br /> ., . _� <br /> or to Mo oocurud dobt.{f Londor taquiroa mortgage innmanco,Botrower ogreoo to mafntein euch inaurenco tor ae lonp na Londor toqulroe. <br /> : "` 4.Ptopsrt�r.Borrowet wlll keep tha property in pood aondlUon and meke oil ropairo reaoonebiy n0008sary. <br /> �,:`;� <br /> 6.fx�tsnaa.8anawot agroos to pay ntl londor'a oxponaos including tonsonabio attornoys'feee,it 8orrowor broaka nny covonantg In this d ed <br /> of trust or in ony obilgntion soeurod by thio daod o4 truat.�o�rowor wlll pay thoae emounto to Londer oa providod In Covonant 9 of thiu doo�04 <br /> uuat. <br /> B.Priof S�eu�tert�reyte.Unlaes 8o►rowor ilrat obtains Landot's written eonsont,Botrowot wlll not mako or permit any ehangos to any prier - <br /> � seeurity fntoras o. Bortowor wlli p��tam ati of Borrowor'6 oblidationa under erry prlw mortpago, dood of trusst or oMer soeurity nptoomont. <br /> � Inctuding Bottowor's covonenta to make peymonts whon duo. =_ <br /> � 7.Atal�nmsM of Rnris am1 Ptofib.8ottowot ansian4 to Londor tho ronto aed protito of tho proporty.Untoso 8otrower and Londot hova o�reed ,.,,= <br /> otherwCse in wtRing, Borrowor may colleot and retaln tho ronts an lonp os Borrower Is not in defnult. If Bonowor dafeuito,Londor,lmndor'n <br /> egent,or e eourt eppointed reeeiver mge tako possessfon ongd menege the property and colleot thn ronta.Any roMa Land�ar collacts ahall bo ���_.� <br />. , ' ��88 ry toletod exponsos tTho rom�einlnKg�amount of ien sdwlll then app y to paymente on tho BsourQd debt as ptovided in Covonn^td�ony other = <br /> ' 8.4eu�hdds•Coadominiums3 Ptenmd UMt O�vdopmsrota.Borrower a¢rooa to comply with tho provislone of eny teeae if this dosd ot trust ta on • <br /> ;;. �l� � urdor o aovanenta by lews or repulatlo�ot theccondominium or pienrted unft devatop�entnt,Borrowor wlii porform ail of Borrowor'a dutios <br /> ' p,p�r c}I.�nd�r to P�rtnrm fiu Borrow�►. If Borrowor talla to�unrtorm any of Borrowur'e dutios undor thio dead of truat, I.�ndot may �_-_ <br /> •• pe�torm tha duUas or oause them ta bo pertormed.Londcr may sign eorrawor's�emo or pay any amount R nocosse�y fo� any =�_•-- <br /> ��� � eonauuotlon on Me property fe dlecontdnued or not oanted on In e reasonnble manner,4ondar mey do whatevor la neaeatnry to ptoteat Lender'8 _ <br /> � security intorest in tho proporty.This mey inelude completing tfio eonauuadon. _ <br /> ~ Lender'e fHtlure to peHom►wili rtot preeluda Londor trom exoreising any of ko otfrer►ights under the law ar this deed of Vuet. <br /> � ;(;r!�� AnY amounte petd by Lender to proteat I.ender'e eecuriry U►tereat wiil be sacurod by thls doad of truat.Suoh amounta wlll bo duo on domnnd _, <br /> ������, and wtil bsar Interext ham tho date of Me payment unt0 peFd In full at tho intereat reto In effoot on the securod dobt. �� <br /> " � 10.0�lwlt�nd Acaa�rnton. if Borrowor taite to make any paymant whnn due or broaks any aovenante undot thie doed ot truot or eny <br /> ° obli0atton securod by this deed of truat or any prtor moRgaQo ar dead of trust, Londer mev aacelerete the maturity ot tho securod debt ond <br /> demend immedlste payment and mny lnvoke the powar of eate end eny othar remedtea permitted by appitaabte law. <br /> /1.Rsquert fa Nottcs of Q�fwtb ft Is Aeroby nsquestotl that coptee ot the noxeeo of dafiauit and eefo 0o aoni i�o�,�r�isassoss wtsa t�8�siy � � <br /> hereto,et Me addreas of eeeh auch Rereon,ae set foeth herein. <br /> � 17.Pown o!8at�.If the Londer invakoe the power of eotn,tho T►uatea ehall firat record tn ffie offico of tho�edteter of doeda ot oecN aounty <br /> ' ' wheretn the truat Propertl►o�somo part or parcet thereot ta eituate�t e nazice of defauR cantetnino the InformoUon required by lew.Tbe T�ruLtee <br />— shall atso mail copfas of tha rrotice of defeuk to Uro Borrower,to eech person who is e party hareto, and to other pe►sona ne[xeacrlGC�t 0y <br /> � BAD��Qabte law.Not teaa than one moMfi atter the Trwtoe records the noUco of d�fauR or two montha if tho auet property la not in eny <br /> Incorporetod�Ity or vtllape end ia used in tarminp o�peretbna oettied on by the trustor,ttre�ruotee ehali give pubfla notlee of eale to Mo persons <br />- '.._;*,�o�.{; and In tM manner prasGlbed by�eppp!loebte tew.7ruateie,without demartd on Borrower.ehnll sep the prapenv et pubita ouatton to the hifit�ast <br /> btdrlet.if�aquired by tho Fotm Homostoad Pratootion Aa�t,Trustee shall offor the ptapertv in rvo soperate of►fea as requtred by appilcsb!+�lew. <br />- �.^ ��%����'�i; Truatee may�oatpone aele of all or eny pereei of the property by publle ennauncameM at the tlnso ond ptaco of uny previoualy o�heduksd eata. <br /> ` �,,,;,: <br /> .�, .��;ti... • Lender or hs destgnee may putchase tho proporty at ony ssto. <br /> _�°M'� "'`�' Upqn roceipt of peYment of the price bfd,Tntetee eheQ deliver to tho purehaser Trustee'e dued corneyinD tho propony.Tho roalUpto cmrtolnod tn <br /> �•� � 1'nsatee'e deed shnll bo pdma faete evtdlenee ot the uuth af thn atatomonte eontained thoreln.Truotoe ohoU u{sply tho proceode af tho�afo in tho <br /> l` •� ro�natetomo t toos�,lb1 to a!I euma Beeurod by this deed o?T�ru�et end Ic)itho betance,It e y to tTho peeraons io�genity arait�itt9d�to reooivo h f°as and _ <br />�:�,, . . • <br /> 4}l�'Se,•rr�.• ��.Fo��dOSUrp.At lendor'e aption,thia daod of trust may be toreclosa�d in tha manner provlde by applloab�e tew tat toteoioaure pt mort�eges <br />"�� ' on reai proyeRy. <br /> .w�.yw*ie��ia.� Y. <br />-�"-:�;;?'��•�'�i� 1�.�nsnrotlon.l.or�det mey enter the properiy to Inspoat it it Lender qivos Bonowor notiw bofornhand.Tho notbo muat steto tho reosaan2lo <br />;;;;;,�..��• ,�,� ceuse for Londor'a nspaotton. - <br />-tir---�, t� •�, <br /> r c, . . 16,Co�ttAion.8orrowor uest ns to Londer tha procoeds of airy award or aiaim im clama9eo connoated witfi a con4omnnNon at other taking <br /> of att or n�y pen of the proporty.�ueh procec+da will be epplisd ee provtded tn Covenent 1.7tae ueaignment ia nubJeat to tho torma of eny prior <br /> � --_.;�•�;, security epreement. <br />_. :,w;�M;,�,�� 98.W�ive�.BY oxmotsUg eoy remedY ava�inble to Lender.Lendor does not give up anY riphta to Intor uao eny othor romody.BY nCt oxorelainp <br /> - - any remedy upon Borrower's dotautt,Lender doea not watve any�ight to tater consider the ovont e defnuit if tt Reppona apuin. <br /> i����'s�=�� 17.Johft and 8�vani LhhWty� Co�sipn�ni 6uaasson a�d Aai�n� Bow�d.AN dutlea undar xhta daod ot ouot cuv jofnt and aevaret. Any F=: <br /> �-�'�'�•` Bortowot who co-atg�thie deod of Vuat but does not casfgn the unde�ryIng dobt tnatrumerrtle) d000 so oMy to flrnnt and convt*ry thet _ <br />�• �� - Banower'e Intetest tn the propeRy to tho Truateo undar the terma of thts dead oTtruat.In addiUon,euch e Borrower egraos that tha Lendcr and <br /> '� ^A ''` anY utTer 8orrower und�r this deod of W�mey enMnd,modl}�or meke•nny other chanaes in the terms ot thia doed of truet or the aeeured <br /> 3�'t;'2•;, . debt wrihout Met Borcower'e conseM and wkhout retonoing that Borrower from the 4orms oi thia daed of vuat. <br /> ' . � Tho dutios end borxNts of th�a dao6 of trus4 eheU bind end benofit the succoneore and earcipna of Londor and Bortowor. <br /> � 78.Notiet.Unloae othorwiso roquirod by taw,any notieo Lu 8orrowm eheU be tilven by dellvwing R or by melUrtg k by cortNtod maH addrossos to _- <br /> Bonower at tha pro otty addreas or en other eddrosa that Borrowor hao givon to Lendor.Borcower wtil glvo any�otico to Londer by eertittod <br />; � �,� � � eo�so i io%°naeee`�aa oa�us°si ico°af o��v ec i of sn�s aoca of uu i�'o►addrass which Landot hoa dosignatod.Any othnr noUco to Lendcr aAnti _ — <br />' ' ;�?:?jtr:;,; �'� ' �._ <br />� . �/•r���:��. Any rtotico ahall bo doomad to havo boan�WOn to Iionowor or Londot whon glvon in tho mnnnor statod abovo. <br /> � , _ <br /> (, ';;` �g.T�p}y�p�peKy or�BsMNdaO NUn�t In th�Bortow�a It N�or nny part of the proportv or any iMereat in it Es eoid or Unmtarce� �s <br /> • wlUsout ndet e prtor wttKOn aonsont, Londor mey demand immodioto paymont of tho socurod dobt. Londor may aloo domand InnmadiaM <br /> ' peymnnt it tho Borcowor tu not n naturol pornon and a bonoficiat Intoroat in tho Barrowor le sotd or t�onsforrod. Howovor, londor mpy not ��.: <br /> = � domand paymunt In tho obovo BkuaUona if R Ia prohibhod by federai tew as of tho dato oi thts docM ot 4rust. g� <br /> �%�a.;.;•.� � ! �0.8�aonwy�nao.Whon tho obiigetfon socurod Ay thls dood of truat haa boon puld and landor hoa no turtMr obligotion to make edvanwe �-"'_ <br /> � undor the Inouumonm or o9roomnnts so�urod by this dottd of Vuat,tho Truatoo ohnlf upon written roquoat by tho Londor,roconwy tho trust <br /> proporty.The Londor ehall doilvor to tho Bonowor,or to Bonower's suceessor in intoroet,tho truet dood ond tho noto or othor ovidoncu of tho <br /> , . , <br /> _ _��.._ <br /> ' .'. ...���-�.-.--.�'� OD1�QOt10O 80 68It6tt00.oorrvwoi oit6a pfi�m:j:.sw.w•�...w�"�'o... <br /> __ ' ._- _ __— --J. <br /> 21, 8acaassor Trusta. Londor, et LondeYe o�tion, muy romovo Trustoo nnd e3►y%Snt o auccosaot trustoo by tiret, moi�inp e copY.of tflo <br /> " aubutituNon of trustao u�roquMed by appQenbio aw,and thon,by fii�tho aubsdtution ot truatoo for roeord in tho oftiao of tho repistor bf dcods <br /> suceoad to n0�tho powo duNos�ou�Moerity�and dtlo uf t1�w Tniatoo namQd in th�dso6duof tiu8t ond oa rri�succoaaorvtruot¢�o•ot tho props+'ty,she�� <br /> 4 , ,. •, �. <br /> ' . rD.D,Y ol�i <br />-- OANIfEF9 8V6TEND.INC..8T.CIOUD.MN 6630111.E00i0)•Rl111 FORM OCRMTti�NN!O/t9f9t <br />