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<br /> ti�o p�wor�nd proaaduro provldod�or by tow for tho aubstitutfon of o Truatae ov Truateeo in tho place of the Trustee -_
<br /> or'�ruAtoon n�mad hototn.
<br /> ,� 1�. Parbearana�b��aneffolery or Yruatae Not o Walvor. A forbonrnnco by Benofialary or Y�uateo in exercising __
<br /> � „ nny N�ht �r �omody ho►eundor� or othorwino aftordad by dppli�ablo law shell not bo a waiver of or prec�ude tho �'
<br /> a:�eru4c�e u4 u�iy rIpF�4 ot rcmasfy horaundor, l,Itsewlr�e,the walvor by �ono9lclary or Truatee of any�dofault of T�uatur L.
<br /> � : ,_� ut�der 4f�le Deed of T�ust ehell not bo deamod to ba e walver of eny o4her or similAr defeutts subaequentty occurring.
<br /> �� 18. Trumtor Rlot Ft�1Q�sed. Extonnlon of tho timo for payenant or madlfiaution or amortizatlon of the sums secured `
<br /> - 1►y tNe fleed of Trust grantod by Beneilalary ta any succoaeo�in le�tere�t of Truotor shall not operate to releese,in any
<br /> _�-° � fn�nr�er�the lie&sU{ty of thfl o►Iginai Truntor and Truotor's ouoca�aor in Inte�ost. Beneficiary ahall not be requirod to
<br /> .�, ao��tnanoo prnceedinpe egainst such suaceseor or r�fuso to oxtenal time for payment or otherwise modify amoRtzetion
<br /> ef th� sumq eocur�id by tho Depd of Trust by rooson of any demn�d made by the original T�ustor end Yrustor's
<br /> .,, .:- eucas�►iors in Interest.
<br /> � .. 18� d�ptlon to Forealois. Upon the occur►ence of eny da9ault herounder, Beneflcfary shAll heve the aptlon to
<br />._:•�;� � ,, tor�olote thle Dsed ot Truat in tha monnor providod by IAw tor tho torealosure of mortgages on real propert�.
<br /> 20. Truito►'�Righta.Abt�nt O�feult. Untfi ony default in the payment of indebtedness hereby s�cured,or until
<br />`;�-K,�f�;;, the breeah of eny covanent F�orein conteinod the Truutor, its sucoos$ors and �saigns, shall poaseas and enJoy the
<br /> `?�,-:.-, pmpsrty end roccive the rente and profite therefrom. Upon payme�t of all auma seaured by this Oeed of T�ust,
<br />:;; s.,r� ,� k�Bnefi0latd ehalt roquost T�ustoo 4o reconvey the propo►ty end shall su�rander this Deed of Trust and ail notes and loan
<br />` •'�;,� Aproements ovldenainp Mdobtadnoea secured by tho Deed af T�ust Qe Trustea. Truatse shell reconvey the prnporty __
<br /> ��"�"'" without warrenty end without aherge to the poroona legally antitigd thereto. 7ho tirantee tn any reconveyanca may p,.
<br /> �>•..�;;.�.�:� be�lesoribed e� "the pereon or pa►sone entltlod thoroto". end 4ha recitata therain of any mattorn or facts ahall be -_
<br /> ;�:;, aonalu4lve proot et the truthfulneaa thereof. Suoh person or pareons ehail pay all costs of reaording,if any.
<br /> �� 21. TranHor of th� P►oparty; Asiumption. If ell or eny part of the Property or an In4arvst theroin la sald or
<br /> _�,'��� tranetarrod withuut 8oneflefary'e prior w►itten consent, except as otherwise provided by lew. Beneficiary may, ac
<br /> @eneficlery� option� dectere etl the eumB secured by thle Dead of T►uat to be immedietoly due and peyabte.
<br /> ='''� 8ensftolery �hal!hovo welved sueh optlon to aecelerate if,prior to thp eate or tranater,Beneflaiary end tha persan to
<br />_=~����� whom ths Property i�to be eo�d or traneferred roech egreoment In wNtlnp thet the credit ot auah person ie eatisfaatary
<br /> -- to 8nneficldry end the4 the Intereat peyable on the sume secured by the need of Trust, shell be as suah rete as
<br /> _ _ - ��s�i� �������_, 4! ��s���$sY ��. waive the oQtlon to aoce��rete provided in this Paragraph 21, aqd if
<br /> 7rurtor'� �uoces�or in interost hes executed e wrttten essumptlon egra�ment accepto� In wrltin� by eenetic.lary.
<br /> W��� Ban�4loie�y�hntl tetee�e Yruetor irom elt obilgatione under this Dead of Truat and the i.oen Agreement. If�onafln�ery ,
<br /> ex�reire� suoh optlon to eccaterete, Benefiolary may invoke�ny rernadlea permitted by the Doed of 7ruat.
<br /> ��, R�qua�t tor Notic�. The Truetor tequeat thet a copy at any notioe ot defeult end ot eny notico ot;:aste
<br /> hereu��dsr be malled to Tru�tor at the address heroinbefore aot fortlr.
<br /> i!V WITN�86 WHEREOP, the Truator has exoauted thia Deed ot Trua4 the dey end yeer firsc nbove wrftten.
<br /> ,�2� 9�.��'8 s�..L�S.49
<br /> axc�rrio M wtu.z anrs xAt�r L w � r AAT� :
<br /> --- BTAYE OF NE�liA8KA)
<br /> SSt
<br /> COUNTY OF �+� �
<br /> ' 8etors me, e tdotery Publio quntified tor aeld County,pernonolty oeme D�=8 M WAI.B AND TflMMX L WALZ. xosaar�n
<br /> um axrs
<br /> - knnwr�to me to ba the identla�l peroonle) who Ripnad the toropoinp Instrumont and ecknowladgod tho oxacutlon
<br /> thare�of to ba hi�lher/thelr voluritery eot ertd deed.
<br /> _._�_�_ Witneoe my Itiersd And Noterlal8eet thio 1��`H day of BBATEMSER , 1998
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