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� � <br /> �9-- 1066'72 <br /> 1• wli[�t't�i��M�p'r turtiwr enewihes�d vltl�out tlw ������ or urltte�� ca��cnt of �en�[fcl�cr. <br /> ��n�ticMhY �y. :e �e. wl� optlo�, decl�r� •11 �uri� seeue�d Ay thi• t�e�d ot truu ta 6� i�tdl�t�lr <br /> �u� �e� �ay�bl� M� �toe��d to th� reMdle• .�.ii.ei. eo it urtd�r th• d�[�uit provl�lon• ea►t�l��d <br /> h�ratn. <br /> � !l. Creeta ot O�tsult. ilny of th� follorlo� �wet• �h+�ll b� deeaed �n avent oI ddault h�eata��t� <br /> �a) Teuuos �t�all l�aw tal1�� to �ak� ps�et oE say fn�t�ll�eet ot lnt�e�at. <br /> �ei�el�al or �rfaCfpal anJ int�c��t os ��1 oth�e �un ■�ewr�e h�:�br wl� du�j. <br /> (�) ?M�� haa accu�r�d a �t��cb e� oe d�tault u�d�e an� tatw. covtn��t. <br /> �jte�t. cosiltfoo, p�ovlsloe� ������t�tiae ee v���Mty ea►c�lMd 1n thi� Oe�� <br /> �[ Tewt� th� not� ae �ny otMr loa� lwte�t �eaun� h�rl�r� � <br /> (e) TMr� M�� MM � i�t�ult ►y eh� l�u�toe !� th� /��nt o( �nr pelae es <br /> �u►�p�Mt il�e or u�cu�Lrana� !e ���raat t• •I1 or any pst sE th• pco��cirs <br /> (�� T�wt�e •hrll ��1� • wlw�tarr rulelon tn �ankru�ter oe �Iu11 �� ����f- <br /> eatd �Mtswt �e tn��lvMt� �e �ha11 Mk� M a��ip�.�et t�e th� ►sMtic •� es��lt�s� <br /> !� ���Mot to tl►� ��eprtr� �r � �etlM t• Mt�re� �nr 11M �e �sew►r�ne� �e ��{- <br /> �t• ��al��t eh� '��sey L• e�w�c��. <br /> 1!. Aes�l��atlw ow 0�[ault. (e tA• �r�et et �n� Nt��lt. Ren�flof��r �ay ��el�r� �Il le1Nt��� <br /> ��e�rN M�l�� t� w M '�r� l�. M� tM �� �Irll eh��wrae ��eow. �w ae� �.r��l� vl�IaYe M� <br /> /c��Mt�e. N��. �rat�at oe aotle� ot �ny RS�. ZMr�att�r. i�Mliei�cy ��yi . <br /> ��) •ltlNt !n ��e� �e �y �p�t� vlth oe wltheut ►rie�le� �hy �etien �r 'se- <br /> eN�le�. �e y ��e�lw� ��lwa� �r • ao�et aM v.lthout eK�e� eo eh� ��qwcr �f <br /> Mr ��a�eit�. �wt�e � M� t�k� M�N���M �� eh� �to��sty, oe aey ��st eMr�et, <br /> �w it� ws aaN �r i� eh� e� ol t M Z�u�t��. MA �o �nr �et� vhleh tt ��w ��a���arr <br /> M� ���I�NL� t� �s�Nev� eh� valw. wrk�t�Ytller oe ��nt��Yilty ei ti�� �tep�rey� �s <br /> �a�t tMr�ot or lnt�e�at tMr�le. l�ec�a�� th� l�eoN t M��ltow os prot�et th� ��euefey . <br /> her�ot �nA, vithout taktn� po�s��slan o[ th� �rope�er. �w tor oi OtA�iMl�� COIItC� t M <br /> � re�ti, t��ws a� protlts dNreot. ln�ludln� tho�e pat du� �nd unpald. aad ��pl� th� <br /> ��N. le�� swt� a�d •�p�n�es ot op�r�tlan �n� eoll�etloe. lecludin� �ttecn�y t���. upow <br /> any 1nie6tM���� �ecwrd hes���, all le tucb ot�e a� ��ML�C1�[r My d�t�twfe�. th� <br /> •nt�ct�� �on � t�kl� p����dow ot th� erwt ��tat�, th� eoll�ctfae o; �ueh st�t�. <br /> i��u�s aM �ee[i!• �e� ��plteufon th���ol �� �tor���i� �h�ll eat cnr� ee v�l�� �nr d�- <br /> taule �e eoeie� ot ��[�ult h�r�w►d�r oe lw��lidat� anr acR �n� le s�apoa�� te �ueA t�- � <br /> t��lt oe �u��uaat to �uch aetie� o[ ��t�ult aed. notvlthKandles tfN eontlnuase� !e <br /> ps����lo� o[ th� prop�rty or th� eolleetlon. ��e�lpt Md �pplicatlon o[ reet�. f��w� <br /> or �rettt�. Ts��t�� ot �.n•u��.�r ..r a •etltl�� to e:�rela� �v�sr ef�ht �rs�li�� Eor <br /> le aay o! tM loas l�itnweet• or sy laM uoon oce�esa�e� ot �nr �vent of d�t�ult. !n- � <br /> cludi�{ tM rl�ht to ��cts�i�� tM powr �i ral�i <br /> (b) �o�a¢� � action to loe�olo�� ehl� DeN ot T�u�t �s a �ortd�t�. �/Po�t <br />� � � :�:::� vi :j.:tiii�:iaaj'r �iviEt �ir oi �i�� COr�Rillt• 11It�Otj � - �_��:y� <br /> (a� ��liws t� Tru�te� a velte�e I�cl�r�tion ot detault and de�and [or �al�. - <br /> M� � Yl1ttM 110t1e� �t i�t�xlt aed �l�elo� to ews� T�u�tor'• int�r��t !w tM 'so►�sty <br /> to be ��li� vhich notic� ?rustes �M�Z1 cau�� to b� dul� [iled toe eecosd !e th� ot[ieial � <br /> r�eor�r ot th� eou�ty in vhieh elw prop��tr !a loeated. _ <br /> 1�. Ianelows� by Tow�c o[ Sal�. Should l�n�fief�rr •lect to tortelos� br �:ercfu ot tM pwr — <br /> ot ��1� btcelw eo�tafoed. l�n�ticiarr �fi�ll aotit� ?su�te� aad �hall depo�it vith ?rwte� ehi• O�t� ot • <br /> Trwt � tb� w�te aa� �weh c�e�lpt• and �vid�ne� of �s�tedit�rea wa�� �nd ��cu�ed b�eN� a� Tcwt�� � <br /> �a� rMufs�. aM � re�wit ot tM ��tittei��y. th� lrwt�t �Mll til� Iar se¢ord. !� th� R�sist�e ��� <br /> ; et O�N� ot�lc� fn th� Cou�ty vl��c� th� ptop�rer i� locat��. • notla� oI de[�ult. ��ttin� [oeth ek� <br /> ; waM �E th� Teu�to�� th• /ook �nd ���� er Oaeu�eet No. o! thi� Oeed o[ teust as reaord�d !n �al� <br /> It��f�t�r �l D�N� ott�e�. tiw Inal Js�esi�eian e[ tb� �bow-r��eetb�a resl •scae• and ch.e • ►r��eM ' <br /> • ot M orllsation. ter vhieb �ald se�l �st�t� v�s �o�wr.e .s .ao��icr. has oeeu�r�d. a�W iettfej [erth t <br /> ' tIN �at��� o[ areb ►reaeb and tA� ?ruut�'• •l�etlon to ��11 th� real �st�te to �atld� th� eblf=�tlo�� t <br /> sa� att�r tM ]apa o! �ot 1��� th�n oa� �1) ronth, !h� Tru�ts� �h�ll iiv� vritten notic� o[ th� t!r � i , <br /> an� �lae� ot �sle rhleh �r b� bttw�a lt00 �.�, and S ►.�. at tM pre�l���, or at th� Cou�thow� !e ' <br /> the Cerntr vherale �ueh propertr iw locaeed� de�aelbie� th� pcopeser co b� �old by it• l�ql ���eefp . <br /> tfe�. aali �otte� to �� ►urlt�h�d le w nevipay�r ot ��ntral ctr¢ul�tion !n th• Countr vh�s�ln •ucb ' <br /> 'ro��str is lxat:�. a�e� � week [oe llv� (f) eon��eutive ysalu. eh• la�t publicatfon to be �t It��t �'�� <br /> t�s �10) ��r�. �YC AOC �OtA th�n thlsty (70) day�. Peior to el�� �al�; �nd eh� Ten�te� �hall th�n ��11 ,'� <br /> u!1 �s�itr �t th� !iN and pl�e� a��l��t�d !s th� notic�. !n th� wann�r Provided br l�v !e �t[eet � <br /> •t tM t!� ot [111n� �ai� notic�. �t publle auctlon to th� hi�h�at bidd�r tor eash �nd �hall d�li�ar � <br /> te �reb �ureh�s�r � dtid to th� pcop�etr sold. can�l�t�nt vltb el�� lav in �Ifect �t th� ti��. <br /> ' Il�ew cte�l�t ot tM pel�� btd. Ttru�te� st�il dtllvar ta th� purcfia�e, T�uste�'• d�eA catv�rins th� <br /> �s�rtr �el�. Mcit�l� !e tl�• ?cuue�'s deed �1�11 b� prlM 4ci� �videece a�� truth ot e!r •t�t�� <br /> �b yM tMc�ln. Truue� �h�ll �pply th� oroe��ds o[ eh� �al• ln tU� [ollpvin� oed�rt (a) te �11 • <br /> �!�/011i`l� dO�t• M� ��IpM��� OI tM� �a1�. iecludln; but ao! 1l�lt�d to� Tcuste�•� tees ot aot �or� <br /> Ll�a 3.0� Z o! ths isa�s �a!• Prle�, ee�soo+�bl• �ttornq f��i and eoati ot ticl• �videac�i �6) to �I1 <br /> wM �ee�r�d �y ehf� Oe�d ot T�wt= and (c) the �:e�i�. lt any� to th� psr�on or p�raoa� l��ally �n- <br /> • tltl� CMe�te. Mr p�t�on. tncluJte�, l�n�[lel�sr. Mr PucctMS� �alA property at �aid t�l�. <br /> Th� ��r�ew aaNMetl�{ eh� •�1� My�. tee anr e�u�� h� �e •1w I�e�� �ap�dlent. Dortyaa� th� �al� !cw <br /> t!N t� t!M �tll !e �h�ll b� eoyi�t�� �M� i� �wrr ��eh e���, eotte� o! /estoon�w�et �hall �� sitiM • <br /> rr �tiil� ��elar�tiop eh�r�ot by �ucU per�en at th� tf� aed pl�e� l�at �ppoint�d tos th� ��1�= Pre• <br /> v!/N. 1! th� r�l� 1• p�tponed lor long�r tlan on� (lj d�y bayond tl�� d�t� do�lsnatod in th� eotle� ot <br /> ��1�. �otie� th�reot ah�ll b� siven !n th� �a�e �anner �� th� oeisinal notice ol ��1�. . <br />. l�. R�wedl�� Not E:e]u�lv�. Tswe�� ,�a e.n.rses.rr. nd �ach o[ the�, ahall bs entltled to en- <br /> fose� ���r�ent aad otr[orMnc� oi �ny ind�btedntu os oblfsatlon ueured U�reby �nd te tx�rei�� all tl�ht• � ' -�- <br /> aud pv�n w�du thU Oe�d o[ Trwe or undes anr lo�n leitru�ent oc other �;ree�ent or an7r law nov ee ' <br /> h�c�dt�r �ntor¢�d. noewleh.undte� wa� or all ot th� iedebtedne�a �nd obli;stions a�eurad h�rebr � <br /> vidcb �ay now oe b�r�o(ter ba etiiarwl�� secureJ, vhotl�ee br �ortaege. deed ot tcust. pledee. 1Lea. a�iljn- ' <br /> +eet or oth�rvl�e. N�ith�r t1N �ceeptance of cbla De�d of T�u�t nor it� enforcewent. vh�thes by court <br />. � �etioe ot �ursu�nt to tt� ywer ot �al� or oth�r po�er� h�r�in eontolned� stall presudlc� or !n �ny <br /> �ann�r atE�et Tru�te��• os lenef/cisry'• rfjht to c�alfse upon or enforee eoy othar �ecurler nov oe h���- , <br /> •[t�e h�l� br Teu�ee� or �.e.Eicfary� !t b�tns �=r��d that Tru�tee �od EeneEici�rr. and e�¢h ot th�w. � <br /> � �b�ll b �ntftl�A to �ntoree ti�lr petd o[ Tswt �nd �nr otl�er �eeurltr nov or hereafce� held by th� �ene� � <br /> [lelasr oc T�u�tee 1n such orJee and wann�� �• they� o� •!tl►er ot tlKw. �ay 1n tl�eir ab�olut� dlseratlon <br /> ��t���tn�. No re�edr her�ln eon[erred upon or r��arved to Tru�tee or Qenrticlsry 1� lat�nded to E� �x- :3 <br /> elu�lvt ot �ny otl�er re�edy Ibrefn oe by lav provided or ptrwitted. but ereli eha12 be ewulative and ti <br /> �bsll b� !n additfan to �very ott�e� rewedr �iven heretx�der or nov or I�e�eafter exlsttns at lsv or In � <br />; eauitr or by �titut�. Evesy power or re�e�y slv�n by u�y of tl�e loan lnecrun�ente co 7rurte� or dene- <br /> tlel�er or to vhlcl� •ltf�er ot ti�a «ay be otl�er�l�e entltled �ey be exe�ctaed. concurrentiy or fndepen- �,y <br /> �tntly. fro� tl�e to t/N �nJ �r o(ten �s �ap be d�ewed expedlent by T�uetee or Ifeneflciery. nnd etther '" <br />• ot the� Mr our�u� lneo��i�tent re�edte�. Nothfn� her�ln �I�all be construed as ptot�lbltina Sene(lcl�cy <br /> �ra� •��klns • deticlencr Juds�ent �aaf��t Tcu�tor to th� ��teat •ucl� �ction !s peraittad by Iev. <br /> -2- <br /> � -- <br />