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<br /> ° . � $. Ha��ard ar Ymperty Inyururt�e. Aarr��wer shall kecp the impravementF now existing nr hereafter erecteci on che _
<br /> • ti ,Prapeny insured uga►imt la.r•s by flre, hut.�uds includcd wlihin the tcrrn "extendeJ covcrubc" und any othcr hazurds, including =,
<br /> �> �, QmKls or flcrading. for which I.cndcr n;quires insurancc.Thi,insurunre shull bc maintnincd in thc umuimt.und fur thc p�rlads _..
<br /> tt�at L.ender require�.T6e tnsurunce carrier providing the insurunce shull be chnsen by aorrowce tiubjzct t�� L cnder'F upprovut
<br /> „ "„} which shnll nat be unrc.�sanably withhc(d. If Bormwcr fnils to mah�tni� rnvcrUbc dc�cribui ub+we, L.endcr muy. at I.ender's
<br /> opti�m,nbtuin c��vem�e ta protect[.ender'�righta in the Praperty in ucco r c iance w it h piimIIrnp h 7.
<br /> ':•� �`� AII insurnnce palic{es ur•d renewulK shall be acceptable tu L.cnder and shull in�ludc a stnndiu+d mortgnge cluuse. I.ender
<br /> _ shull have thc riuht to huld thc poUrics and rer.ewuls.If l.ender requires,Barmwer Fhall promptly�ivc ta I.ender ull receipts af �
<br /> � ��� • paid prcmiums und renewnl rtotices. ln the event of lass.Borrawer shalt give p��umpt iiotice to thc insur.u�c'.:curr(cr and Lender. `-
<br /> :;;�� Lender�nay muke praof of lass tf not made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Untess Lcndcr attd Bacrawer uthenvise agr�e in writing,insurance proceeds shall be applied ta restamtion or repair of the
<br /> -�� Property dmm�ged.if the restoration or r�pair is economicully fcasible tutd Lender's security is not lessened.If the restorntion ar
<br /> - - ' repair is nat econnmicAlly feasible or[.ender's securiry would be lessenad,the jnsurance proceeds shal!be nppifed to the sums
<br /> ,;�-',;s� secuted by thts Security Instrument. whether or not then due, with any excess pnid to Barrower. If Borrower nbandons the
<br /> I � `''. ' Property.or does not answer within 30 days n not�cc from Lender thut the i��surance carrier has oft'ered to settle n cluim.then -
<br /> '�''�"f'� I.ertder moy collect the Insurnrtce pruceeda. Lender mny use the ptoeeecis to repair or restore the Pi+uperty or to pay sums
<br /> s�,�.�•..�
<br />=-,a•j�� secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then due.The 30�day period wlll beg[n when the notice is IIiven.
<br /> - � ""°� Unless L.ender and Bocrower atherwlse agree in wdting. any npplication of proceeds to princlpal shull not extend or
<br /> �"__��`�� postpone tha due date of the manthly pnyinents refcrred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> --� under paregraph 21 the Property ls acquired by Lender.Borrower's r��ht to any insurance palicies and pmceeds resulting fram
<br />__=°w� dnmage to the Property pdor to the acquisltion shall pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by tL�is Scxurity Instnuner.t
<br />�:;�t��� immediutely pdor w tkE acquisition. _
<br /> -- 6.peeupuncy,PreservnNpn,Muintenauae and Protectlon of tlee H�perty3�*�wer's Loan Appl�aatiQa;8�olds.
<br /> ti-...,;:���
<br />;�.�� Sormwer shull oe�ipy.establish,aad use th:�openy ris�orc�ower's prirora�.�1 restdence within sixty days after the execuuon o�f
<br /> thia Security Insnuraent and shall continue to occupy the Property as Bvn'ou'er�g Principal residence for at leact one year aftes
<br />''�"�'-`�`�� the date of occupancy,unless F�..nder olhervuis$a�tees!n writin�,which oonsent shall not be unreasonubly withheld� or unless
<br />�,���� extenunting circumstances exest whIch ane beyond Borrower's oontrol. Borrower s{iall nut de,tmy. dnmage or impair the
<br /> ,;8�
<br /> Property.allow the Pruperty zo deterIorate. or commit waste on the Property. Borcower shall be ia default if any foi�'eiture
<br /> . uctian or prooa�xiec�,whether civil or crtminal.is begun thut in Lendcr's good faith judgment ooutcl mrsult in farfetture of the
<br /> PropeRy or ethe�vise materitilly imp�ir the lien created by thla Securlty L�.cuument or I.ender's seczeri¢aj intenest.Aortower may -
<br /> cutB such a defuuEt and ceinstate.as prnvidod in pumgrnph 18.by causlag the ection or proceedIng to be dismisse3 wIth n rultn�
<br /> that, in Lender's good fuith daterminatlon. precludes forfeiwre of the Borr�wer's iaterest in the Propetty o��tiYC:er mnteria!
<br /> _-- — impairment of the Ilen create�by this SecurIty Instrument or L.ender's security inxeresi. Borrovrer sha1T a+z�fi�C�am��uti i. °
<br /> Borrower,durirtF ahz loan appliratlon prouess.gnve matarlally false op inaccurate Infonnation or�tate�ents to Lender(or fa�lcid.
<br /> w provtde Lend�r ivith any ma,tedel inform��nn)in oonnection wlth the loan evidenced by the Nu��,including,but not limi'.r.,�
<br /> ---� w.representationa oonrerni�13omower's oxupancy of the PropertY as a principal residence. If this S�rurity Instrument is on&
<br /> i�
<br />;�;;� lcasehold. Sorrower shell �nmply w[th all the provislons of the lease. If Borrower acqulres fce tide to the Property. the
<br />���� IeuseAold and the fce dde shWi noi merge unless Lender ag�ees to the merger in writing.
<br /> 7.Froiection oi Lender's Rigl►ts in the Propeity.If Borrower fails w perform the covenents and ag�eements contetaed�q
<br /> this S�curity Insuument, or there ia a lebnl pmoeedtag that mny significantly affect Lender's d�hts in the Propdrty(such�s�
<br /> prnceeding in banlwptcy.probate. for oondemnatIon or forfeitune or W enforce laws or regulatians). then I.endet t�ny�fl�r�a7
<br /> puy for whatever is necessary to pmtect the value of the Property und Lender's dghu+ in the Property. I.ender'9�c2iut�c m�y'
<br /> in,�ude paying any sums secured by a Ifen which hus prior�ty over this Security Insmtment. apgearing in uau�tt, paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and emering on the Property to a�ake repairs.Although Lender may wko actlon undor tl�Is paragraph
<br /> 7.Lender does�tioi have to do so.
<br /> Any amAUnts disbursed by Lender under thIs pruagcaph 7 shatl beoame addiHonal debt of�ormwer secucr�d by this
<br /> Security Instnimea�t.Unless Borrower and Lender ag�ree co other terms of payment. these amounta shull bear intet�est frc►m dt$
<br /> :::;�� rlms of dlsbutsement�t the Note rate and sh�ll be payable. ��ith interest, upon nc*ti� ftom Leader to Borrower nequesting
<br /> - = pn5mi�nt.
<br /> 4 8.Mort�s�e insuranoe.If Lender required mortgage insurance as n conditlon of maktng the ialn secur�d by Qtis Security
<br /> Instrument. Bornawer shall pay the premiums reqplred to mu[nt�ln the martga�e insursince in etF�ct. It; for uny reason. the
<br /> — _ - uiurtgage insuranco covcsagc requiird by LereQer laps�s ar��s ta be in cfic�t,Barrowc:r�fiaR�ty �he p�mium��yatiai tv
<br /> - = oi�tein coverage subst�ntiaily equivulem to the msrrt�o�nsuYanoe prevtoasly in effect.at a cost substantia{!y e�uivalent to the
<br />�� ot�sa xo Borrower of the mort�uge insurance previously in effect.�'rom nn altemate mortga�e insurer approvec7�y i.ender. If
<br /> = substantially oquivsileat mortgage insurartce aoverege is not nvailable.Borrower shall pay w Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> �""' oncrhvciRh af tI��yenrly mortgage insurance rptemdum bcing pvd by Bomnwer when thc insurancc�veru�e Inpsrd or ceased to
<br /> •+;.j�i be im effect.Lender wlil scxx�t,use und retain these paycnents as a lass reserve in Iteu of mortgage insurcince. Loss t�eserve
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