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<br /> �� REa4L. �S�'J�1'E �OI�TGA�� _
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<br /> ,�,�.-,.-.. WARRFN 7. NORfQAN AND DEBOI�AH 1 NOR(�AN, husband and wife �
<br /> -�t'�,��,;
<br /> of tho County ot NALL nnd 8t�te ot NEBRASKA hflrulnaftor caltod tho paAy of U�o firat poA,
<br /> �';�`°'"� incansldaroUonot,�F_L�ENTY F'LL�E THOUSAN[I AND NO/100-------- ------ -- — — -----
<br />_ :�'�, —
<br /> _: ,,��""t',,��— OOLLARS,(S 75r�d0•g�in Aand paW,do hareby grent,berprJn,sell end convey unto lha Ha»a Federa15aMngs A Loan
<br /> �=r:'�-.t-:a1,'7�
<br /> =y,�:�4�{i Assoctottan of Gmm1 Islnnd,Orand Is��nd, Nebmska, and Ita auusssors en� ifssigna, tho tollowing reat aaiala,si2uated in
<br /> .Y-.,,r;��� _ HALL County,Stato ot NEBRASKA ,to�rit:
<br /> .:;'::aP,��
<br /> �-��;��-�_ (NE�) OF SEGTION fb1EN'tY NINE (29)i AND I�t T�I� NORTHWEST QUaRTER {Nwk) !k SE�i'i�iN
<br /> '"'`'`='';��� TWENTY EIGkT �(28) , ALL IN TOWNSHIP ELEUEN (11) NORTH, RANGE NINE (9)� WEST UF THE
<br /> °'..:a,;;,�;� 6TH P.m., HALZ CDUNTY, NEBRASKA
<br /> --- �;�
<br /> �r;_c:;i1.��
<br /> -- '�5�
<br /> --=_�°— TogetAar wAb eil lha appurtonencea thereunto botonpin�,and ail eovenants In nn thp tAte deeds running Mlh ae!d :�a�ostoto.¢nd .
<br /> ..��_�� atl tha reota,issues ertd protds arlstng therefrom after dafault in padormance of any covenant or condilton hereln cantatned:ond �
<br /> ----�±;o vr�rrar�ls tha dtle thereto perfe�t and c!ear except for this mor�qcg3. �
<br /> . ��'� Dudng thp timo tttb martpsr�a is ln Mrce thv mortgagors rtg�e:
<br /> Fitst. Taipa9 tll tazas and specloi assdae�nnniv tevtad agalnst sald premisas,indudin9 aU tazea art0 css�asmeata{svied
<br /> . upon this rt+arlgage,�•r lhe debt securad Dy thia mortgu�a.
<br /> -;��� Secoed. To keep all paUclings thareon Insuted egain�4 1oa4 by fire, tightntnA and tomedo in s,emo company, to Ne -
<br /> _��`.`^� epproved by Iho said Homs Fedeta7 Savings 6 Loan Aosoeiaflon oi Grand Isisnd in tha sum o}Y 75•�0•� .lor fhe Iteeatd
<br /> ��_._� of the eatd Assoclatfon,and�s succ�ssors or asstgna;and to deposit cwfd polfctos with snld Aosoclatlon,artct thr�ll not commR ot
<br /> sutfer nny waste an sald premso9,ond ehall put and kaep said teat estato butidings►and improvomanta tn good orctar.
<br /> --..;,—:;'„,_,_,; ThlsQ. To�r:.;or au�,tc 4s p�kf to:Rts!!^..m�FsN�s!�8�inge�l4en Aaa4C!9t4en�t rra�u}Intane.tt�tuna�unra r�
<br /> _ .::'=5� assfgna. tho aum o! s��L CT11F Tk(QI14ANt1 At1R3�1�Q---..--------------•-----BOIIARS,
<br />_____— payab:o r�totlows� Q�� �ich 1� 20Q0
<br /> -- --�� wah intere3t thuroon payabto,eccortling to the le�ar and eftect o!tha one eorfnin R�et modgago nota ot eard irar�3gt�ors,boarin0
<br /> ���'�'1' ev�ur 43to wtth thoso presenta. AAnv�r�n�wdty soid Itond drawa Intarea!ut lho rato ot ninetcton percont�er onn um.
<br />_—'^;,�f`� It enM tuxaa and essossmants nro oeol Q►nld who��dun,or�tt�o buUdin�a on satd pramtsas aro ao1 ensucd aa nDova
<br /> ��f��;z�r�'�„.
<br /> -� � provfded,ar if any o}oaid inlerest ts nat pald arh9r.11ua.thtsn oafd whoto debt aSta11 becomo due lmmediate:y,tl fAe option o!iho
<br /> m'��`�''������ said Aasouation,and ahell ihoronRor drew fnterest at the rate of nlneteon percent por annum. -
<br /> • 2,r�,�,
<br /> .:i�Gf':��,';:.
<br /> -___,��,;��,,f., Tho mortgugor(s)hereDy assign(s)lo sofd moRgug�e oll rents and inwmo odainp at onv anC atl tlrnes ham euld propeR�/
<br /> -:�'��"��`!�'��°�x an9 m�reby autho�o said mo�qa�ate or ita agont,at ita optton,upon dofault,to tako charge ai s�efd pmporty md aolte�et ntl rents
<br /> ' -�t�:`•y—�:�' and Inaomo thereirom end apply Uro samo to t�wi paymnnt ot intorast,princtpfU.insuranoo premtums,tazes, assessmenta,r�patrs
<br /> �• «�
<br /> --�:�� or 1mDrovemonts neoessary to keop said propc:ty 8n tonantublo eondiUon,or to ciPnsr chdrgas or paymonU prorided lor hernire ot in
<br />- -.���:; _.
<br /> _ .� . ri� tho noto horeby sts�.�red.Thb rG�.l asslgrtmant sAAll conilnuo In forou unt�tho unpakl balanco o!oafd noto is My�ald. Tho tn.ttng
<br />-_-�`�:i;.iew....,
<br /> �:;y of possossion horourtdor shall b�no manncr provont or rutard auid morlgegoo in!ha aolte�ion ot e3W nums by brotlosuro or
<br /> .. . + oUeonv�sa.
<br /> • „ • ..,` Whothot suid debl becomas due by Iapse of tfine,or by roason of the tadure ot th�paRy ot N+c flrst p::�t to eompJy uM
<br /> any cond�Uon homtn,tho eNd Homtt Foderel Sevfngs 8 Loan AosoGaiton of(irand laland,ito eucooasore and as_�Igns, ehstit haro
<br /> •• , •��• ;;, th�dgh!to bespin tho foresr.ios�ro oi thfs mortgago ot onoe on tho vrhole dobl horeby soacrod, ond to mGude t�emin nA taxoa.
<br /> �, „ aas�ssmants,lnsutuneo promluma end wsto,pa4d by it or them;or oatd Ansociatlon,ite sucoossora or oea�gns,�nay broetosa onty
<br /> •�� as to Iho sum past duo,wdhout InJury to thls mortgago,or thn displaasment ar impotrmont o!Iho Icen thceeot
<br /> � 1'ag� 1 uF;
<br />