<br /> � � .;.
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<br /> �� .�� ��• . �v� ���Y�� ;.,,�1� .
<br /> 9�4 FAMILY RID�R }...,
<br /> ..• , ` � (A�oignm�nt ot Ree�4e) •.,�
<br /> � TH18 1�4 FAMILY RIOER b mnd�thNS 18th dey ot_ PBbtURTV �
<br /> AA and Is Incorpomtod Into nnd nhnU bo ';"
<br /> " dsomod tn amend c►nd 8upptemon4 tho Mortgage, Deod ot Tmst or Socofl Oeed(tho"Seou►Ily InsbumsnY) ot the eame dato gMon by ��;
<br /> � tho undcrsk�na!tthe•Bonower'>ro eQOUre�onowcrs Noco�o T1i��vsr�end.�il.2nA� �ank e�f�rand tsln.�
<br /> (t��o 'LCndcr") �''
<br /> � � F ol the sc►me date and coverMg tho PropoRy desoribed in tho Stscuriry instnrment and loonted ot: �
<br /> ;,�w,�ra��; 404 E. 10th�S�_PA�4 arend 181efld N� 88801 �;;,_
<br /> , .' I.-�+�M �. (Prop�ny Adbn�) ��r:._-,
<br /> 1-4 FA(`,AILY COVENANT3� in addHlon to the aovcinanto nnd agreements made k►the Soaurly Inatrument,Borrower und Lender
<br /> v �.
<br /> tuRher anvonant nnd agi¢a as Ioliow8: �:-=
<br /> ` A, ADDITIONBI�L P�GiOPERTY SUBJECT TO THE SECURITY IN&TRUME�OT. In uddRton to the Proporty desorinod __
<br /> � In the Socurity Inatrumont,the tolWwhp itema are added to tMa PropeRy doacrlptipn,and ahati ateo oanstitute tho PropsAy oovered by the ___
<br /> t SeeurGy Ustrumsnr buitdhg matertals, appitanaes end gooda of evory naturo whatuoevor now er hereaftar toaautd in, on, or used, or �._
<br /> ' t Btended to ba uoed In conneotton v�i2h tha Pro�orty, InoNdlnfl, but not Iimkad to, thoso for the pu�aoaos af suppNing or dlstributing ;-
<br /> ,'i``�{' --
<br /> �;�?�� heatinp, cooUng, otooGteity, gaa, wuter. aU end Ilght, fire prevontlon and exthigulahing eppuratus, sacuriiy and aacesa aontrol�yparqtuo,
<br /> _,,,: plumbing,buth tubs,wntor he8tera,water atossts,slnka,mngos, slovoa, rotrigerators,dishwn8he�s. d�(s4sal8,wnshoro, dryero,awninga,
<br /> storm windows,stortn daors,soreena, blinds,ahades,aurmins and curtaln rods,attsohed mirtors, cebtnete, punolltng nnd nttaohad floor
<br /> � .� cove�ngs eow or hereafter attaohed to the Proparty, atl of whtoh,includinfl repk►cements and additkns thereto, shall be doemed to ba —
<br /> ({�„ : end remaln a part of the P�oporty covered by tho&eauriry Inatntmant. Ali of the foregoing to8etho►wtth the PropeRy desctibed in the
<br /> $�;i�'; Securriy Inshumvnt(or tho teasahoW estate if tfle Seaurtty inehument fs on a l�sehold)are refc�nred lo In this t�a Family Rlda►end the
<br /> ���' ��}� SecurAy inshument as the"Property'.
<br /> �' ''��` � B. U�lE OF PRQPERTY�COMPLIliNCE WITH LAW. Borrower eh8tl not seek,agree to or mako a ahenge in the use of
<br />�,.;, ;, the PropnRy ar tta zoning olusstfbatton, untess Lendar hea agrood h wrlUng to the ohanpe. 8arrov�er shall eompry witb atl Inws, _
<br /> `;'` .• ,_ ardinences,�pui�tkns end requkemer►ta of any govemment�i body eppibable to the P�operty.
<br />-�b�. �;I�•
<br /> C. SUBOROINIAT'E LIENS. Fxcept as permitted by ledoral taw, Borrowar ahatt not Qibw eny Iien intertor to the 8eourity
<br /> �� '�1' Instrumeni to De perfeated agahst the Property wtthout Lsndefs pdor wrUton pQrm�anlon.
<br />- ,� p, R@NT LO$S INSURANCE.eorrower shall mafntah Insumnce agalnst rent lose In sddtio�to the oth6t her6tds tor whbh
<br /> hsurence Is requked by Unttortn Cavenent 6.
<br /> ' ;';' .' B. °BORROW�R'� R1GHT TO REIIdSYA7E" DELETED. unuorm Cavenant te�s do�ted.
<br /> ;� A � ; F. BARROWE'�'� OCCUPANCY. Uniess Lsndor and Bortower otherwieo ag►ee In wdth0. tho fkst sontenae In unf(onn
<br />�,;:?�:° ' -
<br /> Covonnnt 8 ooncemhg Borrorrefo oceupanoy ot the Property ia deleted. Atl remalNng covenanb end agreements set foAh In Unitortn
<br /> • CoYOnant 8 ShBO temakt h eNeat.
<br /> "'•'^` � '�" Q. AS5IQNMENT OF LEjLS€�i. upon I.enCars requast, 8a►owcr et�aR ass�rs ta Lsrs� s�l!�e o!!�e pr��+.�ay and eU
<br />�,:::' , ° seaurity depoafts msde h conneotton wkh kiases ot tAe Property. Upon the anaiaortrent,Lendor st�el have the right to modiry,exland or
<br /> S8 h O,!h0 WOfd "1e88B"
<br />'i��';' ;:..,;.�`L'' tgrmhate thv exlEtinp leASOU and to exeoute new IeasES, �n Lendor'8 sob diSCretian. Aa uaed In Ihis PereyreP
<br />�:��":�!.�i'+�� shatl meen'8ubi8859" M Ihe Seoudq inoWmont ts on a k�aoohotd.
<br /> ;�r"1;��;� H. A,�i.�IGNMENT OF RENT8; APPO{NTIIII�NT OF RfiCEIVER; LENDE�i IN POS3ES�l�BJ. eomcwer absowtey
<br /> _� '"�"t •"' and unaondftionnly easigns and trenstors t0 Lendar all the�ents end t�evonuoa ("Rent�')o}tho Propeily. reQardtess ot to whom tAo Renta
<br /> =�-'f� ot the Pm aty �ue payabb.Borrowor authorirns Lendor or Lendor's agonts to calteat the Rents.e�d aprees that eaah tenant ot the
<br />���-���-.�'� Property e atl pay tho Rents w LEmmd�u ar tnnder's agont�. Howover. 8o�roaor shnll ntcolve tho Renle untli iq Lender hae 9iron 8orrower
<br /> "'�'�'�� ndtlrs ot dotauR pursuent to parepmph 21 of tho Secutity Instrument and (�LanQar hus gMen notice to the tenent(s)fhat the Rente ore ,
<br />— -•-1�=_
<br />�--r.•�
<br /> Y�''"� '��� to bo patd to Lender or Lende�'s agent. Thts asst8nment of Rents oonetttutoa an abeobte assgnment and rtot en assipnmont tor
<br />�=.�'-��"'�� addEbnnl seoudty onb.
<br /> a"��'s�`�� It Lcndtt qkos natbo of breaoh to BOrrowor.(q ntl Rents recoNAd by 8onower ohnil be heid by 8o�rower ao tru8te0 for the benafit of
<br />�:�",l� Lender onty.to bo applf9d to the aurt�s aecured by the SoouHty InRQ�umnnh,(Iq Lendor shntl bo entUed to aolleot end►eteAro all of the
<br /> �v�a_��;� Rente of Ihe Proporty: (111) Borrowe►agreea that eaoh tenant ot thfl �ropmty shan pay aU Rents due and ur�peM to Lender or Londors
<br /> —•=�"�,'��!! e�onte upon Lender'e written domond to the tenn�i� (N) unteso o,�p8cabie law prrnides otAervvhe, aU Ftents ootteotod by Lendor or
<br />���'�'•+�L.'�I Lnndor's apente shBU �t►ppllBd Nst to the couts ot takhg oonlroi of and manngtng the Property aed eoli9othg the Fla�te,Inatudlny,but
<br />--•-;=�_�-�� not Nr+fted to,attomeys Eees,recokers tees,pr�ntuma on rciceNe�s bands. repab and maNteennoo costs, hsurertce premfums, texo3,
<br /> ��°°��°�� atisesomema end other aharpes on tRe Propeity,end ihsa to the aums seCUrod by tAo 8ecurity lmlwmenr. (v)IAndcr�Londor's aQents
<br /> -'"""�A'�-.� or any Jud�OlaAy appohted rocehrer shuU bo 11�b1e to ecaount tor oniy thoso F�ents eotuaty roceNad;ana(vf) Lender shnil be ontitbd to
<br /> -�-_�°�Ya� have a recet�nx appotnted to tnke paseasston of end manago the Ptoperty[�nd aoikiot tho Rontct md profibs deriued trom 4A0 Propaty
<br /> without anY showinp c►e to Ma Inado4u�Y of tho ProAerty ao security.
<br /> J-_��"'���� If the Plenta o}the Property era not suffbie�t to oover 4he coatts of takh0 control of and mtintt9ng the Property and ot aotieotinp the
<br /> _- -- �� Renta any tUnds exFendod by Lender for eueh purpose9 ehall beo0m9 hdsbtetine3s ot Borrower to Lentaer seaured by the&eeurriy
<br /> �--"-""—�-� lnahurccs��i puie+�cnt ta lln:!�m�Ce.�sant 7. -__
<br /> „„„��,c� gsncwat roprogenlg gnd wet►enta thflt Horrower haa nqt �ecuted eey pdor asslynmsnt of tlw R:nte and has nat �rn0 wiii rtct �,_
<br />- -��.:� pedom+any aot that woutd pre�v�nt Lender from exero�9ing 4s tighta under Nis paregreph•
<br /> y� ---�-a� Lendsr. a Lendera ngents or a Judtctauy appohte0 roceker, sPmG �ot be requMod to enter upan,take oontrot ot or maintaln the
<br /> _- � '� PropeR�r be�tors ot attgr glvinp notke ot 4etauR to Borrower. Howevsr,LaMc3r.or tsnCorB apRnts w 8 Judfoinly epRObted�eeke►,may
<br /> t
<br /> j4�•°'a^��� do eo et Afly t6me+ahen a dehtult oCeurB. Myap pOcatbn of Rents shatl not oure er wafve any detauk or invalldaSe any oth6r ripht or
<br />_ �`._�;°""�,} S reme6y of Lendnr. 7'hb siasignment ot Renta of tho PropoRy shaD termOneto when aN ths sums secusad by the Seaurlty Instrumont aro -
<br />- '� • Ruld ln 1uQ.
<br /> �-�`���� ��- ' � 1. CRQ�SS-�EFAULT PAOVISION. eorrowers da7�uia or breaeh undor any noto or flgreemtmt In whbh lertdet has an
<br />�;. ',� � � , � Bntcresp sqa0 bo ct brr►ach undot the Sscurily In�Wrtront and Lendor �ay Mvoke tiny ot tho romadEos pcunfktod by the Sacurfty Inat�umont.
<br />"''^ ' BY SIC3NINQ BELOW. 8crtowa accopta and cQroos to tho tams and provbiu�ts conbiinod h Mb 1�4 Femly REder.
<br />�.... � .
<br />;: '`-��: i/� ,��'/����,L/ ��n _..
<br />�. . �: —�ifcen�e��. 7e6�ez �
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<br /> �- - � fJ " DOf(Oq�I r"..
<br /> T ' . � ■.-
<br /> ' - MULTi3fATE t�a FAMILY WDER•Fannb MaolFreddb Mao Unitortn Insbument Fo�m 3170 fll00 e"
<br />- F,aa.�MO�ero�t =
<br /> - � F�:
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