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I � <br /> 8��o�s4� <br /> 9. F:VFN7'G(�F I�P:h'Al'1.'1' :1n����f thr f��llnwin�;���•+�nt��hiil! ht�de�mt�d an e�•t�m uf dt�ft�ult hesFUnder: <br /> tal TruAtar ehAll hnve feileci tn make pNVment of�nv inr:tt�llment i�f intt�re�t,prinripiil,��r princip��)tmd intereHt�r iiny <br /> other e��m eecured hereby when due;�r <br /> (b1 There ha�►occUrred�►bre�ch of or defuult under ttny t�.�rm,covennnt,c�greement,ronditian,proviaion,representutiun <br /> or warranty 4ontained in�ny of the l.A�un lnetrumenta. <br /> � 10. ACC�I.ERATIaN UPON UEi�AUI.T,Ai)I)1TI()hAl.iti:hft:l)1t'.S. 3huuld bn rventuf defHU{t ucrur Reneficiary <br /> may dc�larc al)indcbtnesa aecured hernby tu be due and paynblc t�nd the eame ehaA thereupon bemme due�nd paynhle <br /> without any preaentment,demeind,protest or notice of an�•kind. Thereafter Beneficiary may: <br /> (i) Either�a pereon or by ngent,with or without bri�Rin�any action or proceeciinR,ar by a receiver a�pointed by a court <br /> and without resard to the adequacy of itn aecurity,enter upan And take paesesaian of the'IYuat�atate,or any part thareaf,in <br /> ita own name ar in the name of Truatee,and do nny acts which it deema necessary or deairable ta preaerve the value,market- <br /> abiGty or rentability of the Truet Eatate,or part thereof or intereet therein,increase the income therefrom ar protect the <br /> eecurity hereof and with or withaut takinR poflseeaeian af the 7`ruet Eatate,aue for or atherwiae collect the renta,iaeues and <br /> profita Lhereof,including thaee past due and unpaid,and apply the eame,lese coste and expenaea of aperation and ooAection , <br /> includin� attomeya'feee. upon any indobtedness secured hereby. all in auch order as$eneficiary may determine. The <br /> enterin�upon and taldng posaeasion of the�uat Eatate,the collection of auch rente,ieaues and profits and the application <br /> thereof ae aforesaid.ehall not cure or waive any default or notice of defauli hereunder or invatidate any actdone in reeponee <br /> to�uch defaul!or purauant to such noticw of default and,natwithatanding the continnance in posaesaion of the�SruAt Eatate <br /> or the coAection,receipt and application of rent$,isaues or profita,'l�vatee or$eneficiary ehall be entitled to exerciee every <br /> riQht provided for in any of ihe Loan Inatrumenta or by law upon occurrence of any event of default,ineluding the right to <br /> exerciee the power of sale; <br /> (ii) Commence an action to fareclose this I)eed of'l�uat as a mortgage,appoint a receiver,or apecifically enforce any of <br /> the covenants hereof; <br /> (iii) Deliver to 15ruatee a written declaration of default and demand for sale,and a written aotice of defsult and election <br /> to cauae'l5rustor's interest in the'15ruat Estate ta be sold,which notice Truatee aha11 cauae ta be duly filed for teoord in,ttne . <br /> appropriate Official Records of the Gounty in which the'IYuat Eatate ia locatecl. <br /> 11. FORECLOSURE 87t�OWER OF SALE. Shauld Beneficiary elect to foreclose by exercise of the Power of Saie <br /> herein oontained,Beneficiar:?si!�:all notit�Truatee and ahall depoait with Trustee thie Deed of Truat and the Note and auch <br /> receipta and evidenc�of exger�turea made and secured hereby as 1Yuatee may require. <br /> (a)Upon reoeipt of auch notice from Beneficiary.'I�ustee ahall cause ta be recorded,published and delivered to Trustor <br /> euch Notioe of Default and Notice of Sale as then reyuired by law and by thia Deed of'IS�vat. 1Yustee ahall,without d�mand <br /> � on Trnstar,atter such time as may then be required by law and after recordation of such Notice of Default and aR,er Notice of <br /> Sale having been given as required by law,sell the Trust Estate at the time and place of sale fixed by it in sueh Notice of Sale. <br /> either as a whole,or in eeparate lata or parcela or items as'IYustee�hall deem expedient,and in auch order as it may deter <br /> mine,at public auction to the higheat bidder for cash in lawful money of the United 3tatea payable atthe time o!'aale.'Ilvstee <br /> ehaU deliver to euch purchaser or purchasers therec�f ite Rood and eufficient deed of deeda conveying the property eo sold.but <br /> without any covenant or wananty,expresa or implied. The recitala in such deed of any mattere ar facte ahall be conclusive � <br /> proof of the truthfiilneee thereaf. Any pereon,includit�R,withaut limitation,Truetor,'Itiruatee end Ben�ficiary,may purcha�e <br /> at such eak and Truetor herebv covenante to warrant and defend the Nt1e of euch urchaaer or purchasere. , <br /> (b)Aa m�v 6e u�miet�ed by law.aft�er dodt�ctin�'I�v�tce Fe�e in the amount of� ,'I�wcee�tu�U�ppl,y the <br /> proceeds of the�ale in the following order. (a)tn all reaeanable coete end expeneee of the eale,includin�r.but ttot ltmit�d w, - -_ <br /> tswtee fee�of not more than 1/2 of 195 of the aroee ealee price,reaeonable sttorney'e fees and aoete of title evidenoe;(b)to all �-- <br /> eum��ecured by thii Deed of'I�ruet;(c)to the p�vment of junior'I`ruet Ueede,mortgeges or other lien holders;end(d)the `��F, � <br /> balance,if any,to the pereon or pereone legally entitled thereto. , <br /> (c) Tn�atee may in the manner provided by law,poetpone sale of all or any portion of the'IYuat Eatate. - <br /> 12. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSI VE. Truatee and Beneficiary.arid each of them,ahall be entitled to enforoe payment <br /> and performance of any indebtednesa or obligatione aecured hereby and'to exercise all righte and powere underthia Deed of <br /> 'llvst or under any Loan Inatrument or other agreement or any laws noK or hereaRer in forae,noLwithetanding aome or aU - <br /> ' of the auch indebtednesa and obligations secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise aecured,whether by mortgage, " <br /> deed of trust,pledge,lien,assignment or otherwiae. Neither the acceptanceof this Deed of'I�ruat nor its enforcement whether <br /> by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers hemin containecl,sha11 prejudioe or in any manner affect <br /> Trustee's or Beneficiary's right to realize upon or enforce anp other security now or hereatter held by 1lvstee or Beneficiary. _ <br /> it being agreed that'1}ustee and Beneficiary,and each of them,shall be entitled to enforce this Deed of'l�uet and any other ,_ <br /> security now or hereaRer held by Beneficiary or Trustee in such order and manner ae they nr either of them may in their � <br /> abaolute diecretion determine. No remedy herein rnnferred upcm or reserved to'I�vstee or Beneficiary ia intended to be �_ <br /> excluaive of any other remedy herein or by law provided or permitted,but each shall be cumulative and ehall be in addition � <br /> to every other remedy given hereunder or now or hereafter exiatinR at law or in equity or by atatute. Every power or remedy ��- <br /> given by any of the I.oan Inatruments to Trustee or Beneficiary vr to which either of thern may be otherwise entitled,may be • ;:— <br /> exercised, concurrently or independently,from time tv time and a�often as may be deemed expedient by'I�ustee or Ben� ; �` <br /> ficiary and either of them may puraue inconsistent remedies. NothinK herein shall be oonstrued as prohibiting Beneficiary , <br /> from seeking a deficiency jud�ment akainst the Truator to the extent such action is permittd by law. <br /> REQUESTFORNOTICF;. 'IYustorherebyrequestsacopyofanynoticeofdefaultandthatanynoticeofsalehereunder � - <br /> be mailed ta it at the addresa set forth in the fir:�t pi�ray,►raph of this 1)eed of 7'rust. <br /> 14. GOVERNING LA W. Thia l)e�eci af Truat shall he�;overned bv the lawH of the State of Nebraska. In the event that <br /> any proviaion or clause of any��f the i,nan inatrumentK c�mfliet���ith applicabiP law�.�t�nc�nnflicte ahRll not Rffectnther <br /> provisiona of auch Iaan Instrument�which can be�iven effect withuut the cunflictin�provision,and to this end the pro- <br /> , viaiona of the Loan Inetruments are declared tu be severable. This in�trument cannot be waived,ch�nAed,discharged or <br /> terminated orally, but only by an instrument in writing si�ned bv the party a�;ainst whom enforcement of any waiver, <br /> • change,discharge or termination ia souKht. <br /> 15. RECONVF,YANCE BY'TRtJS'TF:F. Upun written request of Beneficiary�'.,atin�thatall sums secured hereby have <br /> . been paid,and upon surrender of thi� I)eed uf'I'rust and the:�'ote to'll�ustee for cancellation and retention and upon pay- <br /> ment by Trustor of Trustee s feea,7Yu�tee shall rearovev to'lYustor,or the person or persons legally entitled thereto,without <br /> warranty,any portion of the Trust Estate then held hereunder. The nec�tals in such reconveyance of any mattera or facts <br /> ahall be concluaive pranf of the truthfulneas thereof. The�rantee in any reconveyance may be dexcribed ae"the person or �-- --_ -' <br />- persons legally entitled thereto". ' <br /> 16. NOTICES. Whenever$enefiriary,Trustor or Trustee ahall desire to Rive or serve any notice,dsmand,reques3 or <br /> other communication with respect to this IlTc�ed of Truat,each such norice,demand,request or other communication shaII be <br /> in writing and sl�all be effer2ivP onl�if thF same i�de{iver�d bv persunal servire�►r mailed b�certified mail,posta�e prepaid. <br /> • return reeeipt reqaeat�d,addre�seci tr,the acldrexs se•t fi, the bF�,rinnin�;of thiK I)e�ed ufTru�t. An}•p�u�tv may atthis time <br /> change ite address for such n�rtace5 bv deli�•erin�;or m�ilin�;tu the�nther p��rtiea heret<�,as afnresaid,a nutice of such change. � <br /> � 17. ACCEPTANCF: RY'TKl}�•rr:F;. 'i'rutit��.u•cc•pt.this'IYu�t a'ht•n this !)Er��1 uf'1'ru�t,duh•c�xecutc�and ackn�iw- � <br /> ledged.ix made a publir re•��ord<�K pr��vidF�d b�• la��•. <br /> IN WI'I'I`ES.�WHFHN:OF.'I'ru�tnr h.��F•xer•utcvl thi� I�twd nf"fru�t a� ��( the•�i;i�� :uid }•e:ir fir�t :�hnci��t•ritten. �` <br /> 'PHi1STi:E. 'i'ru�tc��• a�ri•f•pt� thiH "I'rutil wh��n thi� I)�•�vl ��f' 7'ru�t. �lulp i•xe�utf�d :�nd acknuw• � <br /> . led�;a9.ix m�dN a puhl��• r<•r�,rd:�s pr���•id���i f,v I:iw. � <br /> 1'� Wi'1"VP:titi.��HF;!{I{�►I�.'I�ria�t��r I�.i�t•xt�•ut�•�1 ihi. I�e•�•�I ��t �I'ru�t :i�. n(the•�I;ic ,inrl ��;ir tir�t :iho��e•�vritti•n. •. <br /> C� �'..w......� ►� �- . , . . <br /> = fo ,�nP M. f'�dri -k n si qlr. ,t�rsc�n <br /> y�Q/�/1�/� . . <br /> • � <br /> ° L�i�ry 1„a,Smc�l�n�ki, �� r:anql�� f,�•rs.i�n <br />