. i
<br /> a .. __.:._... .. _....----___._..__--
<br /> . ,. . - - ---.._. ............._...
<br /> �.._...._._ .... .. .
<br /> 9 o�U$.`��� . . ' ,
<br /> (d) QranTor�ua the rlght and I�duly authoriiad to exeaute and pertorm Ite Obllputlono undor thls Dood of Truat nnd thoao nalono do not nnd
<br /> ahall nat oonfliet e�lth tho provta�ona of any stututo,regulation,or�lnanoe,rule of law,aontrAOt or other ngrooment whlch may bo binding on
<br /> ' Qrnntor ot any tirna;
<br /> ^ (e) No aotlon or prooeading Is or eheil ba pending or thnatened rfiioh might meteric�lly nfloot tho Proporty;ond
<br /> (1) Ornntor huu not vtoletad and shall not violote any atatuta,roputntlon,oMinnnoo,mio of luw,oontr¢ot or other agroomont pneludinp,but not
<br /> " � �lmltod to,thoso governinp Haiardouo Mateduio)whiah mlght materlally affeot the Propariy or Landar'a rlghto or Ir�tereat in tho Proporty pureunnt
<br /> � to thls Oead of Truat.
<br /> 3� PAIOR pE@DS AP TRUBT. tiruntor representa and v�nrrnnt�that thero nro no prior deada ot troet uffoc4ing uny part ot tho Propadyr oxcopt ao cet
<br /> torth on 6oh�dul�8 atteoh�d to lhle Daed of Truat,which Qrantor ayroea 2o pay cnd porform In a Hmely mnrtnar. it thero are any priar deedo of uuut
<br /> then�rnMo►egraee to pny all nmounta ov�ed,end podorm nll obligatlone requlred,under euoh deede of truet end the Indebtodr►ess eeaurod theroby
<br /> 1 an9 fuftNorr�rc�a that a dotauR undor nny prlar deed of tniot shell bo a detauit undor thio OQad ot Tn+ot nnd ohuil ontkio londor to aIi righto c�rtd
<br /> " I nm�dtes oor�l�ed here!n or In the ObIlpnUona to whiob Lendxt wouid be mtltled in the event o?nny other defsuk. �-
<br /> .. ., , , � I 4. TRANSF�RS OF TH6 PROPHNTY OR B�NFFtCiAL INTBRF.ST81N AEiA�lTOiiB OR�OAROWHRB. In tAe ovent of a se�o,comeyance�Iease, _
<br /> oonmot for dasd o;tranater to cny person ot ell or an part of the roal ropo�y deseAbed In Scheduie IL or nny Intereat theraln,or of all or any
<br /> bertofiolat Intarest In Borrowar or Orantor M Borrowar or GraMOr to not a naturaf person orpensons but lo a corporaUon,Ilmited Ilablitty oomparry,
<br /> • " psrtn�rship,tru�t,or oth�r logal onUty),Lender may,at ita o tton,dootare the outatandiep prinofpal bntance of ths Obllgatlone plus acarued interaat
<br /> " t haroon immedtatety due an d paycblo. At Lender'a requost,�rantor or Bortower,as tha oase may ba,oha�l turntoh o eomptota statement euttin8 torth
<br /> �� oil of ho etookholdore,memboro,or partnore,as appropdntc+,und the exteM ot thelr reapeedva ownerahip Interoata. �
<br /> 6. Il88IDNMRNT QF RENTS. In oonaldomHon of thn d9llgt�tions whlch are seourod Oythle OeBd of TNat,tiraMor absoiutely ass�8ns to Lender ait �,._
<br /> Q�nntoPa estate,dght,UUe,interost,cialm artd demand naw owned or hareadtm aoquicmd In�t exlsUng and tutura loaraa of the Propertfr Qn�iudinfl ,
<br /> • extenatona,rondwNe end aubleasua),eli ngroomenta for uEe end 000upancy at the Properq►(all such leas«e artd agro�1ner�ta vfiether wrNten or orat, :.
<br /> are trereafter roferrod to ss the'Lsasea'l,art�1 NI fluwantlts of tos�ees'pertom►ana under the Loaseo,togethet with'lhe Immedlate and coMlnuUg - --
<br /> rlgM to ooiteot and�eootve all ot tho rents,irtoome,roceipta.rovanuea tsaues,profi�nnd other Inoome M My naturo eow or horesfter due pneiudinp ;�,.
<br /> any Income ot anyr nature comUg duo dutlrtg eny cedemption pedoa)under the Leassvss o�trom nr nrisir�8 out ot the Property,Indudtn�minimum „_,'..
<br /> ceMe additlonat renw,pa roent►e�a rents,pnrhlns or common aroa maintenanoe aomrlb�+tlona,twc and Insurnnoo oo►�ultruUono,deflolenay ronts,
<br /> � Iiqutaatsd damages tollowing dofauR In any 4eaae a!1 proa�da payable undet any po!!ry af Insuranoe oovedng loss of rorna reautdng from -_-
<br /> uMenantabltlty osusad by destruodan or damepe to t�e Pnperty,alt proaoede PaY+�b�a as a rosuft ot a tassee�a exeroisa of an optlon to purehase tha
<br /> �_ property,sU prooeeds darived trom the termtn�lon or roieallon of any Leass U e bankNptay or other Inseh+enay proceedln8,end ell proceeda from ,�
<br /> any dgMs end clafma fd eny kind wttich G�a�r may l�avo a9elnst nnY�essee under the Loases or any ooaupame of tho PropaAy(eIi of the above are ��..
<br /> � horoafter aolleativeiy referred to ea the'Rerrts�.This asslgnmeM Is eubJeat to the dght.poxer and arthority giwn to the Lmnder to aoUoct and epphr �,>K.,•.
<br /> the Rnnm. This easignmont Ia reoorded In a000Manoe wlth applloaDle etate Iaw;the llen aasded by this asalanment 19 iMended to bo e�ciflo, _t..-
<br /> �edeoted,und choato upon Ma mooMinp of thlo t�aed o4 Truet,all ao provtdad by nppucabte otate law as amended trom 6me to Umo. As► ong es ``�`
<br /> tiroro is no detault under tha Obtipntfons or this Dees!oi Tn�at,Lander granta tirantor a mvar�bie ticonse to ootioot sil F�ma trom the Leasoa whsn ��
<br /> �, � du0 Eu�d to uss sueh prooeede In Qrimtot'e business oporatlona Hawaver,tsnder may at any�me require Grantor to daposit nll Renta Into an [��::.'�'
<br /> a000uM metntnined by tiraMor or lender s!lender's institutlon. Upon de4suk In tho paymeM of,or in tha pertormanoe of.eny of the��tgatlons,
<br /> L�ander mav at Ite opUoa take poasosslon of t1+e Property and hnva,hot6,manv,ge,teare and opsraw the Praperiy on tarms and for a peftad at dme tT=•-.
<br /> � thbt UendoT daema proper. Lender mny prooeed to oolleat ond�eoalve aiV peMa Mam the property,end lender shali have fuli povrar to mabro l:�;"`-
<br /> ffiteraUona,renovadona,ropatra or repiaoemanta to the Proparty a�s 1.0a8er may daem proper.Lendar mey�pply aii ReMO In Lender a soia dlsueUon
<br /> to paymerh ot the Obtigatlona or to ths payment of tho oo�t of cuoh a1teraUons,ronovatbna,repatre and replaoemants and any expensea inaida►n to ��'`�
<br /> proporty. Lender ma kee the Propony
<br /> �� taklnA a►d retatninp possasston of the Properry pedodlcalty and iho managemeM and operatlon of the Y � �;�-;,
<br /> ; properly tnaurod and mny disoharpe any taxea,cherpea,al�ims,asaessmeMs and other Itena whioh may aoc�ue. The v:cpense an ooat of theae .-
<br /> aorions may be paid irom the Rerno rooMved,and any unpald amourna shsli be added to the pflnotpal of the Obtlgatlona. Thase amouMe,together , -
<br /> ��� with otrer casts,sAell beoome pnrt of tAe Obllpatlone securod by thla Dead af Truat
<br />- R ia+a.gFg AafD 01ftER AGRELMENiB. Qrar�tor ahatl not feke or ta�i to tnke any aallon whloh may oause or pennft the terminnilnn or the
<br /> �' withholdln9 ot ariy paymaM tn aonneotton wlth any 4aise PertelMng m droi�o�eriy tn add'rfion,Giau'vi,Wf11i8iit�Ot•�or�s�='"��"�+t:'-'�� ,
<br /> nox(a)co�laot cny moniea payable under any Leaee more thnn ona mo tn -advanoe; (b)modlty any I.ease;(o)ansign or aftow a Iien,aeaurity
<br /> �' Irtterost or otAer enaumbti�ance to be piaoed upon GrantoPe flghte,tlde and IrKeroat in and ro any t+ense or the amouMa paya�le therounaer,or(d�
<br /> brmtnate or canoel anY L+ease exeept fat the rtonpayment af any sum ot other metertal breach by tfie other paAy thoreto. If Orentot rooeivea at ary
<br /> .. ,�, Ums any wttitten oommunto�tlon asserting a detauh by Qrantor undsr a Leaas ar purpoNn�to terminato or canoet nny treass,Cirentor sAall promp2ty —
<br /> r {o�p oopy o}suoh oommuntoaUon(an�any ru�pq usnt oommunlcaUons rotatlng theroto)to Lendor. AN suob I.�eaaea end the umour�le dtte t0
<br /> QraMar therounder aro horoby naatgned to l.ender ae addlt[onN seourHy for the Obligatlona
<br /> � 7, COl.LECTIOH OF iNDE87'FDNEffi FR��A THIRD PAR1Y. tAndar ehatl bo eMWed to�otlty ar requlro tirer�tor to notHy any third �o�n�d�ing,
<br /> t ar to p�f�
<br /> but not Ilmited to,tessees,tieenavos,eovemmer►u{I autho�itlea and Inaurnnoe oompanles)to pay Lender eny Indeb�UTd�oGr�o�b�li8ghal�dttl er�U
<br /> na
<br /> (iror�or with rospect to the Property(cumulatlrety'Indebtednosa'�whether or not a defeutt extsts unda this Dsed 9 Y _
<br /> ooqeot the Indebtedneas owing ta tirantor irom those third perdes untii tha elviny of such rtotlNoaUon. In the evont th�t tireMOr pos�essea or rooelves
<br /> • pos�saaioei ot ariy InatrumeMa or other remittanoea wkh reapaet to the Indebtedness 4oilawing the givinp of eaoh notHtcstion ot it the inslrumoMa or
<br /> other remttt�noes oonatlt�+ts the pnpaymont of any IndeOtedrtesa or tha payment of any Insuranoe or condem�adon prooeeda,Orar►tor eh�0 hotd
<br /> ' sucA Insuurnenta and other remitfanoes In truat for Lendar epert irom Im other properry,endorse the inatrumems nnd other romittertoes to Lender, _
<br /> and tmm�dtatefy provide Lsnder wNh posseashn of the Inatrumer�ts and othar romittanoes.Lander sheU Ee er�tltled,but not roctulred,to oolleot(by
<br /> -� Isptl prooNdinpa or othemise),�xtsnd the tlme for pe�rt�tunderptht 1i D�eed of Tru�Lendcr oAnl1 not�r o�oot���i����n aeryro�r,
<br />- � � ths tndsbt�drteas wnetl►er or not an EYeM of Dofwit
<br />--' •°-*� � mistak�,omirston or delay paAaintrtp to th�actlons des�rlbed in this parasraph or any damegos resuitln8 thorefrom. Natwithstandln0�►s ro�DotnB, --
<br />��.•,,.�.� nothtnp h�rNn ahui owse Ler�der to be deemed e rtsorcpe�geean�po�tsRton.
<br /> -•..;�,,� � d. U3E AND MAlNTEHANCE OF PROPER7Y. Qruntor shatl take�I eotlone and make any repairs neaded to m�trrtaln ttee Property tn pood
<br /> i.,:r^��;:�:y .�. oonditton. tiraMor ehap not oommk or parmRa�I wasto to be oommlttod with rospect to ttee Pro ti�entar shalt use 4he Properiy col:iy in _ �-
<br />. li.,��,..;t�;•.
<br /> t��:��I;;,r'',�� • aomptt�nos with appUe�bl�taw amd Inaur�►nnoe polfoEe9. Qrouitor sha11 not matn any elteratlona,add ons or Improwmeme to th�Prop aTiy vAthout --
<br /> : L,endirb pdor writbrt aona�rh. Wdhout IImWng ths toropotnp,nll aSter�flonn,additlone and Improvamsnta mad�to ths Ptopetty ehatl be subJ�a4 to
<br />--�' th�b�nefl�tat irttereat belortatn�to Lender.ehali not bs romoved without I.ander's pdor wrcitten eonserit,nrtd eheli be mnde at areMor�s eote expenss. �=
<br /> � o.L089 OA�ARAAAE QraMot ehall be�r the enUro risk ot eny toss,theft,EoatrucUo�a damage(oumuiativetp'ta�s or t�art�age'�to tho PropeAy or _;-
<br /> sny poNon thenot trom�1►oauas whais�v�r. In thn�veM ot anY Waa or QemnDe,QreMOr shNl at the opUan d!lr�rder,ropair the atbei�d -
<br /> . �PenY m Its prevfaua candirion or pay or causs to bs patd to lender the deorease In the talr mMcut ve�us of ths atteotetl Ropeny. c
<br /> ��`�-"�'-'� -�' � 1R !!:9ltP.�':C�. The PrsF!AS►rrin 1.r�ec�pt tnw�ad tar ks tuA inaurab7a vdus(repleosment oosUt�einat etl heznrds Irtoludlr�loas or damuge _
<br /> � � - esuQedby Nood�sarihQuxks.tomado en6 ilra�416k or oL1er oasuettX m tt►a cx�rt�uue�bY tornkr. C��tar rrtay a�ln�nsura�an the F�up�eiy �•
<br /> , � � . trom suoh aompantos aa aeoept�Dfe to lander U Ite eote d►serotlon.�7hs tnauranos polldes ehe17 repulro the Ira�ranoe aom�ay to pn�rido -
<br /> Wndsr with at least_�dnya'verltten noUae bsforo ea+oh Polidea ero ettemd or eanoeitsd Iner�y manner. V�he insurenoe po11oles�hat! �__
<br /> - nam�lander ta a Ioa:�payss and provide that no aa!or omtsston ot GraMor or arry ether psraon shett aHect ths�p M ot L+ender to bcpatd tt� _
<br /> � inaurenoe prpoeeds pe�tetninp to tics loss or demeps of ths Raperiy. !n ths e�er�t Gremor falto to aoqufro or mei�ntn Inaurenoe L�ender(aRm _ _
<br /> p r a v l d i n p n o t F a a a m a y D e ro q u t r e d b 1 l Iaw)ma y in It�diaaelton prnoun pppropdate tnsurar�os s u n the Properiy and ths�naura�os cosi r^��
<br /> �.. ehtll pe an ndvanrie p a y a bls and boa dnp EMesast as deaoribod In Panp r a t s h 2 3 d►d escu ro d h o r e b y. r s h a t t t u m f a h L e n d o r w fl h e v i d e n e o o t �_•_.�
<br /> Y t�urana Irtdloatinp i�terequlro d aave�o. l,en der m e y a a t e s a tt o m e y a n d�a t t o r G n n t ar In maktn p nnd setUl n O claims undsr tr�suranoe poltctea,
<br /> ;• cenosiling ou►y pollcy ar ar�dorning f3teMor's neme on ar►y draft or r►e�otl�bls tnaUumeM dmm Ify any Insurer. A U auoh inauretroe poQc!es shail be
<br /> tmmedt�Ury asslpned.Oledlied tnd dativsted to Lsadet no furihor s�oudty tor Stro Qbllgatlona In the event of Ios�,Gtantar ehetl tmmedlatety ghre
<br /> l,ondor vrtinba noUce and tsndor is auUta�ed to mAkn p►oo!ot toso. �soh tnsura�ou aompanY fa dirooted to maks payr �!s dtn�tl y��Ls�ndm� .
<br /> tnsbad ot to tandor ertd Qrantnr. I.Qndor chatl hm�thb�f�M.u2 its ools op8on.toappty�uah maa5�ta►vnrd tho Cblt�atto a t�d
<br />� �, rebufldlns rad catodnp th�Propofij.Any emauMO mny atlsndorb opiion bo eQpiled In tno Invcrca ordcr ot tAO d�ca dnt�ihereot. _
<br /> ` ':�%'.� , � 11. ZOHl1IQI M9 PRN'AYE CO'IENADJP�3.(97eMar chtUl not Initlat�or ocnad�rt to anY oh in tha�¢nSng proutc[ono or prh+ats co�santa�toottng
<br /> �i��;C;;i<�;t.' ; the uaa ot ttro PropoKy wtUtout landm`s prioc�vdtten oonseM. M titanbac'a um!of ths Pre �ts or Oocomoa n nmwontotmir�g use a�4ar any tont
<br /> t
<br /> '��tich,'a•' .� provtafan.i3rantm ehatl not cauce or pormtt cuch u�to�dieoar►Unuad ar abandonod out t1m prior w6tton aonserrt o!Le�r. Grentor wil
<br /> imrt[odtatory pcavtda lar�dcr�vMh rnitten rtotlos of eny P�P����fl���°�in0 p�ons or prlvats oovenarda afMCt►np the Rnporty.
<br /> ., � " . 1� COHDF.�INA110lL tirnMar ahap Immedlatety ptwtde l�ead�r vtith wrttten notice nfe►ry ectual or tfiroatened oondemnatlon ot mmheent doman .
<br /> =- -- -' eron.dtna ne�Inins to the ProDerb►.Att mon[ss payabt�to QrortoT trom sun1�aortdemr►arion or fak�n�are heroby eaataned to lander end shat!Eo
<br /> � .Y. — �..a�. .wu.oe3ten rdtf� tne
<br /> � spptlad ft� to the paymoM of Lender's attomeya' teea, iepai s,q�o�moa ow vm:: � ��•�••� �r=-- ----. -. --._-----
<br /> � oond�mnaYon or omlrtaM domaln prooeod(n�and then.at the opCa+at Uer►der,to tAo paymeM of the 0�i�pattons or tM restoration a repatr of tho
<br /> ., PtoPeR1►•
<br /> 18. LENDER'8 RtQ1R TO COMMENCE OA DEFEHD LEOA1.ACTt01d9. Grantor shalt immedlateR►provtde W�der with wrfiten noUoo et any tatual
<br /> �, or throatenod aotton�suN,o�cthor prooeading atieo�rts tM Prop�njr.Qronta hOrobY AP1�rns tander es ks attomey�trtdaot to ao�nmmoo.IMtnsno
<br /> in,end deHnd auch sattona,cufta.or other�agat prooeadinga and to oompromlrr or serits eny ctatm or oontrawrsy Ccrtatning thereto. t,tntlor ehNl
<br /> • � not be Itabts to tirantor fa eny eatf�on,ettor,mlataKe.omisslon or deta�rperWning io Me aoUUona da•ari�ed in tf+f�pamgrr�A or aery dtme� �
<br /> � msuttlng tlrereUom. t3oThtnB cor�tnad horeln w11i provarrt lertder trom t�king tlts acllons d�eribed tn thia parograpA tn tts orrn narrte. �
<br /> t�. lNDEIYlNIflCAriON. Lenda shall nat essumo or bo respo�tbls tor the pe�tortnen�e of eny at Gremor'e obUg�tor�a wfth ro�pOe!to ffie Pvopertl► I+
<br /> unQet any ctroumster►eea. Qrantar ahalt tmmodlaSNf�provlde 6endar wlth writben eiaUUO�ot and IndamnHy nnd ho3d Lender and ke eharohoi�sro +I
<br /> a
<br /> ' � directora ot►ioero.ompioyeos nnd cigema Aom+la�firom a�t claima,demage�.IIaD3iktes(Irtciudin�attomeya'Mes and legel experues),aausos
<br /> notlon.acttoRS.suNa ar�d othar lepat proeeadtnga(wmutetive1y°Cl�Ims'►peAilntnp to tA�Propariy(tnolud!rtg,but not Itmited to.thota InvolVeg
<br /> Flazardous Mat�rteta). Grentor,upon tho�equest of tarider,shalt hiro Ip�l wunael to detend t+eratar irom sueh Cdalm4,eed�ay 1Rs 'he��
<br /> ._ te8e1 expenaea and oth ef oost. Grnrn�af�a oDUg�to Irtde�n y Lande urtde�P�teS�P�eha�l autvtve Ute terminntton,ntte ooun sun of
<br /> . 6uCh�aim�at Q�
<br /> . Nts OOed ot Ttust.
<br /> ' � � vipe a at o � '� t
<br /> ' tPNEp»B m�onTacn�op:e�,me.�t�/o/et,7 (COOIO��J/4� �
<br />