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<br /> 16,lAtcc.3_ste�s+s Provlslone �i --
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<br /> lo) ¢sroorrap�Jo4 Rdessad.Eatcno4on oi iho tlme(or poyment or moAlftoetlan of the eume aenured by lhin 6osd af Twet�tcr+ted F, __
<br /> �� by l�r+d:t to eny sueonto�in Mtereat ot Borrowet ahe�l oot operate to ntease,tn eny rr►enner,the linbtpty o!tho crtpinei l3orror�er
<br /> .s� end�orrowet'�tunoeaearo in Intera�t.lcnda ehall not be vaquirod to eomvnonoe proaeodingo opainot eucfi auocaoaor or rafuso to ___
<br /> ` `� oxtand tlme!o�poyment or otho�wtso mod►fy emoRffetlan al tho eume eeaured by thta Oead of Teuet by renoon of any demtmde ___
<br /> medo by tho ortpina!0orrower m+d Borrowei'e euace�eore in tntere�t.
<br /> •� � ,�?4, Ib)L�du'�PawKt.Without ai(eotinp iho liabllfty of any other pnreon Uoble fot the paymsnt ot uny obliflotton horoin manelonod. E;;-••-
<br /> cnd a+ithoat effooting the Oen or eharpe ot thie Oeed of Ttuet upan nny poM�on o}the Ptoperty oot then or theretofore�eleaaed ne
<br /> � aeouri9y to�tha fuil cri�ouat of nti unpnld aM}petienn,Lendes mny,irom timo to timo and v�tthout natlae lq ialenoo ony poroon eo �._::
<br /> Y.���, lieble, (W extend the m�turity or eRer eny oi the terma of eny cueh ob�f4nt[ono,iliq grent other indulpenooa,livl�ete�ne or rROOnvey.
<br /> ?:��. r nr oeuct to 6e releaaod or�eoonveyed Rt anv tfine ot Lu►der'o op4ion any paro�i,Portbn or ail of the PropeKy,(vl teke or�elease any __
<br /> othor addittonel saourlty for eny obiipetion heroin mtntloned,ar tvi) maka eompoeltlone o�othe� eT�angementn wfth debtore in
<br /> reletfon thereto. ' .', .
<br /> . .._,.. . w.....�i;:,�) ,�� �1
<br />- Y. (Q�Fore��u►tco by i�nder Not�W�ivei.My to►bearonoe by Lendnr trt'oxardi9ino nny rip or ramedy h roundor,or othe�wiso
<br /> •• � eNorded by epplicebio law.efiell oat be a woivar of or preatudo tho or.prcise cf�eny edc�n tt•ht,q{.rermed� Tha pracuremant ot
<br /> � �'� r i�euteme o�tho p�mcnt ot tazee ar otfi�t lienn or chereea b�Lander�hn�f�ot be d wAWor.:oi.lundss'�dpht to eccelerot�the
<br /> !��:;;.;,,,��:�- mstutityof the tndobtednesa saeured by thi�Deed ot Truet.
<br /> •.t'���, . (d18ua¢�ssote and�ssipns Bounds JoQnt rnd S�v�tat LirblAtyi a�ption�.The oovenente end ep►eemente h�reM oontefied ehell
<br /> ��7-'�``�'� bind. end the ripfiRm horeunder ahell (nuro to, the roapeative euoaeasore ond eaelOno oi Lander nnd Trueto�. Aii oavensnte end
<br />;;�..!s.:.: ..
<br /> •. ��.:< eproement�of Tniotor ehell be Joint end eevotel. Yhe oaptfone end henc4inne of tfie peroptnphn of thfe poed ot Truat ara tor
<br />``.'s�' �' aonvenienae only ond are not to be uaed to intetprot or detino the provfolone hxeot.
<br />_•;:;:�u��"•'
<br />-.:,a..4. te) R�avat fo�Notlo�s.7l+e paritee hereby�equeat thet e oopy of eny Rotioe of detault hereundor and e aopy ot any notioe o
<br />�:reuv:m°.�e� eete hamundet be mellad to eaoh perty to thh Ueod o4 Tn�nt et the eddrese eet tnrth nbovo In the menoer preearibed by e�,plicabte
<br />- '���` tau.Ex�st tor eny other neti�.o�equi�ed undor mppileoble tdw to be eiven in enother mennai.sny�otieo provtdud t�o►in thts Deed ot
<br />;!�,5��%�� .
<br />- �?+_y� Trunt ehsil be ptven by msilinp euch nattne by asnified mail eddroaeed to the other penlae,nt ehe eddrosm eot forth n�ve.Asiy
<br />;:;�i,j5�:,7.�—== notice provided tor tn this Oeed o}Tnr�t ebell ba etfeative upon mailinp In the menner desipnated horain.If T�uetor ia more tfien one
<br /> •���;,,. pmean,notloe aant to the edd�oae eet lorth ebove sheli bo�atloo to ell euoh pereone. __
<br /> '�5l��'� � F lt�inspsotTan.Lendo�mey mnko ar oeetee to bo mndo rexeanobie onttiea upao end inapeotfonr+of the Propatty,pravlded lhat
<br /> `�'Y" I.en�at ahell give TntMor nottce pBos to eny euch inepaatlon spodtyinp roaaonabla cause tharetor toleted to landet'e intmreat in the
<br />;'r��^k`
<br />:.�v.:.
<br /> . Properiy.
<br />_�4:i=� (y)Rsconvapanxo.Upon payment of eli euma eeoured by this Oeed a4 7tuat, Lender efiotl rapuont Tntatne to reaorivey the
<br /> Propedy and flheA eurrender this Oeed ot Tnaet nnd e11 noteo evWano�np indebtodo�ae seaurad by thin Deed of Truat to Ttuetea.
<br />-',.�.�1(�"r"— Trustoe a1�e11 veeonvey the P�aperty wlthout wsnnnty 4nd without ohnrpa to tha pemon or pereone IapeAy entitted thereto.Tntotot
<br /> '.:('• ohdl p�y�0 eoet�o)teeord�tion,M anY.
<br /> — �h1 P�►sonal Ropstty;S�mtrity AQnwn�nl.Ae sdditlonnl oeaurity!or the peyment of the Note,Truator h�veby ptente l.ende►under
<br /> -= --- the IVabreske UnHaitn Commerolel Code e eaaurity Mteraot in ali(ixturee,equip�nent,and other pereonel ptoperty ueed�n eonnsdtlon
<br /> `--�=-- ���� ehs.ed estote nr improvements looated tivereon,end not otherwiaa d�a1a►ed or deemed to be a pert o�the roel ast�t�noursd . .
<br /> ...;.;�rY—='— heroby.This Mettument eheil he oonetniad�e s Seaur(ty Apreement under eaid�odu,oi,4 it�a L�das �hi!!lunsa s!!!ka r�+i'!►r+� � °
<br /> � remedhs oi e oeaured party under eeld Co4e in edditfon to the►Iphtn ond temadias oTeetod undor end aaeorded the Lendet putRUant
<br /> n� to thh Dead of Teuat;provided thnt tonder'e►ipfite enA�emadies unde►thla perepreph sheli bo aumuletive with,end in no w�y•
<br /> �imit�tbn on,Lander'�rFphts ertd.temadhrs undm eny othei eaeur(ty epreement nigned by 8orrowor ar Tntetor.
<br /> ��Usn� �nd 6neumbraneN.Truetor h�reby werrente end reprasa+te thnt there la na detsult under the provinbne o! any
<br /> mortfl�ps,deed of truet,teese ar purchas�oo�treat deearibinp e!i or eny pa►t ot the Property, or othst aantrsot, M+stwm�nt or
<br /> prNm�nt coratituthp�IUn o��naumbnno��Odrt�t�II o��ny ps►t ot the Property(oollsotivs,"Lims"!.�xiettnp a�o/th�dst�of
<br /> thN 0»d of Ttuet, �nd thot on� �nd �11�xE�tinp lfens temsin unmoditied exaept �s dieolosed to L�rtdet M Trustat'� wrltHn
<br /> dl�obwr�of If�ns and �naumbur.eof p�ovid� for h�retn. Tw�tor abn0 tMnety pe►tonn ail of Tntstar'e obllQetionr, oov�n�nN,
<br /> tpr�untdions ertd watnntin undar K►Y end�il�xi�tinp�nd tuture L�one,ehall promptty forward to Lender copi�s of�H notkn at
<br /> d�t�uR ssnt tn conn�otlon with�ny�nd �i!�xittGlO at tutufe Llent.end�ha11 not without Lerede►'� vrbr writtsn oo���nt in t�+►y
<br /> m�nax mad;ty tha provNians of or�Now a+y tutun�dwnee�unds.any�xininp or future llene.
<br /> �)AppNo�tion ot Paym�nt�. U�iws oth�twin rpuirsd by bw. �um�pald to Landn hereund�r, hcfudinp wtthout qn+haticn
<br /> p�y��nts o4 prk�olpel�nd tntNe�t,innir�no�proaMd�.aand�n+n�ttao procMdt�nd nnts and proth�.�h�tl be appll+d by Lw�d�to
<br /> th�omount�due end owic��f�om T�u�tot end borrowst tn suoh o�der et i.�nder h(t�solo dtaorotlon d�etr+s d�etnbl�.
<br /> �K�Rsyn�bAit�, I� �ny provinfor► 01 this Osed o} Tn�nt oonittot� whF� �pplioe6lo lew or h oY+cl�red hv�Nd or oth�►wiu
<br /> uns►itoros�bb,suah oonfliot o�invelidity shdl not e7teot tfis other ptovislone of thf�Otsd of Trust or th�Not�whbh aan bo pivon
<br /> aNeot wEthout tho oontliotinp provbion, �nd to thH end ths provisian� ot thts Deed ot tniet �nd ths No4e are daotarsd to 6e
<br /> �ever�bF�.
<br /> (qT�em�.The terms'Tru�tw'end'Borrowar'ehnil include both einputer end pfural.end when the Truator and Borrower ere the
<br /> arrts p�ssonlel.�+ois tertns+s utod Gr tfit�Qoad o!Taet xhatl be tntarahanpeebte.
<br /> (��poy�niny L,�w,ThW pesd of Twat�hntl be Qovemed by!he f�we of the Stote ot Nebrsake.
<br /> Tru�tor hot�xscutod thie Dsd of Tnut a oi ths d�te wrhten�bov�.
<br /> !.:}Y� j '� __..
<br /> — KE TN L MAR�T T—ruetor_ Twttor
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