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<br /> .'��;�'..' /tbn+erl/ .�9 a�.by and emon ' - -
<br />''�`���`*-'` THIS DEED OF TRUBT,ts msde�s of ehe ��_day of �
<br /> ri.:-`�:::tr ��
<br /> `�-���'.`." I(8N�i8iN L INR@T i SAkGRA K NIIRET HUBB �
<br /> F.:;,;�jn�, theTwstor, _ (�
<br /> ,�,��'=_k., . ; E l !1l�HNbl2 b `
<br /> ,``�!�;.�`:� whoss mailinp address ta� '° nR �RA 1stA��'!'!��6 lhnretn"Truetor.°whether ona or more),
<br /> � --
<br /> �t vt� �
<br /> c x�w��:__ NII�If�11iAL BANK OP QRI111� ISUlNO
<br /> �� lh�Truttee. THE OYHRLIIMD
<br /> �,�, lheteM"Toustae'1.and
<br /> � ti/.ji'� who�e meiiinp addroa�te
<br />-.,9.m4?�`
<br />'�`w....o��
<br /> ` the Beneilotety„�..I
<br />.,`�;:�r�
<br /> (huYwTn'dondo�'1.
<br />'-���;�- ,-— whoae melt(n�nddreya le.
<br />--_;.;;i.
<br />�=;,!et+• PQR VAWA9LE CONg10ERATION,tnoiudktp LendoPe extenolon of oradit Edantifiad heroin ta
<br /> ,.�_,,,,;,�� ihowb'Bonower',whethar one or more{�an.t^Truntee,iN Pu"iU�T.WI M
<br /> r �!:,,� �eaeipt at whtoh fe hsr�by aaknovvledpad,Truetot hsroby Fnevooabiy�ronin.transiiR:,r,anrcBVa arss asQ.ge�-!_ .
<br />-�rt��1�t�� pOW6R OF 9ALE.tor tfie b�netn nnd ee�rity ef 4ender,undar and eubjeot to the eemne�nd aondltEone h4rotnefter ae!?mYlh,th�rod
<br /> property,daadbed as toAowu
<br /> '` `�'!'�� SEH QIIBlT "A"
<br /> �'iu��
<br /> ':h1�
<br /> Topsths►wlth eA buildfnps,knprovements,t(xtures,streets,dleys,psesaqeweye, o6sement�,riphts,privlleQes�nd eppuvt�n�ca
<br />�� looat�d therwn or h anywi»Dert�f�I^0 thereto,�nd the�ente,teauee end pro}ite, revmeions and�emsindero th�reof,end atch pereone)
<br /> pro�y th����K��d to{h�improvam�nt�so ee to oonetkute�tlxture,ineludinp,but�ot IHnitsd to,henttnp�nd eoolir�p.oquiPaunts
<br /> �nd toqsths�akh th�ho*�e�tead ot m�ritd inta�str,if N+Y• which bte►este ere hereb�released end wsi�sd;sll of wtddh, inoludhp
<br /> ropleaement�er+d addftbns thereto,is heroby deolsred to bs a pert o!the real eetete saaured by tha IEen of thie Deed ot Truat Msd�11 of
<br /> th�for�pofng belnQ rd�red to hHdn s�th�'PropKty'.
<br /> Thi�Deed of Trust thall a�eauro le1 ths peyment of the D�kaiPal eum md Intece�t avtdartcad 6�e promiseory note or crodtt
<br /> _--- - �prsement d�ted---FeOn+�tv 12. 14� -
<br /> ,hevinp s msturity d�te of K de�abe 01 7 • .
<br /> in the otiphal ptinalpal�nount of� 110 OOG•6A ,�nd�nV�etd ell mo�'ifieetiene,extensfanr tnd tsnew�ta
<br /> on�o f mor�p om[ssory eso ndm nor�dtt spd*�unn�nt�lhe�eh ea11�d"No e'�i:lb)hs�P Ymmt of o hemsumshedvanc�d by la�ndor�it proteot
<br /> -= - °`? tM recudtl+ef fHS�L•oto; Cei tha p�rio►�F��a����'►�'���e and�oraemente of TN�tor aat toAh hetetni w�d td1 etl prout�t�nd futuro -
<br /> ,:;�� Ind�btedness end oDlipetion�ol9ortowM to�eny of them i7 more(H�i ona)to�a�8er whett►sr dtrest,6sdtrea►.ehaoh�to�;::.+x+:�+6�!
<br /> and arhsther�ri�kt0 bY not�,Querenty.overdrett or othe�wiao.The Note.
<br /> th[s Deed of Truet end eny end dl otha doeumonts th�t s�cu►e
<br /> the Note or oti�erwise sxea�ed in a°^^°°�i�therowith.heludinp without tknitstton queranteea,seaurity opreecnonto end ea�ye+mente
<br /> � - �= ot teesss end ra►to.�fieq bere4erred to heroh es the'Lonn InetNment�".
<br /> e•,-.,:�F— '(tustor eovenant�a*+d e�aeaa with Lender�e faf►owe: •
<br /> _,.,f{ 7.P�m�nt of tnd�bt�dn�ra.Ap tndabtedneee eacureJ U�m►rby ohell be pald whcn dua.
<br /> ___,z���� 2.Thb.Teueto�t�ths oweer of the PropertY.hee tha r7�'ht end authority to eonvoy tho?roPerty,end wnrrente 4Rat�thu lien areetnd
<br />----,--_----° b�toro ex�cutiun af thle Oeed o TeuetRend�the exeautton end del�iveiy o�n�oo a f t et doeo at vEolate eny cor�itraot o� other ._
<br /> _- '- -= oblipetkn to whtah Trustotb subJeM.
<br /> ;�.;a� 8.Tu��.An��1���'o paV betore deihquenoy ell texes.epeotel easooaa+eete end all other eherqea apninat thu Proportll now o7
<br /> ::�.:„"�„::
<br /> �::;a��_���� hereattet levted.
<br /> _=-"�":;c...,."� 4.Ineurena�.To keep the OropertV wauted e0eft+�daen°Oe by firo,a+e:erds,inetu@ed withtn the toem'extendosl aover�0e',etid
<br /> -_- M i��� euch othe�h��°e ebte to he Lar�dert,t c�roe ot ioee under aucfi po toieeethe La►or Es`aut ori:ad o ndju t�eoiteot end=oompr�ea
<br /> -------= N�aured,wit7� P Y _ _�� - .0 o,nut o!the heuranee proaeede Iq to eny Mdebtednoas eoeurod herobv
<br /> ILn�r.�..�fYCf
<br /> .�::-:°�- = atl elrime there+mAer ertd man n..e'a`,.w••••••••• -•:••-�- - -
<br />�':^��'�' � �nd h eu�ordm ea tander�ney detertnine,(i�4o the Trustor to be ueed toa the npntr m ro�toretion oi me�pm����•�•�^^,----
<br /> . .,n.,��.rsT:. 4
<br /> A'"'° `• 9 u oas o�obSeot eethisotor9p to Lender wtthout eHeatinp the Ilen ot thS�Deed nt Truet ier tfie tull emount eecured t�ataby betora s�rih
<br />-�.�t^,.-,�.t-.•. 0 M
<br /> , �:.`.,•'�-i�, E psyntent ever took pbae.ln�'I�AD«�b^°�pt�°°d�tn hdebtednnas abeq not exttnd�c tpDatpano the due tiato cf nm'y�t��Ymente un er .
<br /> '��+� •" �;.�, the Note,or cure any de9euit thereundee or hereundet.
<br /> --';:;. :,'°' . � g.��a o w,{�pon yr�itten 6emend by ter+dei.Tnietor shel{pny to teeidm,tn eucfi mennor ae Lendnr moy dostpnete,euHfcltnt sutne
<br /> _ �i� to ennRte landet to pay e�lhey beaome due one or more ot the tollowfnp:l i 1 e l l tex o s,e s e oaaments and othar aharqe�e0e?stet sS►o �.
<br /> � Ptoperiy,t1q the Ptamtum�Qn the property Inewmcs tequtrod hemunder,end Iti�the Pramhtmo on nny mert9QOd�aurenae requtnitl tbY
<br />"" , ' � •• landet.
<br /> •' .'�r�'�•,�.,. .� 8.M�tntrn�nct.R�pQr�and ComVB�ne�with Lew�. Tnmtor ohai!koop the Pvoyer+y in ga+d oondition md repnir:rhall promptlV _
<br /> ���^Y`',.Y'��� " ropeE►,or roptnce eny G*+provemant whiah meY be dmne0ed or daatroyed: ehell not commit ot po�mit nny waolo or dotorEomtkon ot the
<br /> " ����' Propertyi ahan not tat�ove.demoif�h o*aubet+�+t�e�N a�ter eny ot tho impravomcnte on the Propo��v:ahep eot eommit,auffar or pem+it
<br /> �•< �'� ntnat tho Pro srt ot enY pert thereo6 _
<br /> - .• '" . ' Tnttttot'e eo t nnd exPonse nu�Eens Penaumbren¢ostend ohn*Oee loviad�knRoa d•ot eaeeusaed op end ahnll p P yd Promptly dfaeherpe et
<br /> ., , _ xscua�wo.+�r��r cwE►asr.+:n�
<br /> � M�f1WM1/aKd MCK�lIMK�TtVlt Erd SMrof A»xip�«�Uw••h N•Mrk� _ - ..
<br />