1` .�i1�;I��y :�t r•�i ,, .
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<br /> . .. .. •. �' v b.�..�
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<br /> ��°�di��� �� ,
<br /> '�gTHgR Qy('i'H nU tho improvcmcnta now on c�reuRcr crected an thc praperty,und NI cuscmants,nppuctenances.und � .
<br /> � �� tixturp now or hereaft�r n pust of ihu property.Att rcplECCmcr►ts ond edditlona ahtsll al.�o ba cavcred by this Sc+curiry Inswencn� > �_
<br /> c
<br /> �' . �� All ai tho forcgoing is refrarc�w ln lhia Srcurlry Ineuument as the"Property"
<br /> BOItFiOWHR COV�IVAN7'S that Borrower ts luwfully soised of th4 cstute hcreby convoyed and hu.g 1he daht to Brnr►t nnd � S . .
<br /> � cunvoy tho PsopenY nnd that the Praperty i�unencwnberad,except for encumbruncc.v of record. Dorrowcr warrunu�and will �.,� �.:�.«.
<br /> „ „ defend genemlly thcs Utle W thcs PropertY t�T�fit ull cis�lma end demunds,subjoct to cmy encumbrances ot record. t�
<br /> THIS SECURITY IriS'iZ�UR/1BNT cambi�es uniform covenants far nationW usa and non•ueifarm covenanta with Iimited a;j
<br /> vnrtnttons by jwrisdlc@on w consdwte a uniform s�curitY instcument cove��ng ee,al pzo�;,r�y � � �:,.�:
<br /> � UNippRM COVBNANTS.Somo�ver a�ed I.ender eovenant and agcee t�s followa --�7,
<br /> � 1.P�yu�en4 of Pritecipal and Inten�4t�psY��t and Lade Chargcs. Borrower slu�il promptty pay v�hen due th� 6/1 ��;:n
<br /> ,..".:���=` ment and luts chnrges Que uo.der tho 1Vota ��-.
<br /> .: ��r�� principal of end intesest onthede�tevtdeaa�d by thn Note and aay prepRy ---
<br /> �.FuB�s tor T�es and InsurAnce. Sub�ct to applisx�bla l�w or to n wiiuen wnivr,r by Letiider.Bonower shall gay to r��
<br /> . „ L�eaedee on the duy monthiy payrt�ents are due undea e1�a H�2e,undl tke Note is patd in full.u sum("Fands")for.(n)yeurty mxes -^':.;'-
<br /> � � and assessmani�which may auain prlo�kty over thlg S�uriay Instrument as a Uen on thc Prop�r4y:(b)Yearly lcm_seh�ld payments [�'�w.=_,
<br /> . : or gro:utd rents on tha Propeaty�if any;(c)Year1Y bazard or propaty Insurance pn:mlums;(d)Yauly tlood inswa�toe premiums�it v=—
<br /> a le by�atrower to l�ea►der.in uceordn�tce cvlth the � _
<br /> �Y:�8�Y��Y�►a�Se inssuauco Premiums.if anya ituQ��e insumtcae p miuma'R�ese items arc;cslled "fisarow It�ms." --
<br /> � pi+nvisions of parrageaph 8. in I�eu of the paymea r888 e�
<br /> age
<br /> �d�tt�y.at uny dmc,colTact and hold Funds in an vnaunt nat w excc+�ed the maximum amount a lender for a fcderalty reiated
<br /> ':�,� � mottgtlge loan may cequirc fac Borrowet's escrotv accanat uttder lhe fedetal Real Estute Seritement Procedums Act of 1974 as
<br /> _.#; �n�fmm time to tima. 12 U.S.C.Se�iun Zb01 at seq. ("RSSPA").unles3 another law ihat applies w the Funds seta a tesser
<br /> . .�`• amoun4 If so.Leudra may.ot any�oQ�xt nnd hol$Funds in an emount riaa W exceed Itte iessc�eataunG Leaslra�ut:y �-�---
<br /> ", �timate tha enwunt of Funds dna on Utie basis of current dara and re,asonable estimates of exper►d�Wres of fuAtro Bscrow Iteans�
<br /> o�teswLse in aooard�nce with appl�cnble Istw. •;:
<br /> � ' "fie Funds sball be held in en insntuflan ahose de�os52c are iasured by a fedeeal oBencY.instwnrnmliry.ar e.ndty(inciuding �
<br /> a � I the Funds to pay tha Fsaoa
<br /> . p I.euder.if Lend�r is such an iasduition)or in nny Fedeasl Home Losu�Banlc.Leade:sball app Y =--
<br /> Itaas.l,�der mny not charge Rortower for hoW[ng and npplying the Funds.anuually anWYrinB ihe acrow e000un�or verifyi:� ..
<br /> the Bscrow Items,unt�s I.ender pays Smroaer�nteaest oA tha Fuuds anA appl�bDe law pemilts La�der to make such a ct�aige. _
<br /> Howevei.I.end�may reqan�se Bflnower w pay a onadme char8e for an indopendent mal esmte ta�c�+epo�ng serv�ce e�sed by
<br /> I�der in aonnec�on wIth ¢3is baan.unless epDlfc�ble lew provides otherwlse.Uurl�sv an agreeirtent is made m c�gplica6lo lav�
<br /> :.
<br /> . � ' requins innrest to be pa1d.I,a��er st�all c�oi be r�4uired tA PaY Sotrower aay interest or eumings on the Funds.�oitower aztd
<br /> - ,__..
<br /> '---- I�[IR�,Y���1 WIIdAB�AOWCYCS.3�lA2llIltCICSL ST18II t18�OA ItlB FUAd9.LJfddCY SI18�I$IY8 W�OII�WCT.�YI1�Wt11 e.�ii
<br /> � annusil e000untin8 of tbe Fw�Es.showia�s�cfl�ts ana�ebits w die Fuuds,�t�,a�far�l�S r�h�ii sa rhe ar.a� � _
<br />�.K,
<br />}��r,:�:, : a�ada'Ros F1�nds are pladged as add'ati��i sat�tY f�z utE sams secured bY this Secur�tY Insuuarten�
<br /> =`' If the Funds held by Lender ea�c�i Ih�emoants�u�efl w be held by applicable luw.Lend�r shall a000uat t�]E�ateowet�ar
<br /> )3:.'.,:n��'..
<br /> •;�����,'`.�:�,� tha exaess Funds in a000rdanoe wlth the c�aquirements o�'agplic�ble law.If the amount of We Fands heldl by LeA�?r�tt any dcae ^
<br />'` ; �� , aot s�CCi�s Eo gaY tha S�cmw Items when due.Leader may so notltty�zrower�n wrldng.and,in suct►c�se Bu�rsnwer sba11 P0Y
<br />-- ,-� �,:.�'! ', to Leader dea s�ount neoessaz7►to ma!«ap the deRdeacy. Bo:roa�stu�il make up the drS�cfieacy ln no more�han tweEv�
<br /> •.'::��!s;•:;r�, monthlY 1�Y�ffi���T�s sole d�retiau. rum tl refuad to Bo��r aay Fuieds
<br />=`:``'`''�'"".` �PaYmer►t in fu11 GnRt�:stmos stxured by this Security Inswment,Lender shatl� P Y �`.
<br /> �;;`'w'`''�: delrl by I.ender.If.ander�h 21.Lender sGall eoquirc3 ar scll tho Pmperiy,Leader,prio�to tbe acquisidon or sate of tfca --
<br /> r3
<br /> '`h''.,K,� pcop�ty,sh�li epply any Fuaels held by Lender at tda time of o�cqwLsiSon or sala ns a credtt against the swbs securem by this
<br />=*�..,,.:
<br />';,�;,T::�:.-_. *.�.���•
<br />�E'RtF)T'�`,� �ty LL7YlWM�M
<br /> --. 3.Appfie�tian ot Pay�enai. Unless appIIcable 1aw provides othecwLsa.aU paYraents recetved by Leudcr uader purag�agl�s
<br />_� �and 2 shall 6e applie0: �nst. w any pmpayana►t chur��a due under the Note:sacond.to amounts paYable uader pa�e�nph 2c
<br /> _=v:� thiN.w int�estdua fc�uti'�,to pr'sncipal due:and last.w���8es d¢e under ihe Not�.
<br /> .r,s�a. 1.CDiarE�s;I.feas. Bamwer stiall pay nll taxes�ass�smrmta.char8cs.fines and imposiflons cum'buutbLs m�he ProP�Y
<br />:;;;:;�°' a�r�y�in prl�riry ovet Wis Seauciy inst�umrat�tind Ic�sehcid paymeats or�ound mants�if any.Bolrower ahall paY th2sn
<br /> n
<br /> :��ti��;,�,
<br /> obligadons in the ma�►er pmvided in paragropb 2.or if not paid in�at manner,Born►wer shaU p�y lhem on ame dhactly tc!��
<br /> °��:�� p�son owod pay�►��wa ShaU promptlY fumis�W Lendex aU aat�ces of sammo�nts to be pa3d undar this�uroScept�-�# ^
<br /> ;+��"rt'•� brtts d�realy,Bomnwer sh�1]]�'�P�Y fum�sh w L¢ttder reoeipis evtdendng the payments. �`•s� -
<br /> � �.��_ Ra�mwa maices tl�e� dw'""
<br /> ------:�;�.i Bo:mwer shall psiort►ptIY d�har8e un�y l�ient which 7�x(p.r�arisy wvrr this SccuritY Insma.ma►t nnless Bosro�vet:<b)agtees in ��" .
<br /> � .,sy;i'�.'.Fr W77M1$�i0�..p"�.jnt1Ei110f 1�IC�)�t1il7t 7�ia.z++w+�jf��EL'i1 fli�D u'ii3"ifin.-f i!t'�.�TL ZO L...�.����1�.4�11�!�Qd�1�1 1�It'i�IC[S �-
<br />�:'�-•.�- , by. or dsfe�+ds age�nst eiSaroement of the Iien in.1e8�1D��� which in the Lend�r's a�ion opaute to pce�►eat �he
<br /> =.;�M..""�'y,. • enforoat�et►t of the Ii�:�(e)se�ures fmm the holder c�f'8ee Iten an u�reemet�t sNisfec.�tory to Lettder subozdinutin8 the lie��to
<br />~ �. _-..:;;�. this SeavitY�nsuument II�i,a�d�det�mines that any pact of the Propeaty is subject w a tian which maY atmu►gnloriry ovex tlils
<br /> `�, :- �' � Sec�uety Insnn�ment,I.end�r cn�'6ive Borrower n notio�identifying tho l�en.Bierowa shaR satisfy dis lien ar¢a'�one or mae _—
<br /> _`.:.�:::_
<br />_ . pi tha actions set fanh ab�ve wlthin 10 days of the giv(ng of ao�oe. Form so2�ffi;�a
<br />_� , , .�-08(tL�tcz+s�.o� • � vaa•so�e tmu�u:__.._ --.,
<br />-{``-. �' • ' � •• �'iSti:.:.
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