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<br /> , KNOt� 11LL @�nN BY THS8E PRCSF.N�rs: `�
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<br /> � t�iHF.RP.AA, al.l oF the indebtednees aoaura�d by the Ueed of 9�suat �
<br /> °�., a,� exeautea bt RIc.qAItD i. SCHk41�TZ & DEHSYE �L. SCH�IAR'rx, Ht����lNl�&WYF`�; to � =
<br /> :�y� . TRW Title i su nce ompa y , mruetee, far tho -
<br /> Y
<br /> � e�snefir of �I O E e ora Cr� n on , the
<br /> .. � 'bare�fieisry aa�ed thoroin, elated M�i� , 19 , and reaorded
<br /> �..,t; M8y 17 . 19 93, irt the AFfiQe n! the RQgLRCer of Ooeds uP
<br /> , � ���:`,r �� Conntp, Nebraeka as pocument i�o. 93��0'�962 ,
<br /> ����r� ` heo bnen Paid, an4 er+id beaefiaiary has cequested in vvr�$ir►g lhat thia Deed
<br /> � " . oP Rea�nv�eyanoe ba executod and deliveredi
<br /> ,•���;�`' NOW, 'PHI:R�;1'pRF., in aAnsideration of such payment in accordanc� with
<br />�"����!��,�� thm reque$t �E �he beneFiaiary nemed therei n, thee u�derRiqoed, as �Prustee,
<br />..at-;v�;;:;�;-�-°---- doee by t0ese presento. gsant, remiae, relesse and reaonv�y ta ch8 person °
<br />`""�'��':�J� or pere000 entitiled thereto all the i�torest and estato derived eo said
<br />-�::::'law�:�.�T�
<br /> J_,�� "�rnstiee by or � +��lrouqh said peed of Trust i� the folloWing dee�crilsed .
<br /> - pramieas, but ar�ly ae ko snoh premisea:
<br /> _"""`;��� -
<br />::��n�7�ei.!t.�.��
<br />___���;��� �► �rac�, �if land campr��-�z�g a part of the Southeast Qaa�u��r b� t,�he Sou�bweat
<br /> .,��� Quax�er (�E�tSW�D og Se�tion Three� (3) . Tc�naahip Blenen'���1) Na',n�l�, Range Niae
<br />_._,._,�,�„v.,� (9�� Weat of th� 6�h poM.,Hali Couaty, N�bxaekr� raore �erri.cular3� desc��bed a�o
<br /> _- ���� i�11oMa: Boginn��mg at a point an tha Sonth line of eaid Section 3, �aid point
<br /> _-_-___ baing 15�3.33' eest oF the Southwest cornex of oaid Sec��on 31 t4�ence t�r�h�erly
<br /> '�'."'� p�r�llel to the Weat lin� of sa�id Section 3, a distar4�$ of 816'p theaa�a
<br /> --- def�ecting si��i� 90•���f'34" en8 runniag �asterlX a dia��►ce of J.56.��• tA the ••
<br /> � toy�thar wi�h• �►�1 buS�lBing�, gixturea, impravemanta ac1A appurteneneea , -
<br /> ---�.��.— belonq to suoh• premiees. . � � . -
<br /> -;;���;��� Da�k�d this � day of FGb�Pn.iiry ,l?J. l4.
<br /> .-�11AV.YtX:).1�a� •-
<br /> --�..:_::o» FIDEL�TX NAT�ONA� '�YTl.� Yt�BCiRANC� COTrlPANY F/!C/A NA'1"3�ID�78 TITLE i1�8URl�NCE c��=�-_
<br />..-��,�a� F/K/A TAW °d'Y`TLE IN6URANICE COI+�ANY �_C_�. �,- �• �
<br /> Trut�tee V '
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<br /> =_=' :;<,�;�v` � �" � ��r� bagore mo, the
<br />.'--,.�;�`��,`��bt� , On thio /_ /h�, day of t�iru Y'v o
<br /> �•���5f��"`° undora�q�ad, u Notary Public duly com iHaio�od an� qualiPiod �or st�id
<br /> :: ..�c..ti:.�:�
<br />--- � . _ ccuntY. Poraon$b�y aemo u� G. �Cozal, lI•1�> 'd¢l�,�a�//l'/!/,�/�}_k_ll��[�+'lot Cs.
<br /> '��"""`�'`� to me k�own te► be eha idonticai perQOn whoom nome ie eubsaaibed Eo the =
<br />� '� `~'�. � lolreqoing iaetrumen! and aoknowledged �he cutiion thesoai to s hi�/har -
<br /> - �• �- •-� �r volunt�a�y aae and deed. "-
<br /> . ',�--�``��. Witncssa my hand and Notarial seal At in -
<br /> -�'"'� •. �; s .1 otsid Caunty, ��s� _datio aforc�s�id.
<br /> .. :ti
<br /> • - t�y Commiosion ex i os 2� a00 � _
<br /> :c:; .
<br /> • , �,� OFFICUIL BEAd -
<br /> c�r�n�.suMSSC�
<br /> ., .. � (8n a i) t3tfYMp PuJUC�BTATEOF a��t0� _
<br /> fIYCOLt�ti5910NFxPiRE81•�8�2000 otfl pub . C
<br />- , � *�Nee�er�y right-of-way liae of Oxd Bra,ach the Unioa Pacifie �i.lros�= �hen�e
<br /> ' . � Southeasterly aionq said rA�ltoa� right-of��ay line a di.stence o� S1S.6A.' to �3�e -
<br /> " ., South line of eai8 Sectiioa Tlaxee t3)t the�ce Kea��riy along the South li�e �!
<br /> � - said 3eet�an 3, a diotance o� 172.3' to the pYnce of beginning.
<br /> �
<br />