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� � <br /> � '�I . 'ut',�9:.:,al��:u�GEl4 !�I��C3II7�'.1[�I�CU:�1�11 <br /> RE,AL ESTATE MORTGAG� 89-- ip�i8'� <br /> CQNSTRUCTIQN SEGRUTIY AGR�EmENT <br /> 3erry 1. Schuli:z anci Linell S. Schultz, Husband and Wife � <br /> � Nall Nebraska <br /> at t6e Counq► o{ aa� Stats oL �nlnatter cal2ed the party oi We tirst p�rt, ln <br /> cowideratioa o! Fifty Five Thausand and no/100--------------------------------- � <br /> LI.AR9� <br /> i�a band paid. do LereD7 tnnf,bu�d4 Mll and eoanY yato tbe 8ome�'edaral Saviast�Lwa As�oel�tion of arand Lland� <br /> tit�and LLnd. N�brsaa.and i!s au�ceroes aIId�,t6e ldlo�wInB real e�tate, s[tnated ir Ha t 1 <br /> Connt�. State ot Nehraska , � ��; <br /> The Northeast Quarter of the Northwest quarter (NE�NW�) of 5ection <br /> Twenty Seven (27), Township Ten (10) North, Ra�ge Nine (9) West of <br /> the 6th P.�I., Hall County, Nebraska. <br /> Together with all the appurtenances thereunto belonginB� and all covenanta in all the title deeds runnin6 witb aaid a�l satate, <br /> and all the rents. lffues aad protit� arlsint ��� �' �f�ult in perlormance oi any cevenan! or condition he.rein coa- <br /> � tatned; and warrmts ffie title tLereta periec!and clear encept for this moitgage. <br /> Dnr�ng the time this mortgsge ia in force the mort�a�ois a8ree: <br /> Flrat. To psy dl tases and sP�dal aaae�smenb levi�d aSainat said Premiaes, including all tu� and aaseumenta levied <br /> upon tbis mort�a�e,or the deDt aecured bq tl�ie mort�a�e. '� <br /> Second. To lceep aU buiidfngs thereon inaured agaiast loss by �re, lightning and tornado in aome company, to be si} <<. <br /> proved by tbe aaid Home Fedenl Savin�s & Lom Aa�odat[on of Grand Island in the aum of �� ; : <br /> � the benetit oi the aaid Aasociation�and ita aucceaaora or asai8na; and to depoait said pollcies with aaid Association, �nd shall not � `�; <br /> - i•-v�i"� 82' ..^'ww :.t� �..�� �� �' � ��i"'-IIl�.'•°--�'. wwA .�+�tt �►nt and I�cep said real estate build3n¢s and imDrovCmeAb 1�4 �o0d -`=--- <br /> order. - <br /> Third. To psy or cause to be paid to We Home Federal Savings dc Loaa AssociaHon oi Grund Ia2And, ita auccessora or <br /> � aal�ae, the aum ot� Fifty Five Thousand and no/100---------------------------------�OLLARS� � <br /> ' p�yable �s iollows: <br /> ' . Oue November 2?, 1990 =_� <br /> . �. <br /> 4 -: <br /> wlth interest t?r�teon p�yable,aocording to the tanor aad effect of the oae certain firat mortgaQe note of eaid mortgaQore, i�.-t.� <br /> 6eatIna even date with thde P:'asenta. Aiter maturitY said bond draws i�terest at the nte oi nine per cent per annum. �—�- <br /> "' I! aaid tues snd a�eaemeMe are not paid when due, or it the buildings on aaid prem�es are not insured as above pro- ��.'�,'-. <br /> vided,or ii aay o��aid interert is not pdd whea due,then said whole debt shall become due the option ot the • <br /> said As�oelatioq an��Il thenaiter�raw interert at the rate of nine per ceat per anaum. . <br /> The mort�agor hereby assl@�_ to eaid mortgagee all re�s and income arlsing at any and all time� from aaid _. _ <br /> yenperty and herebY �tut�osi�oe satd moet�a�ee or it�a�ent, �t i4 option� uP�► default, to taYe chuga of said pz�operty aad <br /> cdIect all nnb and inoome therehom wnd app�j the ume to tha payment oi intenat, principal, inaurance pramiunu� tues. <br /> anesrmenb. np�ira or improvemeuts necesearY to keep ssid property in tenantable eonditlon, or to other charga or pay- <br /> ments provided fa�henin or in the aate hereb�secnred. TLis ieat aeal�ment ahall continue in lorce until the unpaid ba� _ <br /> ' anct o!raid nate Is ftilly patd �'he Wdn� oi paasewion hereuude�'shsll in no maaner prevent or retAr3 eaid mortgagee fn <br /> the oollect�on a[said tum�by foreclaure or otherwLe. <br /> - WLether �aid debt becotnes due by Lpae oi tlme, or b� re�son of the faflure oi tbe party oi the firat part to comp?�y <br />•. witl� an� conditton henin, tbe said Home Fedcral Savings tc Lo�a Associatfon o! Grand Island, the succeaaora and assi�u� <br /> �hall I�ave tl�e rl�ht to begln the foreclowre oi tbis mortgage at once oa t6e whole debt herebq securetl, and to include <br /> t6ereln �U taYes, a�eamenta, inuurance premiums and coste, paid by it ot them; or said A�:oeiatlon, its succeaams or <br /> ad�, msyr lore�lae only �s to the sum paat due, without iniwy to this mortgage, or fhe di=placement or impairmenL <br /> oi ti�e lien thetti.wi. <br /> A�d ti�e s�id fiat party snd the maken of eaid note. especially agsee and declare tlut tha aeparate edate of each and �-_-_->_- <br /> arasy one at them, lncladin� botb th�t now w►med and tiut hereafter acquired� is ptedged and bound tor the payment of <br /> tlfe debt berebY � � <br /> Atter the �t ot any► suit ln foreclosure the pLin4iK therein shall be eatitled to the immediate pwression ot i <br /> sdd premlies aad ths apQoinbaeat ot a receiva thesefor, notwnthstandiaY they may be the homatcad ot the octupant and ' <br /> natr►itl��adln� ti�e p�tties Wble tor the dabt map be wlvent. aad the tirst party haeby coaunts to the a�polntment ot a � � <br /> R�eeiver npon tbs pcoduetion oi ti�is indentun, without other evldence. � <br /> � T6e tae�e�oin� conditlon� and asreements. a11 aad sin�tul�r,bein�[u]Iy perlormed, thia coaveyance shall be void, otber- <br /> wLe to b� and r�maia la tull loree aad etfsct. <br /> ���. 2? �y o�,_ Navemb r A_ �.. 19 eg � . <br /> .� _�''r..�!� �SlS <br /> In �nsence of - <br /> xry�L. S�hu] ;�/ rf <br /> _ ..; - t f•� �-a�.-: ''i�. . �� - <br /> LanFrlJ .`�. `�� h��1tz <br /> - iG�7�L:�t'i�l■Ili�.:;.,:� � � <br />