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� ' ( <br /> � � � <br /> . .. � � • <br /> ll � .. � "^_-. <br /> . . . ..�_�.��l.f�� . � 7� - �. .. ... -._._..._'.�vlMilr_�ry. <br /> .. . � <br /> > _. •e::t..,n�v.iri.r:. .-. . ' . '-" <br /> . , r� ...... .�..�."__..._..�...__....'"'__ <br /> ..._._...._ .. ----------- <br /> ._....._ _..__..,-•-----.....__....._ ..__......__.------... ►. <br /> • `�� <br /> ,;. .. 99� �o�.��� . . �::_ <br /> �_ <br /> " �;' TODE THEftWITH aU the tmprovemeatsao�v or hereciftcrer�ctec�on the property��d all cascmcnts,appurtenanccs,und �°-_ <br /> ° FuR�►rea aaw ar hera u fter a p u r t af the pr�peat y. All re placFCneata nnd uddldons shall also be covered by this Security _ <br /> � lnstrument.All of the fureQoing is refereed to In t63s SecueIry Ir►strumeat ae the"Property" - <br /> ' , BORROWERCOVENANTSthnt Bonovicr is lawfully aetsed of thc esWte hereby conveyed nud hua the tl�ht to grnnt nnd <br /> " wnvey the Praperty and thst the Properry ia unencumbered,except for encumbrancesof record Borrower wunnntci and wiU ; _ <br /> defenJ generally ihcr titlo to tiic Property agaLut all cluims und c�emandS,snbject to uny eacumbrunccs of recotd. �_ <br /> "�•: THIS SECURITYINSTRUMENTcombines uaiforai covenaY►ts for aatlottnl usa and non•untfarm covenanta with l)united �,-- <br /> �.'=,,�';~ variudons by jurisdtction to consutute a uniform secwity instn�mont covering real property. G�=: <br /> ,:�wer` � .. <br /> UMFpRMCOVEIVANTS.Borrowerand l.endercovenaat aed agreeAS follows: �° <br /> ���# 1. Pog�ment ot Pruicipul cwd lutereaK Preps►yment nnd Late Chnegrs. Borrower shail promptly pay when duo the �__ <br /> '= �, principal of and iaterest on the debt ovtdenced by the Note aad any ptepa}mient und late charQes due uader the Note. __ - <br /> �• . �� 2. �ds Qo�Taxes mad Inuurance. Subject to applicablc law or to a v�rltten�valKer by l.ender,Honowcr s h u ll pay to <br /> - Lender on tho day monthly payments are due under the 1Vote,untnl the Note is puid Lt fuU, a atun("�tnds") for:(a)yearly taxes <br /> ' � and assessmentswbich may attaia pr�orlty over thic Securlty Instrumentas u Gen on the Properry;(b)yearly leasehold payments _ <br /> or ground rents on the Property�if any;(c)yearly hazardor property inaurance premtums;(d)yearly Qoad insurAace prcmlums, <br /> . � if any; (e)Yearly mortgage ipsuraace preuiiucns,if any;and(�aay sums payable by Bonower ta I.endeq iu accoadancewith ,� <br /> the provistous of Fara�saph8, in lieu of the payment of mortga�e iastirence premiwns.These items aro callcd"Esarow Items' �,� <br /> I.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Fwtds in aa amouat aot to exceed the ma�dmum auiount a lender for a federally l,y� <br /> related mortgage lon�enay require for Borrower's v�arow account under the federa!Real Es4ate Settleme�t 1PraceduresAct of — <br /> -- � ;.� . I974 as ameadedirom 2ime to time,IZ U.S.C. Section 26U1 et seq. ("RESP.�►°), unless another law that nppUes to the Ftuids <br /> sets a lesser amount.If so, I.cnder may� at any time,coltect���hold Funds in an emoun4 aot to excce�Wa lesser n�uount. _ <br /> {',.:-���-' Lendee way estimateY�he amnw►t of Funda due an the basiR of uu��rent data and reasonableestimutes of expendltures of fuhue <br /> -- Fscrov�Items or otbenvise in accordance�vlth applicable law. <br /> f ,or enti <br /> ,�,�� , The Fhads slh� �be held in an institutIoa whose deposits nre insured�y a federal agency� inssctlmentaUty ty , <br /> (inciudtng Lender�if Leuc4eris such aa instih►don)or in aay PederalHomeLoan Bank.LenderRhall apF���he�Ptiu►ds��p n or <br /> -'='''` �B PP�B <br /> : ;�,::, <br /> Escrow Items.l.enderma y noi chargs Borrownr for hol anda 1' the Funds,annuul�s,;a�+aiYdng <br /> �._�•;;.�. verlfyi�g t6o Escrow Items�unless Leader pays Bonower interestoa tlne Pt�nds and applicabla law gerniits Lenderto maicesu <br />-�•L�.' a charge.However,�.ender may require Borrower w pay a one-time charge fur an inde�eadentreul esttttt tax repo:Nng servicc <br /> "-`Ra=.-"�: lleable law rovides otherwise. Unless an agreement is made or <br /> ..;,.�� used by L.eader in �:onnecdon with thia loan, uniess app p <br />��;:,`:;r . aPPlicabietaw requir�»intcicetic,bs gattl�Lcadu�?ss!!acibe rts�ttlt�lt4�►ay Bonowerany interestvr eatrrinS�on tboFunds. r <br /> _;�;,�{4:�ti i� Bonower nnd l,ender may agree tn wdting, however�that intrareat shall be paid an the�stsda Lcnder shall give ta�aonower, <br />�_-��,,4 withot�Y charge� an ennual accountiag of the Fnads� showing credits ai►d debits to the�ds and fhe pucposa far wlilc?�eash <br /> __----�::^�; de b it to t he 1 G U U d s w a s m a d e.T h e P�n d s a r e p l e d g e d a s a d d I ti o n a l s e c u r i ty f o r a ll s u m s secured b y this Securl ty Insuuman� <br />- -`�="�Pa� Yf tAe Fands b�9d�y l.enderexceed the aueounts permittedto be held by appucable law. I.ender shnll account to Horrower <br /> j��mP��� for tha exsess Funds in accordencewith tlie rec�uirementsof ap,llcable law.•I�the amountof the Ftutds h►•.!d by Lender at any , . <br /> ...;.;�� <br />-- -"='';���,'� time is�ot su�dcnt to pay the Escco�v Itemswhua due,Lendermay so notify Bonoweria writin8, such casa Bonower <br />-�:.�i��� s6ai1 pay to Lender the amouat necessary to maka up the deYiciancy. Bonower shall mn�c�up the deSeiency in ao mose t�s+su► <br /> �=�'""`'zz�� twelve monthly payments,xt 1-ender's sole discretion. <br /> "'"�"'��"�'�' Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrument,Lender shall promptly�e�nd to Bonawer any <br />-'—---�� �unds held by Leader.ff, under para�rapb2l, I.ender ahaA ac�uire or sell tho Property.l..ender�prlor tn the ucquisltloa or sula <br />__— �— of the Proparty�she11 apply eny Ftiads held by 1Lenderat the time of acquisidon or sale as�credit egaiast tha sums securedby <br /> t6Ls Security Instrumen� <br />--- 3.Appllcatton of Paymente•LJnl.ess uPPlicable law pmvi,�Ics�eWenuise,all paymentareceived by Lenderundei par.pgrapl�a <br /> -� - �-�-- 1 and 2 shall bo nppliec�:�rst, to aay prepayaneotchnrges due Uuilezthe Not�;second,to amountapayable under parag�aphZ; <br /> --- third,to intcrest due;fourW,to priacipal due;and Dast,to nny late chargcsss duc vnder the Note. <br /> ;���e 6nes aad im osldons attrlbutableto the Property <br /> �.::.�,,��� 4. Cburgesi Idcns. Borrowersh�ll pay ull toxes,ass�sstnenta,charBes, P <br /> - �;„;�;�� whIch may attein p�or�ty over this Secur�tY Instrument,aad]easehold payments or gROUnd�onts,it any. Bonower sball pay <br /> ---_-� thase obl�gations in tlie mannerpmvlded�n paragrapL2, or if not paid in that muaner,Borra�vershaU pay them oa time dfrectly <br /> - to the personowed payment.Bonowershzill pr4*ir,�lyfurnish to Lenderall nodces of amountato be patd underthis parag�aPh• <br /> ,---",`-� II'Burrowe�mafccs thcae payment�direcity.tse�ower sh:�l promptly feti-„z;h to Lcnticr receigL°.evlsteteclno the�y„+enta <br /> ��� Bosowersholl promptly discharge any IIen�vhich haspriority over thix Security Ynsmtmentunless�orrow�r:(a)e�eesln <br />------ <br />