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_�� ._ <br /> 1 � <br /> � . <br /> • ���s �O�' � <br /> I � <br /> 1• �►1�. trM� /e�N �� �Y�tIMT f1�CY�Olt�O vlthout tl� •�}t��• or �rltten con�ent at �en�flcl�sr, <br /> �.cs��.�r �r� �t fs• wl� o�elon� i�el�s� •I1 ru�� •kur�� by tl�t• Oeed ot tru�t to e� lw�edl�t�lr <br /> �u� �n� /�y��l� �n� ��oe��i to tAs cew�dle■ �v�ll�sl� to !t ued�� eh• d�tault provl�lon� coot�ih�� <br /> �K�fll. <br /> � 11. [yw�t�o[ D�t�ule. M�I oE tM 1o11orte� �wwt• �hall 6� �u��d �� evcnt ot dd�ult A�ran��s� <br /> (�) lrwtor ahall h�t� t�ftd to Mt� ���t o! �dy l��t�llNnt ot !�[�r��l, <br /> �rl�al�al oe �sfeelpl MJ ine�nst o* �r oth�e �u�� �eenre� h�rabr viwen du��. <br /> (►) 7'M�� I►i� OCCYi�fA a ��n�eh et ee ��l��It un��r an� t�rw� eove�art� <br /> ��r��t. e�Mitloa� �ca�t�tae� r��s��t�tlae os waewwty ceetalM� f� ehi� Oes� <br /> �t Tewt. tl���et� or �nr otiNe loan lMtrwnt �te�r�d h�c��r� <br /> (e) TMs� A�� MM a ��[ault �y tiM Tsu�tor !e th� p��ent o! �er pefor oe <br /> wb���wN! �1�� oe MerMsaac� !� u�qat t• •11 or �nr pa�t o! th� pcop�etri <br /> (�) T*war �A�11 Ll1� • va�lw�t�sy ��tftloe !e �awkru�tay os �h�ll �� �aiu�!- <br /> : e�ed N�Itswt ee i��ol��at, ee N��11 yk� �w a��ipw�t tor th� At�e[!t et at��ltos� . <br /> !� «�et t• tlw ��oM�ty� oe M �etiew t� ��tesc� �ey llen ot �t�eu�lrane� os iria- <br /> �t� �=�le�t tM� 'roMety f• e��e��. � <br /> 1=. Ilee�i�ra !�w Y 0�[a�ult. ta th� ��t e[ M� �t��lt. �tndlei��y w�y d�el�r� �11 1e��tM�w�� ' •, <br /> NlY�� M�1 y �O � �IM M� Mj=1�� M� !M ��M �II��1 �A�tR11�01� �tCOIN �W M� ��ya/1� M�tI10Yt M� <br /> �r��a�t�t. ie��� ��ot�it or aoela� et aer kln�. tMr��lt�s� i�n�[iel�ey .af� <br /> (�) �1tMe l� 'scaoe oe �r �R�et. wleA ee viehout sele�le� aey azefow er �ro- <br /> e�Ni��� �e �� r�e�iw� �qoiNeN ►r a ee�ee �� vltAort re��r� eo eh� ��qwe� o[ <br /> M� ��ersit�. �wt�r � a�� e�k� p�w��iM �� tM ►to��rtr. or �ny p�rt eMrwi, <br /> fw !t� w� ww �e f� th� nw �f eb� T�wt��. ani de .n� .ee• «hlofi te ��a� n�e���as� <br /> M� ���1sNi� t� �r�w�v� eh� v�lw� Mtk�t�bllltr atr c�wt��ilitr �l eh� ►r�p�rey. �� <br /> �a�t tM��o[ es let����t �Ms�le, leer�a�� th� leaow eMrdcow oe prot�et tM •�a�eitr ••' <br /> I�net �n�� vltl�ort t�kles �a���lon o! tM propertr. �u� tos or oth�t�l�� eoll�ct tM <br /> reat�. ls�ws sw� �rolits tlwceol. leolu�l�� thoie pa�t dut �nd uepaid. �nd ��pl� th� • <br /> ��, lei� e�it• �wi �apee�e� ot opr�tlaw � eoll�ction. lecludin� �ttorn�y te��. u�o� , <br /> Mr tnN1t���� �ae�r�� h�t�tiy� �11 l� �aaA oiNr a� NTMtlai�sr .rr d�t�r�ln�. Th� <br /> tet�rlq yM � t�kln� �����lae •f th� tswt r�t�t�. eh� eoll�aetae e� �ueA e�et�. <br /> tssw� �� ���tit• �N ���lteatfaw tk��Nl a� �to�s��l� �ii not cur� or v�iv� �ny 1�- <br /> � Ia�lt �r a�tie� o[ �Ia�le Mr�w�d�s ee is��llMt� �nr �ct an� 1� s��yona� to �ueA ��• ' <br /> t��lt �e ��e�wwt to sueh wotio� ot d�t��l! �w�. notvith�tandln{ eM eonefnuMe� iw <br /> �ot����le� o! tlM �rop�rtp e� eh� eoll�celen, ree�ipt and �pplication ot re�t�� i��w� <br /> os �cottt�. Te��tN or lmrlicl�r�► �y N .*eseiw ee .x.:�i.. .w�r sf�ht prorlda� tor � ' ` <br /> s. .�y ot ea. ie.� l��e��nt• o� br �w rpe ocerrrRne� ot ��y �veot ot d�tauit. !w- <br /> , clvii� tM dsht to ��ucei�� tM powe oi aal�= . <br /> (ti) now�Me� an aaeien to [er��lo�� thi� Desd ot lru�t �s a �ores���. ��pint � <br /> • ne�l��e, e� •�eaitle�lly�wlorc� �nr ot t�� eov�nant• h�cwl; j : <br /> (e) ialiv�r to lrnsta* a vsittaa �ecl�s�tion ot det�alt and dewan� [oe �sl�. - _- <br /> M� • If��t�M AOeie� ot �t��lt �n� �l�etios to ew�� T[u�tos'• let�e��t ia tM �[�peq = <br /> ee N Nl�� vhieb netie� Trwta� �hUl eaw� to w d�1� ti1�3 For reaord !a tM ottlel�l " <br /> «esc�� ol tIM ewnty !e vhieb th� Proprty i� lo��tsA. � <br /> 17. �onelwuc� ►r lowr oE Ssl�. SAould l�asticl�ry •lect to [os�clos�.er txerei�� ot tM pw� <br /> ; et ul� Me�tw eo*t�iM�. 1�Mticl�sr �1r11 AOtII� TLY��f� �M �hall d�po�it vitb irwes� tbi� D�d ol � <br /> Trwt �wi tb� wot� �nJ sreh t�c�i�e• �nd�vldeae� ot �xMe�ltur�� �ale �n� �tcured h�r�b� �t lru�t�� `; <br /> aq [l�Y�f�. �w� uooa se�w�t ot tt� �etifielasr. eh� ?cwt�� �lall [fle [or record, !e th� Ilesi�t�e '= <br /> e[ 0��� •[[!c� in th� County W��c� th� p�opetr i� locateJ. a notie� of del�ult. �ettias [orth tbe _ �� <br /> � �t tM� trwto�� th� iook an� !�p or Ooa+ieat No. of tbf� Deed ot Tru�t as recorded !e sala , <br /> Ite�l�hr �i Oe��� of[le�, eM lKal �e�erireiow oL th� �bow-de�eslM� r�si �at�t• �d thae � ���aeM • <br /> ' �t M etills�tla�. [or rhleb aalA se�l eat�t� ws eoewr.e �s ..e�rfcr. h.s oeeu��.d, �na ��ttins EoctA r <br /> tM Mt�c� ot �rcb ►r�aeA sai tM T�wte�'• �ltction to �ell th� r�al ��t+�t� co •.et•ty ch• oblf�•ele.= . <br /> a�� dt�[ tM la►�� ot wot l�i� thaw aw (i) �ontA. tM 'irwte� �hall �ive vrfet�n eotic� of eh� t!M • <br /> M� fIK� �t Nif rbleh �r M b�tw�w lt00 •.�. �nd S }.�. �� �I1! p�M��f/� or �e th� Cou�thow� !n <br /> tl� Coratr vA�r�tn �ueh �cep�rty is locacd. i�sarl�los eh� propertr to b� iol� br !e• l�:al ���cri�- <br /> tlow� �al� �otte� to IN �ubll�hed !e • n�v�o�y�s ot qMr�l elrculation !n the Counlr vh�r�le �ucb • <br /> �1 '�ceNrt� i� leaatt�. a�e� • wek [or tiv� (S) eon�ecutl�� welu� t6� la�t publieattan to b� �t le��t . � ;:�. <br /> pw (10� �ar�. Y�t �ot �oc� than tbirty (70) dsra. /sios tv�th� ��1�= �nd th� 7ru�t�� shail tMe s�ll � ; .'x� . <br /> wi� ���sty �tt tl�� tiw �M �l�ea b�1M�ed fn eh� noeic�. !n th��annee provlded br l�v !w �ltent <br /> � at t1w tiw� of tiltns �ai� aotie�. at publie �uetion to t1N h1sh��t 6idd�r tor eaih and dali ��li��r <br /> � t� sYeb wreh�i�s • d��d t� tM ►rop�rer �old, coa�lst�nt vith th� lw !n �l[eet �t th� tis�. ' <br /> � ' V'o� e�e�i�t oI th� �ric� ►id. 7rurte� �h�ll d�llv�r te th� purehase. Truste�'• d*sd aonv�ries th� <br /> � �c�ssy wi�. Il�elt�l� L� th� Trart��•� db1 �Mll �� priw� f�et� �vtdene� of th� truta oi tIN �e�N- <br /> Mwt� �� th�r�ln. ?cwt�� N�a11 �►rlr th� �rxeN� et th� a�l� fn �h� followins oed�r� (�) t� �11 <br /> t���w11� ee�t� �n� �spaMi o[ th� �als� inalu�i�j but twt 11�lted to, Tru�te�•� l�t� o� aoe �or� <br /> ilrw 3.0• x ot tBs �sosa ul� pelc�. ssisoa�bl• attosn�r Ites and eost� ot titl� eviMnc�= (�) to �11 <br /> ' wM a�eu�t��� tht� Oeed vf Tru�t; �n8 (e) ti���:e���. tE �nr. iv et�� ptraon or }�rwn� 1tpllr �w� <br /> � : Lltl� tMr�t�. My �sr�an. Lpe1w/1� Nnt�lel�ty� My PureMe� �ald p�op�rty �t �afd �al�. <br /> • Th� �sr�ow eaatYeeiw� t1N ��1� �]r, tos anr ��u�a U� ee •IM �se�s �:p�dleet. oo�tpen• th� ■�1� lco� <br /> t1N t• t!M w�ttl !t �hsll b� awpl�e�d ��d. !n �vter �reM ea��� notle� ot Po�tpon��e�e �h�ll �� �lt�w <br /> ►� w�lie ��elarseioa c1Nt�ot by �ue1� p�non at tfi� tlw� and plaa� la�t �ppolnt�d tor th� ��1�= pto� <br /> vtM/. tt tM ral• L• p�tpon�i [os lenKu tl�a�n on� (i) day b�yond tb� dat� deal�nat�d tn et� notic� ot . <br /> ��1�. aotle� tlN�eot shail �� �iv�n ln th� ��we Mnn�s �s th� oii�in�l nocic� ot ��1�. � <br /> 14. Re�l�� Not t:el�slve. Trwt�t MA i�lielarr. and �acb o[ efK�. sh�ll b� entitled to M- <br /> foet� �apwe�t wn� p�rl�raMC� oE �nr lnd�bt�dnti� ot obl!=ation �etused h�sebp �nd to �tetclr� •11 sf�ht• ' �- - � <br /> �ad ►or�r� w�d�r thls OetA ot T�u�t or under �ny lo�n ln�tru�cnt or otUer a6sea�eat or anr lav� nov or <br /> ��csatt�c e�(�rae/, wocvlchatandlns �oa� or �11 of eh� indebtadnasi anA oblfaetlon• ��cur�d h�r�by <br /> vl�leh �y wor or INr��[tar ba otl�erwl�� �eew�ed� vhcthas Lr �ort�s�e. Joed ot tra�t. Pleds�. llen, �i�i�- ; <br /> � �ewt os olh�cvlt�. N�ltb�r tha �cee�tanee o[ th!• Oced oi T�ust nor !tr entoret�ent. VJIf�IIE! br eaat <br /> � aetlon er �ur�u�nt to tlw ►oM�r oi sal� oe otlNr pover� har�fn ¢oot�4ned. s1�s2I pre�udie� or !n �nr � • <br /> Mp11�t �f�lCt TtWCtt�• or �enefleisrr'• rlsbt to ttallte upon o� enEoree any othes ��curltr t10Y O! IN[�r <br /> �iter M1� !� Truu�� os Mn�tfefar�� it b�ins ��rasd that Ts�ates �nd Dene[ictary. �nd e�eh o[ thN. � <br /> � �Aall M aatltl�d to en[oree eMlr aeed ut 'rtust �nd �ny otber �ecu�lty nov o� hareattee li�1d by th� /�n�- <br /> tlel�r� �r Trwte� !n �ucU osdcr and �ann�r as ther. or •lther o[ tlx�, way 1n ttkir abiolut• df�es�tton � <br />• I�ttr�lwt. Mo re�edr berdn coo[�rrea upow or r���rted to T�u�te� or Esneflclarr !s inttnded to b� ��- dr <br /> et��lvt o[ �ny otdec re�edy Ik rein or by lav provided oc p�r�ltted, but eacb ehall b� eusul�tive and h► <br /> �h�lt i� ln �ddltlon to sv�sy othe� re�edy �{lven I�ereunder or nov o: hereetcer exlstlns at t�v or /n =Q <br /> qult� or by •R�tute. Eve�r pover or re�edr �lven br �ny ol the lu�n tnet�uwent• to Tru�t�o or Etne- �n <br /> Ilet�ry or to vhleU elthet ol tt�e� �ay be atherul�� teNticd ■ey be exa�claed, coneurcently or tndepeo- r' <br /> dtwtly. lro� tl�e to tIN �nJ �s ottrn �s �ny Ee d�ened esaedlent by 7ruetee or Rene[!clsry. nnd etther '�' " <br /> o[ tM� Mr �ursw lncon�i�teot re�edle�. Hothln{ hee�le �h�ll be co�atrued a� prohlbttlna seoe!lel�[y <br />. trw •��kln� • d�[fel�ne� �ud�Mnt �{almt Tru�eoc to th• aacent •uct� •ctlon is per�itted by I�v. <br /> � " -t- <br />. � <br />