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ROW CONSTRUCTION PROJECT NOTES <br />1 The City shall be notified a minimum of forty eight (48) lours in advance of initial project coostruc1 07 12. II oldawalk, tewet chair range or any pilon of the ppdestnan babes s are removed or dosed. a pedestrian detour shall be established <br />2 The emitracsa Anil adhere -- so the current City daN specifications, a and maintained dMeg the limiter the clod.* and Me entire pedestrian facility shall be restored widen sevMey4wo (72) hours, unless the <br />meter gran peci approval special provisions, City standard plans, right-ernvoy ennin ucliee conlma:n.00,408 a herd surface allemala route approved by the city. <br />p.aredan..mmwf <br />13. Ad pedestrian detours and any reconstruction of pedestrian facilities shall meat current Americans with Disability Act (ADA) standards and <br />3 The kncdsaetahall senaaragowasegrwmd antsy r iletsis may mu be indicated«. Ms prowertplena Theme:moe is emceed 10 conal the One BpepNme,,M. <br />C.allel l willealwe reeler (dal al !tinny -4M Vast lures prate waking in the my n01 ales, Neescvarsu will be pmntled in the area of <br />Ow undertr,wW alman wail all Who. hose RYrt knotted and idauded to the wtisyactiun of all ►oder, Th: werbeler,Wilde responsible for 14 Al pedesoian detours shall be pan of an approved Traffic Control Plan (TCP) <br />presecten nrell u daynnest ml aerial unlit. eat inliewverare. <br />15 Al holes made n city pavements for the purpose of performing vacuum excavations to locals underground utilities shall be restored to <br />4. W henoor underground faeilines are in claire proximity to the proposal pathway Incution or whenever the vertical lueunun of the underground lbw original 0x07060,1, with the reinstated cora lush with and in the original orientation as the existing surface matching existing pavement <br />facility is unknown, the penin.e shall use special mwstuc, w determine the locations of such underground f oiliaio. Seneca appemante <br />a if ata: para lno. a rwuarog da: uauvatu 0 by theraft hon ars aw4ac, ',h.. tea tlaseprgxi004) a Ms edcsgrotasd 50416100,1(70 Ceram. 16. When the contractors not actively working, all equipment, 6neirg. debris, e0. shell not be placed within the triangular area required for <br />4114 uac hand Waging hydocxcavaena ao ox000wfing. may War technique. the am approved by the Coy to fusee doh fanny sight distance of vehicles exiting or entering an adjacent prneedy 01 nt.meetiet , <br />b. it .he per wee a conducting the ...sot by ban.eiey or ba,.a, the pamkwe shall detonative the v0a1wal bream attic rwMpuund <br />ledhy by potholing or any hthcr method aeon di by dre Cory 17 Al excavations shall be adequately fenced and covered when contractor is not present or project site left unattended <br />7. Project plans shall dimension new facilleer being installed. Measurements shell be taken from existing adjacent visible structures (curbs. poles, 16. No lane closures allowed on arterial streets during AM and PM peak hours unless approved by Cly Traffic and Right of Way Conshultion <br />e.ubinets, manholes,inlets. fire hydrants,ete.) cluedy identifying locational such Wilily. The oumraelursball wily dimenrwm lakan Wmeily tilessection(s) stag, <br />6 Unless spoatiad on the plan sets, the depth of,nsOIled facilities in city row shall be at. minimum as follows 10. Ad work zone traffic control. Including pedestrian control measures. shad be in compliance with the MUTCD. ADA, and the City Standard <br />Speo4foadons. <br />a Thirty -Iwo 132) inohcx ,n soil, if rock annum and is an issue twenty-four(24) inches can be used <br />20. The City shall be notified a minimum o1 Seventy Two (72) hours prior to any lane or road closures <br />b Forty -Iwo (42) inch. below a projocnrl alupc from the flow line of a ditch re a dm: (3) tenanted and one it) vortical slope <br />21. The contractor shall notify all affected owners of ad acral properties a minimum of forty-eight (46) hours prior to beginning of construction <br />c Forty-eight (419 inches under a roadway measured from the surface afraid roadway to the lop of the Installation and provide updates to the affected owners when constructer, phases change that affect the areas of work associated with the permit. <br />d Forty-eight (417) inches under a storm water or creek <br />0 Meissen artheurea, orrudy.lwr)2a) mites of <br />channel design bottom of pipe, and 22. The contractor shag maintain a set of "es buil° plana on site with dimensioning. These pens shall be presented upon request to any ay <br />representative. <br />vans-eland lwrionrel*sn%.heel team. shah. <br />23, A current shy right of way construction permit, a city approved plan set. and traffic control plan shall be maintained on each work site by <br />f. Be located as Per chum the stinting or proposed curb One as possible to avoid potential futon: conflicts the contractor. The contractor shall present such permit and pian set upon r7gaesl b any airy represenl*W e. <br />24. The contractor shall remove locate flags alter work is complete <br />7 All potholes in sick:walk punts will be filled unless directed by City inspector If colored. textured or patterned concrete is existingreplacememl <br />patches, and panels panels will be replaced t0 march as eradicable Owner may be required to put money into escrow to cover all repairs prior to 25. Any field a0ffnhmenb to instaletienn of bodies, which vary horn the plans that have been submitted and approved during the permit <br />awning work application process. shall comply with the following: <br />x All non -street surface materials that are disturbed by excavation and bnekellial operations shall be replaced and restored a The contractor must stop work immediately and contract the belity owner. <br />9 City sheet surface nu0tiats disturbed shall be backfilled. <br />tamped and moved by city Porert or approved paving contract°, b The 1.d40�000.°7 r0wesenwne shall contact the city's construction inspector and provide him with the details of the proposed <br />sharp.. <br />to All Conduit. vaults and Pedestals shall be located in the public ROW and m public utility easements <br />c. The City inspector will make a determirabon on how to proceed. This determination may range from approval over the phone or viae <br />albaw I,NtMIls <br />t I All Aen:d shown on attached planet will be pooniuud separately by Pole Owns All pole permits submitted to polo uwnen will follow tris to delaying the project until plans can be updated and appropriate review can be conducted. <br />�y <br />\F.5(.' cod. <br />26 Crossing City of Grand leland Traffic Signal Infrastructure <br />a. Conde sal net be placed bila**. COffic S <br />Rfs Sigrid Closet and Connecting Wage spiral Condensed Doke. W unable b route the <br />YI <br />811 <br />`� <br />(aysypeg� v <br />Pendell al0und de City's Trak Signal Cabinet and Camecting traffic sepal Conduit and pets* bemused physical constra7N, a <br />meeting Wt be held anile with the oen0edor, city, ardALIO to determine the bail conduit n1tment between Dade structures <br />b Conduit shell be onkel a minimum of Five 15) leel from the base of arty traffic signal cabinet, traffic signal pole, or traffic signal pull box 11 <br />Conduit cannot be offset 0 minimum of Five (5) feet from the base of any traffic signal cabinet, traffic signal pole, or traffic signal pull hos <br />because of physical constrain, a meeting will or <br />be held weds I0 determine the best accommodation which may result in less than the <br />desired 5 of offset <br />nornanacm _ <br />- - <br />0. Conduit shall be placed she (6) feet deep where crossing existing signal conduit, Traffic Signal conduit shat be potholed and verified w. <br />s�..1:o,,:w<,n. wares evew.. <br />site before boring. If unable to maintain six (6) feet of depth where crossing existing signal conduit, a meeting will he held onsite <br />behveen the thy, contractor, and ALLO to determine the best conduit alignment That may be lees than 6' deep <br />SPIMPM OIUuit shall be bored unless specified otherwise <br />2 Contractors shall notify land owner prior to work on al presale developments <br />3 A reminder to the readerthe drawings are scaled, Mus dimension Is available et all locations <br />4 The contractor shad bypass all MST pedestals with distribution conduit where Installed parallel to MST conduit. SoMady, <br />bypass Me T10'Flowerpot' with MST co duit where installed parallel lo boure drop conduit <br />AllN <br />