' 1 ,
<br /> ,. . .. • � ,� „ , .
<br /> . ,. ., . , ._«,,�:.,.
<br /> .. , , — .. _�; , - � .,
<br /> . ... : .. ,�. . . . ..,�...._ _.. .... ,. .. ----•— -
<br /> • - �'7.'0'Pt�n�foe of tlio Fro�er�y or a �enollclnl Interest in Bonower. If afl or nny puR of !ho Property ar
<br /> � • Any I�ROrest h tt ta uold a�Yartoltrrad(or U u benotbtat htorest n 8ortowor Is ootd or vanatmred and Bonower ts not e naturut
<br /> � � parGOra)�rY:sauS Lcnd�YE 6t�lar wrsren conscnt.t.cnd�r msy,at Itn optton,raqulro Imma�lato payment 1n f�r0 of ali sums secured by
<br /> � thl�&�twlC�y I�gtrum�fi•WOnGVCr.this opilon aha�i nol bo oxcrol9ed by LCndOr B oxaroiso Is prohibitad by h3detet 13w E!e of th9 �
<br /> . , dato o!NYS 9s+curKy I�Strd�anant. � R
<br /> ' � It lu:�u t'xortl�o!t►�19 Qalbn, 46ndot oP�ail pNe QoROwat nalt�o o}neeol�ratlon. Tho notte0 uhnll provido a Q�rioC ot not �
<br /> I�a !!un�ciapa ;an tt�s d�:!9 the�totko ta delMarad or rtw0ad within whbh 8onawar muet pay all oums Esccumd br thls
<br /> , , 3ocuri3�Ingtn�nt. 19 BosrArraf lal:�to pay lhoso Qums prlar to tho a�trntton a}thls perted, Lendcr may Invoko any m,nscdi�s �
<br /> portnf24sd by thb flacurly lnstratmant wMhaut tuethsr n0Uc0 or demand an 6oROwar. �
<br /> �0, �3t�tt��v�r�a �iiprt�t to RQtnatsto. tl 8ortor�cr m;�to certnin aondittana, Bortovicr shnll h[3vo lho right to hav� !�
<br /> • anforc�+5 ot thb Sxu�iry tnsWmmt dl�oontN+ued at uny tYne priar to t�e earibr oF (o)& days (or suah other pEUiod as �,
<br /> _ .�y;'', appl;GEpy qlr�tnny epyetPy br reh8teteinnnt)bLfotO sale of th� Propmty pursuent to eny power of sale contflMed b tAls S�eurNy � �
<br /> � ��•"' ' InsUur.s�u11� a(b)antry at q Judpmont enfaroY�g this Securtty InBWment.Those condittono ero that Borrower:(a) paya Londer a0 .
<br /> ���;•1fi'.;� Qumg �r��A�th�n�ye+a�b tta d�o u�der thl3 Sc�urit�r tnatrument end the Note as it no accele�atbo had occurted; (b)cur�s any
<br /> ,'�,.�. .��,� '�. dataut�d¢�y oihm cwErnrnant or agronmuntac (Q)Peys nit axpnnses Uicurted tn entoreing thb Seeurihr Instrumont,hoUding. bui y
<br /> �:.:P;;:�'.�;��.-. . :.,_
<br /> ,.�.:�'y.s.,:;. `� oot tmt�d to,roaranabf� �ttomoyo'teoa:end(d)takas ettoh aQtbn ns Lertder tnay mmiiisc�abM�equte to 8ssure thut tho lisn ot :='.
<br /> , . . '.,�;i: th{9 S�OC�CIY.y f�IbUU�t� l.mt3ors nDhta In tho !'rop::rty and Bartowere obtigatton to pc►Y the sums secured by this Socur4y �:i.---
<br /> •� • �,�) insbuemns shaY contMu� uncAenped. Upon rehstatertwnt by Bortower, ti�is Securily tnsuument and the obUgaUons socured ��: .-
<br /> �;� hcreby ttwF.N rornah tuty ollectf�re ns 8 no acceteratbn had occurted. Howavor,this�ight M reinst[tte shatt not apPh b tho ouso
<br /> ot a000lx�tbn undar D��SI�Ph t7. �;-==
<br /> ' �9 0, e 3 n l o o t N o 4�3 C h a n�e o f L o m n S e n r t c e r. T A o N o t e o r a a p a R i o l i n t e r o s t M t h o N o t o(t o p a t R e r w Rh thb ' �
<br /> ' �'..:;��'.� Socuff�U��4umtnt)m9y tw sotd one or moro tEmes wRhout prtor notice to 8orrower.A sai9 msy resuR h a cAsng�tn tR0 entsy E-,`�.
<br /> �,',�.'''% ,. (k n o�n.�n r.� t h a'l.a n n S o r v b s r")t h a t coYacts month N P a 1+►nents due unde►the Note and this Secunty tnstrumen� 7rtere also mey ��.
<br /> :'
<br /> "'.i� :: � bo oF»u� moro oh�n5�o� tho Lc:n �ke► unrelared to a sa1�at Ma Nete. It thsre is a chanpe ot the loan Seriteer, --
<br /> 1•'rr.;;�:��•�. Bortoo��r�A tsm fll�n�vu@lun noUce ot the ehenge in cceordance wKA paragraph 14 aDave end applkabie�aw. The notico wCl =
<br />'�f� I �' ststa� tA��r.m�tmd add�3a of lhe new Loan Servk:or enei tl►a eddress to whfeh Rayrt�estts shouW be made. The notfco wW aiso
<br /> >,;,,,;. , -..
<br />.'�.��,r., � contfshmY aEhar htnm►ratWn�+ired br aAPikebb►aw. g;,,�_
<br /> � �'d!'� il0. Hoznrd�ua�bataaees. eorrowe�snaa not cause cr parm��rte preser�ce,use,disposel, stora�e,or release ot
<br /> . •'„��.� any ►i�tz,rctous 8ubsten�a�n on or In the Proporiy. Bottower shad �04 do,nor aibw anyone Q1�o to do, enything attocthg tAe �___
<br /> . , �s ••+� prppm�Yi►tt ty h vbhY�n ot any EnvOranmenml Law. The prece�tng two sentences shaG not eppry to the pnssence,use,or
<br /> . '� stom��tha Proi►ndY ot smnA qunnt�das ot Homrdous S1+bstences that ere generaty recognined to be spproprfate to aomul --
<br /> , . , +�' rosfdc,�n!b1 uans nnd to rssnMtenenco W tRo Propertlr• _
<br /> �f.:�.� �aMoti�r 6ha0 P�A�b Olva Lender wtitten notice Of any NvestlgaUon. alaM. demattd. Iawaua Of Oth�nc4'� bY eny -
<br /> ?��� go�m�iel or roguvtwy t�enoy ar prRate p�uty hvot,ring the Property and eny Hererdous bl�bstance or EnvMonmertal l.ew ot
<br />_ ,�':..
<br /> .•�':,1; whl��Aarro�x hao oetuni k�owiadpe. 14 Bortower ieema,or is notYied by any Bovemmentat or regutatory autAority. at eny
<br /> -``�` �ar�,r.t•�.� 'vit►� '�.:..',tkxs at sssy tl�er�r!� 4nbntanca �o Pro�ty is necesscuv. Borrov,�r shaU pranDtN tek�a�
<br /> ;,��'v,.;��r,�:�i?r.; ' nee�sary ra�odht nctiaTes b aceordereco wkh Environmentat Law.
<br /> ;y;��:�,; ���!: . lts tt2od fn thb pFtf's�h 8D.'Horardous bltbstencos'are U►ose substarttx�s�as toxb or h�daus sasb8tnnees by —
<br />-'-�+ .:`+;�;7;�; �� £nvSnomn�U�t ta�v Ms! Irte toilawhp euE&tan�s: gasoUrte� keros�+a. other ftartunabie or twda peb�oleum prazJuats. twdo
<br /> xti,.".;;;'r�t'''; �
<br /> ., pest�l�,�ac�7 hatbSCldoa,rolatu� sohrents,matedaLS contalnhg asbestos or tonnatdehyde,e��d radbaatke n�ate�iels. As used h
<br />'r:•� '",•�',r> P�,p4i �:1,'HnvGravr�tmtal taw'means tede►ai taws end laws of ttra�urisdiction whe�the Property Es kicateU thet rolate tn
<br /> _ n.,:..� •., ;
<br />-�4;��tir,�•15�:
<br /> ".";�Y,i,��,�., heeUth,c;nioly or onvtonsnmtat pro n.
<br /> �,i�,'a;`,�;"?�;;'� '• NO�l1NiF06�A C��!'cNAMS.Borrowor end Lender turther covenent end egree as folbars:
<br />-'";�;:,j���''� �t. Aaootapati�n; Ramadtos. l.ender ahatl ptve �otiae to Barrower prto� t0 e�x.�lentlon
<br /> --_=�,:::; ..
<br /> :;,� b!lnwle�g Borrowar'o breaoh �t any coveneM or e�a��meet In thta Securit� instrumiere4 (but e�ot
<br /> x�°�h•'��� pri�r t� aecoteratiren aender pereQroph 17 unleaa ep�0��able Isw providea�4rtac�rwtao). 7i►e �o�ce
<br /> r.�.��
<br /> s, ��;l,;,,r:.�. sha111�nettys (m)S�e datavtt; (b)the aatlon required 4a turo the detault; (e) e d�te� n�3 tass tQ�an
<br />�"�'�.'�`::` � 30 de�s�irom the �d�the�tice �S givee� to Borrower, by whicQ�9he detautt must be.�itd; and
<br />�:;,.,:.�;,�., --_
<br /> °`"�;"'1 (d� tlit�t iflfluro to cure Ilhe defauit on or betore the date epeeffied in tl� aoUce mq�veault In
<br />,�::� , •;
<br />�d"�'.".'' a�c�ela�ation of U��euma ser.ured by thts Securriy Ireafirument and sale ot the Prope�rty.The natice
<br /> ::��:, .
<br /> �f��`��:�� �II harthar intoran�ottower of the Pi,�ht to reina'k+4� gfter acceteretion end the ri�ht�v bNrtp e
<br />�.,.,u;.:��
<br />_'..`�'�'�.:'•�;� covrt mctian to c�sa�:t tho non�xlstence ot e c8�7au1t or any other detens� ot e�rrawer t¢i �
<br />�� • �� na�e(o�tian end��3!�- It tho detault ts oo�tt cured on or betor� tho date apecifled In a'Rra notice, -
<br /> ^ ' �H� I�ndor at ite oAti�n may �equtro Imme�Da¢� �eayment In tulY of alt auma seaured by t��s 8ec�arfty --"
<br />��^_�b-- ��� Instrurrreant �vithaat hsptl�cr dsm�nd and mey Imroke the power ot aale and eny other remedie�
<br /> �vaH!.�f-�.
<br /> ����,`,,� permtttoQ by ap�liceble Eaw. �.Bnder ah�tl be enUtte� to colleot alt expenses tncurted in par�uin� —
<br />-_-�--_..°-��`�':��, •' t!�te�ts�l� �t'��3��! !!+tbi�t na�a�aoh Z1, inctuding. b�t ne�4 qmited to. �eseone�ie att�aeya
<br />�.�.,�''�:: -•� teQa nnd�os�aa efr t�tla evtdenca. ��_:,;
<br /> a'.����r-'_��*r-= It Rho pa�v�r ot aral� ts Irnoked. Tr�stee a6iatl record e nmr�� of default !n each couMy tn �!r:;
<br /> ir. .-.� . ...
<br /> E:.:.. � '�. • whlol� tu�y pspt oT tlee ProRerty ta �ocat�a! e�d a�i! mail coptes of aueh noUce in the mannor
<br /> .,._ .
<br /> '�, ,.. pr�fibnd bY t�►Plicable law to Borrower nnd m�rother per�ons praaoribed bY apPttaabte �� --
<br />��. ':�� .�� Af�ar t#to tim� required bY agPiic�bta Isw, Ttuetee ffihali give p��tia notice of sale to the per�ons
<br />=_�;; end In tt�a mflnac�pTCacribeaD by�plta�bte taw.Yrnatee� wHhout de�reartd on Bo�o�nrer�eha�tl �2i1 __
<br />:}:J �-�'. �� thr�Praaoriy rce p�bile eua4Eo�e to the hlghe.at bPdder c�t tRe tlme and pisce nnt! undler the tenrts _
<br /> .� .- .,';�`'. d��lgre�t�tl Im ih� na�tct� ot asle tn oe�e ar ns�x� �mrcets arod tn a�ny oad�r Yruet�e determinea ,
<br />:` , :�;''�l T�uattcq�nay �aoal�one s� �f atl or am parcel ot the Prope�t bY pvblte announcamee�t at the ---
<br />- ��.�:,;, .; Umo and pls�e cif emy pre�touaty eched�eled sale. Leeder or tts desfgeea mey purcha�e th� __
<br /> .,���,:� Pr+aparty ot ar.q s�e. �=.
<br /> --� >>t� , �.-:,
<br /> ��-•• U{ssn ��:c.pt �t ��raet oi tAe pflce btd�Tlrustea shail dEliver 4o the purch� TrusZee'e
<br />_° � _:•�� dQ.a •,�nvavinn Nt�Proaerb. The recftets M the Twstee's deed ahetl be prtma f�cla evldeRCe ot =-=
<br /> -� ___ .�,-" thsi lnNiU ot the at�tementa made theretn. Trustee �aU appty the proaeeds ot the s�te to �te R�°:
<br /> ,. t -
<br /> . . �`>�;•` toilowan or�lcr: (�� to nii �ato end expensea of �excreising th� power of sale. and tha a�[e,
<br /> , , ;�.�� Ite�lu�infl t4�@ p9yment�t 1he T�etatee's taes ac4uatty incurred. nogb of�in�[pe1 �u�uM ot the �.
<br /> � �io tri ttro Ume of the aectaratfon of defautQ. and ��ftaLte attorn�y'm tees sa pe�ftted�y I4w; �
<br /> .'�'' (V)to �tl mame�cured by thts Securiq Instr�men�and (o)�ny exaass to ehe persoa or peroorts '�:
<br /> � � �iu� te�alt�p an11i1et1 to tf. '�•':
<br /> , e c
<br /> ,. �-',��. oj^" �5.,
<br />-- .. . P1910L01:0�tlG31 Vap��016 �y,l�- �1�.,.
<br />- "_ ,��
<br /> �
<br /> ' � CW CS
<br />